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Chapter 730 Choice

 Six hours later.

In the auction room.

A bottle of injection was first injected into a selected rich kid.

His body was covered in blood, with red light flashing on it.

He was selected not because of his family background, but because his physique was among the top among this group of people.

It's just that his body is limp, his spirit is listless, his eyes are desperate, and his strong physique cannot resist this mysterious accident.

In his panicked and horrified eyes, as the injection was injected, the bloodshot threads broke inch by inch.

However, the person was safe and sound, and no further explosions occurred.

"I, I'm fine!"

The young rich boy shouted out in great surprise.

Then he was put on a stretcher by a medical robot and carried out.

In the past time, although it was less than a day, he had already experienced the process from despair to hope, and from hope to despair.

His huge fortune, his beautiful woman, the company he worked so hard to build

It's back in his hands again!

This feeling of escaping from death is indescribable.

It's like a suffocated person breathing air, like a high fever and headache finally relieved and able to sleep peacefully.

"Thank you, thank you, you have worked hard, I will send you a banner and bonus!"

The rich kid was lying on the stretcher and making promises again and again.

Others suddenly became hopeful that at least the person who was being treated could speak, right?

And they were so wrapped in blood that they couldn't even move their throats.

Some people struggled hard to reach the rescue robots, winking at the robots with only movable eyelids.

They are not stupid, of course they know that there are operators behind the robots.

This look is not for the machine, but for the people behind the scenes.

Someone even used the blink of an eye to spy and typed a code that could pay tens of millions of dollars to rescue him first

It can be seen from this that in a matter of life or death, people can do anything.

However, the treatment operations are still proceeding step by step and are not affected by them.

At the Inspection Division headquarters, Zhao Han saw the scene through the big screen, and with the explanation on the screen, he couldn't help but be surprised:

"Are they stupid? Sooner or later everyone will be able to rescue them. Why should they spend tens of millions more to let others come to the rescue in advance?"

Wen Rensheng glanced at her and didn't explain, just sighed slightly.

What does this sigh mean?

Zhao Han was a little confused. Could it be that what she said was wrong?

Fortunately, a combat staff officer explained her doubts.

"Ms. Zhao, the reason is very simple. This piece of blood is Ruyi and has basic intelligence. Our medicine can only deceive the blood remaining in the victim's body, but cannot deceive it as the main body. When more people are rescued, it will

You may feel something abnormal and take action. At this time, it is natural who is rescued first and who takes advantage."

"Then we can inject medicine at the same time to prevent it from reacting?" Zhao Han continued.

"Injecting at the same time and blocking at the same time, there is a high possibility that it will feel the danger immediately and have an immediate attack. For the sake of safety, we can only do it part by part, while looking for ways to deceive Xue Ruyi." The combat staff shook his head.
As soon as the staff officer finished speaking, the situation on the big screen changed immediately.

The second deceased appeared.

When the medicine was just injected into the body of the 150th person, she was a middle-aged woman, dressed quite elegantly.

She was in the joy of being rescued when she suddenly burst out like the first person!

Blood was everywhere and the pieces of meat were messy.

"Ah!" Zhao Han covered his mouth.

She thought things would be smooth sailing, but she didn't know the reality was so cruel!

Even if a blocking agent is made, there will still be twists and turns!

"Oh, as expected, this happened. Blocking the blood threads is no longer possible. We need to transfer the blood threads to new targets and see if we can use cattle, sheep, and pigs instead." The combat staff shook his head.

Zhao Han remained silent. She had just noticed the fact that the one hundred and fifty people rescued were mainly young women and children, with occasionally a few young or elderly men.

There will still be differences between life and death.

At the same time, the western suburbs of Belo City, Xizhou.

It was once the largest and most prosperous city in Xizhou. It was located on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean and had extremely convenient transportation.

However, at this time it is becoming a ghost town.

From time to time, scattered citizens can be seen fleeing the city in convertibles or trucks with their families in tow.

Not far to the west, there is a slowly expanding Great Rift Valley, which is the cause of all this.

Four months ago, it was just a small gap.

No one cared about it at the time, and it will disappear automatically after a while.

However, it survived tenaciously and did not disappear due to the disappearance of geological activities. Instead, it continued to expand.

Now it is one kilometer wide, five kilometers long, and hundreds of meters deep. The bottom is filled with rainwater and underground water seeping out, forming a lake.

It was possible to hide it at first, but now, it is impossible to hide it no matter what.

After all, such a large area can be clearly seen from a high place more than ten kilometers away.

Citizens fled one after another, panicking at first.

Later, they discovered that it would not expand into the urban area for a while, so they evacuated in an orderly manner.

However, this still brought great losses.

You must know that the real estate prices here were once the highest in Xizhou. Many people’s biggest property is their house.

Excluding houses, many people have negative equity.

A large number of people are unwilling to evacuate and require local special departments to deal with the expanding valley.

At this time, a group of dark people were sitting in a truck that had escaped from Bellow City, shouting curses inside.

"Damn it, those losers, fools, bastards born from it!"

"It's been months and that damn place still hasn't been solved!"

"The despicable Dongzhou people can suppress the volcano, but they can't even solve a valley!"

"They are just a bunch of trash who only eat and don't work!"

"We finally managed to secure a piece of territory here, and then we just gave up?"

They were angry and frustrated, but they had no choice but to look at the distant city, where they had just started their dream.

At this moment, a cold man's voice suddenly came from above them.

"I thought I was a little reluctant to do it, after all, you are also from Xizhou. But hearing you scold me so happily and letting you die seems to be a very happy thing."

Along with the sound, a cloud of gray mist poured directly into the truck compartment, ignoring the glass and iron sheets.

All the people fell into unconsciousness in an instant, and the car was stopped forcibly.

"Okay, Luo Er, don't be so boring and do our business quickly." A female voice said.

Soon the direction of the truck was reversed, from escaping the rift valley to rushing towards the rift valley.

In the cab of the truck, there were two other people.

These two people are Linna and Luo Er, people from the Xizhou Special Affairs Bureau.

Luo Er asked casually while driving:

"Do you think people from Dongzhou will come over to solve this rift valley?"

"Not yet, they will never be threatened, and they don't care about thousands of lives." Lina shook her head.

"Then why did the higher-ups make such a plan?"

"Because they can not care about thousands of lives now, but they can't care about hundreds of thousands of lives in the future." Linna's face was complicated.

"Is that Xue Ruyi really so powerful? It is just an item belonging to a chief, and it has only absorbed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in history. Is there really nothing the Dongzhou people can do with it?"

"There must be ways, but those ways will not be as simple as suppressing the Rift Valley. They will weigh the gains and losses very calmly. The anger caused by being blackmailed will only affect personal judgment and will not affect collective decision-making."
"They could have just stolen the skull."

"Normally, they can do that, but now we have us," Lina sighed.

"Well, it's easier to make trouble than to do business. Who makes them not agree to our request? They obviously have the technology to suppress geological activities, but they don't share it with us. They deserve to be troubled by us." Luo Er gloated.

Lina didn't say anything. She was always out of tune with her colleagues because she was not shameless enough.

This chapter has been completed!
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