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Chapter 530: Capture and interrogation

 After doing this, Wen Rensheng thought that the ray emitted by the black-robed man before was also a powerful ability.

Especially the one that shoots through the eyes, it is the legendary kind that what you see is what you experience, and there is no way to avoid it.

As long as the opponent dies, he will serve as a sacrifice to consume his power; however, if he cannot kill the opponent, he will sacrifice an eye.

That god seems to be very willing to spend money.

This is an enterprising guy, much better than the previous ones who could only kill people.

There are many benefits behind this black cat.

He wants to get it.

Thinking of this, he followed his previous idea and asked Da Mao to take out his mobile phone from the bag, then started surfing the Internet, connecting to the federation's app, and submitting new information.

"The root cause of Black Cat's death sign has been found. We request to take the relevant personnel into custody. The location is..."

"We will send someone over immediately."

Well, the benefits do come quickly.

McCann Features.

If you are not afraid of trouble and danger, you are afraid of no profit. As long as there is profit, anything can be said.

Wen Rensheng asked Da Mao to wait.

Not long after, Big Cat heard the roar of a helicopter.

It dragged the three of them out of the basement and into the hall, where they saw three helicopters hovering over the courtyard.

Then a group of fully armed soldiers descended from a helicopter. They were all tall and powerful.

After the soldiers came down, they quickly occupied their position, scanned the scene, and then started talking on the phone.

After the call, a man and a woman got off another helicopter.

The man is Asian and the woman is a Caucasian beauty.

Then they saw the big cat and the three gray robes that it easily dragged out.

The blackened gray robe lost its black color and returned to its original appearance after being knocked unconscious.

"Hello, you are the most handsome man in history. Pan An is so angry that he is so jealous of Song Yu..." The Asian man stepped forward, squatted down and greeted the big cat.

"It's me, you have a good memory." The big cat responded arrogantly.

That's exactly his nickname on the federation app.

"This is respect for the strong, just call me Red," the Asian man replied, and then said respectfully, "I am honored to inform you that you can now be promoted to a trusted personnel, as long as you complete an identity verification task.

But. For registration numbers that have not completed the identity verification task, there will be a bottleneck in increasing the points, and they will be stuck in the trusted personnel level."

"Well, then there is no need for promotion. I want low-key luxury." Wen Rensheng said boldly.

The feeling of letting yourself go is comfortable.

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in the eyes of the Asian man Reid, but it quickly disappeared.

He said to the white woman, "Helen, go and take those three people into custody."

Soon Bai Nu led the soldiers and put people on the helicopter.

"Goodbye." Seeing this, the big cat turned and left without any delay.

Red wanted to say something, but the big cat had disappeared.

"Red, that's a powerful guy. There is a terrifying aura about these three people. Only a seconded super soldier in the Federation can defeat them." Helen looked at the big cat.

In the direction of leaving, he opened his mouth to remind.

"Well, unfortunately, it doesn't trust us." Reid shook his head.

"It's normal. Extraordinary people never trust anyone. In their eyes, everyone is playing tricks on them." Helen nodded.

"Only time will prove that we are the hope of the future." Red said this, and then returned to the helicopter.

Helen followed immediately.

The three helicopters circled for a while and then headed north.


Wen Rensheng focused his attention on the three gray-robed men he captured. He wanted to see whether the association was in name only, or whether it was worthy of its name.

Soon his perspective changed, and a new environment appeared in front of him.

This is an interrogation room. Behind the iron fence are two men. A bright incandescent lamp is shining on the face of the man in gray robe.

What Wen Rensheng was peeping at at this time was the man in gray robe who had been transformed into a black robe and possessed by a god. He was now one-eyed and chained to a stool.

The other party's name, he knew from Wen Rende's previous recall, was Eamonn Billington.

"Eamonn Billington, tell me where you got the black ritual!" the interrogator scolded.

Eamonn was blind, but he still seemed to be able to see the two of them. After hearing this, he suddenly started struggling crazily on the stool.

While struggling, he shouted wildly, "You are all going to die! You are going to die soon. No matter how much you struggle, it is useless. You will be shrouded in the deepest terror. Only by fearing God and worshiping God can you be freed!"
"Who is God?" the interrogator asked.

"God is God. He can divide all 0s by 1. He can also count how many natural numbers there are. He can walk to the edge of the universe in an instant, and he can also enter between atoms in an instant. He is omnipotent..." Eamon

Suddenly he became rational again, and his mouth was filled with words of praise.

Well, this is why one pink is better than ten thousand blacks.

The latter few cannot be falsified, and the first two completely violate the basic mathematical axioms. 0 cannot be used as a divisor, and natural numbers are infinite.

However, the other party's performance completely fits the image of a bewitched believer. There is no logic or reason. Everything is mechanical. Moreover, he wants others to believe him. If others don't believe him, he will kill others...

"This man is crazy, the other two should be better." The two interrogators whispered, and everyone heard them.

He switched his mind to the other two men in gray robes.

One of those two people is named Bernie Bell and the other is Clarence Palin.

One old and one middle school, the old one is Bernie and the middle-aged one is Clarence.

These two people still have some sense and know how to make choices and escape, and have not been completely bewitched by God.

Wen Rensheng went to see the old man first.

At this time, the other party was also being interrogated.

The people who interrogated him were the same Reid and Helen just now.

"Mr. Bernie, you should know that by cooperating with us, you can get better treatment, such as a single-room prison with an independent bathroom." Reid did not talk big, but just gave the most practical and practical solution.

The promise that is easiest for the other party to believe.

"Anyone who betrays God will die. Did you say that?" Old man Bernie shook his head and said.

"What you're telling me, have you seen what happens to betrayers?" Reid immediately caught the other person's words.

You are not afraid of the other party lying, nor are you afraid of the other party making up stories. What you are afraid of is that the other party refuses to speak.

Those kind of people are the most troublesome. They stay silent when they come in, refuse to speak, and just wait to be beaten to death.

If you open your mouth, there are ten thousand ways to extract information from the other party.

Opening your mouth is a sign of weakness, a kind of psychological weakness.

"I haven't seen it." Bernie immediately denied.

"You haven't seen it, why do you say that? Did that god tell you?"

"Yes, He told us."

"How do you know He won't lie? These aliens never respect people. Why do you think He will tell you the truth?"

Old man Bernie was silent.

Yes, God can also lie, otherwise, they would not be caught.

When they were tracking the orange cat, they were originally worried that they wouldn't be able to defeat the other party. They were worried about encountering a powerful alien before.

But Eamon, who was on the verge of going crazy, said that he had received a revelation from God, and he was now able to accommodate the partial coming of God. Once God descended, no alien would be his opponent.

They then pursued decisively, full of confidence, and were completely defeated in the end.

This chapter has been completed!
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