Chapter 347 Studying with the Prince Please vote on Monday

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Chapter 347 Studying with the Prince, please vote on Monday

Feng Wei has always believed that he has found the best development path after time travel, and has set the goal of building a "tech empire".

He doesn't mind being dormant at this time, and can endure the "poor" student years, just to create future glory one day.

I originally thought that to achieve this goal, I would need to painstakingly complete a doctorate and slowly accumulate funds. When the two necessary conditions of academic level and a certain amount of wealth are met, I can choose a technology project that will subvert the times and become a blockbuster.

Then, the career will officially get on track.

Unexpectedly, this "accidental gain" tonight seemed to push him a big step towards his goal.

The advantage of being a time traveler is indeed too great. Feng Wei felt his heart sink for a while and looked at Mr. Zuo.

At this time, Zuo Wei had exhausted all the energy he had when he woke up this time and fell asleep at his desk again.

There was a smile on his morbid face, as if he had dreamed of something happy.

Hot Spring City, Shouyang Province.

Unpredictable was woken up by fluctuations coming from the silver "communication" ring from time to time.

With Xiaobai spreading symbol source warnings around him, he didn't have to worry about the fluctuations in symbol sources being noticed by others, so he didn't put the two communications into the "warehouse".

It must be Ouyang Ao, Mo Zhi murmured in his heart, and put his finger on the silver ring sleepily, feeling every beating byte while secretly guessing in his mind.

World: [I couldn’t sleep, I had insomnia the whole night.]

World: [After that unpredictable man became my mentor, he said a lot of things to me, and I thought about it for half the night.]

World: [Unexpected said that we should have principles and bottom lines. He was telling me the principles for doing things. You can do bad things, but you can’t go too far. Is that what you mean?]

World: [This unpredictable person actually asked me like this. Now that I think about it, I feel more and more that he is right.]

World: [This is a request for me, which is equivalent to telling me that I can neither be a virgin bitch nor a complete evil person.]

World: [Unpredictable, this person really doesn’t look like a bad person.]

World: [Brother Xin Mao, you have many acquaintances in Hot Springs City. Do you know about Mo Cao? What kind of person is he? 】

World: [After all, he has become my mentor. I really want to know what kind of person he is. Can you help me find out? 】

Damn, this kid is really thoughtful!

This really meant that Teacher Mo was regarded as Lu Xun. Mo Zhi just made a few random remarks during the day, which made Ouyang Ao think about it all night.

Seeing that Ouyang Ao was still worried about Teacher Mo's character, Mo Zhi cursed secretly: He couldn't sleep, and he had to disturb me to sleep.

No need to think, I just replied with my silver ring:

[World Boss, there is no need to inquire about this matter. I often hear my friends talk about this unpredictable person and know that he is an excellent punisher.]

[Unpredictable is serious and responsible for the work of the Supervisory Office, is kind to his family, decisive in killing the exiled contractors, and is very powerful. It will be no problem for him to be your mentor! Under his guidance, you will soon become a powerful person.


[By the way, the most outstanding quality of this person is that he is honest, especially honest, and never lies. 】

【Sleep peacefully!】

After typing, throw the silver ring directly into the "warehouse".

In the morning, after waking up again, it is unpredictable that I will repeat yesterday's daily routine.

After eating a free bodyguard meal at Ding’s father’s house, I protected Ding’s father and continued to accompany various departments of the province on inspections.

As the car drove into the city, Mo unpredictable suddenly discovered that the festive atmosphere seemed to have become much stronger in recent days.

The trees on both sides of the road, in front of the building, and on the towering telephone poles were all hung with red lanterns.

There are obviously more pedestrians on the streets, especially near the commercial streets. The bustling crowds are purchasing various "new year goods" for the New Year, which has caused congestion on the highway.

Think about it, before you know it, it is already September 27th, and there are only three days left before the longevity festival that happens every five years.

Seeing many scenes through the glass is unpredictable and feels like a world away.

The happiest time in my previous life was the Chinese New Year. New Year's money and new clothes carry the carefree and joyful memories of childhood.

Until this happiness is finally lost after adulthood.

