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Chapter 521 If a person has no intention

 Zhongjiang City.

There was a lot of discussion in a conference room of the Disaster Management Bureau.

The center of the discussion is an "ice knife".

"This ice-peeling knife, as well as the incident report that happened in the border town, will be of great help to us to further understand the disaster..." Director An said to the crowd.

Some of the people looked down at the report, while others were talking enthusiastically.

"Cold fights heat, calm fights dryness, and when it gets hot, it peels off... It seems that the way these disasters interfere with our world is to use a specious reason to attach themselves to it, thereby leveraging our world and achieving the purpose of killing and plundering."

A master said seriously.

Another person nodded and said, "Well, judging from the current disasters, it is basically impossible to escape this basket. The advantage of this is probably that it can easily arouse people's inner fear and other emotions."

"So reducing disputes and promoting a quiet and peaceful life can reduce the occurrence of disasters."

"We have known about this for a long time. Aren't the previous mysterious disasters caused by resentment, people's hearts... and finally? The disaster is just an upgraded version of the disaster. It affects a wider area, is more harmful, and is more difficult to resist."
"Yes, so we also need to strengthen internal peace and hold multi-level meetings. The resources and materials we produce every year are actually in great excess. In this case, as long as we distribute them well, we can reduce instability.

Happen." Someone suggested.

"Well, in the past, considering competition and vitality, it was impossible to provide high welfare, so as not to breed a large number of lazy people. Now it seems that the lesser of two evils is the choice. Even if the vitality is insufficient, it can be adjusted in the future. If it is destroyed by a disaster, it will be

There is no chance to adjust."

"That's right, that's all we can do. Let's raise the minimum guarantee line. Although it will hurt the enthusiasm of many people to work and struggle, there is nothing we can do about it. As long as we ensure that the aliens do not lose their enterprising spirit, we can regain their ability in the future.

Save the situation."

Director An listened patiently to the suggestions of masters and experts. Sometimes he nodded and sometimes shook his head.

Wen Rensheng also participated in the meeting. He did so via video. He said nothing at the meeting and just listened.

After hearing the content of the meeting, he subconsciously remembered the pattern of his previous life. It was so similar.

In his previous life, McCann, because he had rivals, he took many friendly measures internally to ensure a happy society.

When the opponent disappears, those measures disappear one after another.

Now for Dongzhou, it's the same thing. The pressure from the mysterious world forces the Inspectorate to intervene more forcefully internally to improve the overall happiness level.

There really is nothing new in the world.

Without external pressure, how can there be transfer of interests?

There will be no pie in the sky unless the sky leaks.

"In that case, houses, clothes, and cars will all be allocated..." Director An said calmly.

"There is someone else..." someone suddenly said.

"Object, do you want to engage in big data blind date?"

"Well, considering that many disasters come from emotional conflicts between men and women, this is very necessary to prevent two inappropriate people from getting together. Just like this skinning disaster, isn't it caused by a man and woman who are passionately in love, but their relationship turns to ice in the end?

Is it?"

"What I'm saying is, if nothing else, many ordinary homicides occur between male and female lovers. From strangers to the most intimate relationships, they are the most likely to cause problems."

"Oh, I didn't expect that after all the hard work, we xenogeneic masters and xenogeneic experts would end up doing the work of matchmakers..."

Wen Rensheng was a little speechless. It was mentioned in some science fiction in the past life that data is used to match partners, allowing men and women to choose the other half whose personality is more compatible.

I never thought that such a thing would happen in this world.


Really interesting.

"Okay, other things can be put on hold. Anyway, our people's living standards are already very high, so the problem in this area is not that big. However, it is about big data blind dates that need to be dealt with as soon as possible. The richer you are, the more emotional conflicts will be.

Violent." Director An finally decided on the outcome of the meeting.

Obviously I was studying disasters, but in the end I turned to such mundane things as blind dates.

Because disasters come from the human heart.

Wen Rensheng suddenly felt enlightened, then left the video conference and returned home.

There is peace at home.

After all, he is in charge, and a great god comes from time to time, so it would be strange for disasters to happen.

At this time, in the living room, the family was sitting and chatting, that is, talking nonsense.

"Business has improved a lot recently and I'm busy again." Ouyang Ling said while holding a pile of documents.

"Then there's no need to move it home to do it..." Wen Rende said dissatisfied.

This shows how lazy he is, after all, he is still an unemployed middle-aged man.

"I'm happy, do you care about me?" Ouyang Lingcai ignored him.

Wu Shanshan also echoed, "My business there has also improved a lot, twice as much as before."

"That's because there is a demand..." Wang Wenwen teased Pinocchio and said.

Fat dolls can now make money, and one of their important jobs is to serve as a prank prop in Wu Shanshan's adventure park...

With its ability to transform, this is simply a free master-level prop.

Wen Rensheng could only be speechless about this. This guy itself was worth more than billions. If it were sold and only the interest was calculated, it would far exceed the revenue of the adventure park.

The props used to make money in the adventure park are to use a diamond-encrusted hoe to dig the ground, farm and sell grain to make money...

Fortunately, it gets better and better with more use and won't depreciate, so he just let these people mess around with it.

"Demand, well, there are more and more strange things happening in various places. Many people will encounter them on a daily basis. Of course they are thinking about how to solve them." Zhao Han followed.

"Hey, how did the situation deteriorate to this point? In the past, ordinary people didn't have to think about this kind of thing at all. Just like people living normally, they don't worry about car accidents every day." Wen Rende was very compassionate.

"With great benefits comes great harm. The two things that appeared before, which brought so many benefits to the aliens, will naturally bring the same harm, but this harm is borne by ordinary people." Ouyang Ling saw it.

I understand very well.

Wen Rende heard the words, and hated the fact that iron cannot make steel. "This is another disaster caused by short-sightedness. When will mankind learn to absorb the lessons, not value the immediate benefits, and consider the disasters a hundred years from now?"

"Of course there are people who think long-term, but they are destined to be in the minority, because most people cannot think that far, they just want to seize what is in front of them." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"So a few people should take the responsibility of teaching..."

"There is no use in teaching. People always have to succumb to their own temperament."

Wen Rende and Ouyang Ling got into an argument. One still had some illusions, but the other thought it was impossible because of a lot of things they had encountered.

He said angrily, "Is there no hope?"

"Yes, when people are no longer human and get rid of biological nature, this problem can be solved." Compared with her husband, Ouyang Ling appears calmer and more mature.

No longer human?

Maybe one day, it will really lead to something like that.

Wen Rensheng thought of the video conference he just held. How can we completely solve the problems caused by people's hearts?

When people lose their heart, the problem is solved.

If you can't solve the problems caused by people, then solve the people who created the problems.

This chapter has been completed!
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