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Chapter 701 Crack

 Finally it was the experimenter's turn to start asking questions. Wen Rensheng also perked up and leaned forward slightly, assuming a posture of listening carefully.

"I would like to ask sir, now we are facing powerful and unknown enemies. The more we understand them, the more powerful we find them. How can we survive in the future?" the experimenter asked sincerely.<


At this time, everyone on the surrounding terrace seats looked solemn. This is also their biggest concern at the moment.

The more you know, the more you fear.

The ignorant are fearless.

"It is a very simple thing to survive in the face of a strong enemy..." The scholar replied without looking up while copying the story just now, "You have many, many examples to learn from."<


"Example?" the experimenter asked puzzledly.

Everyone was refreshed.

Only Wen Rensheng shook his head slightly. He had already guessed what the other party wanted to say, because he had seen too many thinking disasters.

"Pigs, sheep, cows, chickens, ducks...aren't these all facing strong enemies every day, and they live well? It is predicted that they can live for tens of thousands more years." The scholar thought to himself.


"But they are all in captivity and have no freedom." The experimenter shook his head.

"Oh, tigers, lions, antelopes, and zebras also have freedom and face powerful enemies, so can they still live well? You are fully capable of exterminating them easily, so why don't you continue to do so? You are already extinct anyway.

Millions of living things." The scholar asked again.

"Of course it's because we have discovered the concept of ecological balance. The extinction of tigers and lions will cause the collapse of the ecological chain, causing various unknown impacts, which will eventually affect us." The experimenter thought for a moment and replied.

"By the way, this is the best example to learn from. You want freedom and are threatened by powerful enemies, so you must make powerful enemies realize the significance of your existence. Think carefully about what your existence does to powerful enemies.

Does it mean anything?" The scholar followed the instructions carefully.

Sure enough.

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he sneered in his heart? Or was he saying the same thing as those monsters?

It is nothing more than trying to make human beings willing to be pigs, cows and sheep.

The experimenter still shook his head and said, "We hope to be able to control our own destiny as we did before."

The scholar was a little impatient: "Stupid, you have set up powerful and unknown enemies yourself, and I have repeatedly faced powerful enemies? Do you know how I survived?"

"I would like to hear the details." The experimenter said with cupped hands.

"It's very simple. If the enemy is not something I can resist, I will offer it up high and become one with them. So you saw me in this book today..." the scholar said proudly.



The experimenter's eyelids were twitching? His veins were popping out? He wanted to spit on the other party, but he was a highly rational person and could still suppress his emotions and just remained silent.

Can he hold back? It doesn't mean that people from all over Dongzhou can hold back.

You must know that Dongzhou has always been the world's hegemon and has never fallen behind. It has long developed an extremely strong public character? Upright and fierce? It has even evolved into arrogance.


"Get out!"

"What if I can survive by being a dog? I would rather die with the enemy!"

For a moment, the circular staircase auditorium became noisy, with constant curses and someone even picked up a notebook and smashed it down.

At this time, the ancient book was in front of them. It was not a terrifying and invincible monster, but a clown.

The people’s support can be used.

Wen Rensheng looked around? He thought to himself.

"Why are you so excited? I'm just telling the truth, why are you so excited?" The scholar said disdainfully.

The experimenter pressed down his hands to signal the staff to maintain order.

"Everyone, be quiet and continue the experiment. We are conducting an experiment." The staff stepped forward to appease everyone.

Only then did everyone calm down.

The scholar said again, "You don't believe it? Then let's talk about a few more examples. You should know the rise of the McCann people? Why did the local people decline from tens of millions to hundreds of thousands? It's simple. They are constantly resisting.

, from the beginning he could only fight with animal bone arrows, but in the end he learned muskets and horseback riding, causing great damage to his opponents, and making himself always considered a threat by his opponents, and finally he was on the verge of extinction."

Everyone listened patiently, but no one looked good.

"It is said that those local people are still your distant relatives. In contrast, they are the Nanzhu people who are next to you. They kneel to whomever they see. Now, instead of being exterminated, their population has grown almost as much as yours? You say, this

Between the two examples, which one can be regarded as an example of successful survival? Tell me loudly, which one?"

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The scholar said proudly.

"Asshole, we are a kingdom in heaven and the world's hegemon, how can we be compared with those small barbarian countries?"

"Yes, their survival experience is not suitable for us!"

"You are insulting us!"

"Tear it up!"

The atmosphere became violent again, and the staff had to calm down again.

The experimenter was helpless when he saw this. In order to ensure the authenticity of the story, these people were invited directly. They only told some simple precautions and did not undergo rigorous training to avoid obliterating their ideas and inspiration. Therefore, their own

The mood swings are also very big, and they can explode at a moment's notice.

People who can tell stories are themselves very emotional and perceptual people.

Wen Rensheng suddenly stood up and said to the scholar, "You said that when we face that unknown and powerful enemy, we can only live like other people, like dogs, pigs, and sheep. But I want to tell you,

People are different! They may knock us down a hundred times, but we will get up a hundred and one times. We will always stand to the end! We are the eternal kingdom of heaven!"

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"Well said!"

"That's it!"

"We will always win!"

The atmosphere in the auditorium became intense for the third time.

At this moment, the figure of the scholar in the ancient book suddenly became furious under the impact of this atmosphere.

"Damn it, you guys who are not sons of man, why don't you listen to the words of the saints? What I say is all the truth and the best philosophy of survival. You actually doubt my answer. I will eat you all!

As he spoke, he suddenly transformed from an ancient scholar with a rich education from E Guan to a huge mouth!

That huge mouth is about to sweep towards everyone.

"You can't eat anyone. Your unbreakable setting is just because you haven't received a real blow!" Wen Rensheng stretched out his finger, and a purple mist filled the air.

Swallow it directly with that huge mouth.

The next moment, it exploded and turned into a column of smoke, disappearing above the auditorium.

Everyone watched with excitement.

The experimenter was horrified. Of course, they had done many sabotage experiments. Although they had not yet invited a real trump card, there were many master-level figures to test this ancient book.

In the end, I found that no one can defeat the scholar. If you follow that setting and fail to tell the story, you will be eaten by him.

Or just use the transfer method and let the next person tell a story that satisfies him.

However, now, the pattern of this discovery has been cracked.

"What, what's going on? Master Wen Ren, did you just destroy this book?" The experimenter couldn't help but turned to Wen Rensheng and asked.

"No, what I destroyed was just a disaster parasitic on the ancient book. Aren't the ancient books themselves still there? It's not that easy to destroy." Wen Rensheng reminded.

The experimenter then noticed that the ancient book itself was not damaged in any way. The only change was that the fresh blood stains on the cover disappeared.

"I see. However, you were able to see the details of it and eliminate it in such a short period of time. You are indeed extremely intelligent." The experimenter couldn't help but said.

"Nothing but familiarity with your hands." Wen Rensheng said calmly.

"Uh... well, front-line combatants are experienced. Unlike us rear-line researchers, sometimes we can't see clearly and fall into fog." The experimenter understood.

This is because Wen Rensheng has encountered similar weird things before, so he can recognize them.

This chapter has been completed!
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