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Chapter 430 Conflict Renewed

 When Wen Rensheng came home with the bloodline mutant, the whole family was excited.

Originally, everyone was a decent person and rarely made any noise.

But at this time, everyone was really happy for Wen Rensheng, and also happy for those two people.

"Teacher is so awesome, he actually got the alien species for Brother Ouyang and Brother Li." Zhao Han admired him sincerely, with little stars in his eyes.

At the same time, she also has an extravagant hope. Her parents are only in their forties, so can she do the same...

It is human nature to always think about your family members, provided that you have a good relationship with them.

"Stupid Zhao Han has no way of knowing that she thinks she is with God and that whatever God can do, she can do by herself. This is really the biggest illusion of the century."

Damn it, I don’t believe it.

Wang Wenwen also admires her. She has a complete education of aliens and understands how rare aliens are... This can be seen by just looking at the strict education her mother gave her.

The opponent can deal with the alien species with two people at once, and the difficulty can be imagined.

She knew that if word of this got out, it would attract a large number of bees and butterflies?

If there is one person here who is happy but also sad, it is Wu Liansong who looks strong on the outside but delicate on the inside.

He looked at Wen Rensheng and couldn't help but think that if he had been half as capable as the other party, he would not have ended up like that.

But of course he would not show this emotion, so as not to disturb everyone's interest.

Wen Rensheng sat on the sofa, receiving compliments from everyone.

His father, Wen Rende, said somewhat bitterly, "If I had known this, I wouldn't have wasted my efforts in the past few years, which made me decadent for so many years."

"You still claim to be a great prophet. If you can't predict it yourself, who can you blame?" Ouyang Ling said contemptuously.

"It's not his fault. Even the Grandmaster couldn't have predicted the Whirlpool Gate, oh, and the appearance of the cemetery. They are things beyond the power of prediction." Wen Rensheng said something fair.

Everyone nodded. Those two things were indeed beyond people's imagination. Who could have imagined that they would suddenly appear?

Although there are many mysterious places, those places are basically disaster places and cannot be used by people, at least not now.

"Yes, yes, people in our prophecy circle have also said that it is something that has not been seen for thousands of years. Some people say that they have seen it in history, but there is no definite evidence." Wen Rende hurriedly told himself.


After everyone celebrated, they began to prepare for the two to activate the alien species, mainly going through the procedures and physical preparations.

By the time Zhao Han and Wang Wenwen started school, Ouyang Tian and Li Shuangyue had activated the alien species together - and there was no time limit for the alien species.

Regarding this point, one can only say that it is a blessing in disguise?

Ouyang Tian has never activated the alien species, but now he has gotten a better one.

He is very excited these days. Although he had known that he should keep a low profile after getting the alien species and try not to let others know, but everyone is not a fool.

Those who are interested can naturally detect the changes in Ouyang Tian's temperament and body.

So he heard such rumors around him.

"A mediocre prodigal son can obtain a foreign species just because he has a good relative. What's the difference between this and those guys in ancient times who directly relied on shelter to get official positions?"

"Hmph, we worked hard to activate the alien species, but every day we have to worry about not making enough progress and losing it in the future. This life is really unfair."

"I can't help it. Who said you don't have good relatives?"

When these rumors came to his ears, Ouyang Tian was not angry because what they said was true.

This made his excitement subside a lot, but instead gave him a desire to win.

Sooner or later, I will let you know that I may have obtained the alien species through luck, but I will never let it disgrace my belonging.


After solving the problem at home, Wen Rensheng continued to work on the students' puppet-making problems.

The funds have been in place for a long time. Although we can't buy very good materials, simple materials are still available.

For the convenience of investigation, some puppets can be made into human shapes, while others are more convenient to be made into animals. People tend not to be wary of animals.

In the next month, from September to October, he was busy making puppets of the students, often working until midnight.

If he were not worried about skin problems, he would probably stay up late often.

This kind of hard work, in the eyes of others, is both admirable and surprising.

Wu Shanshan holds a bowl of ginseng soup and walks into the workshop opened by Wen Rensheng in the backyard.

"Do you need to work so hard?" She put down the soup, squatted down, and looked at Wen Rensheng carving a crow...it was so lifelike that it seemed like he would be frightened away the next moment.

"Being a teacher, you must do your best." Wen Rensheng said seriously.

"I always feel that you don't look like that kind of person, but I have nothing to say," Wu Shanshan muttered, and then said, "I have reached a bottleneck in my painting skills if I don't have time, and painting of fear is not that easy.

"The biggest fear is the unknown, just follow this idea and draw." Wen Rensheng thought of the craze for the rise of Cthulhu in his previous life, and the other party firmly grasped the concept of "unknown".

"Of course I know this, but it's too far." Wu Shanshan said distressedly.

"Okay, let me tell you, you have seen my painting of anger before. You may not know it yet, but there is great fear hidden in it, but I didn't draw it." Wen Rensheng hinted vaguely.


Wu Shanshan was thoughtful, then left in a hurry.

"Alas... who said that family affairs can just be stable like this?" Wen Rensheng continued to carve, while thinking casually.

At this moment, he suddenly sensed something and stopped the carving knife in his hand.

He came to a sofa in the corner of the workshop and sat on it.

It turns out that at this time, the Duzun Society had already had a fierce head-on conflict with the Tianming Society, and the parrot found the dormant big cat again.

"Brother, this time I want you to take action again. The people from the Tianming Society sent out a hundred death squads and issued slogans. They can't destroy the whirlpool, but they don't allow anyone to use it again or get close to it. Whoever gets close to it,

They will kill whoever they want." The budgerigar said with a headache.

"Well, in this case, you can actually sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers, right? Wait for the locals and the Macken people in the north to drive them out first." Big Cat suggested.

"You don't know something. According to the information we found, the reason why they were able to successfully approach the whirlpool was because of the tacit approval and support of the McCann people, in order to deal with us." Budgerigar said helplessly.

"Oh, it's understandable. Traditional performing arts rely on agents to defeat others." Big Cat nodded.

"Yes, they have one biggest weakness, that is, if there are too many casualties, they will not be able to bear it anymore, so we have to show our true strength and let them retreat despite the difficulties." Budgie said seriously.

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he was speechless. "Are they worried about too many casualties? Can't bear it? You are wrong. You really don't understand the McCann people. You underestimate them too much."

Many people thought this way in the past life, and their faces were swollen as a result.

This chapter has been completed!
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