Chapter 192: Star comes out of seclusion! Purple level! Sorry, Grandmaster Yan Luo returns

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Chapter 1212 Star comes out of seclusion! Purple level! Sorry Grandmaster Yan Luo can’t come back! 13K

As soon as these words came out, the whole Pandora fell into silence.

Ouyang Ao actually dared to call the formation to Grandmaster Yan Luo!

All Pandora half-spirits present, no, everyone in the entire Sky City Ouranos heard Ouyang Ao's declaration, and there was silence.

Even Tiesha Han Lichen, who clamored for Grandmaster Yan Luo to send Ouyang Ao to meet the Iron God, was filled with shock and could not speak for a long time.

Isn't what he relies on the return of Grand Master Yan Luo? What does Ouyang Ao mean? Even if Grand Master Yan Luo returns, he still has to clear up his name. Does he mean that he can defeat Grand Master Yan Luo?

What a joke

What a joke!

A mere green-level contractor wants to challenge a purple-level being. This is simply asking for death.

Therefore, after a brief shock, everyone present came to their senses and did not take Ouyang Ao's words seriously.

This kid, who is only sixteen years old, must be bluffing! Yes, he must be bluffing. To put it bluntly, he is bragging.

He was just expressing his determination to rectify the name of his teacher, but no matter what, it would be too fantasy to achieve his goal by defeating Grandmaster Yan Luo.

"Ha ha"

"Ha ha ha ha"

Tiesha Han Lichen laughed, very wildly, as if he had heard a big joke, and finally turned to growl fiercely at Ouyang Ao:

"Ouyang Ao, you ignorant thing, do you know what you are talking about?"

"How dare you provoke Grandmaster Yan Luo?!"

"You want to make an enemy of all Pandora?"

Ouyang Ao still stood proudly, with no trace of emotion on his face. He just looked at Tie Sha and Han Lichen calmly, with the attitude of looking down indifferently like an ant.

In fact, Ouyang Ao didn't even respond to him. The world boss said that he had already said it once and didn't want to repeat it a second time.

Hearing this, even the great hermit Galin Kaslana couldn't stand, and shook his head repeatedly:

"Master Ouyang, after the return of Grand Master Yan Luo, he is still the Grand Master of my Pandora, the leader of my Pandora, and one of the few high-level contractors in the world."

"What you said"

Galin Kaslana originally had no hostility towards Ouyang Ao. This was mainly because their Guardian Council was a transcendent existence among the four major councils and was different from the other three major councils, so they stayed away from whether it would be Mo.

The issue of correcting names seems a bit irrelevant, but Ouyang Ao actually boasted about Haikou at this time and said that he wanted to challenge Grand Master Yan Luo, so there was no room for the Guardian Council to hang up.

There is no other reason. After all, the Guardian Council is a part of Pandora, and once Grand Master Yan Luo returns, although the Great Hermit knows that Yan Luo will probably not come back, the person who comes back should be the first chief star who has broken through the Wall of Sighs. It’s just that

Having said that, no matter who the returning high-level contractor is, he will definitely become the leader of Pandora. If Ouyang Ao wants to challenge the leader, it is really equivalent to challenging the entire Pandora.

Don’t forget the consequences of Ouyang Ao’s words. No matter who returns, if he is defeated by Ouyang Ao, then Pandora, the leader of the contract world who has stood for thousands of years in the unified era, will no longer have to exist. In other words

, Pandora is equivalent to being completely overturned.

The battle to challenge "Grand Master Yan Luo" is equivalent to a battle for Pandora's life and death. This cannot allow the Great Hermit Galin Kaslana to sit idly by. Again, the Guardian Council is a member of Pandora after all.

Facing the test of life and death, she could only put aside her differences with other councils and fight against foreign enemies together.

Ouyang Ao's current role is exactly that foreign enemy.

Lu Yuan also heard the huge connection behind this sentence. Although he was extremely looking forward to Ouyang Ao being able to fight against the returning Grand Master Yan Luo, he still felt that Ouyang Ao was too arrogant.

"Master Ouyang" Lu Yuan snorted coldly: "Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Seeing that the attitudes of the other two councils had changed after Ouyang Ao's declaration of war, Tiesha and Han Lichen felt refreshed and cursed in their hearts that Ouyang Ao was indeed an idiot.

Still too young!

The declaration of challenging Grand Master Yan Luo sounds very domineering, but the actual effect is to reunite the previously scattered Pandora Council. It is equivalent to setting an impossible task for oneself, and facing an invincible one.


"Ouyang Ao!" Tiesha Han Lichen wiped the blood on his face, finally straightened his back and laughed: "It's your time to die."

At this time, even Mo Zhi felt that his good disciple was being too pretentious.

My good disciple, you are going too far. You don’t take purple-level contractors seriously. Could it be that you defeated the masters of the Wisdom Council and encouraged your arrogance? Well, this is my fault. It was all me just now.

Helping in secret, using various senses to mislead Han Lichen and the others, allowed you to win. Well, you accomplished the feat of defeating the entire Wisdom Council with one person.

Their group of masters are still a bit far behind Yan Luo. They are not on the same level at all.

Ouyang Ao remained unmoved, just looked around at the Pandora half-spirits with indifferent eyes, and said slowly:

"At the beginning, you also thought that my teacher was no match for Yan Luo, and you all ignored my mentor. What happened?"

These words almost broke the defense of everyone present.

