Chapter 335 Crystal, Curse of the Contractor.

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Chapter 335 Crystal, Curse of the Contractor.

Looking at the pieces of information sent by the knowledge, I can't help but feel that the originally messy clues in my mind are gathering together one by one, combined into a whole, connected to each other, and integrated.

I see!

It turns out that the white light comes from crystals!

Unpredictable frown

Judging from the description, the effect of this crystal is no different from the strange white light encountered several times.

Whether it was the woman who first came to the Inspectorate looking for her daughter, or the captain of the Public Security Bureau who later caught him and Caius, including the security officer who attacked him in the detention room of the Public Security Bureau. These people were all captured by the so-called crystal "


In addition, this series of plans successively targeted the Supervision Bureau and the Public Security Bureau, and later even provoked an open conflict between the two departments. These plans seemed to come from the Southern Tribe, but when the Black Mustang Club was annihilated, a suspected Ai Niang was discovered.

Mark of.

This routine is more like Ainiang's method than the Southern Tribe's plan. He is extremely thoughtful and very insidious. Therefore, he is the real man behind the scenes!

No, we shouldn’t say that he is the man behind the scenes, we should say the “shadow” organization. The shadow organization is the root of this series of events!

When Ai Liang returned to Hot Spring City, it turned out that he was not just seeking revenge, but had another agenda. Otherwise, there would be no need to go to the Federal Academy of Natural Sciences to steal the "crystals".

That's right! The crystals lost by the Federal Academy of Natural Sciences were made by the "Shadow" organization, or in other words, by Ai Liang himself.

There are four in total. Three of them have been used, and the last one is left.

Rubbing the silver ring in his hand, Mu Zhi read the content sent by "Learning" over and over again.

The nature of the crystal is opposite to that of the Source Stone. This is easy to understand. The Source Stone is like a rechargeable battery, which can collect the energy of the source of symbols scattered from the sky and the earth, and store it. The source stones are arranged and combined to form the language of the source of symbols, and the language of the source of the symbols is fixed.

The form of the symbol source output - contract ability, the stored symbol source energy is output in the form of different extraordinary abilities. This is the foundation of the contract ability.

Crystals are equivalent to reversing this process.

What does this mean?

It means that it can subvert the operation of the contract ability, and it means that it can change the structure of the contract world. This is a new thing that can change the contract world!

As for "implantation" into the Ironborn body. What does this mean? How exactly is "implantation" implanted?

What does "death triggers white light" mean? In the several white light explosions I have experienced, the people who were manipulated are all alive.

The Federal Academy of Natural Sciences and the Wisdom Council are both scientific research institutions, and their writing is very formal and unclear. Unpredictable felt the need to clarify the real process.

At this time, everyone in the group had already discussed related topics.

World: [What does this crystal mean?]

Prediction: [It sounds very powerful, and it also involves Hot Spring City.]

[Mr. Xin Ma, you are from Hot Spring City, have you ever seen this white light? 】

Desire: [Are crystals different from source stones? 】

Knowledge: [The Federal Academy of Natural Sciences has strengthened its police force during this period because it lost these important crystals!]

[People from the Security Office searched everywhere. They knew about my failure to borrow information about the nuclear explosion in Tieshan City last time, and they became suspicious of my original intention. They even regarded me as a suspect for stealing these crystals.]

Knowledge: [As for these crystals, I have never seen them. 】

Unpredictable clicked the silver ring: [Mr. Knowledge, may I ask if there is any follow-up description in the information, preferably about crystal research. 】

Knowledge: [Let me see. There is some.]

[However, these contents are all handwritten analysis. 】

Sure enough, there was. Unpredictable let out a long sigh of relief.

After acquiring a previously undiscovered substance, the Federal Academy of Natural Sciences and the Pandora Wisdom Council jointly conducted research. This means that research has a step-by-step process and new discoveries are constantly being made. These processes should be described in the scientific research files.

, even if there is no record, there will be some conjectures and analyzes by relevant people.

It's something like a research journal.

Knowledge: [Well, regarding the crystal, I have some personal comments from the participants of the Wisdom Council. 】

[Crystal is a newly discovered substance. Judging from the current situation, this crystal has extremely important value. 】

[We have discovered the role of crystals in reversing the energy of the symbol source. During the test, we found that this ability is almost unrestricted. The crystal will not be consumed. As long as there is a piece of crystal, other energies converted from the symbol source energy can continue.

The earth returns to the source of energy]

[This is a great ability! This is equivalent to invalidating contract abilities! After a series of contact tests, we found that ordinary ironmen carrying such a crystal can invalidate contract skills of a certain strength. That’s right.

, it is invalid! This crystal is equivalent to a spell that can resist the contract ability, a "barrier" that blocks the damage of the contract ability.]

[Imagine it, if every ironborn has such a crystal, the contractor is equivalent to losing his "extraordinary". The attack of their contract ability will be helpless to these ironborn holding the crystal! 】

【This is what I mean.】

Knowledge: [There are a few paragraphs later, also handwritten.]

