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Chapter 651 The Dead Teacher

 After completing the alien qualification assessment and initially settling the whispers in his head, Wen Rensheng focused on learning the five defense skills he had ordered previously.

Just like learning "Tong Ming Shu", it is faster to find a teacher. Of course, some skills cannot find a teacher.

This time, he did not ask around by himself, but asked Lao Wu to help find it.

Because he had seen it before, Lao Wu was good at defense skills, and the other party should have quite a lot of connections in this field.

He was not disappointed. Wu Liansong recommended him an old man named Lou Nan, a very famous alien.

"I learned several of my skills from Senior Lou. He is a master of defense. He is proficient in various defense skills and is also good at health and longevity. He is already two hundred and twenty-two years old this year, and he is still in good health.

Prosperous, the sun eclipses one stone, the teeth are intact, the body is strong..." Wu Liansong praised him greatly.

This is rare. Lao Wu rarely praises others. Those who can be praised by others must be really good.

Wen Rensheng expressed his gratitude and asked Lao Wu to write him a letter of recommendation so that he could visit him.

Going hastily is too rude to such an older generation.

He still knows this rule.

Lao Wu happily wrote him a letter of recommendation, and also said hello to the senior and informed him about Wen Ren's promotion to become a disciple.

Senior Lou expressed his willingness to support his juniors and asked Wen Rensheng to just take the letter of recommendation and visit him at his mountain villa.

The location is located in a mountain range in the Far North Region. The coldest time has been recorded as minus 50 or 60 degrees Celsius. According to the words of the old timers, the cold makes people strong, the warm makes people soft, and the hot makes people lie down.

Environmental determinism has scientific truth.

Wen Rensheng originally wanted to go there alone, but he never thought that Ouyang Ling said that it had been a long time since the family went on a trip, so why not take this opportunity to go out and have a look.

It’s scorching hot weather now, so it’s a good idea to go north to escape the heat.

Wen Rensheng thought for a while and agreed, so the family of three got on the plane at the same time and rushed to Senior Lou's mountain villa.

The plane flew for a full 7 hours before landing in a nearby small town, and then rented an RV. The three of them drove for more than three hours before arriving at the destination mountain range.

A rolling mountain range, looking up? It’s green below the mountainside, and it’s pure white above. That’s the snow line.

"Senior Lou? I've heard about it too. I heard that he has a bit of an eccentric temperament. Do you want me to give us a good or bad trip for this trip?" Wen Rende looked up at a building complex hidden in the mountains and spoke.


Is there no road up there? We can only climb up on foot, as I’m afraid it won’t take another two hours.

"Forget it, be prepared." Ouyang Ling nodded, looking around with a hint of excitement that she hadn't been out for a long time.

Wen Rensheng nodded in the same way? Is it right to be prepared? Don't be like some idiots who remind others to be careful before falling into the pit yourself later.

Wen Rende then took out a tablet he carried with him and scratched around on it.

Wen Rensheng found it interesting. He couldn't help but said, "Is your method of prophecy really keeping pace with the times?"

"Of course? This is a big data prediction method. Collect as much data as possible, and then you can reduce the prediction error, increase the hit rate, and reduce the probability of backlash." Wen Rende said proudly.

"As a person in his forties, can he act like an elder in front of his son?" Ouyang Ling said dissatisfied.

Just when Wen Rende was about to refute, his expression suddenly changed, "How is that possible? That's wrong!"

"What happened?" Ouyang Ling asked hurriedly.

"Come and take a look." Wen Rende said nothing, but handed the tablet to the two of them.

Wen Rensheng looked down and saw a photo displayed on the tablet. It was that of the old man Lou Nan. The photo was very accurate, but it was black and white... a photo of the deceased.

An old man with a kind face, only some wrinkles on his face, and his hair is still black. He is obviously well rested. His eyebrows are broad and thick. He is an old man who makes people look relaxed and happy.

"What does this mean?" Ouyang Ling asked doubtfully.

"This means that the person I am going to become a disciple of is actually a deceased person?" Wenren Sheng said quietly.

"That's right, my son is still smart, but the old woman is not. You can't even tell." Wen Rende praised.

Ouyang Ling didn't argue with him, she just looked at the corner of the villa in the mountain. The place where she originally thought it was peaceful became a little weird.

The snow layer on the top of the mountain seems to have a hint of black.

At this time, a reminder also appeared in Wen Rensheng's mind

"Dead teachers can be teachers even if they are dead. Be brave and ask for advice. You will find that it can teach you more than living people."


"Mysterious composition???"

"Let's go back and tell the local inspection department to handle the matter." Ouyang Ling said.

Wen Rende was eager to give it a try, "Don't tell me, your tasks for this year should have been allocated. It just so happens that if we take care of this matter next time, we can make up for your allocation. With your son here, what are you afraid of?"
When Ouyang Ling heard this, she no longer objected, but said to Wenren Sheng, "Son, what do you think?"

"Well, don't alert the snake, let my puppet go find out the details first." As he said that, he took out the Ruyi Puppet, a small round ball, from his backpack.

Then he was infused with the power of the alien species, and immediately he rose at the slightest sign of wind. Soon, he became exactly like him.

"It's really amazing. Make one for me anytime." Wen Rende said with eyes shining.

"Make one for me too." Ouyang Ling was not to be outdone.

"If you find all the materials, I can help. The materials include..." Wen Rensheng said as he asked Ruyi Puppet to go up the mountain alone with the letter of recommendation.

Now is different from before. He will not casually enter a place with great danger like in the past.

Then Wen Rensheng called again and said that he had reached the foot of the mountain and was about to go up alone.

The person who answered the phone was a woman with a young and pleasant voice. She called herself Lou Xiaoxian and was the great-granddaughter of Master Lou. She said there was someone at home and asked Wen Rensheng to come up directly.

After doing all this, Wen Rensheng and the others returned to the car, turned a corner, found a nearby town on the map, and drove there.


Wen Rensheng and his family found the best hotel in the town, and under the guidance of the enthusiastic waiter, they opened two suites.

But then the three of them came to Wen Rensheng's room. Wen Rensheng closed the curtains, and then used the illusion technique to place the Ruyi Puppet's information into the room.

In the eyes of the three people, Ruyi Puppet had already arrived outside the mountain villa.

Green trees and flowers, pavilions and pavilions reflect the elegant style of the villa owner.

However, beneath this beautiful scenery, there are heart-stopping things hidden.

"Bang bang..." Ruyi knocked on the door.

The door opened directly, and a beautiful young woman came out.

"You are Master Wen Ren, right? I am Lou Xiaoxian. I'm really sorry that I have to ask you to climb all the way up. Our ancestors like to be clean and live in remote places." The woman bowed and apologized politely, looking at Wen Rensheng with obvious eyesight.

I have a good impression.

"It doesn't matter, I'm here to become a disciple. How can this little trouble be ignored?" Wen Rensheng said through Ruyi.

"Then please come in." Lou Xiaoxian extended his hand to invite.

Wenrensheng then asked Ruyi to follow, and he followed suit.

This chapter has been completed!
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