Yes, this scene seems to be somewhat similar. When Mu Zhi fought against the three Pandora Grandmasters with one person, no one thought Mu Zhi could win, or even survive, but the result was exactly the opposite.

Nowadays, the person who was questioned and looked down upon has become an unpredictable student - Ouyang Ao.

Unpredictable almost laughed out loud: Good disciple, can it be compared like this?

But it’s not bad. You want to be like the teacher in everything.

It's just that the premise of this comparison is that you have enough strength! Do you think you can beat Yan Luo? Besides, at that time, I was not very sure about challenging the three grandmasters. I felt that I was only 50%.

The chances of winning in the end are still partly due to luck. Don’t push me too high, otherwise I will fall badly if I fall.

Tiesha Han Lichen was stunned for several seconds, and then he became furious. This guy brought up the old story of overthrowing the three great masters unpredictably. Isn't this adding salt to the wounds of the Wisdom Council?

However, it is really not easy to find a flaw in his statement!

Unpredictably, it has indeed been done. This is already a fact.

Master Tiesha became angry: "You bastard, Ouyang Ao, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Unexpectedly kill the three great masters of my Pandora. The hatred of my Pandora is irreconcilable. Even if you die, I, the Wisdom Council, will surrender to you! Our Wisdom Council"

"You are challenging the entire Pandora, and you want to topple me, Pandora!"

The hermit Galin Kaslana and the chief judge Lu Yuan also looked at each other in a rare moment. Although they each had their own thoughts, the current situation really did not allow them to say anything else. After all, the butt determines the head and the position.

So that they can no longer speak for Ouyang Ao.

Ouyang Ao's expression did not change at all, as if all their threats were like the breeze blowing on his face and had no impact on him.

Looking at Tiesha Han Lichen, Ouyang Ao chuckled and said something shocking again:

"Challenging Yan Luo means challenging the entire Pandora? Haha, it's the same truth, but how can you be sure that I don't have the capital to challenge the entire Pandora?"

"It's just Pandora, if necessary" Ouyang Ao paused, his eyes suddenly became sharp: "I will overturn Pandora with my own hands!"

Everyone present was in an uproar again.

The more I talk about it, the more outrageous it becomes.

Ouyang Ao raised his chin slightly, looked down at the Pandora half-spirits, and said calmly:

"Because, I am already a lunar eclipse person."

Lunar eclipse?!!!

This word made everyone present widen their eyes.

Eclipse, the legendary super secret organization? The organization that runs through the entire history of the Ironborn from beginning to end?

Even the Immortal God was once a member of this organization

Unpredictable is also a peripheral member of that organization.

Of course, it is an existence that can compete with Pandora for a long time.

But haven't the legends about the lunar eclipse been proven to be just legends?

It's fake

But Ouyang Ao said this seriously, as if the lunar eclipse was really his support and trump card, and it didn't seem to be fake.

Also, strength is the best proof. It is said that all the lunar eclipses are hidden strong men. Those who can join the lunar eclipse are also outstanding. For example, they defeated three great masters with only blue level strength.

This is the fact before us, and there is Ouyang Ao, who just defeated all the masters of the Wisdom Council in a one-on-one battle.

Could it be that Ouyang Ao's tyrannical strength also comes from joining Lunar Eclipse?!

All of a sudden, the two words "lunar eclipse" made the half-spirits present unable to distinguish between true and false.

Tiesha·Han Lichen swallowed: "So what about lunar eclipse?"

"Even if there really is a lunar eclipse, then why don't they take action to resist the moon demon!?"

"Ouyang Ao, stop bluffing, the lunar eclipse is simply a lie."

In fact, Tie Sha Han Lichen's heart has been shaken a little, but he is still insisting on his words. After all, he cannot determine whether the lunar eclipse really exists. It is just that he does not want to believe the existence of the lunar eclipse, so he is desperately looking for excuses to prove it.

No, they brought out all the moon demons.

If the Lunar Eclipse Organization is really that powerful, then now that the Moon Demon is reborn, aren't your hidden warriors ready to save the continent?

Ouyang Ao was unhurried: "It seems that you, Pandora, call yourself the leader of the contract world! At the moment of the Moon Demon, shouldn't Pandora be the one to lead the contractors against the Moon Demon? What does it have to do with our Lunar Eclipse Organization?"

The beautiful and unpredictable girl had already guessed what the good disciple wanted to say, and she praised it in her heart.

Seeing that everyone in Pandora was speechless, Ouyang Ao continued: "Besides, I, Yue Eclipse, have already taken action against the Moon Demon!"

"Have you forgotten who made the current Moon Demon have to be reborn for the second time? It was my mentor Unpredictable!"

"You should know that Mozhi is also a member of my Lunar Eclipse organization!"

The logic is very strict

The Pandora half-spirits present looked at each other, speechless.

Ouyang Ao continued: "Do you think I have the qualifications to challenge Yan Luo? Don't forget, let's not forget the hidden bosses in our Lunar Eclipse organization. Even if the peripheral members join forces, it is enough to make you, Pandora, afraid!


"My mentor Mo Zhi has passed away. Needless to say, don't forget that there is also a senior Wu Niu Sacrifice among the peripheral members. He has been in seclusion to break through the Wall of Sighs. Now he is not far away from being released from seclusion."

After saying that, Ouyang Ao looked at Tiesha Han Lichen, whose eyes were still full of blood.

Han Lichen opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to refute, but nothing came out.

