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Chapter 976 Decryption

Yan Ze ran away frantically.

He looked at his companion who was running faster than him and suddenly felt a little funny.

Originally, he attacked the opponent aggressively, but not to mention the general battle process of the game, even the final ending was very funny.

An ordinary person ended a boring battle for several hours with just one sword strike.

And their Sovereign Society has always looked down upon ordinary people the most.

It's really the most ironic scene.

"I think we lost a little confused..." A companion next to him said breathlessly.

"We were wrong. We thought the other party couldn't resist our axes, but in the end, the other party was able to resist them all and even pulled out an RP." Another person said helplessly.

"Suddenly I feel that we are a bit ridiculous." Someone else said dejectedly.

Yan Ze also felt that he was quite ridiculous.

I thought I had taken refuge with a master who was strong enough, but it turned out that the master didn't care about their life or death at all.

Make predictions in advance and let them do it boldly. They were very bold, and then they lost very neatly.

The group of people finally rushed to a temporary logistics airport, then got on the plane. After the plane took off, they felt a little relieved and started counting heads.

"It seems that the third elder has been arrested?" Someone counted them and told a horrifying fact.

"The third elder has master-level strength, could he be arrested like this?" Many people couldn't believe it.

"I seem to have seen it. Our reaction time to escape was 0.5 seconds. The third elder was half a second slower than us, and then he was caught by the cat."

"It seems that he was indeed caught."

"I didn't expect that the masters who were so high in the past would be just cannon fodder in the current battle. I feel a little disillusioned."

"What sense of disillusionment do you have? A grandmaster is just a boxing champion. Boxing champions are great in the sports world, but when thrown on the battlefield, a bullet can kill you. The same is true for a grandmaster."

Yan Ze just leaned back in his seat and did not participate in the discussion. He knew clearly that it was not that the master was not awesome, but that the master who had become a master quickly was not awesome.

The Third Elder is a quick-finished product, created through source crystals. A normal grandmaster, with hundreds of years of accumulation and endless means, will not be defeated so easily.

That sword should be the Holy Sword of Physics. It had appeared before, but they didn't take it seriously. Maybe they subconsciously thought that it was impossible for the Colossus to possess it?

After a while, the cabin slowly became quiet.

Everyone is looking down and wondering why this operation failed.

Why did Lord Fire Eye give wrong prediction information.

What are they going to explain to the other elders next?

The atmosphere slowly became tense.

"It seems that next time we go to war, we have to let the puppets play." Finally, someone broke the solemn atmosphere and said meaningfully.

"Yes, stability comes first."

But as soon as the words came out, someone suddenly laughed.

"Haha, haha, I understand, I understand!"

Everyone looked around immediately and saw that the man laughing was an old man who was half a hundred years old.

His hair was disheveled and his clothes were dirty. It was obvious that he was too crazy when he escaped just now.

"It turns out that the fight between us is just a fight between ants! Ants fight, ants fight!"

Half a hundred old men laughed wildly, and then everyone saw in horror that he had grown another head and two hands!

"He's out of control!" someone exclaimed.

"Control him quickly!"

However, it was too late. The old man lost control and punched a big hole in the cabin, then fell down.

Everyone looked at each other in shock, and then someone discovered that the plane began to become unstable, and there was such a big hole. It was too difficult to expect the pilot to fly the plane smoothly.

"Get ready to skydive." Someone said helplessly.

Everyone took out their parachute bags one after another.


On the other side, the victorious Xiao Huan proudly grabbed his new toy - the third elder of the Sovereign Society, and returned to his colossus.

And here, it has become a sea of ​​joy.

The believers of the Colossus once again celebrated their victory. Some people threw stones, eggs, tomatoes at the embarrassed third elder...

"The great Colossus God has defeated the evil devil again. Ah, you are our only god..." A red-robed priest began to organize people to worship the Colossus.

After the worship, there was a grand banquet, beer, fried chicken, tacos... Football, rugby, basketball, and various ball games were also held at the same time.

It's a total orgy.

