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Chapter 485 Dam

 Wen Rensheng quickly filled out the form and put it aside, waiting for someone to take it away.

An old xenogeneic expert next to him turned around and saw the check mark in the column above "Volunteer to go upstream to assist in suppressing natural disasters", and immediately shook his head slightly.

Young people are young people, full of enthusiasm, and can be fooled so easily.

Is this easy to do?

If you are not in your position, you will not seek to achieve your goals. Otherwise, you will not get good rewards for your good deeds.

But this old expert will only complain in his heart and will not say it out loud. Without these passionate young people, he cannot win with peace of mind.

Wen Rensheng naturally doesn't care about other people's opinions. His situation is different.

Firstly, suppressing natural disasters is the bounden duty of aliens, and it is also the source of legitimacy for enjoying many benefits; secondly, for him, it is another way to improve his strength.

After everyone filled out the forms, Inspector Liu came to collect them in person.

Seeing the choices filled in by Wen Rensheng, he nodded slightly, as expected.

Wen Rensheng is a true gentleman with a righteous heart.

There are many moral gentlemen, especially in ordinary times. What they say is better than what they sing, but their hearts are full of business.

Let others work hard, stay up late and work overtime, and all the benefits will be yours, but this kind of thing is bound to be short-lived.

Others are not stupid. If you use others as a raft, others will only use you as a lever.

He just received a round of forms, more than twenty in total, and only four people chose to volunteer to go upstream to assist the suppressors.

Others chose to patrol nearby rivers and tributaries for possible natural disasters.

That's right, there are only four people.

Although everyone does not refuse to help, they are not willing to go to the most dangerous places.

Inspector Liu will not blame anyone. After all, they do not have this mandatory obligation, but in the future they should not ask for resources they should not take.

He just collected the form and handed it to Director An.

Director An scanned the form and remained calm, just sighing slightly.

There are four out of more than 20 people. In fact, this proportion is not low. According to scientific statistics, the rate of active self-sacrifice among normal social groups is about five percent.

Why is there such a ratio? It is very simple. This is the result of natural selection. It is easier for biological groups with this kind of self-sacrifice to survive.

Now I am 20, which is already the result of cultural influence.

"Okay, thank you for your support. Next, we will assign everyone to the corresponding positions according to your wishes."

"I hope that everyone will unite to nip this danger in the bud and prevent it from endangering the survival of our villagers."


After a simple mobilization meeting and another process, Wen Rensheng followed a group of people on the road to the west.

The Dragon River is long and winding, and in terms of shape, it looks like a crouching dragon.

The place they are going to is Baoman City at Longji.

The city name is a bit weird, but Wen Rensheng can understand it. After all, he has seen weirder city names.

There are eleven support personnel dispatched by the Dongshui City Inspection Department. Inspection Liu leads the team. The Hu family siblings are among them, but Mr. Zhao is not among them.

How could this old fritter put himself in danger?

Wen Rensheng didn't care. He just followed the others on the plane and rushed all the way, landing directly at a military airport.

As soon as they got off the airport, officers from the local inspection department came to greet them. After thanking them, they took them to the meeting point.

On the way, Wen Rensheng noticed that this originally bustling city was now completely silent. Except for a very small number of staff maintaining order on the road, there were almost no people in sight. It seemed that it had been evacuated.

It’s another conference room.

Wen Rensheng was sitting below, following a group of people, listening to a master alien on the stage describing the current situation.

"The current natural disaster situation in the Long River is like this. Four large whirlpools have appeared in the river, which has caused more than 400 casualties, mainly to the ships passing by. Now we have temporarily blocked it and have not spread. But this blockade is just

Temporarily, these four vortexes are gathering strength in an attempt to break through the blockade."

"Once they break through the blockade, according to historical examples, they will incite floods and attack densely populated areas along the river, and the places they impact are all wealthy places. This is the terrible thing about mysterious disasters. It does not

Like natural disasters, natural disasters do not specifically target anyone."

"Several mysterious floods in history even caused the collapse of dynasties due to improper handling. Many important cities and farming areas are located along the river. Our current situation is naturally not comparable to that of the ancients, but the harm is still great.

Along the Long River, there are at least tens of millions of people and a large number of agricultural and industrial areas. If the suppression cannot be suppressed, once large-scale migration occurs, the losses caused will be astronomical."

The master's tone was very serious.

"We usually enjoy the offerings of ordinary people, and every year a huge amount of funds and various resources are provided for our use and research. If we cannot reflect our own value at this time, what is the point of enjoying those things?"

Wen Rensheng nodded, there was nothing wrong with his words.

A large part of the legitimacy of the feudal unified dynasty in the previous life was that it wanted to organize the people, resist natural disasters, and provide relief to the people. Anyone who could not fulfill this obligation would eventually be ruthlessly overthrown. No matter how many fabricated reasons for rule, it was useless.


This is also where the legitimacy of aliens lies.

If the mysterious natural disaster cannot be suppressed, how can ordinary people endure a large amount of their own output, and a large part of it will be taken away by the aliens?

The simplest ones, like Lao Zhao Company and Wen Rensheng himself, actually do not have to turn over personal income.

How many companies of ordinary people can enjoy this kind of discount?

"That's the brief introduction to the situation. Time is tight, so I won't entertain you for dinner. No one is hungry anyway, so I will take you to see the scene now."

After the master finished speaking, a large group of people drove to the Long River embankment on the southern outskirts of the city.

When Wenren raised his eyes and looked up, he saw that under the strong and towering embankment was the roaring water of the Dragon River.

The rolling waves are turbid and yellow. Compared with the soft and weak water of the Dragon River downstream, the Dragon River in the middle and upper reaches is somewhat powerful.

In the distance, he could faintly see chains blocking the river, with orange lights flashing on them, which seemed to be the blockade area.

Sure enough, the leading master said, "There is a blockade area in the distance. Let's not get close for the time being. Let you have an estimate in your mind first, so that you will not be confused and ask for trouble when you suppress it later."

Everyone looked around, and a follower gave everyone binoculars.

Wen Rensheng naturally didn't need this. His mysterious eagle eyes were fully opened, taking in the distant scene into his eyes.

I saw that behind those river chains, there were indeed four large whirlpools, connected to each other, stirring the river water and rushing towards the river bank.

Every attack seems to cause the dike to shake slightly, and it seems that the dike will burst in the next moment.

Natural disaster.

Wen Rensheng can completely understand how much harm will be caused if the dam breaks and the water containing mysterious power is allowed to spread outside.

I am afraid that within a few decades, this mature and industrial city will turn into a land of mushrooms.

This chapter has been completed!
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