Seemingly noticing the unpredictable gaze, Ding Bangchang, who was sitting in the back row, said:

"On the last day of Ouyang Xingsheng's trip, he will celebrate his longevity with the iron people of Hot Spring City."

Andre, who was driving, laughed and said, "I didn't expect that the provincial governor would celebrate the New Year in Hot Spring City."

This unpredictable person knew that he had already seen the provincial inspection schedule, and his eyes were focused on various large and small lanterns outside the car window.

Frowning, Mu Zhi turned to Dad Ding and asked:

"Deputy Speaker, are all the lanterns this year using electric lights?"

Hearing this, Ding Bangchang looked out the window and explained with a smile:

"Yes, as you know, red paper lanterns use oil lamps and beeswax, which cause many fires during every longevity festival. This year coincides with the provincial inspection, so the city council issued a ban on open fires after discussion."

"At the same time, the Finance Department allocated a sum of money to purchase special light bulbs from the Nancheng Factory and distribute them to every ironman household for free, specifically to replace oil lamps."

"Oh, that's right. The city hall has really considered it carefully." Mo Zhiyan said in agreement, thoughtfully.

It was precisely because he found that almost every lantern had wires connected to the outside that Mo Zhi discovered this.

Ding Bangchang, who was sitting in the back row, couldn't see his unpredictable expression and continued to explain:

"Didn't I say it last time? This year's Longevity Festival is special because of the visit of the province. The city council has taken many measures."

"In addition to lanterns, in fact, the key control area is in Nancheng. The Urban Management Department has gathered most of the beggars and distributed free food to them during this period."

"At the same time, most factories were temporarily closed, and the Department of Urban Environment hired many temporary home workers to clean the streets of the entire city every day. Of course, the focus is still on the Southern District."

"After all, it's too dirty and messy there."

After explaining, Ding Bangchang leaned back on his seat and sighed slightly.

Andre was a straight-tempered person and immediately said after hearing this:

"It's not that it's too chaotic, it's because there are too many poor people who don't have enough to eat! This time the province comes, the Hot Spring City Hall has wasted a lot of taxpayers' money. It might as well be used to relieve the poor."

"Just do some superficial work!"

Unpredictable smiled secretly upon hearing this.

Only by Ding's father's side could Andre serve as a bodyguard for so long.

Ding Bangchang smiled slightly, not angry, and just said lightly:

"Many things in this world cannot be solved overnight. You must always follow the good path."

Andre was stunned when he heard this, and shook his bearded chin:

"Deputy Speaker, I don't understand."

Unpredictable laughed and said: "Rather than following the good and flowing like a stream, it is better to say that I am like the dust of the light."

When Ding Bangchang heard this, his eyes lit up slightly and he glanced at Mo unpredictable again.

Andre still shook his head, his eyebrows furrowed tightly:

"Still don't understand."

Driving to the city hall, Mo Zhi failed to follow Ding Bangchang.

A Hesse maid had been waiting uneasily in the city hall for a long time. When she saw Deputy Speaker Ding and his entourage entering the door, she hurriedly greeted them.

"Master Ding, I am Master Ouyang's maid, Cora Cyrus Tea Jar Narcissus Desk"

The maid who called herself Cora raised her eyes nervously and looked at Mo Zhi:

"Master, please invite Master Mo to the Oriental Hotel."

Ding Bangchang smiled and nodded, looking back unpredictably:

"This is what I promised Ouyang Xingsheng. You don't have to protect me these days."

Mo Zhi curled his lips, he really wanted to study with the prince.

Mozhi nodded and followed Cora into the car that had been waiting for him.

After looking at the little maid who was only a few years older than Ouyang Ao, she looked back at her from time to time, and her heart suddenly moved and she asked:

"Ms. Cora, is Master Ouyang at the Oriental Hotel?"

The little maid turned around, with a slight blush on her brown-black face. She looked up and down at the unpredictable people in the back row before replying:

"Yes, Teacher Mo."

After saying that, he nervously added:

"Teacher Mo, you are the young master's mentor. You are the young master's. You are a person that the young master respects. You don't need to call me ma'am. I am just the young master's personal maid."