Yes, Wu Niu Sacrifice. This title made him realize that what Ouyang Ao said was not entirely false. Wu Niu Sacrifice has long been a member of Lunar Eclipse. It is said that he has been in seclusion to attack the Wall of Sighs. He has the strength of the peak blue level. Once

Anyone who leaves seclusion must be a high-level contractor. In short, regardless of whether the lunar eclipse is true or false, a single black ox sacrifice is enough for Pandora to face the lunar eclipse. After all, the black ox sacrifice is as powerful as unpredictable. Even Yan Luo has

It may not be a sure win.

After all, it is because the three great masters lost their troops and generals that Pandora is now greatly reduced in strength and will no longer have the same glory as before.

Unpredictable kept shaking his head in his heart. It turns out that my good disciple is waiting here! Not only does he want to clear my name, he also wants to give the Lunar Eclipse organization a name at this time. Well, this is my usual method before.

The bluff turned Lunar Eclipse into an extremely powerful secret organization.

Yes, it seems that Ouyang Ao has succeeded in intimidating them. The situation at this time is very different from the original. There were so many strong people in the world that it was not easy for people to believe the lies of Lunar Eclipse. After such a long time,

In the battle of time, it can be said that all heroes are destroyed. It is naturally easier to win people's trust when the name of Lunar Eclipse is used at this time.

Tan Nandi from the federal side is no longer there, only a few people from the Shadow Organization's Ten Shadows are left, Shadow Fang is probably still hanging on, Wu Niu and Yi Tian from the Southern Tribe, and even Shiva are no longer here, Pandora's

The three great masters were also killed by unpredictable forces, so facing a group of half-spirits like Pandora, it was really difficult to tell whether the "Moon Eclipse" organization was real or fake.

Well, it's because of the ebb and flow of strength. If you have strength, it's no problem to call a deer a horse, let alone the legend of "lunar eclipse".

Wu Niu Sacrifice Well, the Wu Niu Sacrifice still played a key role. Although you have left long ago, Old Niu, you have still contributed to us and helped us. Unexpectedly, he smiled bitterly in his heart.

Only then did all the half-spirits in Pandora dare to feel the pressure from Ouyang Ao.

To justify the unpredictable name, in fact, they are backed by the "Lunar Eclipse" organization.

Tiesha Han Lichen frowned, stared at Ouyang Ao with his eyes, and asked almost word by word:

"So Master Ouyang came here this time to declare war on me, Pandora, on behalf of Lunar Eclipse?"

"Your so-called vindication of Mu Zhi's name and asking me, Pandora, to admit Mu Zhi's achievements is just an excuse. Your true intention is to overthrow me, Pandora, and to bring the Lunar Eclipse Organization to power!?"

This time, we had a thorough chat!

After repeated conversations, all the clues pointed to the fact that Ouyang Ao wanted to replace Pandora and wanted the Lunar Eclipse Organization to take over.

Of course, this was what everyone read from the conversation, but Ouyang Ao didn't actually think so. However, after Tiesha Han Lichen reminded him, Ouyang Ao suddenly felt that a door to a new world had opened.

Yes, the matter of clearing the name of Teacher Mozhi was not going well. We had already won the battle, but people like Pandora refused to admit it until death. It can be said that they are the most scoundrels. The reason is that Pandora is the leader of this contract world.

So much so that Pandora needs to acknowledge the merits and demerits of the unpredictable. If we think about this problem from another angle, if Pandora refuses to acknowledge the unpredictable teacher, then I will let the lunar eclipse replace Pandora and become the leader of the contract world. All the problems

Will it be solved soon?

Well, as the "official" of the contract world and you don't recognize my teacher, then I will change to another official!

Ouyang Ao thought such strange thoughts were normal.

After all, in fantasy novels, any problem is not a problem, as long as your fist is big enough. The key is that the boss of the world, Ouyang, is still very superstitious about his own strength at this time, blindly believing that his fist is bigger than Grandmaster Yan Luo.

Boss Ouyang Shijie narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Tiesha Han Lichen, then looked around at the other half-spirits, and finally licked his lips:

"If you think so, then what's wrong with me, Lunar Eclipse, replacing you Pandora?"

As soon as Ouyang Ao said this, the scene immediately exploded.

Many Pandora half-spirits activated the talisman at the same time and were ready to fight to the death.

"Rampant!" Tiesha Han Lichen shouted angrily: "Ouyang Ao, you can't even think about using your power to overwhelm others. I, Pandora, have been standing for thousands of years. How can your secret organization be able to replace it!"

"If you dare to take action, I, Pandora, will fight you to the death!"

"Everyone, why don't you take action?"

The Great Hermit Galin Kaslana also shook her head repeatedly and had to activate Fuyuan:

"Young Master Ouyang is so ambitious and aggressive that we have no choice but to take action."

"You want the Lunar Eclipse Organization to replace me, Pandora?" Lu Yuan also roared: "How are you different from the rebellious ministers and traitors?"

"Ouyang Ao, like your teacher, you are my Pandora's enemy. You are a sinner trying to subvert the order of the contracted world. You are just an exiled contractor!"

Other Pandora masters also exploded their talisman sources one after another and confronted Ouyang Ao again.

This time, everyone was united in a rare display. Even the masters of the Wisdom Council who had just fought once again activated Fuyuan. Wang Mian could not fight anymore, Li Yanshan stood in front, and the two masters Wen Mu also activated Fuyuan again.

When Fu Yuan moved, even Liao Wenyi stood behind Tie Sha and Han Lichen.

