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Chapter 577 Trial and error person

 "You solved a difficult mysterious event, and you gained 15 mystery points. Your mystery level increased from 462 points to 477 points."

Seeing this familiar reminder, Wen Rensheng did not have any fluctuations.

He now misses the good old days when he could find many mysterious items in advance and then let students use them as class homework to explore the secrets behind them.

As long as the item is mysterious enough, he can gain some mystery afterwards, and it can even become a regular source.

However, with the emergence of disasters and the increase in his own mystery, this kind of thing can no longer be done.

He has a high level of mystery, so he needs more bizarre and unpredictable items to increase his level of mystery, and these items themselves represent huge dangers.

Coupled with the background of frequent disasters, it is even worse.

Those students are so weak that even if they are all mutants, they are pitifully weak in the face of disasters.

And it is impossible for a powerful alien to serve as his explorer.

Even if students are equipped with puppets, it will not work. Many disasters are contagious and can be infected through the mental connection between the master and the puppet.

When he fought against that table tennis ball before, he had a very profound experience.

After sighing, Wen Rensheng looked at the next prompt.

"Learning and life and death: completed. If you don't learn or die, this is the new natural choice. Only those who are good at learning and creating can adapt to the new era."

"Mystery: 200."

"Mysterious composition: obsession with learning, the distance between life and death."

Well, this level of difficulty is indeed beyond the scope of what xenogeneic experts can solve. No wonder Mowanba and the other three were at a loss for what to do and were frustrated throughout the process.

They were lucky enough to be able to get by. If they hadn't come, they would have stayed in this town for three years until the college entrance examination was over

Of course, if I don’t come, other masters should be mobilized.

However, how many mutant masters are there in Dongzhou?

The total number is only a few hundred, right?

If we include the advent of the mysterious world, which speeds up the promotion of alien species, the number may increase, but it will not exceed a thousand.

Just as I was thinking about it, the Mowanba trio came over again.

They said to the eagle: "Master Wen"

"No, just call me teacher or sir. Don't call me master again, otherwise, I will always feel that I am similar to that unlucky Grand Master Wen." Xiong Ying said bitterly.

"Haha, Teacher Wen is so humble." Shen Wan pursed her lips and smiled.

Only then did Wen Rensheng pay attention to the relationship between the three soy sauce people. Shen Wan was very beautiful. Her age could not be seen from her face, but her temperament was very mature. She should be in her forties or fifties.

The other two experts looked at her with a kind of admiration in their eyes.

There are also dog lickers among the xenogeneic experts

Wen Rensheng sighed, and then thought it was quite normal. After all, some mutants are very traditional and pay attention to one person for life, so they can only find a partner in the same class.

No matter how good an ordinary woman is, her life span, knowledge, and lifestyle are completely different, so she cannot be a suitable partner.

The absolute number of aliens is originally small, so it is naturally difficult to find them. It is normal for two to chase one.

"Teacher Wen, is this the end of the matter?" Expert Mo asked.

"Well, it's over. You can submit your report. Let's part ways. I'll give you a contact information. If you have any more weird things, you can come and consult me." Wen Rensheng pondered for a moment, thought for a moment and then said,

"Also, I am planning to start a puppetry course recently. You can come to Tianxing Club to learn when you have time."

The ordinary students of Tianxing Club have all disbanded and gone home because they were worried that they would be implicated in the mysterious incidents handled by the club.

In fact, Wen Rensheng felt that with Wei Yiqing there, the chance of being implicated should be very small, but he couldn't guarantee it. After all, if there was a death, they would not be able to shirk their responsibility.

But seeing these three soy sauces today, he came up with a new idea - if he can't recruit new people, then he should recruit expert-level students.

Anyway, they have strong resistance, and they have to deal with many dangerous things, so they don’t care about this extra chance of infection.

In the past, these experts had enough ability to deal with mysterious events and had no need to take classes, but now they do.

