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Chapter 1001 The Unpredictable Prophet

The budgerigar fled to the east side of the fog wall, exhaled a long breath, and relaxed slightly.

Not long after, a swordfish emerged from the sea and swam quickly towards the parrot, apparently becoming its partner.

"Why are you running?" Jianyu said dissatisfied, "How can we complete the mission when everyone is like you?"

"Why don't I run? The seagull that blocked me was a former partner of mine. He is far more powerful than you think. Unless you allow me to control the fog wall, I can inflate another bag in an instant.

Otherwise, I won't be able to confront him head-on!" the budgerigar roared angrily.

It really doesn't hurt to stand and talk. If you have the ability, do it yourself.

"Hmph, only the great elder has the authority to control the fog wall, and it can only be operated with the permission of Master Huoyan. It's really a good idea for you to get the authority." Jianyu said disdainfully.

"You also know there are so many restrictions, so don't say meaningless words." The budgerigar said angrily.

"Anyway, your mission completely failed. You failed to achieve both goals. Just wait and accept the punishment." Jianyu sneered.

"This time I chose a target that was not good, and I chose a loophole. But it's just the beginning now. When there are more people in the future, there will definitely be a more suitable target." The budgerigar defended himself.

"Then I'll give you three more days, and I hope you can find a suitable target."

"Don't worry, we are using conspiracy, they can't crack it." The budgerigar said confidently.

The swordfish nodded, its long and pointed head looking particularly funny under the sunlight.

Then it said, "Who is that seagull you just mentioned? If he always blocks our actions, we must list him as a target for erasure. The fog package is related to our overall strategic situation and cannot be allowed to let anyone

People interfere with our actions.”

"His name is Wen Rensheng, and he is a former partner of mine. We have tried to win him over many times, but he just won't come to our side. He must be an extremely home-loving maniac and doesn't want to leave his original familiar environment." The budgerigar thought for a moment and said.


"Oh, it's him. I've also heard of him. Wasn't it him who took away the title of the best mutant in the world?" A glimmer of solemnity flashed in Jianyu's eyes.

"That's right, now you understand why I ran away, right?"

"I understand, if it were me, I would do the same thing as you," Jianyu then said doubtfully, "Normally, with his ability, it is impossible for you to escape easily."

"Maybe it's because I had some friendship with him before and he couldn't bear to kill me." The budgerigar said proudly.

"Oh, if you put it this way, his weaknesses are also very obvious, and they are in the people around him. He can let you go even if he is a former partner, let alone someone closer to him?" Jianyu said thoughtfully.


When the budgerigar heard this, he understood what the swordfish wanted to do.

It flaps its wings and wants to leave.

It didn't want to anger Wen Rensheng, otherwise it would be a dead end, and no amount of friendship would be of any use.

As a result, Swordfish stopped it and shouted, "It's useless for you to run. I will tell the elders and they will definitely let you join the action."

The budgerigar was immediately angry. He shouldn't have said so much just now. How about just flying away?

However, it had to stop and kept going forward even though it knew it was a dead end.

If you fall into the eyes of uninformed people, you must have been depraved.


A few days later, inside Dongshui City.

Wang Wenwen stood at the door of a fitness center on a pedestrian street, swaying from side to side.

"If you want to come in, come in, why are you so hesitant?" Zhao Han on the side had seen enough.

"Is it useful? It doesn't seem to be useful, but I also feel that there may be some hope." Wang Wenwen looked at himself with a lot of fat, and then recalled Xiao Huan's teasing, feeling a little unwilling.

"It's useless for you to exercise so much every day. I feel this is a problem with your alien species. It wants to make you fat, so you can't lose weight." Zhao Han explained.

She herself has a mutant who behaves as a monster every day, and she has a deep understanding of this aspect.

"Is that so?" Wang Wenwen touched his belly, a little convinced.

At this moment, a slender and beautiful female staff member wearing tight clothes walked towards the two of them from the door of the gym.

"Two beautiful ladies, our gym is absolutely professional and has the guidance of many famous domestic fitness experts..."