Ouyang Ao was still fearless in the face of danger, and at the same time activated Fuyuan, actually preparing to fight all the Pandora half-spirits.

Cough cough cough Unpredictable was speechless.

Ouyang Aogai's apprentice is almost enough, okay?

Look at what you have done, you have united them all again, and made them twist into a rope to fight against you together.

Why bother

You are really trying to show off, you dare to take any job, you dare to do anything, yes, Imperial Master Mo Da has already seen it, the current situation was not planned by Ouyang Ao in advance, it was just a rush of words between the two parties.

, which led to everyone in Pandora unanimously reporting this situation to the outside world.

Yes, Grand Master Mo has noticed that this kid's code of conduct from the beginning to the end is just to pretend. It has to be said that Ouyang Ao is indeed a genius in this area. However, if he keeps pretending like this, he will have to face

The situation became more and more complicated, and the enemies we had to face became more and more powerful, so that in the end there was no way to end it.

Are you talking about letting Lunar Eclipse replace Pandora? Are you trying to destroy the workplaces of this group of people and destroy their jobs? If they don't unite and fight against you?

Are you really sure you can fight with so many half-spirits? They are not just the remaining masters of the Wisdom Council. Great Hermit Galin Kaslana and Justice Lu Yuan also have two gold-level sacred objects in their hands.

Can you handle it?

Did you defeat those people from the Wisdom Council just now, or was it because of my secret help?

Grand Master Mo Da couldn't laugh or cry at this time, he could only smile bitterly for his good disciple who wanted to be the master of the continent.

Then he checked Ouyang Ao's condition, wanting to confirm whether this kid was really "unafraid in the face of danger" and whether he was really ready to do the "feat" of challenging all Pandora half-spirits today.

Well, actually, the good disciple is not so calm on the surface. You see, his thighs have been trembling. This is obviously not because of excitement, but because he knows that he has got into a big trouble and it will not end well.

No, with Ouyang Ao's fighting talent, he should know that facing the semi-spiritual siege of the four major councils, the result is destined to be death or life.

Speaking of this, I really admire my apprentice. Alas, even in this situation, he still stands so tall and straight. This is because he is prepared to fight to the end.

Alas, Mu Zhi sighed again, it seems that I need to take action again.

What the hell, I originally planned to use Ouyang Ao to clear my name and let Pandora officially recognize my status. This would allow me to gain a lot of faith in a short period of time and break through the wall of sighs.

That's good, it seems like I can't hide anymore. I can't do it without showing up. Then my lie of "faked death" will be exposed, which will make it take longer to break through the wall of sighs! And what about the power of faith? Really?

To replace Pandora? With Lunar Eclipse as the leader of the contract world, I will rectify my name after my reign? So as to absorb the power of faith?

No, it's a big deal for Lunar Eclipse to replace Pandora. If you temporarily change the leader of the Contract World, public opinion will explode in a short time. The reason is very simple. Lunar Eclipse does not have Pandora's thousands of years of accumulation in the hearts of the people. In other words,

, people recognize Pandora's status, but if it suddenly changes to a lunar eclipse, most of the general public and contractors will take an observational attitude to see how this new contract world leader is doing, and they will not immediately "believe"

The lunar eclipse will instead cause a period of vacuum in the power of faith.

I continue to use the power of faith to break through the Wall of Sighs, and not to mention such a complicated situation, just looking at the battle in front of me, my body is now inside the Wall of Sighs, and this is just a clone. I want to suppress the entire Pandora, including two golden ones.

The level 1 holy object is still a bit difficult, so I have to bite the bullet and come here.

It's impossible not to save my good disciple! Although you always get into trouble and complicate the situation, there is nothing I can do about it. Who makes you my unpredictable and hungry disciple? I can't watch you being beaten to death by these Pandora half-spirits.


Just when Mu Zhi was gradually making up his mind and thinking about how to take action, a fiery breath suddenly hit his face, and the violent vibration of the symbol source made the entire Sky City tremble.

This was so unpredictable that I was immediately stunned.

Not only was Ouyang Ao's consciousness unpredictable, Ouyang Ao and Pandora's half-spirits who were about to take action also took back the symbol source. The sudden arrival of the symbol source was too powerful, and it was obviously above everyone else's level.

, if they use their strength to activate the talisman at this time, they will withstand all the pressure of the talisman.

Everyone's eyes widened, and finally, everyone's eyes fell on the Tower of Wisdom behind them.

The residents of Sky City who were further away from here could see it more clearly. They could see that the tall Tower of Wisdom was emitting amazing heat, and the powerful pressure of the symbol source was coming from the tower.

That's right, it's the Tower of Wisdom!

There is only one possibility for an existence with such powerful talisman pressure, and that is a high-level contractor!

Yan Luo!

Grandmaster Yan Luo!

Grandmaster Yan Luo is back!

The First Chief, Xingxing, successfully brought back Grand Master Yan Luo.

This name popped up in the minds of everyone present at the same time. Only a few people had different thoughts from everyone else. The name that the great hermit Garin Kaslana thought of was not Yan Luo, but the First Chief Xingxing.

Such powerful symbol source pressure shows that the First Chief Star has broken through.

The First Chief, Star, broke through the Wall of Sighs and advanced to become a senior contractor!

Purple level!

Needless to say, it was unpredictable. As a person who looked at everything from God's perspective, he naturally knew that this was the advancement of stars, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Pandora still has more power of faith.

He rushed into the Wall of Sighs at about the same time as the star. As a result, he had already escaped, and his body was still wandering inside the Wall of Sighs. This only meant that Pandora still held a distant place in the hearts of ordinary Ironborn.

