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Chapter 613 Learning and Expertise

 After providing the quota, the members of the Flame Regiment notified Liu Jian, the fake evil god, of important news - outsiders have come in recently, and they are suspected of wanting to investigate them.

What they are talking about is Wen Rensheng's wishful puppet, who lives in the best hotel and the best suite in the city, and the monitoring measures installed in the room have been dug out by the other party. There has been no movement of the other party for several days.<


They privately questioned the room manager and other hotel staff, and learned that the other party had begun to notice their flames and was very interested in the news about the flames.

After hearing the news, Liu Jian felt nervous. After all, he was not a novice among ordinary people. He knew about prophecy and many mysterious reconnaissance skills.

Could he have been exposed?

No, even if it is exposed, it will only expose the red ball.

He forced himself to comfort himself, and then started to complain.

Can’t you let me farm and develop with peace of mind?

Why does the opponent react so quickly?

It’s a shame that I chose Nanzhou, which is the most hip place.

If you dare to establish this kind of evil god territory in Dongzhou, I am afraid that you will have been hung up and beaten by now.

Who is it that comes to investigate you?

Can you win the other party over?

If you can't win over them, should you give up your territory and hide yourself, or go head-on?

Countless questions, choices, decisions... all came and went in his mind.

Only then did he understand how difficult it was to be a powerful person who made a difference.

No wonder the great emperors in history did not live a very happy life.

He has just started. He has just met an enemy and is in such a difficult situation. How will he survive when he meets a powerful person in the future?

Liu Jian jumped out of bed and was no longer as comfortable as before.

He rushed into the bathroom and flushed his face with cold water.

Applying cold water to his face made him calm down a lot.

Don't be anxious, don't mess up. You have already got Tianhu's opening, and you must not be like the fools in history and just play gg and get into trouble.

There are many disaster lords who are more outstanding than myself, but what I do does not pose a high level of threat.

The reason why it is not easy to make a decision is that the information is unclear. We need to conduct a counter-reconnaissance first to let the people in the flame group find out the purpose and energy of the person coming.

Well, it’s time to increase the power of the second-level puppets like Flame Ball, otherwise, it will be difficult for them to play a big role.

Fortunately, I have been reading history books. Those who can become kings in the later stage almost always keep a low profile in the early stage, let others attract firepower, secretly accumulate strength, and finally win in a wave. And those who show off in the early stage, almost none of them succeed.


Yuan Shu of the Three Kingdoms is the most typical negative example.

Liu Jian made a decision secretly. Just as he was about to go back to the bedroom, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind

Your current role seems a lot like a fugitive?

He immediately strangled this thought to death. He was not a fugitive, but a chess player, and he had plenty of strength and cards.

If it really doesn't work, I can still surrender to the Inspectorate.

It’s just that before that, you must refine the red ball into your own, and it cannot be taken away by anyone. Otherwise, based on your past record, you are likely to be taken away...

After thinking clearly about the way out, Liu Jian immediately started to take action.

On the one hand, he showed his kindness to the flames and rewarded them for their hard work; on the other hand, he stepped up his practice of puppetry, preparing to split more soul fragments and strengthen the integration with the red ball.

Previously, I only used the preliminary skills of puppetry, and the connection between the two parties is not actually strong. But if more of my soul fragments are mixed in, if it exceeds a certain amount, I will have absolute ownership.

If he can learn the final self-destruction technique in the puppet technique, then no one can take away his ownership.


After Wen Rensheng returned home, he called Lao Liu and asked about the evaluation by the xenogeneic expert.

The students are so concerned, so as a teacher, he naturally wants to contribute.

"Oh, now it has been internally determined that the evaluation standards will be improved, but the specific amount of improvement will not be decided until the end of this year's heterogeneous host progress qualification examination. By the way, it is May now, which is more than two months later.

Let's start. Didn't you serve as a judge last time? Are you going again this time?" Inspector Liu gave the reply.

"Yes, it was me last time, but there are too many things this year. It depends on the situation. By the way, the situation is complicated now. Under the new standards, should merit be considered in the criteria for promotion to experts?" Wen Rensheng said smoothly.


"Well, since you said so, it seems that everyone has the same opinion and should join in. Nowadays, many people are afraid of the disaster, but they have forgotten to activate the alien species given by the Inspectorate.

, you should have completed the corresponding obligations." Inspector Liu agreed.

"Yes, if you are unwilling to take risks, then you are not qualified to continue using it. It should be handed over to new people who are willing to take the risks." Wen Rensheng hit the nail on the head.

This is the benefit of the Inspectorate's ownership of most of the alien species. At critical moments, it can have the right to mobilize the power of almost all alien species.

As for McCann and other continents, they generally practice private ownership of alien species. The advantage of this is that it can attract aliens from all over the world to join, and many people are even willing to take huge risks and flee.

However, once danger comes, they have no right to force the other party to go into battle, and can only start from other aspects. However, those constraints are weak constraints.

Unlike Dongzhou, if you don’t want to join, then you need to remove the alien species and hand it over to those who are willing; more than one billion people can always organize and mobilize tens of millions of people who dare to fight.

Although most people are afraid of danger, it must be admitted that there are always some people who have fearless courage and dare to face risks.

Not to mention, as an ordinary person, even if you have been avoiding risks, you can live for only a few decades at most. But now there is an opportunity, although you have to take risks, you can live for a hundred years or more. Naturally, more people will appear.

People have the courage to step forward.

From here we can see how far-sighted the predecessors who set up this heterogeneous shared system were, and they persisted in carrying it out despite a lot of resistance.

Therefore, in the face of the current complex situation, the Inspectorate can still show a calm attitude, which is also one of the foundations.

Hearing this, Inspector Liu was pleased and said, "Well, that's completely correct. Alas, there are still very few people who have such an awareness as you. Most people think that what they gave to me is mine, and don't think about this thing.

Who do they belong to, and what are they originally like?"

"Okay, this is very common. There is no completely pure group, and they have to be constantly screened. Most people have to refine the real gold from mediocrity. After all, there are still very few born pure gold like me." Wen Ren

Sheng comforted.

"...If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first." Inspector Liu said speechlessly.

"Well, hang up first."

After Wen Rensheng hung up the call, he thought about it and decided to continue learning about puppetry.

He is now an intermediate puppet master and can handle most problems with ease, but he still needs to deepen his skills.

After all, judging from the current situation, this skill will receive unprecedented attention and will only become more and more important.

Log in to the Inspection Department intranet and search for relevant information.

After searching for a while, he finally found a senior alien who had the highest reputation in the field of puppetry, was still alive, and had a "grandmaster level of puppetry". He had published many related papers and research reports under his name.

The other party is just a master of alien species, but he has devoted his whole life to puppetry and has extremely high attainments.

It is a pity that the other party is very old and on the verge of death, so teaching is impossible. I can only save my energy for sorting out and continuing research.

Wen Rensheng calmed down and began to browse all the other party's research results from beginning to end.

This is the sharing of top-level resources, and others cannot learn it even if they want to.

When teaching to foreign students, he must also be careful not to reveal many secrets.

This chapter has been completed!
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