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Chapter 901 Assertion

Li Yuanfeng feels a little constrained now.

If he launches a counterattack now, will this thousand-eyed monster tell those people in advance again?

In that case, wouldn't he fall short?

He feels that his current situation is like a character in a play. There is someone watching the play outside the play and he can communicate with other characters at any time.

How does this allow him to continue acting?

"What on earth do you want to do?" he couldn't help scolding.

"As I said, it's just about watching a show and adding some interaction."

Li Yuanfeng stopped talking. He wanted to find someone to deal with this demon, but then he thought about it. Everything he did would be seen by this monster.

He will only be wasting his efforts in vain.

Now this monster must be factored into the plan.

He thought for a while and began to use the backtracking method on the bumpy grass.

He is also proficient in the art of prophecy. After all, divination is something that a king must pay attention to.

Soon, a vision appeared.

In the illusion, there was a large fog, and only three or five people could be vaguely seen inside, and then something was placed there.

After it was installed, the fog disappeared, and those people disappeared with it.

Obviously, these are the people who caused the destruction.

Who are they?

Several forces flashed through Li Yuanfeng's mind.

Duzunhui, Eagle Fort, Xizhou...

That is to say, these forces have the ability to penetrate in and find other entrances.

Why do they want to cause destruction?

No, destruction was not the purpose. The little movement and damage was not harmful at all, but his apprentice still suffered a little pain.

That's natural. Even a small roundworm in the stomach can make you miserable and must be removed in time.

The other party seems to be eyeing the interests here and wants to use this method to force him to give up some?

As an emperor, he instantly thought through the competition for interests among the forces.

The operation of the ancient feudal court was all about equal sharing of interests. Otherwise, many people would not be able to accomplish anything, but they could do bad things.

Nowadays, the alien forces are similar.

When he thought of this, a ball of anger burned in his chest.

A bunch of bastards who don't do their own good and come to rob when they see something good coming. They are all a bunch of thieves!

What's even more detestable is that you can only commit a thief in a thousand days, but there is no way to prevent a thief in a thousand days.

The soul is reincarnated and the heroic spirit reappears. With such huge benefits in front of you, thieves will come to take it no matter how much they sacrifice.

Thinking of this, a violent anger rushed into his heart. If he had known this, he should have exterminated them directly.

I just stopped because I was worried that the anger and hidden dangers of doing so would be too great.

After careful consideration, Li Yuanfeng finally left the Star Realm and wanted to find someone to help him.


Wen Rensheng was at home and had just helped his family members to practice.

Everyone who has used it said that the effect is good. It is not possible to compete in one day for a month, but it is more than enough for ten days in one day.

"This is so awesome!" After Zhao Han came home and heard Wang Wenwen showing off, he was so frightened that he almost jumped to the ceiling.

"Can you pretend to be knowledgeable?" Wang Wenwen said disdainfully.


The two were fighting together.

At this time, Wen Rensheng received a call himself.

He looked at the number and walked out of the living room.

After listening for a while, Wen Rensheng fell silent.

"I've also met that 2b..."

"We have the same disease, how could there be such a weird thing?"

"Isn't that normal? When you were the emperor, didn't you still have some kind of royal guards, stuff factories, etc. to spy on the ministers? I heard that your favorite content is that some ministers are sanctimonious outside, but they are picking up ashes at home.


"Those are all rumors spread by their intellectuals. I have always done things upright and never spied on my subordinates." Li Yuanfeng immediately denied it.

"Okay, what do you want to do?"

"After cleaning up Dongzhou before, I think we should launch another global health campaign?"

"It's no good. I found out that although they are far inferior to me in strength, they may get some weird things that can trap me." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

The previous expedition against Blood Island with Liu Jian made him realize that his opponent was not without resistance.

He is no match for him in head-on combat, but the opponent can use tools...

"Uh, do you have children at home?" Li Yuanfeng suddenly asked on the other end of the phone.

"how do you know?"

"You were just trying to talk like a child." Li Yuanfeng hit the nail on the head.

"Your Majesty is wise."

"Young poor man, what should I do now?" Li Yuanfeng's tone was full of helplessness.

"Just wait a few more months and I'll find a way." Wen Rensheng said confidently.

Li Yuanfeng then said, "Okay then, I'll investigate first and wait for you in a few months."

Having said this, he hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I have stopped the alien control matter. With soul reincarnation, I believe there is no need to use such inhumane methods."

"The emperor is the emperor. The battle for people's hearts depends on justice and profit, rather than the forced control of external forces. That is like a spring. The harder the pressure is, the harder it will rebound until it loses its elasticity and becomes a numb person." Wen Rensheng praised it.


"Well, there is nothing we can do about this. After all, there are so many people fleeing, so it is inevitable to use quick and easy methods."

The two chatted for a while and then hung up the phone.

Wen Rensheng said into the air in front of him, "Aihandeb, what are you doing again?"

"It's nothing, reality is not like a movie. It's easy to get bored just watching one person, so I read many people at the same time." Ahandeb said plausibly.

"Boring guy, you will die of your own curiosity one day." Wen Rensheng cursed it casually.

"Is this my destiny?" Suddenly, Ahandeb said something strange.

"Well, this is your destiny." Wen Rensheng affirmed.

Of course he knows about this mysterious world, there are many connections, and there are many things that come true as prophecies.

With his current strength, even a casual word would have a great impact.

In the next half month, Aihandeb seemed to have calmed down a lot, at least not appearing next to Wen Rensheng again.

This surprised him. Is this guy really scared?

He felt a little surprised, but he didn't care.

Anyway, he just needs to do his own thing well.

If Ahandeb is divided according to the camp, it should be classified as neutral to evil.


On this day, Li Yuanfeng called again.

"The situation has been investigated clearly. The Duzun Association has colluded with the Eagle Castle and Xizhou people to jointly infiltrate our star realm. One of the purposes is to find out the progress of the soul reincarnation project, and the other is to threaten us to give up a little share."

"The Duzunhui is going further and further."

"Yes, we can't keep them anymore. In the past, they could still contribute some efforts to Dongzhou, but now they have finally gone down the wrong path," Li Yuanfeng sighed, "You may not know that they have already established a digital network in Rezhou.

The ten city-states are all in the most evil form. They are almost indistinguishable from the behavior of disasters. They treat ordinary people as livestock, and they are completely like a jungle society where the law of the jungle is eaten by the strong."

"It seems that they are following the path of fantasy and fairy tales." Wen Rensheng said casually.

"I don't understand."

"I mean they are playing a setting in a novel, a simple order where the strong is respected. Don't they know that this order is actually the most unstable? It seems very cool, but the strong have to worry about it all the time.

If it becomes weak, it will be impossible to fully exert its combat effectiveness, everyone will be conservative, and its resistance to foreign enemies will be extremely poor."

"Yes, they can only become a comprador force, but this is just in line with their own human nature."

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