He is more trustworthy than his unpredictable reputation at this time.

Thousands of years of accumulation cannot be changed in a short time.

Although he has made a great name, it is just a false name and has not really been transformed into some kind of transcendent status. The "true god" who deserves the respect, worship and look up to all the iron people in the mainland is just a celebrity at best.

What's more, he is already "dead", which will weaken the source of these beliefs.

But Pandora is different. She is a true ruler of the contracted world, equivalent to the status of an ancient emperor. When Pandora is mentioned to the Ironborn, the first reaction of the Ironborn is to salute Pandora. This is the essential difference.

Of course, the power of these beliefs does not directly point to Xingxing himself. Xingxing himself only indirectly obtains some shares through the people's belief in Pandora. However, these shares alone allow him to enter the stage of a high-level contractor.

This is why he had to come to Pandora, try to clear his name through Ouyang Ao, and then use the power of Pandora's faith to completely break through the Wall of Sighs.

Naturally, everyone's reactions are different.

The masters of the Wisdom Council are already in jubilation

Grandmaster Yan Luo is finally back! Grandmaster is back, and someone finally takes charge of the situation, making the already passive Wisdom Council become tough again.

"Grandmaster Yan Luo is back!"

"Grandmaster Yan Luo has finally returned!"

"Long live the Grand Master, may we unify the continent for thousands of years!"

"Hahaha welcome the return of the Grand Master!"


If Tiesha and Han Lichen were not blind at this time, they would burst into tears.

It was so difficult for me, and I finally called the Grand Master back to take charge of the overall situation.

At this time, he knew the pain of not being strong enough to stand out. First, he was excluded and excluded by other councils, especially the Trial Council, and then he was beaten up by Ouyang Ao. Up to now, the injuries on his body have not healed, and his eyes are still blind.

Woolen cloth.

Tiesha Han Lichen's voice was hoarse as he shouted crazily:

"Hahahaha the great master is back."

"Quickly, heal my eyes quickly. All the scholars from the medical class come here and treat my eyes first. I want to witness the grand master's return with my own eyes."

After saying that, he held his body that had not yet fully recovered, twisted his limbs and got up from the ground, and at the same time blurred his eyes.

The scholars in the medical class immediately stepped forward and entered the source of symbols for his eyes. They could see that his bloody eye sockets were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ouyang Ao!"

Lord Tiesha, who was overjoyed, screamed loudly, as if his whole body had been on stimulants:

"Let's see how long you can continue to be arrogant? Hehehe, do you want to challenge our entire Pandora? You want to let Lunar Eclipse bah! Lunar Eclipse is just a secret organization, an illegal organization, a terrorist organization, a rebel organization, and you actually want to let

Eclipse replaces Pandora."

"You are simply wishful thinking! Come on, keep being arrogant and pass the test of our Grand Master Yan Luo first! Let's see how long you can survive under the Grand Master's methods."

"The Grand Master will definitely take back the pain you have inflicted on us!"

"Ouyang Aohahahahahaha"

He laughed so wildly that his voice was slightly distorted.

When the hermit Garin Kaslana next to her saw this scene, she kept shaking her head in her heart and glanced at Lord Iron Sand with sympathy.

It seems that someone is going to be unlucky

Justice Lu Yuan was beating drums in his heart, feeling both lucky and fearful. Fortunately, he did not do everything right after all, and would be directly executed by the returning Grand Master. Naturally, he was afraid of this senior contractor.

The fear of the coercion of the symbol.

This is the real strong man. With his Qing level strength, even with the Eye of Justice, he is definitely no match for Grandmaster Yan Luo.

Moreover, the current situation seems to be moving in the direction he is most looking forward to.

Yan Luo is back!

Ouyang Ao wants to challenge the entire Pandora with extremely arrogant arrogance. From this point of view, a battle between the two sides is inevitable.

Isn't this what he expected?

Ouyang Ao seems to be like this because of the lunar eclipse, and his patella is afraid of the Grand Master. He also made bold words to kill the Grand Master before. Now that the Grand Master is back, Ouyang Ao, you must not disappoint.

Well, Ouyang Ao shouldn't be so unbearable. He was calm and composed just now. He either has helpers or powerful trump cards. In short, he should be able to fight against Grandmaster Yan Luo. Hahaha, it's best. Both sides will lose!

No, no, no, Grandmaster Yan Luo had better win. She has to be alive and then defeat the moon demon that was resurrected in the northern province.

Well, the best destination for Grandmaster Yan Luo is in the Northern Province, and it would be best to die with the Moon Demon!

Just like that unpredictable thing, Lu Yuan thought rapidly in his mind. The more he thought about it, the happier he became. He opened his hands and performed a standard Judgment Council etiquette:

"Congratulations on the return of Grandmaster Yan Luo!"

Tiesha Han Lichen heard Lu Yuan's voice and immediately snorted coldly:

"Lu Yuan, don't forget that you want to merge the four major councils and annex my wisdom council. I will let the Grand Master settle the account with you later."

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, cursed angrily in his heart, and then put his arms down angrily.

As for Ouyang Ao at this time

Ouyang Ao's legs were shaking more violently at this time.

Well, he also knew that the trap was too big this time. Who would have thought that Grandmaster Yan Luo would come back so soon!

The lofty words he made before are nothing compared to the real strength gap. The pressure of this symbol alone is enough to make the world boss drink a pot.

