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Chapter 497 Advancement and Price

 I am Lu Damu, male, 31 years old, a newcomer and a heterogeneous person.

If you are not an expert, you are a newcomer, no matter how old you are.

I had a dream during my nap today.

In the dream, billions of resentful spirits were resurrected, and I was the only one who was conscious.

Revenge, wandering, questioning, tracking...

I don’t know where these resentful spirits come from with so much hatred?

Judging from the image, they are all my compatriots, which shouldn’t be the case.

This kind of hatred should not exist.

Creatures like ghosts can only exist for a few decades at most; and the world has been peaceful for hundreds of years.

Is this a sign of the future?


Lu Damu washed his face, then sat in a large house of 250 square meters, staring at the busy traffic outside the window in a daze.

I am 31 years old and there are still 4 years left before the deadline.

But I don’t know when, being brave and diligent becomes a joke.

The progress of the alien species has been slow, and every day is wasted, and time is passing silently.

The deadline is approaching day by day.

Once upon a time, he thought he could break through to the xenogeneic expert in one breath.

In a professional forum for aliens, you can often see various geniuses showing up and saying that it is too late to become an expert at 30, and now they are 20 years old.

How can this make the 31-year-old feel embarrassed?

So I slowly left the forum.

Later, he broke away from various regular groups. He couldn't bear the young newcomers, who slowly surpassed himself in cultivation progress.

This is an escape.

He knew very well, but one of the things people like to do most is to do it even though they know it is wrong, because it can give them a moment of comfort and ignore the harm in the distance...


There was a noise outside the window. What fell?

At first glance, it turned out to be a laptop computer, broken into parts on the hard ground downstairs, and then there was a quarrel next door.

"Smash it, if you dare, smash it all!"

"It's too late!"

No matter what, why don’t we all die?

He thought so maliciously.

The quarrel continues, and the daze continues.

No one is sorry for me. My parents are already the best to me. The Inspectorate gave me another subsidy yesterday. My neighbors also respect me very much. Only the family next door is sometimes noisy.

But he can move to the suburbs.

But he didn't move.

His alien species is a species of sorrow and needs social interaction...

And he is a very smart person. After knowing his alien characteristics, he deliberately avoided some tragedies.

Now that I think about it, is this probably the reason why the alien species has been unable to make progress?

Sometimes, he was thinking that the protagonists of the novels he had read, the protagonists of mainstream sadism, probably all had a seed of sadness integrated into them. The more miserable they were, the greater the power they would explode in the end.

So I need to be orphaned, be divorced, be married into a wife, be slapped in the face...

Do you really want to choose one of them?

Lu Damu thought so.

It seems that getting married is not bad, but there happens to be a wealthy family who wants me to marry his 200-pound daughter. The advantage is that the other party's billions of wealth will be inherited by my and his daughter's children. It doesn't matter even if I can't become a xenogeneic expert.

Anyway, we can’t kill our parents...

That's the bottom line.

Well, marrying a wife who weighs 200 pounds should be sad enough, enough to advance yourself to a xenogeneic expert.

I still have time, I still have a chance, and I can still afford this sacrifice.

Lu Damu stood up excitedly.

The noise next door also reached its peak.


Another crash.

He looked over and saw a body that had fallen downstairs.

Why don’t you install King Kong Net in your home?

He thought this way, that way, there would be no problem of jumping on impulse.

He didn't feel any sadness at all, and people's joys and sorrows are not the same.

"Ah! Sasha, why are you doing this?"

A man's heartbreaking voice came from next door again.


Another sound.

Lu Damu slowly stood up and came to the 30-square-meter large balcony. He looked down and saw that this was the 20th floor. There was no need to save him.

Two vague human bodies fell on the solid ground, like two blooming blood flowers.

An individual life is so fragile...a little injury can lead to death.

You must become a xenogeneic expert, and you must succeed no matter how hard it is.

I would rather die than be mediocre!

While he was thinking this, he didn't notice that one of his hairs suddenly turned white.


What Lu Damu didn't notice, Wen Rensheng saw through surveillance.

The two deceased people actually had a good relationship, but they had been quarreling frequently recently.

The reason is also very simple, it is nothing more than trivial matters, the question of whether to have children or not to have children...

But in Wen Rensheng's view, this was obviously influenced by a mysterious force. These were two sacrifices.

Lu Damu is not an ordinary person, not a novice mutant, he is a veteran. If you want to break through his psychological defense, you can't do it without adding some heavy materials.

When a man dies for love in the end, it should be the woman's death that makes the other person wake up.

He lamented that ordinary people were too vulnerable when faced with mysterious disasters, just like soldiers facing machine guns directly.

He continued to read.

One day, two days, three days, until two weeks later.

Lu Damu finally changed.

After he married that 200-pound wife, he changed.


Lu Damu was sitting in the villa in a daze, hearing his new wife's endless accusations.

"Look at this person, he became a xenogeneic expert at the age of 20, and he is so handsome. Look at you, you are already in your 30s, and you have not become an expert yet. You are in a daze all day long. You want me to die of old age before I can see you.


People are indeed never satisfied.

It’s only been two weeks.

Lu Damu recalled how happy the fat woman was when he agreed to go on a blind date and date with her.

But now, I am immediately dissatisfied.

The target that the other party uses for comparison is something that you can never catch up with.

There is always a kind of person that you knew you couldn't catch up with when you were in school. No matter how many hours you study a day, if you can't catch up, you just can't catch up.

He didn't want to say to this woman, why don't you look at yourself?

If it weren't for your father's money, no, if it wasn't for advancement, I would marry you?

However, he will not say this out loud, after all, this is his choice.

He has to bear it.

As a man, he has to bear such responsibility. No one will sympathize with him.

There is no qualification for sympathy.

Now he suddenly knew why the previous couple suddenly reached the stage of death.

It turns out that quarrels in life are such a terrible thing.

There is someone in your ear who can legitimately accuse you.

You can't fight or kill, you can only endure.

Living like this for too long is like living in hell.

No wonder someone has calculated that the largest number of homicides occur between families.

The closer you are, the more damage will be done.

What a sad thing.

When he realized this, he suddenly felt the alien in his chest seem to beat a little.

That’s it, this is the price of advancement.

This chapter has been completed!
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