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Chapter 593 Only the crazy can survive

 After Wen Rensheng separated from Ouyang Tian, ​​he went back to the study and logged into the internal network of the Inspection Department.

He first checked the latest information on the invasion of the mysterious world in order to find more evidence to support what he had just realized.

After checking, he found that other mutants also had many similar insights.

A report submitted by a soul master further pointed out this point: "Now I can sense the mysterious world through different species, and I can persist for longer than before, and I can faintly see that there is a new world under the mist.

There are existences similar to galaxies, and the fog clusters condense into balls, rotating around a larger ball..."

There are also reports from several experts later, giving similar content.

Wen Rensheng looked thoughtful when he saw this.

In the past, in order to prevent himself from losing his mind, he had maintained a restrained attitude towards exploring the mysterious world.

After all, his main focus is on improving the mystery.

He will not deviate from the main goal and commit suicide randomly.

But now, since predecessors have already made explorations, he can naturally follow suit, and relying on the characteristics of his mysterious seed, he can do better than his predecessors.

After thinking about it, Wen Rensheng started his own exploration according to the process described in the master's report.

Close your eyes and sink your mind into your chest and abdomen. A dark purple, oval-shaped seed appears in your mind.

Then, there was a world composed of mist. The mist was dense and dense, with different distances and different colors. It was neither real nor empty.

Between the mist masses, some have various lines extending on them.

Wen Rensheng knew that that was the connection between different alien species.

Then he focused his sight on a dark purple, ellipsoidal mist in this world, which was his own alien species.

And on the purple mist, there are nine lines of different colors, extending into the distance.

Wen Rensheng knew that those were the other alien species he was connected to at this time.

According to the report I just read, as long as you look for a long time, you can naturally see the next level of the world.

But Wen Rensheng only looked at it for a while, and soon discovered that there was something hidden under the mist.

When you zoom in closer, past the obstruction of those fog masses, you no longer see nothingness as before, but as if zooming in, a new world appears.

The condensed spheres revolve around each other...

They are like the ping pong ball, big or small, each different.

The big ones are like footballs, and the small ones are just glass balls.

The way of rotation is that the small ones revolve around the big ones, without any exception.

Wen Rensheng suddenly realized that the table tennis ball was actually playing the role of its own body, no wonder it was so quick.

Seeing these spheres, Wen Rensheng immediately understood why most other mutants were unable to fight against the source of disaster.

It's very simple. One is just a mist, and the other is a solid sphere. This is like tofu touching a stone. The strength is too obvious.

But he is different. Even though he is also tofu, he is still a piece of frozen tofu, which is as hard as those stones, and even much stronger than many spheres.

His purple mist appears to be dispersed, but it is actually very strong and has the qualifications to be compressed into a ball. However, he has never known how to work in this direction.

Now that he has a deeper example of the mysterious world in front of him, he naturally understands how to work hard.

Putting down his thoughts, he continued to observe the galaxies composed of spheres.

There are many spheres in the galaxy, some are just two, just like the earth and the moon, and many are even hundreds or thousands, rotating around a big ball.

Looking more carefully, the small balls revolving around the big ball themselves also have smaller balls revolving around them.

This is a completely different solar system.

There seem to be further combinations between star systems, just like different star systems forming the Milky Way star cluster.

Wen Rensheng thought of the connection line on his mist ball again, which was the connection with other alien species. Obviously, this way of attracting and rotating the sphere is more stable.

The connection is easy to cut without exerting much force.

And the way the spheres attract each other and rotate around each other, if you want to cut off the connection between them, you must have the combined power of the two to tear the sphere apart.

Considering that there are attractions between other spheres, the power required is even greater.

Wen Rensheng thought of many things in an instant.

He already knew before that the social organization model of Yuanjie is the model of colleges, teachers and students.

Now it seems that a star system is probably a college, the stars are the deans, the planets are the teachers, and the satellites are the immature students.

When the satellite becomes stronger and larger, it can break out of its original rotation mode and become a planet.

When a planet becomes powerful enough, it will break away from its original star system, become independent, and form its own galaxy.

It is so similar to the real universe, there must be something fishy in it.

Yes, the force is mutual.

Those who gaze into the abyss will be gazed into the abyss.

When the source world invades the real world, it is also affected by the real world.

Obviously, the organizational model of these disasters is also being changed by the real universe. This is to cater to the real world.

And their method should be more suitable for the improvement of strength. Do you want to cross the river by touching them?

Wen Rensheng fell into deep thought.

Just as he was thinking about it, a reminder came to his mind that interrupted his thinking process.

"The island that cannot be left is completed. Only crazy people can survive. Only when they are put to death can they survive. Only by fighting with death can this circular space be broken."

"Mystery 113."

"Mysterious composition of circulation space, viewers, cages, fish and people."

"You solved a mysterious event of medium difficulty, the mystery level increased by 5 points, and the upper limit of mystery level increased from 477 points to 482 points."

It was completed without even realizing it?

Wen Rensheng was a little surprised because he had not seen the resolution of the mysterious incident.

Then he understood. It seemed that the mysterious seed was now able to sense on-site information through the big cat puppet, so it could give hints about the completion of the event without his knowledge.

Compared with previous years, this is another subtle evolution of the mysterious seed.

Yes, he has a total of three puppets on hand. His future working mode can be optimized. First, he can trigger mysterious events by browsing event information, and then send out three puppets to use stealth techniques to track the solver throughout the process.

If he can win, he will win. If the solvers can't finish it, he will take action again.

Of course, what he needs to do now is to turn his perspective to the big cat and see how the two tool men completed this incident.

The mind is connected to the big cat puppet, and what the other party has been tracking and seeing these days is quickly transmitted to his mind like a video played at high speed.

One of the core functions of puppetry is to record information and pass it on to the controller afterwards.

Even modern drones can do this. If the mysterious creations can't do it yet, those aliens who invented and optimized puppetry should have been despised countless times by their users.

Wen Rensheng quickly saw how the incident was resolved, which was not much different from the solution he envisioned.

After careful recall, a video appeared in Wen Rensheng's mind.

Scene: Huxin Island Amusement Park, outside the door of a storage room.

Several people gathered outside the door, and some people stuck their heads in to look inside.

"That fat man, that crazy fat man, he's gone!" Professor Miley exclaimed.

"Calm down, professor, what happened?" Sister Millia asked hurriedly, as if she had just arrived.

"It's the fat man I told you a few days ago who ate meat to the point of going crazy. I went to deliver food to him this afternoon and found that he had disappeared." The professor explained again.

"What's going on?"

"I don't understand either. Could it be that he was sent out?" The professor finally calmed down and turned on the analysis mode.

"Being sent out?" someone among the onlookers said excitedly.

"Does it mean that you can go out if you go crazy?"

"What's the truth? Good people can't go out, but they have to be crazy to go out?"

There are a lot of questions, and no one can figure out why.

This chapter has been completed!
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