The veins on Ouyang Ao's forehead were beating constantly. What the hell should I do next?

If we are talking about confronting these half-spirits of Pandora, even if they come together, well, I am not afraid of them coming together. As long as I rely on my ability to flash, I should have no problem escaping, and I won't be in danger of life or death.

However, purple-level contractors are different!

If it weren't for the sake of supporting the scene, what Ouyang Ao wanted to do most now was to use flash to escape. The further away the better, yes, the further away from Pandora's Sky City, the better.

However, in that case, if this X is not finished pretending, all the previous efforts will be in vain, and he will become the laughing stock of the entire Pandora, no, the laughing stock of the entire continent.

How can we get along in the future?

No, if you want to hold on, you must hold on.

Ouyang Ao gritted his teeth and activated his own Talisman Source to resist the tyrannical pressure of the Talisman Source in the Tower of Wisdom, allowing the Talisman Source on his body to flow normally.

From this point of view, my teacher is unpredictable. Brother Xinma is really awesome. He killed three Pandora masters by himself. This thing sounded encouraging before, but now I really face a

When I became a Grandmaster, I realized how difficult it would be to achieve the level of achievement achieved by Big Brother Xin Mao.

Big brother of nightmare

Bless me!

Now I can only hope that things will turn around. Based on strength alone, there is no hope for a comeback. Well, there is no hope for pretending. I can only hope that Yan Luo has just come back and his strength has not been fully restored. In that case, I should still have a little bit.

odds of winning.

Damn it, I'm trying to kill myself, this Fuyuan pressure doesn't look like its strength has been damaged.

Ouyang Ao swallowed hard, looked around at the other half-spirits, and continued to maintain his indifferent appearance.

Okay, apprentice Mo Zhi almost laughed out loud.

At this point, you have to keep pretending. For this reason, all the teachers respect you.

Fantasy people are awesome~~~

Mu Zhi exhaled slowly and thought in his mind: "Xingxing, come out."

The palpitating symbol source suddenly stagnated and retracted instantly. A figure leaped out from the window of the Tower of Wisdom and stood in the air.

It is none other than the First Chief Star!

At this time, the first chief is already the real first chief. After all, the other chiefs are no longer here, and Xingxing's position at this time is completely secure.

He was dressed in snow-white punisher's white clothes, with the punisher's white cloak behind him. There were two suns shining faintly in his pupils, his face was calm, and his figure was as solid as an abyss.


Han Lichen almost fell.

is a star

Where is Grandmaster Yan Luo?

His eyes had recovered at this time, and he happened to see the First Chief Star rushing out of the Tower of Wisdom. However, the purpose of recovering his eyesight was to witness the return of the Grand Master in person, but it did not happen.

He couldn't help but turn his head and looked behind the star, looking at the window where the star jumped out, hoping to feel the pressure of the high-level contractor's talisman from that direction again, or the cloaked figure of Grand Master Yan Luo.


But the result is still disappointing.

"Where is the Grand Master?" Han Lichen turned his head with a stiff neck. His tone was no longer as cheerful as before, but he sounded a little stuttered.

This issue is of course the focus of everyone present.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Xingxing's pupils shining like the sun flashed a hint of cunning that was not easily noticed. His expression suddenly turned cold, and his voice was gloomy, giving him a sad taste in his tone:

"The great master of reception"


This sentence is shocking.

It was like dropping a nuclear bomb in the middle of everyone.

Not only the masters of the Wisdom Council, but also the people in other councils were stunned.

Tie Sha·Han Lichen's body seemed to be frozen instantly, and only his tongue could barely move. While his eyes widened, he murmured in an unbelievable tone:

"Can Grandmaster Yan Luo come back?"

"How could it fail if it failed? How could it happen?"

"How could that happen!"

Xingxing did not answer, but nodded towards Han Lichen, affirming his question with a solemn expression.


Lord Tiesha cried out in pain, his vision went dark, his body no longer obeyed, and he was about to fall to the ground again. Fortunately, Baihe Li Yanshan behind him held him back.

"Grand Master," Master Tiesha shouted, filled with grief.

All expectations were turned into ashes at this moment.

The other masters of the Wisdom Council also looked lonely. Some looked at the stars, wanting to confirm again whether the bad news was true. Some looked at the Tower of Wisdom, hoping for a turn of events. Others were dumbfounded.

In the same place, speechless.

Only Liao Wenyi suddenly spoke: "If the First Chief Mr. Hengxing fails, then what is the power of the talisman source of the senior contractor just now?"

This sentence once again ignited a lot of hope.

Xingxing's expression almost stopped tightening. After a brief pause, he suppressed his smile and still said in a sad tone:

"At that last moment, the passage for Grandmaster Yan Luo to return has been connected. The source of the symbols you feel belongs to Grand Master Yan Luo."

"It's a pity that in the end, the success fell short. Something happened to the Grand Master while passing through the passage and he died."

"Ah!!!" Tiesha Han Lichen cried out in pain again when he heard this.

Everyone present was stunned by this sudden turn of events.

Grandmaster Yan Luo has fallen.

Ouyang Ao suddenly felt that he was hard again and immediately puffed up his chest.

The Iron God appears!

The Iron God TMD appears!

No, it’s not the God of Iron. I just prayed to Brother Heart Nightmare. It was Brother Heart Nightmare who appeared. Brother Heart Nightmare is protecting me in another world!

Yan Luo hasn't come back, who else is there for me?

Who else!

Although Xingxing is at the blue level, I am worthy of him!