With this weird and mysterious incident just now, they almost died here. If they learn the puppet technique, they can at least have an extra layer of protection.

"Thank you, Teacher Wen. We will sign up when we get back." The three of them quickly thanked.

The alien community is not big, so of course they have heard of the Tianxing Club.

Then Xiongying left his contact information for the three of them and parted ways.

The three of them looked at the eagle spreading its wings and heading north, with longing in their eyes.

"I didn't expect that we would be here today. We used to teach students every day, but now we are just like students."

"Live until you are old and learn until you are old. This is what the alien species itself requires. It is time for us to learn again, otherwise we may not survive."

"The easy days are gone forever."

"I heard that Teacher Wen is only in his 20s. Is his mutant really that strong?"

"I'm afraid the ancient seeds are the heritage of tens of thousands of years of history. This is normal. Some babies inherit tens of billions of family assets as soon as they are born. Isn't that the same thing?"

"Yeah, take your time."

After Wen Rensheng called the eagle back, he went to read the internal notice of the Inspection Department.

I scanned around and found a lot of disasters, but they all looked ordinary.

From the process of solving the incident just now, he discovered a quiet change in the mysterious seed: even if he did not visit the scene in person, whether it was the real person or a puppet, as long as he got the corresponding event information, if the event was strange enough, he could trigger it

Tips for the Mysterious Seed.

This is undoubtedly a good change for him.

In the past, he needed to let the puppet approach the scene of the incident to know whether the prompt could be triggered.

But now there is no need, as long as he gets accurate information.

As for the reason, he speculated that it was either the evolution of the mysterious seed itself, or the deepening infiltration of the mysterious world, which led to the gradual integration of the entire earth's time and space.

Disasters can be globalized, and his mysterious seeds can also sense those mysterious events from a long distance.

This undoubtedly greatly facilitated him.

Now he quickly scanned the event information. Although there were various information, there was no prompt to trigger the alien species again.

He immediately put it down and stopped looking. He would not be soft-hearted and take care of those things by himself.

Because he knows very well that only by improving himself quickly can he solve the fatal crises that may arise in the future.

If he wastes his time on these ordinary events, when a fatal crisis occurs in the future, he will not be able to turn the tide and will only fall into despair.

A highly intelligent person like him would never make such a stupid mistake. He is not someone who knows that something is harmful but still does it.

Then he turned his attention to the big cat. Since he discovered that the mysterious seed had such abilities, he naturally wanted to make good use of it.

There should be a lot of weird things happening in McCann. Even if you don’t check online, you will encounter a lot of weird things just by being around Big Cat.

He remembered what Ping Pong said before that he could keep those weird disasters away from him by releasing his breath.

I haven't had the time to do it before, so I just want to do an experiment now.

So he controlled the big cat and spread his alien aura around the Ball family.

Then log in to the Disaster and Anomaly Elimination Association app to check the corresponding things.

Then he saw a hot post on a related forum

"Can aliens be lawless? Can aliens use ordinary people as trial and error tools?"

How can such indescribable posts exist? Shouldn't they be eliminated as soon as possible?

Wen Rensheng was a little surprised, then clicked in to watch.

It turns out that the thing is very simple. In the process of solving an abnormal disaster incident, a dozen ordinary people were used as trial and error tools by the alien experts who handled the incident. They were used to test several ideas without the consent of the other party.

Then, there was no more, and only one of these dozen people died.

The living person, come up and post.

After reading it, Wen Rensheng pondered for a moment.

There were similar plots in the things he just dealt with before.

It's just that Wen Rensheng is different from those people. He only started the final clinical test when he was extremely confident.

As for the alien experts in the post, according to what the post said, they used people to try and make mistakes from the beginning.

Of course, Wen Rensheng would not defend himself. What he did was not fundamentally different from those people.

The only difference is that he will choose to use villains instead of sacrificing innocent people.

This chapter has been completed!
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