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Chapter 603 The details

 After reading the master researcher's report, Wen Rensheng combined many of his previous insights and gained a deeper understanding of the current situation.

The sea fog area and the whirlpool gate are all thinking disasters. They can also be said to be the bait concocted by the disaster lords.

Especially for the Whirlpool Gate, you can not only exchange handicrafts for supplies, but also blatantly have the option of exchanging people for alien species.

This is to induce human beings to actively increase their population. Only with enough population can there be enough handicrafts and sufficient exchange can be carried out.

And in fact, it was successful. McCann reached a cooperation with the Nanzhu Tuwang, one provided money and food, and the other provided people. The two parties cooperated happily.

Why did this cooperation fail later? The reason is the frequent appearance of another kind of disaster, the bizarre and non-thinking disaster.

McCann was oppressed by Dongzhou before he stopped the inhumane exchange operation. It was probably only superficially.

He had made conjectures earlier, and now he can see it more clearly when combined with this research report.

In the source world, those disaster lords also have powerful opponents, namely those weird disasters.

The latter will destroy the hunting and breeding of the former, exterminate life, destroy the environment, and make the former unsustainable.

Bizarre disasters have no concept of life and death, and no thinking, so they don't care about human beings, let alone the mysterious world. They just use those resentment, chaos, and violent emotions to arouse mysterious power and carry out bottomless destruction and venting.

He can even deduce that compared to humans, these weird types of disasters are the life and death enemies of table tennis.

After all, no matter in this life or in the past, the biggest enemy comes from within. No organization with internal unity will be destroyed by force. As long as there is internal unity, there is always a chance to continue.

He guessed that even if table tennis balls had the power to destroy human beings, they would not do this.

The fear and despair before the death of billions of human beings...the various mixed emotions are enough to induce all kinds of weirdness, and finally endanger themselves.

Yes, they are actually just like humans. On the one hand, they compete internally and hunt wantonly in nature. On the other hand, they carefully maintain the natural environment and prevent various natural disasters in order to survive sustainably.

He is confident that even if what he is guessing is not completely correct, it is still 10% accurate.

There are many benefits to understanding the overall situation. For example, when he does many things, he will be able to do it well and even get great benefits from it.

For example, in the mysterious incident caused by the Xibi River before, there was a disaster in the river. It was difficult to locate the trace. It was a waste of time to find it.

But now that he has understood from the pattern that the disaster lords and the weird lords are incompatible, and there is also a fierce competition between the disaster lords, he can infer new methods.

He had previously asked Milia to use fishing, but that was only one method. There was another method, which was to use another disaster lord to lock the opponent's location.

Castles are disintegrated from within.

There is a Disaster Lord in front of us, but it's a pity that the two are too far apart... one is in the extreme north, the other is in the south, thousands of miles apart.

Wait, open your mind and spread your thoughts.

The Xibi River is very long and can reach the sea, and the territory defined by the labyrinth of this volcanic city occupies half of the continent's tip, which is also close to the sea.

So in terms of geography, the two are extremely far apart. In fact, they are connected, and the medium of connection happens to be water.

The disaster in the Xibi River relies on water to exert its power. In other words, the two major disasters are actually in contact with each other and understand each other.

Of course, he doesn't expect a snipe and a clam to fight. He, a fisherman, can benefit. Both of them are thoughtful and neither are fools.

But if they meet, they will definitely want to destroy each other.

At this time, if you ask one of them to inform the other of the exact location with the help of the underworld technique, think about what will happen?

There will definitely be a clever person who leaks the location of another competitor and plays a trick of borrowing a knife to kill someone.

Wenrensheng himself saved a lot of tracking time.

Taking advantage of the internal conflicts between enemies, dividing and disintegrating them, and defeating them one by one... This is a valuable experience gained from the memory of the previous life, but in this life, Dongzhou has no experience.

After all, I am used to being rich and powerful. I have always accumulated a wave and then crushed it and pushed it forward. I have never used the strategy of looking for opportunities in the gaps.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng not only had to praise himself, he was so smart that he could come up with such a strategy. If it were Lao Liu and others, they would never have thought of it.

Then he immediately started planning.

First of all, we need to inquire about the communication method of the local disaster lord. You can start with the flame ball.

The second step is the action taken by Big Cat, teaching Milia the skills of the underworld, allowing the other party to use a drop of river water to communicate with the disaster lord and obtain the corresponding information.

After finally locking in the river disaster, the big cat can go out.

One, two, three, what a perfect plan.

Make a good plan and take action immediately after hearing the news.

The flame group must have similar sacrificial rituals to communicate with the disaster and listen to the other party's instructions.

He controlled the Ruyi puppet to clean up other monitoring measures in the room, then turned into an eagle and flew away directly from the window.

When the concealment technique is activated, no one can see it.

It is not difficult to find the Flame Ball. The Eagle came to a lively bar, transformed into a local, took out a stack of banknotes, and learned about the gathering place of the Flame Ball from several powerful people.<


Just in a city park square, their activities are completely public.

None of this information has been reported, which shows that Nanzhou's disaster management agency is completely paralyzed.

But this is normal. The organization that handles ordinary things is often half-paralyzed or paralyzed.

No wonder the Ball family, where the big cat lives, can't wait to escape to McCann, at least McCann can take care of it.

Wen Rensheng was not surprised, and then asked the Ruyi puppet to come to the city park square, located in the center of the city.

It was already evening, and there was a lot of noise everywhere.

Bonfires, music, dancing, singing, fighting, drinking... it was chaos.

It is completely different from the previous table tennis worship service. The latter was very solemn and solemn, similar to the atmosphere of a church, but here, it is completely like a party of evil gods...

No, Wen Rensheng suddenly felt familiar. Isn't this the self-study class in junior high school?

The class committee is powerless to restrain and the teacher is not here, so it’s just like herding sheep.

The reason why he is familiar with it is because not long ago, in the small town of Jiangnan in Dongzhou, he had just dealt with a catastrophic incident involving forced learning.

The corner of Wen Rensheng's mouth twitched, and he felt that he had seen more details about this disaster lord.

This chapter has been completed!
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