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Chapter 645: Peace of Mind

 That night, Wen Rensheng learned the whole process of the Jin Bao incident.

The process is actually very simple, Jin Bao has already revealed part of it in public before.

The specific situation is that two years ago, three of Jin Bao's friends were out exploring somewhere and discovered that a new alien species was about to be born somewhere in Dongzhou.

Of course they are not willing to tell the Inspectorate, because as the first discoverer, they can have lifetime rights to use it. If they report it, they will at most get corresponding rewards.

It's just that they already have a mutant species. If they want to replace it with this new mutant species, they need to remove the previous mutant species and return it to the Inspectorate.

The advantage is that you no longer have to worry about the alien qualification assessment. The problem is that there are three people, and no one wants to leave it to others.

This is actually very easy to understand. Originally, the three of them were working hard to prepare for the college entrance examination, but one of them was rejected. How could the other two be so willing?

Coupled with the frequent occurrence of disasters and mutations, removing the mutant species that have been cultivated for many years and replacing them with new mutant species will cause a huge period of weakness.

There is one last problem. They may not be able to activate and adapt to the new alien species. At that time, they will need to take the right to use this alien species, go to the mysterious market, and exchange with others for a different species that suits them.

All in all, this is a quite tedious process.

The three of them were arguing, and Jin Bao overheard it.

In the end, the three people reluctantly reached an agreement and used the birth of the alien species to improve themselves. At the same time, they signed a contract, agreeing that each person would have one-third of the right to use the new alien species. After receiving the new alien species, they would use this contract to go to the mysterious market to buy what they needed.


In this process, Jin Bao became a yellow bird.

Unexpectedly, the newly born alien species was a seed of greed, which inspired the three of them to fight each other to death.

If it weren't for the influence of this alien species, no matter how hard the three of them fought, they wouldn't be able to fight to the death. After all, they don't have to worry about failing the test for the time being.

In fact, Jin Bao was still able to stop the fight between the three of them at the last moment and make the three of them wake up.

But he just watched until the end, and then when collecting the alien species, he discovered that he could activate this new alien species.

Out of surprise, and because the things he had done could not be made public, they used disguise techniques to erase his traces in the entire incident, turning the scene into a bizarre incident in which three people killed each other.

Although it is rare for mutants to kill each other, it is not unheard of. After the local inspection department recovered three mutants, they did not continue to pursue them.

After Wen Rensheng listened, he understood the root cause.

In fact, it is because under the general background, disasters occur frequently, and the inspection departments in various places are too burdened. They cannot get to the bottom of a certain mysterious incident as before. As long as it does not spread into a mass disaster, it will be temporarily archived.

This is the influence of the times, just like during times of war, criminal cases are often left uninvestigated.

But he thought about it carefully and unearthed an important detail from this old incident.

How did Jin Bao possess two mutants at the same time? How did Liu Jian possess two?

Under normal circumstances, ordinary people are extremely lucky if they can activate one. So activating two is basically equivalent to winning the five million lottery twice in a row.

The history of aliens is so long? Naturally, there are many high-level aliens who try to activate a few more aliens after their status and strength are improved and their resources are abundant.

After all, even if 1 1 is not greater than 2, it will often be greater than 1.

Just like Wen Rensheng is now at the whirlpool exchange gate? There are still two alien species that can be customized.

But those high-level mutants who tried to activate multiple mutants all failed? They even caused a huge backlash, leading to a regression in strength.

The question arises, can Wen Rensheng absorb those two alien species into his body? After all, they can choose the type that suits him.

Why can't other mutants do it, but Liu Jian and Jin Bao can? What do these two people have in common?

It is difficult for one person to study, but with two people, it is easier to find common ground.

But Wen Rensheng knows that research is a time-consuming thing.

He won't do it himself, but he has a deep trusting relationship with the Inspectorate and a high degree of information sharing.

So he planned to entrust this matter to him.


Half an hour later, Director An received a call from Wen Rensheng.

"Double heterogeneity owners? This is a very interesting topic. Some heterogeneity researchers have proposed similar projects in the past, hoping to cultivate multiple heterogeneity owners, but there is a lack of samples and not much progress. Since you provided two samples, we

The project can be restarted."

"Then it's all your fault. I just want to know the final research results." Wen Rensheng said politely.

"This is what it should be. It seems that having you as the chief judge is beneficial. Among these hundreds of thousands of newcomers, there are still many secrets that we have not discovered." Director An said happily.

"Well, I hope these secrets can help us clear up more fog."

At this point, Wen Rensheng was about to hang up the phone when Director Security suddenly said, "Recently we have obtained a new technology, which is an ability to maintain absolute calm in the human mind through intubation through the back of the head. What do you think of it?"

Should it be used?"

"I think it should be used, but not on our land." Wen Rensheng said calmly.

"Well, heroes think alike." Director An's tone was a little weird. He didn't expect Wen Rensheng to give such a darkly humorous answer. It was really not like what a young man in his twenties could say.


Then the two talked about the recent situation, and then hung up the phone.

Wen Rensheng looked at the sky outside the hotel. Night had fallen, and the stars were obscured by city lights. Nothing could be seen.

Intubation in the back of the head? It sounds similar to those black science fiction. Needless to say, this should be a technology developed by McCann and Xizhou people.

They have always wanted to use technology to conquer mystery, and now they have taken another huge step. However, no one can say for the time being whether the road ahead of this step will be a cliff or a smooth road.

But Wen Rensheng knows one thing, even if people live in a virtual world, they cannot escape the influence of mystery. Don't forget, there are also disastrous existences like electronic ghosts.

As long as people can still produce emotional activities, they will not be let go by the mysterious world.

Just when he thought of this, the voice that once confused him suddenly appeared in his mind again. The voice that once accused McCann of hypocrisy when he was watching a disaster.

"No technology is useful. You have nowhere to escape. Only by integrating with us is the only chance to gain peace of mind. You are extraordinary beings. With this qualification, you should not be like those ordinary beings."

"Who are you? Where are you?" Wen Rensheng asked without panicking.

"I am you, the deepest consciousness in your heart."

"I have always been upright, and I don't have the wretched subconscious mind like you that peeps at others every day." Wen Rensheng decisively refused.

The voice fell silent, as if it couldn't bear Wen Rensheng's shamelessness, because Wen Rensheng himself was always peeking into other people's secrets.

Wen Rensheng didn't care whether it was silent or not. The voices appeared one after another. He couldn't tolerate the existence of such a guy peeking at him.

Although the opponent cannot see his real trump card, he cannot tolerate it.

After all, he has to take a shower every day.

So he wanted to find out where the other party was. He decided to temporarily put aside the practice of defensive skills and practice the art of communicating with the underworld to find out the true identity of this guy.

This chapter has been completed!
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