[If an ironborn carries a crystal, when it encounters an attack from the contract ability, the attack will be converted into runic energy. In other words, at this time, the ironborn carrying the crystal is not only immune to the attack from the contract ability, but also can

Convert this attack back into rune energy for a short period of time, and ordinary ironmen will have rune sources remaining on their bodies!】

[Hypothesis, I mean hypothetical! Suppose this Ironborn can control the source of symbols, and Suppose this ordinary Ironborn also has a contract item on his body, what will happen? 】

[Something will happen that will horrify all of us - this ordinary iron citizen's crystal-converted talisman source can activate this contracted item!]

[Ordinary people have the ability to contract!]

Knowledge: [The following content is another person’s personal annotation. 】

[Completely agree with the above opinion! However, this is just an assumption that ordinary ironmen do not have the ability to manipulate the source of symbols. 】

[Your assumption is that this ironborn has one contract item. What if he carries multiple items? Wouldn’t it mean that multiple contract items are in effect at the same time? 】

[Everyone knows that ordinary ironmen do not have the ability to control the source of symbols. Even if they carry crystals, they cannot make choices about the use of contracted items! 】

[Annotation from another person. No, this is not entirely correct. Studies have shown that all people have the innate ability to manipulate the source of symbols. It is just that some people have higher natures and awaken to become contractors, while more people are

Their talents are poor and they cannot reach the level of contractors to control the source of symbols, so these people are just ordinary ironmen.】

[What I want to express is that ordinary people also have a weak ability to manipulate the source of symbols. This ability is also innate and is not completely indifferent to the source of symbols. 】

[In other words. If there is a contract item that can amplify the ability to control the source of symbols, can the ironmen break through this shackles? Give them the ability to control the source of symbols? 】

[This is completely possible! Just think of there are several Rune Source Languages ​​that can amplify the ability to manipulate Rune Source! 】

[This process will be cleared up! The hypothesis will become true! After an ordinary ironborn is attacked, the energy of the rune source will activate this contract item that amplifies the ability to control the rune source. This will give the ordinary ironborn the ability to control the rune source.

Ability, even if this ability does not last long.】

[However, this will also allow this ordinary Ironborn to selectively use other contract items to fight!]

Knowledge: [Another person’s continued comments.]

[This process can indeed make sense. But]

[Don’t forget one thing, even if this process is cleared up, ordinary Ironborn carrying crystals will not have Source Stone in their bodies, and there will be no original source of energy!]

[Does this ordinary person holding a crystal fight against a contractor have to use the symbol source transformed by the crystal to use the contract item every time he is attacked by the contractor? If that is the case, haha, this process is too long. This ordinary iron

The people might as well fight back with a pistol!]

[Imagine being attacked by a contract ability, the crystal converts the ability into a symbol source, and the symbol source activates the contract item that expands the ability to control the symbol source, so that this ordinary ironman has the ability to control the symbol source, so he can choose other contract items on his body to fight.

Haha, isn’t this process a bit long?】

[By the time he can control the source of symbols and fight, he will probably be beaten to death by the opponent's contractor with a brick!]

When Mobi heard this, he felt like laughing inexplicably. These "students" argued with each other, but they actually came up with a feasible plan!

Before Mo Ke could come to a conclusion, "Xue Xue" had already sent out the following comments one after another, and one of them even made a summary for Mo Ke.

Knowledge: [A "master" from the Wisdom Council personally commented and made a summary. ]

[No need for meaningless discussions! No matter what, the appearance of this crystal brings at least one possibility! 】

[A possibility for ordinary people to control the source of symbols and use contract abilities! You even came up with a feasible plan just through discussion! Although this plan has flaws and is still very reluctant, but what I want to say is]

【.This is just a matter of letting ordinary ironmen control Fuyuan. What about other aspects? What about our secret realm? What about the mainland power supply that we monopolize with Fuyuan? Does this crystal have the possibility to change the current situation in other aspects?


[This just proves the importance of crystals! This is something that may subvert the entire continent and the entire Pandora! 】

【Everyone must pay attention!】

[Next, what we have to do is to open up this process and completely control this process in the hands of the Wisdom Council! Understand! Only by us can we make those ordinary ironmen always just ordinary and never have the ability to challenge Pandora! 】

[Everyone agreed later.] The scholar concluded.

Mo Zhi thought for a while and continued: [About human experiments. Are there any other comments? 】

[Yes!] Xuexue said firmly: [Wait a moment, let me relax my fingers, they are a bit stiff after typing too much.]



[Important discovery, this crystal can be fused into the body!]

[Today, during the experiment, a researcher came into contact with the crystal for too long and the crystal disappeared]

[After testing, this researcher’s contract ability has disappeared!]

