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Chapter 536 Experiment

Wen Rensheng didn’t spend much time discovering the secret of this happy town.

People coming and going, everyone has a smile on their face.

It's because they are actually puppets.

No, to be precise, they are all incomplete versions of puppets.

They still have independent consciousness, but they have been given psychological hints through puppetry.

Normal puppetry cannot control too many people, but if it is just an incomplete version, it can naturally control many people.

At this time, the big cat lying on the roadside handed its paw to an old lady who was feeding it.

"Ines Kendrick, mystery level: 9."

"Mysterious composition: puppet (broken)."

I heard the other person’s name from the person next to me.

"Mrs. Kendrick, you are still so kind, you will definitely go to heaven in the future." An old man next to you said with a smile.

"Look at how pitiful it is. It has to go out to find food on its own in this winter, and it is so hungry that it is so thin." The old lady stroked the big cat's hair distressedly.

Wen Rensheng glanced at the fat orange cat that weighed more than 20 pounds. How could he be thin at all?

Then he set his sights on the two elderly people.

They were chatting and laughing from time to time. There was no comparison or showing off, they were just pursuing the simplest friendly social interaction and the simplest happiness.

And the same goes for the passers-by next to you.

Wen Rensheng thought for a while, could this be a social experiment—an experiment used to solve the source of disasters?

This kind of thing has a tradition, just like many utopian social experiments in previous lives. Although they failed in the end, it was because of the lack of material and ideological foundation, and it is impossible for people to live in a vacuum.

But now if there are mysterious means mixed in, can it be successful?

Soon, Big Cat discovered a counterexample, a short man who looked like a gorilla.

"Old Tom, my father is seriously ill and needs 3,000," he said to a shop owner.

The shop owner looked sympathetic and said, "Okay, I'll lend this to you. Remember to take good care of your father."

"Old John, my aunt is sick and needs two thousand"

"Old Hans, my grandma is sick and needs 10,000 yuan"

The short man went from place to place to borrow money. Wen Rensheng counted the money for this guy. Within two hours, he had borrowed 100,000 US dollars.

This rate of making money is already comparable to the annual salary of many people.

And this man is one of the few sane people in this town.

"Craig Brassington, Mystery: 0."

The orangutan man is just the most ordinary person.

However, Wen Rensheng believed that the other party should have been freed from the state of a mutilated puppet.

However, the other party did not flee, but immediately discovered business opportunities

As long as they borrow money, these good people will agree and believe that the other party will not lie, just like innocent teenagers.

What a terrible human nature.

No matter how beautiful the experiment is, it will be destroyed by a handful of bad coins. The bottom line of the entire society is destined to gradually tend to the level of bad coins, because if you don't do this, you won't be able to survive.

No matter how clever the person behind the experiment is, a counterexample can bankrupt him.

After the gorilla man borrowed the money, he did not leave, but returned to an apartment, and the big cat followed him all the way.

There is another woman in the apartment.

"Look, I gained so much again today!" He proudly pointed to the transfer record on his mobile phone.

"Should we leave here? I always feel that something is wrong. I don't know what happened a few days ago, but I actually gave a child cookies." The woman looked at the other person's mobile phone with bright eyes.

"Don't leave yet, wait until I borrow the people in this town. This is much faster than robbing." The orangutan man turned on his mobile phone and started shopping online like crazy.

"You should go to the west side of town, people there don't know you yet." The woman came up with an idea, and then started shopping online.

Not long after, the big cat hiding in the window watched the two people squander all the 100,000 yuan.

No wonder they are reluctant to leave.

With this way of spending money, how could they be willing to leave?

They are two people who have never had the concept of saving, and they spend all their money in one day.

Sure enough, how can a person who does evil have the concept of accepting it as soon as he sees it?

When I can retract it, it will definitely be when my claws are cut off. Before that, I will keep reaching out.

After watching for a while, Da Mao heard the deep voices of two men coming from outside the apartment door.

"Is this here?"

"The head is here."

"There are still loopholes in the doctor's experiment. A single mouse can cause the social cycle to collapse. A society that is too beautiful has poor stress resistance. As a system, its robustness is very poor."

"Ninety-nine percent of people are good. In other words, we only need to clean up 1% of the garbage at all times. Compared with the situation where disasters occur frequently, I think the cost is worth it.


"That's right, life has forced us to do so. In order to adapt to the current environment, we have no choice but to adopt this method."

After hearing this, Wen Rensheng completely understood that it was really a social experiment.

McCann people are very creative and courageous, and they dare to try anything.

If they can become strong in both worlds, they must have advantages, and this is one of them.

Wen Rensheng will not deny this.

Just as I was thinking about it, there was a knock on the apartment door.

"Open the door."

"Who are you?"

"Sending express delivery."

"It's so fast. We just placed an order. Was it from two days ago?" the woman said in surprise.

The orangutan man was stunned for a moment, seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly ran away towards the window.

At this time, he saw a big cat lying under the window eaves, staring at him coldly.

Where did such a big cat come from?

This thought became his last thought.

A gunshot announced the end of his life.

Really decisive.

Wen Rensheng shook his head secretly. It was like this in McCann. Shooting was very easy.

"Hands up, you've been arrested for fraud." Two heavily armed men broke into the apartment.

One of them was the one who fired the gun. There was still gunpowder smoke from the muzzle of his pistol.

"I didn't do anything, it was all Craig's fault!" the woman screamed, holding her head in her hands.

"Okay, shut up and come back with us." Another person said coldly.

Then they started calling.

The big cat left quietly.

Wen Rensheng thought that this trip was another wasted trip.

But there has been a lot of this happening over the past few weeks.

If there was no puppet to take action on his behalf, I don’t know how much time would be wasted on encountering mysterious events.

This is the real world. It’s not like the world. What will happen after you go out.

Just as he thought, in the next three or four days, the big cat wandered around this happy town. Apart from being favored by many people, he did not see a single disaster.

Is this method really useful?

Because based on his experience in the past few weeks, in an area with tens of thousands of people, a disaster will occur about once a week, killing several people.

But here it is very peaceful.

Can human harmony maintained by force and mysterious means be able to resist disasters?

Wen Rensheng decided to report this matter to the Inspectorate and let them follow up. Anyway, everyone was touching each other across the river, so no one had to be embarrassed.

After calling Inspector Liu, he said: "Actually, we are also doing such experiments, but we do it through education and screening, and do not use mysterious means. After all, the application of external force will inevitably lead to a backlash. This is

A fixed law."

Wen Rensheng nodded. Gaining benefits by putting pressure on others, rather than making others willing, is destined to be unstable.

This is why modern society can replace feudal society and slave society. The latter two systems have elements of constant resistance in their bones.

This chapter has been completed!
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