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Chapter 569 Rebirth from generation to generation

 After everyone marveled and praised, it was time for questions.

"What is the principle of their rebirth after death?" asked a soul master.

"I asked them about this, and they don't know it themselves. I heard that only a few top Source World schools have researched it. Rebirth is their innate instinct, just like humans can have self-awareness. We don't know the meaning of self-awareness either.

At present, there are only some theoretical conjectures on the production principle." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Yes, this kind of innate instinct is really enviable. Soul rebirth, no wonder they are born with a sense of arrogance in our world and treat us like ants." A director sighed.

Yes, this is just like gamers looking at NPCs. Even if NPCs are full-level bosses, players will not really regard them as anything special.

When everyone thought of this, for a moment, the atmosphere in the conference room was somewhat silent.

"However, as long as they are imprisoned, they will not be able to be reborn. This is probably why they beg for mercy." Another director encouraged everyone.

"Well, some time ago, I obtained a kind of banning technique. That kind of banning technique can be used to block disasters. It is a disguised form of imprisonment. As long as it is promoted and used more, I believe that those disasters with thinking will also feel fear.

Don’t dare to act recklessly anymore.”

"Yes, ordinary ants can be ravaged by children at will, but if we evolve into termites, hunter ants, or even ultimate man-eating ants, they will be protected by adults and will not dare to penetrate into our territory easily."<


Everyone suddenly became energetic.

"By the way, Master Wenren, there is one more thing I want to ask. You said in your report that alien species are spread by some protective organizations among them to prevent us humans from becoming extinct. However, isn't this very contradictory? If we have alien species, then

We can resist them, even imprison them, and treat them as guests. We humans protect animals, but we will not let them learn to use guns and weapons so that they have the ability to protect themselves." A research expert pointed out one of the very doubtful points.

"That's a good question. We can conduct an on-site questioning now." Wen Rensheng nodded, and then began to ask about the ping pong ball. At the same time, he used the illusion technique to broadcast the questioning process to the video conference for everyone to see.


This operation seems simple, but in fact it is extremely technical, requires multitasking, and requires a high level of attainment in illusion. After all, these are two completely different places.

Wen Rensheng's abyssal cell is not the real world, but between two worlds, with his alienated hair as a container.

Everyone immediately cheered up and watched the scene to ask questions.

"Ping Pong, you said that our alien species are an ant nest protection organization among you, and they have been scattered among us for a long time. But to protect humans, we only need to designate some protected areas. Why should we ask for trouble? If we don't have

Alien species, you will not be arrested." Wen Rensheng followed the words of the research expert just now and asked again.

"Well, isn't this the same as you? Don't some of you love dogs more than people? That anthill protection organization, let me think about it, by the way, it seems that the teacher said that some guys simply change |

He actually fell in love with you humans, even at the expense of himself. Maybe this protection organization was founded by such a guy." Ping Pong said calmly.

But in the tone, everyone can hear a trace of huge resentment, probably hating those protective organizations that spread alien species

At this time, the research expert just now questioned: "No, I think it is deceiving us! I am more inclined to think that it is trying to flatter itself so that Master Wenren can show mercy. I have been studying two

In the current speculation about the intersection of worlds, we speculate that the alien species should be caused by the spontaneous behavior of the source world. When the mysterious world is immersed in a world, some special items will be generated according to the laws of this world as an intermediate fusion of the two worlds.

As a bridge and channel between the two worlds, it facilitates its immersion."

"I am not unreasonable, and there is other evidence. I have read a report before called Biological Variation and Evolution in the New Era, which is about alienated humans. Some people's bodies already have mysterious characteristics. Although they are not as powerful as alien species, they have begun to

Accepted by the mysterious world, but retaining the characteristics of the real world. These people can't be gifts from some ant nest protection organization, right?"

Wen Rensheng was moved when he heard this. Of course he knew what the other party said. It involved a xenogeneic expert, Jiang Yuanxia. The other party gave him a notebook, and he also solved a mysterious incident "Destruction of a Deserted Village", and

Obtained the body mutation technique.

His method of alienating hair was obtained from that incident.

Everyone nodded. The research expert's statement was more in line with their thoughts and more consistent with the objective situation.

Although the table tennis disaster is powerful, the information confessed cannot be the truth and will definitely be biased.

It may not intend to deceive, but it is possible that it itself has been deceived.

Humans often do this by themselves, and the executors often only get partial information, or even false information, to prevent secrets from being leaked after being caught.

Wen Rensheng thought for a while and said: "What this senior said makes sense. You can have doubts here and wait for more truth to come out in the future. If you have anything else you want to ask, you can continue to ask. If I can't answer, just let them

If they can't answer the three answers, we will keep them."

The atmosphere of the meeting suddenly became lively.

Various questions took turns, and everyone had something unclear in their stomach.

For example, someone asked Wenren Shengdai to ask: "Can so-called love occur across worlds, races, and types? The so-called love is just the result of hormones. How can there be such love between completely different beings?

Plant something?"

This question is not gossip, but something of great practical significance. In the face of survival, anything can be traded.

Ping Pong replied: "I don't understand love, but I know that some guys like to appear on the human body. Maybe they are affected by those hormones."

This answer barely makes sense.

After all, there are many indescribable things in human literature, and literature is based on realistic imagination.

In this case, maybe it is true.

Another person asked Wen Renshengdai to ask: "Can we enter your so-called source world?"

"Yes, as long as you abandon your body and use the alien species, you can enter." Ping Pong said simply.

"With the help of alien species, is it necessary to integrate the soul into the alien species?"

"Yes, but this process is very difficult. I don't know how to do it specifically. The teacher has never taught me. He just mentioned a few words so that we can seduce you in case of emergency. The teacher said that you humans are most afraid of

Death, this method can be passed down from generation to generation. As long as there is a body, it can be resurrected with the help of alien species, which is similar to the rebirth of our souls."

This is still an honest ball. You can say this, but it cannot be ruled out that the other party is deliberately showing honesty in order to paralyze everyone.

This is not a fairy tale world, but a dual world of intrigue and cruelty.

However, Wen Rensheng noticed that when Ping Pong said these words, many people's eyes lit up when they saw this illusion.

Especially those research-oriented experts and masters.

The only ones who can truly remain calm are those department heads. Their palaces are deep enough and they will not show their emotions easily on their faces.

"The soul is integrated into the alien species and reborn from generation to generation? If it is combined with the blood seed that can be activated, wouldn't that mean immortality?" Someone couldn't help but murmured.

Sure enough.

Wen Rensheng sighed secretly. There was Xie Zangyue before, but now the throwing of this ping pong ball has obviously aroused the greed of others.

Smart, smart, in this way, no one will allow themselves to kill each other.

After all, the other party is a bridge and an introduction to the road to immortality.

This chapter has been completed!
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