[After this discovery, this crystal has the property of integrating into the body! 】

[The 23rd test of Pandora’s Wisdom Council begins human testing of crystals]

[It’s not fusion, it’s implantation. It’s like implanting the source stone into the soul!]

[Experiments have determined that this weird crystal can be automatically implanted into the body!]

[It is divided into the following two situations. If the target is a contractor, the crystal will be fused for two hours and finally implanted into the body of the target contractor. The result of the experiment is: this contractor once again lost the ability to contract and became an ordinary ironman!

[This "injury" is likely to be permanent! After three days of observation, there is no sign of recovery]

[If the "implantation" target is an ordinary Ironborn, it only takes fourteen minutes. The body changes of ordinary Ironborn are currently being tested. ]

[Ordinary Ironborn do not have any physical changes in their bodies.]

[Contract ability test. The Ironborn body implanted with crystals shows the original properties of the crystal. The Ironborn body implanted with crystals can actually reverse the transformation and reversal of the rune source energy of the contract ability, and turn it back into rune source energy, and then dissipate it.

Out of the body. The bodies of ordinary ironmen have become "insulators" of the source of symbols, and all contract abilities are invalid against them!】

【This is an amazing phenomenon!】

[The previous discussion is meaningless! If the Ironborn body with crystal implants carries a contract item, when attacked by a contract ability, it will be able to block the attack of the contract ability and re-convert the energy of the attack into rune source energy. Also

That is to say, the body of an ordinary ironborn at this time is covered with a layer of talisman - through the fusion of this crystal, ordinary ironborn can indirectly use contracted items!】

[Originally, the problem that someone said that "the process of passively manipulating the source of symbols by carrying crystals for the Ironborn is too long" has been greatly shortened due to "fusion"! 】

【Iron God!】

[I suggest that the Smart Council immediately hold an extraordinary meeting to respond to this situation.]

[There is another even more surprising fact! If an ordinary Ironborn person who fuses crystals dies, a strange white light will erupt! 】

[Ironborn bodies were burned to coke at the same time!]

[White light can destroy contracted items, and make the contractor who is hit by the white light temporarily lose the ability to mobilize the source of symbols!]

[The fifth human test summary confirms! Once an ordinary Ironborn "implanted" with a crystal dies, and when this interference ends, it will definitely emit a strong white light]

[The crystal of the twenty-fifth human experiment turns out to be something that can permanently transform the contractor back into an ordinary ironborn, allowing ordinary ironborn to passively use the source of talismans.]

【This is simply weird!】

[This crystal is the curse of the contractor!]

[A new idea for the sixty-eighth human trial.]

[After the crystal is implanted in the body of an ordinary Ironborn, it will repel the Talisman source and become an "insulator". What if it was before? What I mean is to use the contract ability to affect the ordinary Ironborn first. Of course, you need to use some long-term contracts.

Abilities, such as "amnesia", "curse", "bad luck" and other effects are applied to ordinary ironborn with the target's contract ability for a long time, and then the ordinary ironborn with the contract ability effect is implanted with crystals]

[Yes, this process is pre-empted. I am very interested in the possibilities this can lead to, so I applied for this human experiment. 】

【Results. Both expected and unexpected.】

[We chose to use the "accelerated aging" in the "curse" type of rune language. The function of this rune language is to make the target age quickly until death. First, apply "accelerated aging" to the experimental subject (an ordinary ironborn in good health).

"Accelerate aging", and then proceed with the fusion of crystals]

[Unexpectedly, the experimental body behaves the same as before. It still has the property of "insulation" and can resist or repel all contract abilities. Moreover, the original function of the language of the source of symbols is still there. This experimental body is still in use

After fusing the crystal, the "accelerated aging" effect is not automatically eliminated, and it is indeed getting older slowly.】

[Unexpectedly, when we tried to use another clearing effect of the Word of Runes to remove the "curse" originally attached to the experimental subject, the experimental subject unexpectedly exploded with white light! 】

[Based on the speculation of the 68th human experiment: the inversion process will not produce subversive conclusions, but a situation has been added - when the contract ability effect originally applied to the experimental subject is cleared, a white light will occur

Explosion. Well, this is the same as what happens when the experimental subject of the fused crystal dies.】

[The seventy-fourth test originated from a situation reported by the Hot Spring City Inspectorate. There was a woman who had fused crystals and had her memory changed by a "mind control" contract ability. After entering the Hot Spring City Inspectorate, her memory was restored, resulting in

A dozen contracted items were damaged, and there were no casualties. During this period, although the Hot Spring City Supervision Office read his mind unexpectedly, it failed to cause a white light explosion.]

[This is similar to the results of the 68th human trial.]

【Crystals appear outside Pandora!】

[After investigation, four crystals accepted by the Federal Academy of Natural Sciences of the Wisdom Parliament were stolen!]

Knowledge: [That’s so much content. I’m dizzy, why is it so unpredictable again!]

This chapter has been completed!
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