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Chapter 741 Difficulty

 Teacher Qin finished speaking and then looked at the old man.

The old man was stunned, and then looked at Wen Rensheng.

The three of them were silent for a while.

A crow "croaked" flew by.

"How many mysterious skills do you know now?" the old man finally asked.

"27 kinds." Wen Rensheng said without hesitation.

"What? Hahaha," the old man suddenly slapped his legs and laughed wildly, and said to Teacher Qin, "Xiao Qin, listen, he is only 23 years old this year, right? He has learned 27 skills!"

"You are already useless, you are already useless! Do you know?"

The old man stood up, jumped directly onto the stone table, pointed at Wen Rensheng and cursed!

Wen Rensheng frowned and asked seriously, "How do you know that I am 23 years old? I check my biological age every year. I have always been 18 years old. I shouldn't be seen out."

The old man was so angry that he had varicose veins on his head and his hands were shaking. "Am I telling you how old you are? I am telling you that you are already useless, you know!"

"Teacher, calm down, calm down," Teacher Qin stepped forward and patted the old man on the back, "Actually, Xiao Wen's situation is a bit special. He is an ancient species. He has a special bonus in learning and using this mysterious skill. This is

Only a few people can know the top secret information. Because I am his teacher and have more contact with him, I can see this."

"Oh, that's it," the old man said softly at first, and then scolded him, "Since it is top secret information, you shouldn't tell me anymore! How did I teach you before?"

"Uh...I was wrong." Teacher Qin stood at attention and admitted his mistake honestly.

"Okay, even so, you can't squander your talents. Your time is limited after all. Maybe you can double or triple the effect of primary skills, seven or eight times, but it can't be compared to

Do you delve into a system and study it thoroughly? If you delve into a system and study it thoroughly, then you will be a master than a grandmaster in the future." The old man's tone softened.

Just when Wen Rensheng was about to say something, the old man waved his hand, "Don't say that. I know young people don't listen to advice. I was like that back then. I wouldn't listen to what the teacher said. I also thought I could understand everything and be able to return to everything."

First, cultivate the formless divine skills, which can simulate all the mysterious skills in the world."

You have watched too many martial arts...

Wen Rensheng really wanted to complain.

"You are still young now, and there is still time to recover. Please tell me specifically, what skills have you learned?" the old man asked directly.

"I wonder how many skills my senior has learned?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"Oh, it seems you are still dissatisfied." The old man sneered, and then stretched out a finger.

"One hundred kinds? Senior is really a god." Wen Rensheng was immediately in awe.

This old man looks to be 200 years old at most, which is equivalent to learning a skill in two years.

In the past, it generally took three months to half a year for a skill to go from familiarity to basic mastery, sublimation and imprinting.

Excluding the time spent on other things, this amount of mastering is already scary.

Moreover, many of the old man's skills must have developed to expert level or above, which will waste a lot of time. After all, without experts, he will not be able to retain the alien species.

And he also understood that even some masters have a total of sixty or seventy skills, which is enough to form a huge skill tree system.

"Guess again!" the old man said proudly.

"101 kinds?" Wen Rensheng asked tentatively.

"Bah! Guess again!" the old man said contemptuously.

Teacher Qin had a headache and wanted to speak, but was slapped hard by the old man and quickly continued to stand.

"I'm telling you, if you don't guess correctly next time, don't ask for anything today. I won't agree to anything!" The old man obviously had the temper of a child. He got so excited that he actually sat on the stone table...

Wen Rensheng also had a headache. It would be nice if Zhao Han was here.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes, pretended to be thoughtful, and then first contacted the puppet at home, and then used the puppet to find Zhao Han.


At this time, Zhao Han was being asked to solve a case.

The case itself seems very simple, it is just a series of accidents that eventually led to someone's death.

The specific process is that on the 28th floor of an office building, A opened the window, and then B went over and placed a pot of flowers.

Then C went there to make a phone call and accidentally knocked down the flower.

The flowerpot fell and killed a man who was waiting below.

And that person happened to be the one Ding called to wait for him there.

Four people, A, B, C and D, each did something seemingly ordinary, which resulted in an accident.

But the security officer is not stupid. He came over to adjust the surveillance and found that such a coincidence was obviously planned by someone.

However, the evidence could not be found through normal channels, so the task was entrusted to the Inspection Department.

Zhao Han just needed to accumulate merit points, so he took on this task.

For her, this matter is very simple. She can directly trace back to A, B, C, and D, and find out the circumstances of their conspiracy... Then everything will come to light, and all the processes can be followed as they should.

However, what shocked her was that she followed the previous method and went back three times, but still could not find the situation where the four people were conspiring or accepting orders from others.

However, no matter how you look at it, these four people are definitely colluding. At least one person tells them what to do and when.

Because in terms of probability, the chance of a coincidence like before is really too small.

Just when she was at a loss what to do, Wen Rensheng called. This was simply a life-saving call.

Zhao Han quickly told Wen Rensheng about the trouble he encountered.

After Wen Rensheng heard this, he was stunned for a while, and then said, "So, there is something wrong with your backtracking technique?"

"Yes, when I made predictions in the past, I was only uncertain when looking into the future. When I looked back at the past, I never encountered the troubles we have today when looking at the situation of ordinary people."

"Either the four people behind them are not ordinary people, or they are..."

"What is it?" Zhao Han asked.

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"I hope I didn't think too much about it, and you don't need to know about it for the time being. I'll give you another traceback object now." Wen Rensheng then informed her of the old man's situation.

About ten minutes later, Zhao Han said in surprise, "That old man knows 11,111 mysterious skills. I wonder how he can go back to another person by changing the subject?"

"Thank you for your hard work, I will study this matter later." Wen Rensheng didn't have time to worry about Zhao Han's problem for the time being, so he said a few perfunctory words.

This is simply the symbol of the ultimate single dog...

Wen Rensheng was overjoyed afterwards.

There are more than 10,000 kinds of them, if you learn them all by yourself.

Even the most conservative estimate is that each skill only gives an upper limit of 5 points of mystery, which is more than 50,000 points.

50,000 points, 500 times the basic bonus, another 500 times the activation bonus, and finally 250,000 times!

What is this concept? This is God’s concept!

Just kicking it down by yourself is equivalent to the power of those legendary spells in mythology.

This is how a sheep can help you succeed!

"What's your expression? Take a guess..." At this moment, the old man was lying on the cold stone table in February and almost fell asleep.

"Seed." Wen Rensheng said directly.

The old man nodded, but did not show any surprise.

"It seems that you have some strong backups. Now you should know how powerful I am, right? Do you still listen to me?" the old man said arrogantly.

"Senior is indeed a genius. I hope that I can teach all my skills to you. As for tuition, as long as the junior can do it, I can ask for it." Wen Rensheng said with unprecedented seriousness.

"You kid, why can't you understand people's words? I ask you to listen to me because I want you to reorganize your skill system and specialize in a few skills. I don't want to teach you everything." The old man said angrily.

Wen Rensheng can understand the other person's mood. Like Teacher Qin, he is the kind of person who wishes others well and will not take pleasure in others' misfortunes.

This kind of person is very valuable.

But it is impossible for him to tell his key.

Sure enough, it is always extremely difficult to dig a gold mine.

Otherwise, gold will not always be so valuable, but will be like aluminum, first expensive and then cheap.

How do you let this kind and stubborn old man teach you everything?

Wait, the other party just said before that he once had a wish to unify all methods, practice formless magic skills, and simulate all the mysterious skills in the world.

If you give the other person this hope, maybe the other person will pass on the mantle to you.

This chapter has been completed!
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