"Okay, Lao Han, let's go." Upon hearing this, Wang Wenwen turned around and left.

"Why so straightforward?" Zhao Han was a little surprised.

"People who have complimented me on my beauty since I was little all have one thing in common. Do you know what it is?" Wang Wenwen asked rhetorically.

"What is it?"

"Trying to cheat me out of my money."

The female staff member was stunned. If you just say a few polite words, you will be considered a liar. Can you continue to let others deceive you happily?

But Wang Wenwen had already left with Zhao Han.

The female staff member stared blankly at Wang Wenwen from a distance.

Not long after, a playful smile appeared in her eyes.

As expected, she is not an easy girl to lie to.

However, as long as people are greedy, they will definitely be fooled. The only difference lies in what kind of fool they are.

Wang Wenwen and Zhao Han walked along the pedestrian street after leaving the gym.

Her eyes were looking around, as if looking for the next fitness place.

There are many, many people on the street.

The flow of people has more than doubled than before.

You must know that Dongzhou has achieved comprehensive urbanization early, and now the population of Dongshui City will suddenly increase dramatically. It can be seen that the public security situation outside is already quite bad.

This forces people to move from small cities, where they are easy to live, to big cities.

Of course you don’t have to be hungry. After all, there are organizations everywhere that distribute all kinds of food for free. As long as you can finish it on the spot, there will be no problem. You can take some back home, but you can’t take more.

But other aspects are very difficult. Food, clothing, housing, transportation, and food are only one aspect. In the other three aspects, big cities are not as convenient as small cities.

Zhao Han could see the queues of applicants everywhere, long queues forming in front of various street shops, with anxious and expectant eyes on people's faces.

If you don't have a job, you can't afford to rent a house, so you can only live in a temporary residence arranged by the government. It's small and cramped, and it's okay for a temporary residence, but if you want to get married, have children, and live in peace and contentment, you can't even think about it.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Without a job, you can't even afford to rent a specially launched house at one-sixth the price, let alone buy it.

Zhao Han sympathizes with these applicants. Many of her high school classmates have also joined the army of job seekers. Usually, people in the classmate group often ask for job introductions.

She helped a few times, but soon found that she was unable to help.

In the past, people in Dongzhou didn’t worry about jobs at all. What they worried about was how to find jobs with less money and close proximity to many families... A large number of factories were moved to marginal areas and raw material production areas to prevent pollution of important cities.

But now, people are queuing up for a low-cost job advertisement at a roadside shop.

Environmental changes lead to a decline in productivity and a shrinking of employment. People cannot expand outward and can only move inward.

Look at this little friend next to me, who is still thinking about losing weight. It’s really a world between heaven and earth.

At this moment, another fitness center caught Wang Wenwen's attention.

"Longhui chain fitness, aliens are in charge, and you can flatten your belly in three months...If you can't achieve the effect, you will get a full refund."

"Hey, this is okay, let's go in and have a look." Wang Wenwen subconsciously rubbed his round belly and decided to give it a try.

Zhao Han was speechless.

Isn’t this still a lie?

It's just a little more advanced.

Harvesting IQ tax is the same as getting a refund after passing the exam.

Anyway, the other party won't lose money. If you can pass the test, you can pass it yourself. If you can't, he will directly refund the money and occupy your funds for several months in vain. The more students he has, the more he will make.

She had no choice but to accompany her friends and jump into the pit.

If you lose, you'll lose some time, but you won't lose any money anyway.

"Stupid Zhao Han never thought that her decision would push her and her idiot companions into the abyss."

She had just walked into the Longhui Gym with Wang Wenwen and immediately heard the alien reminder in her mind.

Well, what a blessing.

In Zhao Han's heart, a sense of luck suddenly occurred.

Without this narrator's species, she would only have an ordinary alien species. How could she still be here now?

He must have died on the way.

So she decisively dragged Wang Wenwen away from the door...

At this time, on the second floor of the gym, a middle-aged man glanced over.

"Does this woman have the ability to predict the future? Otherwise, how could she escape from the trap?"

This chapter has been completed!
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