Ouyang Ao almost stopped holding back again, but it was different from before. This time it was because he was too excited and failed to hold back.

Galin Kaslana, the hermit, is holding the star on her forehead with one hand. You are so good at playing.

You are trying to make them look like fools.

At this time, the first chief, Xingxing, had restrained his talisman source, so his level of talisman source could not be seen. No one thought that he could use the excuse just now to perfectly explain the BUG of purple-level talisman source pressure. Haha, people from the Wisdom Council.

At this time, I had the desire to die.

Lu Yuan's eyes were as wide as bells.

Yan Luo didn't come back

Damn it, life is full of ups and downs, it’s so exciting that I can’t react.

After worrying for a long time and struggling for a long time, Yan Luo died. Is this a twist of fate or the blessing of the god of luck?

Damn it, I had known that the four major parliaments would be merged directly, and I still had to go to such trouble.

The current situation is that the Wisdom Council is disabled. As long as the stars are killed, he will be the Lord of Pandora.

But it's still difficult to deal with the Moon Demon.

He couldn't stop the moon demon Lu Yuan, who was thinking rapidly in his mind and found himself falling into entanglement again.

Xingxing's eyes moved around, but finally he looked at Ouyang Ao.

He looked at the world boss from top to bottom with doubtful eyes, huh? Who is this kid?

Ouyang Ao noticed his gaze, and looked at Xingxing with his chest raised, without giving in at all.

Tiesha Han Lichen saw this scene with great sadness, and the ashes in his heart seemed to move, and he explained in a trembling tone:

"That Xingxing, the first chief Mr. Xingxing, this is Ouyang Ao, the only son of the Ouyang family in Dongcheng City, with Qing-level strength."

"This son"

"Iron Sand" moistened his dry throat and continued to explain:

"This son killed me, Pandora, and severely wounded all the masters of my Wisdom Council just now, in an attempt to force us to clear the name of the exiled Contractor."

"He is a person of Lunar Eclipse, and he is even more rebellious. He wants to let Lunar Eclipse replace me, Pandora, and he wants to overturn my Pandora star!"

"Ouyang Ao is my Pandora enemy, you must take him down!"

After a lot of effort, Tiesha Han Lichen explained the previous situation clearly.

Hearing this, Xingxing naturally got a general idea. He looked around at the group of people in the Wisdom Council and found that these guys were indeed injured, and Fuyuan's aura also showed signs of disorder. This was like they had just experienced a battle, and judging from the injuries, they were also...

Really suffered a loss.

His brows furrowed slightly, he licked Master Tiesha's words, raised his head, and looked at Ouyang Ao:

"You defeated all the masters of their Wisdom Council with one person?"

How excited is Ouyang Ao at this time? His opponent has changed from Grandmaster Yan Luo to a blue-level star. He is on the rise. What's more, it is said that this star has fought against his teacher several times, and it seems that he is in the hands of the teacher every time.

There is no reason why I, Ouyang Ao, can't defeat the enemies that Teacher Chiba can crush. Don't forget, Mo Zhi was also a junior level at the time.

With his mind made up, Ouyang nodded proudly and told the truth without any worries:

"Yes, they were defeated by me."

Xingxing's brows tightened: "Are you really a Lunar Eclipse person?"

Ouyang Ao nodded decisively again and gave Xingxing a look:

Yes, come and do it if you don’t accept it!

First Chief Xingxing also nodded, seeming to be meditating, but the talisman on his body was constantly flowing.

It seems that this battle is inevitable.

Tiesha Han Lichen gritted his teeth and cursed at Ouyang Ao: "Ouyang Ao, you can't escape after all."

"Trying to provoke me, Pandora"

Everyone present could see clearly that everyone knew in their hearts that the Wisdom Council was finished.

Grandmaster Yan Luo has fallen, and the Wisdom Council may never be able to turn around again.

"Iron Sand" complained bitterly about Ouyang Ao to the first chief, Hengxing, but still caught Ouyang Ao's arrogance just now and wanted to overthrow Pandora, and asked Hengxing to teach Ouyang Ao a lesson. After all, Hengxing is a genuine blue man.

Level, he can definitely suppress this Ouyang Ao.

That's right, it was to use the combat power of the stars to kill Ouyang Ao and avenge the beatings of the Wisdom Council. Although this could no longer save the fallen Wisdom Council, it was also the final stubbornness of the Wisdom Council masters such as Tie Sha and Han Lichen.

The Great Hermit Galin Kaslana had no objections. After all, Ouyang Ao had said that he wanted the Eclipse Organization to replace Pandora, and Ouyang Ao was the enemy of all Pandora people present.

Lu Yuan is more supportive of Xingxing's action. If Xingxing loses, he will even have the opportunity to kill Xingxing in the chaos. In that case, he will successfully ascend to the throne of the first generation of Pandora.

Ouyang Ao has extraordinary strength, and it is really possible for him to severely defeat the number one chief star!

Even if you have to face the resurrected moon demon later

Lu Yuan indeed thought so, because it seemed that Yan Luo had not come back, so he would have to face the moon demon no matter what, and the threat of the moon demon would always exist.

So, this has nothing to do with him unifying Pandora at this time. Even if he becomes the leader of Pandora at this time, and fails in the subsequent battle against the Moon Demon, and the continent is destroyed by the Moon Demon, he can still be regarded as realizing his long-cherished wish in life.

I have become addicted to being the first person in the world to contract.