If there is enough food, Macon is a heaven-sent place, but there is plenty of food. As long as there is plenty of food, many things will be easy to handle.

Many people originally believed in these two giant statues just out of pragmatism. However, over the past few years, these pragmatists have become devout one by one.

Humans are very strange animals. In order to seek a sense of security, most people can give up their IQ so that they can integrate into the group instead of standing alone.

Now the Colossus can give them a sense of security. Even if they doubt in their hearts that it is actually a monster, they still allow themselves to accept that it is indeed a god.

At least it's better than the other monsters, isn't it?

Of course these McCanns didn't know that if it weren't for Wen Rensheng's restraint, they would have turned into real dolls and toys.

Alien species have no humanity and no moral values. All they have is instinct and desire for growth.

Although Wen Rensheng hates the McCanns, he has been a modern man for two generations and will not do dark things that break the bottom line of human nature.

He would like to see the McCann people reduced to waste who only know how to entertain themselves, but he would not be like the Sovereign Society, which treats ordinary people as livestock and materials and goes to any lengths to make source crystals.

Wen Rensheng looked at the image from Xiaohuan and knew that the other party was showing off his achievements.

"If I hadn't given you the Holy Sword, I wouldn't have known how long it would take to defeat the Holy Horse." He couldn't help but say.

"Master, you actually compete with a child for credit. I'm drunk too." Xiao Huan said with disdain.

"Uh, who did you learn these sultry words from?" Wen Rensheng had wanted to ask this question for a long time.

"Of course it's my toys. They say in my ears every day, can I still learn?" Xiao Huan said confidently.

"Oh, that's it. Then you continue to have fun. I'll go back and get busy first. Remember to keep the remaining holy sword well and don't let anyone steal it." Wen Rensheng instructed.

The fog wall can't be entered or exited, and the holy sword he sent in can't be retrieved unless he lets Wu Shanshan do it.

But he tried not to bother the Immortal. He owed too much as a favor, so he had to pay with his body.

"I know, I know, leave quickly." Xiao Huan urged him to leave.

This lively and exciting scene was her favorite, and she couldn't wait to enjoy this emotional carnival, like a cat sneaking into a fish barn.

Wen Rensheng shook his head. He was going wherever he wanted. He was at home now.

The other person looked very much like a student urging his parents to hang up the phone.

After solving the land grabbing matter, Wen Rensheng calmed down and thought about what to do now.

A mysterious incident was triggered before, which has not yet been solved. It was about the "Licking Emperor".

To be precise, it should be a mysterious figure, not an incident. After all, the Licking Emperor has not caused any incidents yet.

Things that enhance the mystery have always been the first priority.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng called Inspector Liu

"Old Liu, Liao Aoquan, how are you doing now?"

"He, don't mention it, I really regret it now." Old Liu said angrily.

"What's wrong? Your tone sounds like you're dropping money." Wen Rensheng asked in confusion.

"Oh, it's much more serious than losing money. That guy just joined a special team, and that night he flirted with the only female members in the team. The team leader almost beat him up."

"That's not right, doesn't he have his own dedicated goddess?" Wen Rensheng said subconsciously.

"What exclusive goddess? Are you talking about the rich lady he pursued when he was working as a security guard?" Inspector Liu asked in confusion.

Only then did Wen Rensheng realize that no one else could see the goddess Liao Aoquan imagined except him and Wen Rensheng.

As for why this is the case, this is not Wen Rensheng's operation. It may be that Liao Aoquan has low self-esteem and does not want his goddess to be seen or even talk to others.

Of course, this may also be due to Liao Aoquan's own special power.

Ouyang Tian's fantasy of Sha Ye can be seen by others because Ouyang Tian does not have such low self-esteem. On the contrary, he has always been very proud in love.

After thinking about this, Wen Rensheng said, "Oh, it's nothing. Just tell me his address and I'll go take a look."

"Thank you very much, please let him return to normal as soon as possible."

"If he changes back to normal, I'm afraid his special powers will disappear."

"Well, this is really a dilemma."

This chapter has been completed!
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