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Chapter 527 The first witness

 After registering as a "marginal person", Da Mao swiped his phone and downloaded a so-called federation app from the page, and then entered the app.

He found the "Disaster Upload" page and prepared to upload the black cat disaster incident in Minsk where he was.

I just wrote the beginning of a title and a prompt popped up on the page.

"Similar or related content has been retrieved. Do you want to view it?"

Well, big data intelligence is doing well, and McCann still has some background.

Wen Rensheng nodded, and then clicked "Yes".

Soon a new page appeared with an event written on it.

"The Black Cat Omen of Death was on a business trip in Minsk last month. I heard about the Black Cat Omen of Death. It is said that there is a black cat wandering around the city. If anyone sees it with his own eyes, he will be in danger in the next few days.

Within a few days, his life will be taken away by it.

"It is said that there is a way to avoid death, and that is to let a second person see it. As for how to let the second person see it, I have also heard of some methods.

"Tell the other person about the existence of the black cat and arouse the other person's interest. The greater the other person's interest, the greater the possibility of seeing it. Or you can take the other person to the place where you first saw the black cat, which may also achieve your goal."
At the end of this content, there is a sign "Unidentified".

But this is already very good, I can actually find the content.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he immediately realized a fact... This disaster elimination association must have the support of the McCann people from above, and it can at least share some of the other party's information channels.

It's normal.

For such a large organization, even if it is a private institution, McCann employees will not fail to pay attention to it.

I'm afraid it has been turned into a channel extending to Dongzhou.

It has just been born and can achieve such perfection. If there is no support behind it, Wen Rensheng will definitely not believe it.

Just like this black cat incident, how can a newly established organization get information about it?

Wen Rensheng was thinking while letting Big Cat continue to upload his latest discovery.

"Some people saw the black cat and survived, at least two people. Their names are..."

Wen Rensheng thought for a while and wrote down the names of Bauer and his colleagues.

"Ball and Brack."

After uploading, a simple "duplication check" was passed, and his points were increased by 5 points. The uploaded content also had a watermark - Unidentified.

Obviously, you will get more points after the appraisal. If you want to authenticate the uploaded content, you have to send personnel for on-site assessment, which is a very huge and dangerous job.

However, the current federation does not have the manpower and can only do some information collection and sorting work.

After Wen Rensheng uploaded it, he began to explore other functions.

He found a page, which was an information disclosure page - mainly publishing warnings for some areas, as well as confirmed disaster information.

There is a pinned link to the McCann disaster map. This map once again proves Wen Rensheng’s previous guess that the McCann people are behind this alliance.

The first look at the disaster map is enough to drive any trypophobia patient crazy, because it is full of large and small red spots.

And behind these red spots, there are fatal crises hidden.

McCann's condition is indeed very bad.

But on Dongzhou’s network, it seems that the other party is still quiet.

This has to make Wen Rensheng sigh, they are indeed very good at disguise, traditional arts are just powerful.

And they are really not afraid of death, probably because it is a place where immigrants gather. No matter how many people die, as long as there is still a strong agricultural foundation, it will be attractive enough to recruit freely.

They are like a depression that can absorb excess population at any time.

Wen Rensheng then saw another page, which was an internal forum where he could share information, issue help, etc.

Most of the information in the forum is all kinds of information starting with help, and there are really countless people asking for help.

However, when Wen Rensheng clicked in, he could only see one or two replies, saying "I wish you peace".

Only some posts with bounties for help get a lot of replies.

After Wen Rensheng browsed it, I felt it was normal.

Why do people in McCann like to watch all kinds of supermen and all kinds of heroes? According to the basic principle of watching whatever is missing, it is because they don’t have such people.

In reality, Superman has to charge money. Of course, everyone likes to see free Superman...

For those posts with bounties, the people who provide the bounties are basically local prominent figures, stakeholders, local managers, or victims jointly provide them.

After reading it, Wen Rensheng closed the federation's webpage.

He got some useful information, but it was far from enough to solve the current black cat incident.

But not long after, a notification sound came from Da Mao’s cell phone.

When I opened it, it turned out to be a notification from the Federation app.

"Hello, someone liked your uploaded content and requested to chat with you."

Wen Rensheng thought for a while and contacted the other party. It happened that he lacked information.

"Hello, kid." The person opposite should be an old man.

"Hello, uncle."

"I was the first person to upload the black cat's death omen. I am very interested in this legend. Now I am on a business trip to that city. Do you have time to meet and chat?"

"Okay, I'm also interested."

Afterwards, the two agreed on a time and place.


Three hours later, in a park.

A blue-haired beauty gaped at a fat cat.

"Aren't you supposed to be a gentleman?" she said.

"Shouldn't you be an uncle?" Sha Mao asked.

"Talking cat? Oh, there should be a powerful transcendent behind you. I'm glad to see you. Just call me Mattie." The blue-haired beauty covered her mouth and said in surprise.

"Your intuition is very good. In fact, I am the most powerful extraordinary person in the world. You can call me Tiger." Wen Rensheng boasted unceremoniously.

Anyway, no one saw it.

"Hello, Tiger. Actually, I'm here for my grandfather, and my grandfather was the first person to see the black cat, but he didn't die because his colleagues also saw it later. According to my grandfather's investigation, this

A black cat is more likely to keep infecting other people than killing people." Blue-haired Mattie said.

The big cat was deep in thought, holding his chin like a wise man.

Continuously infecting others, is this a plague | Company? Let’s focus on contagiousness first, then fatality?

This shows that there is a high probability that there is someone behind the black cat.

Just like the previous white-haired disaster, it is a thinking disaster, not just a curse.

Mattie looked at the big fat cat, and there was a special power in its body.

In fact, a talking cat itself proves to be extraordinary.

Maybe the other party can really solve this problem.

Just as Wen Rensheng was worried, she was also worried about similar things.

Just because you didn't die at the time doesn't mean you didn't die afterwards. Just like when people are infected with a disease, there is always a progression.

This is also the reason why her grandfather has been following up on this matter.

No one wants to live in fear all the time, waiting for disaster to strike one day.

She and her grandfather asked many places for help, but all they got was indifference, indifference, and indifference.

Until one day, I joined the federation's app and became a marginalized person because I had witnessed a disaster.

Now it seems that that choice was wise. Now we need to find a capable supernatural person to help solve this incident.

This chapter has been completed!
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