If the world is destroyed irreversibly, there is no need to worry so much.

What if the threat from the Moon Demon is still turning around? What could go wrong? Then he can confirm his position as the first leader of Pandora and become the second immortal god in the true sense.

Xingxing nodded again, his eyes sharper:

"Are you really going to start a war with me, Pandora? In the name of lunar eclipse?"

Ouyang Ao exhaled slightly and told the truth:

"It was not my intention to go to war with Pandora."

The talisman on First Chief Xingxing's body has already been released. It is the strength of the blue level. After a few seconds of climbing, the strong talisman has surpassed the green level Ouyang Ao. However, he still asked:

"Oh? Not your intention?"

Ouyang Ao also mobilized Fuyuan, unwilling to show weakness to Xingxing, and said loudly:

“Everyone present is a witness!”

"I, Ouyang Ao, came to the Sky City, on the one hand, to discuss the plan to resist the moon demon, and on the other hand, to clear my teacher's name."

"In order to save the contracted world, my teacher died together with the Moon Demon. This is a fact! Now that the Moon Demon is reborn, it is the autumn of critical survival. We need to join hands to fight against the Moon Demon. In this case, I, Ouyang Ao, ask Pandora to restore me

What’s wrong with a teacher’s reputation?”

"You forced me!"

Ouyang Ao looked at the masters of the Wisdom Council:

"We are facing a formidable enemy. Your Wisdom Council refuses to even pass such a small request. With such a deep-rooted prejudice against my teacher, how can I, Ouyang Ao, trust you and join forces with you to fight against the Moon Demon?!"

"It's you who don't know what's good and what's good. A group of people came up to besiege me!"

"You lose and you don't admit it!"

Only then did Ouyang Ao finally explain the cause and effect.

Indeed, the series of things that happened from beginning to end was based on this logic. I just thought that I had to pretend to be X just for the sake of pretending to

After all, isn't it because they want to join forces to fight against the Moon Demon?

Ouyang Ao actually didn't want to say this. He just thought that it would be better to take the lead than anyone else, which would save him a lot of trouble. He didn't even say a word of nonsense when he fought with a group of people from the Wisdom Council before. One of the reasons was that the other party didn't know how to do it.

He was not given any chance to explain.

Unexpectedly, at this time, before the duel with the stars, Han Lichen from the Wisdom Council wanted to discuss the matter. Naturally, Ouyang Ao could not coddle him. A competition of words was also a battlefield that could not be lost. It was also another kind of pretense.


"You" Tiesha Han Lichen was touched by these words again, and immediately transferred the conflict:

"Ouyang Ao, don't quibble, just die!"

No matter what you say, I'll kill you first. You are the enemy of the entire Pandora.

I just didn't expect that these words would make Xingxing understand it more clearly.

This guy is an unpredictable apprentice!

I came here to clear up Mo Chou's name. Yes, Mo Chou had been an exiled contractor wanted by Pandora before. He was a person on the hidden list and a sinner.

The so-called rectification of his name should be for Pandora to acknowledge his merits and his act of dedicating himself to die with the Moon Demon in order to save the continent.

Well, that's true

Isn’t this what I’ve always wanted to do?

Xingxing took in a breath slowly and slowly.

Don't forget, that's my unpredictable brother! The unpredictable brother who once used human wisdom to join forces with me to defeat the three great masters and let me succeed in ascending to the throne.

Don’t forget, before I hit the Wall of Sighs, I had already made up my mind. Once I successfully reach the purple level and become the real talker of Pandora, I will immediately declare that my unpredictable brother is the hero of Pandora! He is the hero of the mainland.

!He is the hero of all Ironborn!

Don’t forget that the spirit puppet I promoted to the purple level was given to me by Mu Zhi. What I need to break through the Wall of Sighs, the source of the contract of the Spirit Language series, was also given to me in exchange by Mu Zhi!

That’s right, Unpredictable has been my life-and-death friend for a long time!

Remember his bravery and strength!

I told you earlier! Ouyang Ao

The sharpness on Xingxing's face quickly dissipated, but was replaced by a warm smile like the sun.

He looked at Ouyang Ao, waved his hand gently, and said to Ouyang Ao in a firm tone in front of the half-spirited Pandora of everyone present:

"Master Ouyang is right!"

This sudden turn of events made everyone present unable to regain their senses again.

Xingxing looked relaxed and said loudly:

"Unpredictable is indeed a hero worthy of respect! His achievements are comparable to those of the Immortal God!"

"My First Chief, Stellar, announces that from now on, the name of Unpredictable will be forever recorded in the history of Pandora for the admiration of hundreds of millions of iron people."

"Young Master Ouyang is right! Everyone, Ouyang Ao is not the enemy of my star. He is an unpredictable disciple and a friend of my star!"

Dear friends, I want to apologize to you all! I was too busy some time ago and haven’t had much time to type. I’m really sorry.

I have been free these past few days, so I quickly concentrated on writing a bit, but I have to start a business trip tomorrow, and I will probably have to stop updating for more than ten days, so I have to shamelessly say sorry to everyone.

When I get back from the business trip, I will be able to update more steadily. This book is already finishing and will be finished soon.

Well, anyway, I want to tell you that I am not delaying it on purpose, but I am really busy and have to run for a living, and coding is just a part-time job.

Also, a new book will be released before this book is finished. In order to avoid interruption of new book updates, I will work full-time for a period of time after the new book is released to ensure the amount of updates to the new book. I hope everyone can support it.

This chapter has been completed!
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