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Chapter 913: Great Wisdom but Ruo Fool

In the evening, Wenrenshengjia’s weekend gift packages were distributed.

He had just washed up and was going to bed when he got a call from Lao Zhao.

By the way, Lao Zhao seems to be very low-key these days. Well, it’s okay to be low-key even if he doesn’t want to be. After all, there are not many stars that can shine under his own sun.

After answering the call, he realized what had happened.

It turns out that today the company encountered a bad hacker who came to mess with the company's network. It wasn't a big thing, it was very small, but it was like a fish bone. It didn't seem fatal, but it was extremely uncomfortable. If you don't handle it carefully, there is still a small chance that it would happen.

cause negative consequences.

This lame hacker, who only knows how to play games on the Internet, but is proficient in social engineering, saw a video of the future on the Internet, so he accepted a task sent to him by a website to cause trouble for the Tianxing Club.

"I see, it turns out it's all about simmering over low heat." Wen Rensheng said thoughtfully.

"What do you mean by simmering over low heat?" Lao Zhao on the opposite side asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing, you can think of it as a boring strategy..." Wen Rensheng said ambiguously.

As soon as he saw this technique, with his wise brain, he could figure out who did it.

And with the help of past life memories, he can immediately find comparison objects.

Facing a powerful and fierce opponent, while maintaining a confrontation, continue to bleed and let it rot, and finally wait for it to collapse, instead of relying on direct force to suppress it.

The one Duzunhui will play with himself now is this move...

This is a game in the real world. People can die in the real world. Big powers are naturally extremely cautious when making decisions.

However, although their moves are clever, they are of little significance to them.

Because he is so smart, he can see through the other person's intentions at a glance.

He understood that the Sovereign Society wanted him to know the fact that even if you fight for ordinary people on the front line, even if you become the God of War, there will still be countless ordinary people behind you, because of jealousy, trivial interests, or misunderstandings.

Target you, attack you, despise you, ridicule you, ignore you, betray you, hurt you...

If it were a young genius, it would really be possible for him to go extreme because of this. Isn't Liu Jian such an example?

But he won't.

After all, he is so smart.

He will just get bored.

He has neither too high expectations nor too low contempt for the collection of ordinary people. This group has an infinite upper limit and an infinite lower limit. Because of this, human beings can reach the pinnacle of the planet.

Survive such adversity.

In times of crisis, people will also resort to cannibalism to survive. After a few generations, they will be able to forget all those dark memories and continue to travel lightly.

Ah, human beings are such living beings endowed with extremely strong adaptability by nature.

How could Wen Rensheng, who had seen through all this, be so emotionally disturbed by such a little trick?

Just as Wen Rensheng was thinking about it, Lao Zhao on the other end of the phone seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to understand. He just said, "Okay, you have an idea. It seems that we are going to set up an independent park. In the past, Dong Dong

The Shuicheng government office said they would grant me a piece of land, but I wanted to keep a low profile and hide in the city, so I didn't ask for it."

"Mr. Zhao, which piece of land do you like?"

"I think the area behind our house is good."

"It's very good. You don't have to take a car when you go to work."


After chatting with Lao Zhao for a while, Wen Rensheng called Wang Cuiyan again to find out the specific situation, and then he got the weird future video...

Although he has seen through the methods of the Sovereign Society, he will never ignore the other party's tricks, because this thing has no harm to himself, but it has a great impact on other people.

He held his mobile phone and watched a video sent by the other party

The sun is shining brightly, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the mist is misty, and a village appears in the center of the field of view.

In the village, a group of teenagers were lined up neatly, like middle school students waiting for inspection.

However, their clothes were old and their faces were sallow. They were not as lively and youthful as middle school students today, but their eyes were still full of expectations for the future.

"Everyone should be happy, today is a great day for immortal masters to check their qualifications..." an old man shouted at the top of his lungs.

Soon Wen Rensheng saw a scene with a feudal background and a mythical scene unfolding.

It's just that the camera zooms out, and then zooms out, and a huge wall hundreds of meters high surrounds the people inside. Outside the huge wall, there is fog.

In the mist, one huge monster after another, with ferocious faces and drooling, looked at the crowd inside the giant wall, waiting for the immortal masters to select the most delicious food for them.

The meaning of the entire video is very clear. Human beings in the future will be livestock living in various deceptions, aliens will be the sheepdogs that herd them, and the aliens and monsters will be the herders.

He understood that it was only after seeing this scene that the young man hated the aliens so much that, under the dual temptation of hatred and profit, he went out of his way to provoke the Tianxing Club.

This picture of the future is actually not unfamiliar to Wen Rensheng. Over the years, he has heard such prophecies more or less from various channels.

He pondered for a while, and then asked Shi Shi to remove the shielding effect on him.

This shielding effect actually uses the power of the rules of the fantasy seed to isolate the mysterious world from prying eyes. It can also isolate the physical world from prying eyes.

Of course, he didn't activate the latter function, otherwise no one would be able to find anyone else if nothing happened...

"Ai Sha, are you there?" Wen Rensheng asked directly.

"You are so arrogant now. Do you really think I can't do anything to you?" Aihandeb said calmly.

"You are wrong. This is a term of appreciation. We ancients all said that great wisdom is like a fool. I call you Ai Sha. In fact, I am praising you for being very, very, very wise." Wen Rensheng said in a serious tone.

He is not bored, nor does he want to stir up trouble, but he wants to test the bottom line of this peeper and its nature. Is it a neutral camp or an evil camp?

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! It cannot be the good camp anyway.

After all, who would be a serious person to spy on...

"Oh, that's it. Then I will accept your praise. But I think your wisdom is about the same as mine. From now on, I will also praise you as a 'silly person'." Of course, Aihandeb was not a fool, and he just started talking.

Returned it.

Hearing what it said, Wen Rensheng was not angry, but nodded secretly.

This guy probably really follows certain principles. For example, he will not directly target the person being spied on, but will only stir things up through the exchange of information.

At least not that kind of bad-tempered monster.

Otherwise, when faced with such an insulting name, the other party will definitely get angry.

"It's good. When I was a child, I was often called stupid. I believed everything I heard and believed it. I was fooled many times. When I grew up, I still sometimes made the same mistakes. Others

I believe it when I say it." Wen Rensheng seemed to be lost in memories.

"It's just the price of growth. I also experienced this when I was young, but only fools can reach the end, because smart people will soon discover that this world and the universe are meaningless, and they will be confused while living.

, I lost myself." Ahandeb sighed.

At this moment, a monster and a human seem to have found some resonance.

"Well, I have something to ask you. Is this picture what they want? As for who they are, you know..." Wen Rensheng saw that it seemed to be bypassed by him, and took the opportunity to hold the future on his mobile phone.

the video asked.

Ahandeb didn't speak for a while. Just when Wen Rensheng thought it was "down", it responded again.

"Perhaps many so-called principals and mentors want to see this, but at least it is not what I want, because it is boring. I like to see the struggle of the strong, not the cry of the weak."

This chapter has been completed!
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