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Chapter 501 Straw

 A group of people soon arrived in front of the cave.

"Brother Pig, help dig the cave." The big cat turned around and ordered.

The wild boar immediately stepped forward and began to nudge the stone with its beak.

The sharp fangs have now become an excavator.

Wen Rensheng admired the other party very much. After all, controlling a puppet is a first-person game.

The alien expert behind the wild boar puppet must be very awkward digging the ground like a real wild boar.

In comparison, fighting is easier.

The big cat stood aside in alert, its ears pricked up.

Although this place is remote, and Wen Rensheng did not tell anyone the true purpose of his trip, including Parrot.

But the big cat itself attracts attention, so there must be many eyes staring at it.

Sure enough, after the wild boar dug for half an hour, it discovered something was wrong.

The parrot also came over and started chirping.

"It seems like someone is following us."

"Are you sure I'm not one of your people?" Big Cat asked calmly.

"No, we agreed that we would only send out manpower and not take care of other things." Parrot insisted.

This is the tomb of an ancient master, and Wen Rensheng fully understands its allure.

Apart from anything else, if the grandmaster did not peel off the alien species before his death and did not choose a successor, it means that there is a two-thousand-year-old alien species inside.

Ordinary people can be obsessed with it for decades for a one-in-a-million chance of winning the lottery, let alone this kind of temptation.

The big cat activated the eagle eye technique, jumped onto a stone pillar around the cave, and looked towards the place that felt wrong.

With this look, I finally found a clue.

A trace of reflection appears in the cat's eyes.

That's the light of the telescope.

Distance, two kilometers away.

Cautious enough.

Wen Rensheng needs to confirm the identities of those people. If they are from the Inspection Department, temporarily drive them away.

If it is someone from other forces, Big Cat will not be polite.

"Cobra, at 4 o'clock, check and don't alert the other party." The big cat said to a snake puppet in the team.

Snakes are one of the most successful reptiles and are found all over the world, so there is no shortage of their puppets.

A two-meter-long, earth-gray cobra immediately crawled away in the direction designated by it.

More than ten minutes later, Big Cat got the other party's communication.

"Teacher Tang, he is the eye of the two inspection departments." Cobra replied.

It’s really them...

Wen Rensheng shook his head helplessly. It seemed that they had put in a lot of effort, probably keeping a close eye on every move of all the forces, and only then discovered their actions.

But at this time, he was using the puppet Big Cat, and he couldn't confess to the other party.

I can only think of ways to make things right.

"Do you want to kill them? They are just two pawns." Cobra said eagerly.

"No, now the cold winter has arrived, we can't kill each other. The biggest enemy at present is the mysterious disaster that cannot be understood and communicated, not them." The big cat stopped.

"Okay, I'll do whatever you want." Cobra said obediently.

Wen Rensheng secretly realized that the real relationship between the Sovereign Society and the Inspectorate was very bad.

This is normal. Historically, private forces have been a thorn in the side of the superiors.


Jiang Songfeng and Zou Jie are newcomers who just joined the Inspectorate last year.

One of them is 34 years old and the other is 32 years old. They both know that they have little hope of becoming xenogeneic experts by following the steps, so they take the route of meritorious service.

Join the Inspection Division, and by accumulating merit, you will eventually get the right to use alien species for life, or for a longer period of time.

In the eyes of many people, alien species are equivalent to a piece of land. It is best to own it for a lifetime, but it is not unacceptable if it only has the right to use it.

Of course, if you do this, the risk is very high. Many tasks of the Inspection Division involve a narrow escape, especially in this environment.

This is also the reason why many aliens would rather lose their alien species than join them.

The two of them were ordered to keep an eye on the important actions of the Sovereign Society in the northwest region.

The Sovereign will fly planes, but of course it is impossible to escape surveillance. All flights in the air are controlled, and all aircraft travel must be reported and approved.

The purpose of the flight is wilderness. According to regulations, this is a relatively important event and a tracking mission must be arranged.

This is the power of the system, which cannot be compared by individuals. If you have rules and follow the rules, you can naturally plug most of the loopholes.

The two happened to be in a nearby city, so they were dispatched to perform the tracking mission.

After observing with telescopes for a while, they faintly felt that they had caught a big fish.

"Brother Jiang, I feel like we have stung a hornet's nest. Each of them is much stronger than us, especially that cat, which seems to have seen us..." Zou Jie said a little scared.

"Don't be afraid. This is the mainland. They don't dare to do anything to us. The most they can do is beat us up." Jiang Songfeng comforted with experience.

"...Then I'll be relieved." Zou Jie said speechlessly.

A beating is already very bad, okay.

"Don't worry if these are not available. On the contrary, we may make great achievements." Seeing that his partner was a little scared, Jiang Songfeng changed his words and encouraged him.

When Zou Jie heard this, his fear subsided, and then he wondered, "What does this mean?"

"They came all the way here to dig a cave. It must be some big treasure. Now the directors are worried about the mysterious disaster. If this kind of treasure is effective, do you think we have made a great contribution?

"Jiang Songfeng followed the guidance.

"What you say makes sense. If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs." Zou Jie suddenly realized.

Jiang Songfeng looked at his partner and secretly shook his head.

Although this little brother is only two years younger than me, he is too naive.

If it were such a powerful thing, the fate of the two of them would definitely not be just a beating.

If it doesn’t work out, bury it.

In the past, I could or would not dare to do such a thing, but I can't say that now.

Jiang Songfeng thought like this and buried his worries in his heart.

Now we can only do the things at hand and leave the rest to fate.

After a while, Zou Jie said excitedly, "They have all gone in, and there is only one silly boy and a silly bird left outside. It looks like it is easy to bully. Should we capture it and torture it?"<


"No, I'm afraid this is a bait. If we act, we will be caught." Jiang Songfeng quickly stopped him.

Little did he know that he had missed an opportunity to make a real contribution.

With the strength of the two of them, they can really crush Parrot and Mu Chengen and get some information.

"Oh, okay then, let's just wait and see if we can get closer so we can react by then." Zou Jie said uneasily.

"Well, then let's get closer to another fifty meters." Jiang Songfeng gritted his teeth and said.

So the two eyes continued to approach the distance of fifty meters.

The two of them didn't know that there was a group of people two kilometers behind them...

They don't even know that the current situation has deteriorated to the point where they have to grasp at every straw.

This chapter has been completed!
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