Mo Zhi looked at the little maid with a smile and thought to himself: There is something wrong with this little girl.

After thinking for a while, Mo Zhi asked: "Did Ouyang Ao ask me to do something?"

Cora pursed her lips and explained seriously:

"The young master asked you to teach him to become stronger. I have always been very motivated!"

"You, you."

Mo Zhi chuckled and added:

"So, you have been examining me and want to know what kind of person I am?"

"You are worried that I cannot teach your Master Ouyang well, and you may also be worried that I am too strict and will make your Master Ouyang suffer. In short, you have all kinds of worries."

"This is the eleventh time that you keep looking back at me. It seems that you are very worried about your young master." Mo Zhi deliberately emphasized the word "your".

After getting in the car, Mo Pou noticed that the little Hesse maid was looking at her from time to time, and her furtive glances could not hide the habituation of her contract ability.

After adding a few words, Mo Zhi easily discovered that this little girl seemed to be very interested in Ouyang Ao.

Cora saw the unpredictability and pointed it out directly, and suddenly became anxious:

"Don't mentor me. I'm rude!"

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm just the young master's personal maid. Of course I have to think about the young master!"

"I grew up with him."

"I hope you can teach the young master well."

Mo Zhi saw the really anxious look on her face, and he sighed secretly in his heart.

This little maid is really, really pure towards Ouyang Ao. How can I put it in one word? Well, girl Huaichun.

There is no utilitarianism in Cora's expression to cling to the provincial master, it is just pure love. Only in this way can she always think about Master Ouyang, and it can be seen from the conversation.

However, after all, it is difficult for this emotion to transcend the huge identity gap between the two people. When the world boss comes of age, his future wife can only be a lady from a famous family.

It's just this simple thought that makes people sigh. After making an assessment of the little maid Cora, Mozhi sighed secretly in his heart.

After thinking about it, Mo Zhi laughed and said jokingly:

"If you want me to teach Ouyang Ao well, you must repay me! Let's talk about it first. If you don't agree, I will beat Ouyang Ao every day."

Cora turned around again, her face full of shock.

He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

After a moment of confusion on her face, Cora bit her lip and said decisively:

"Teacher Mo, if you can teach me well, young master. I don't have much money, so I guess you won't like me."

"If you don't like it, I can do whatever you want me to do!"

Mo Zhi was startled by her words. He looked up and saw Cora looking like she was about to jump into the river, her dark face pale.

The phrase "you can do anything" contains the flavor of sacrificing one's life to death.

Most maids who grow up with their employer's children will basically arrange to have a family after the employer's children reach the age of marriage. Most of the maids are men who are also servants of the employer, such as cleaners, door security guards, etc.

What's more, the employment relationship may be terminated and the family may be kicked out. Therefore, this kind of personal maid who grew up with the young master is equivalent to eating another form of "youth rice". When the young master becomes an adult, he will no longer have any income.


The luckier ones will be able to save some money after working as maids for many years, so that they can start a small business after losing their jobs. The better ones will be able to find an honest man from an average family background to marry.

However, most of these maids have no savings, and many end up working in nightclubs after losing their jobs.

For Ouyang Ao, Cora actually had to use her savings, which determined her future, in exchange for a tutor to teach the young master. If that didn't work, her words "Anything is OK" were full of determination.

Unpredictable mixed feelings, I suddenly felt bored and snorted:

"Just kidding you."

Cora then swallowed and looked at the expression on Mu Yi's face, as if trying to guess whether the young master mentor was really joking.

Seeing Mo Zhihan's face, he felt worried again, worried that he would make Instructor Mo unhappy and affect Ouyang Ao's "teaching important matter".

Unpredictable shook his head helplessly.

This Ouyang Ao is indeed the son of luck. After time traveling, he not only became the son of the province, but also had a loyal personal maid and the admiration of his childhood sweetheart.

Also, because of my status as the young master of the province, I found such an excellent mentor for nothing. I thought of it without any shame.

Ouyang Ao's perfect protagonist template.

I hope he knows how to cherish it.

My heart palpitated for a while, and I looked at the little maid who had turned around and leaned tightly on the passenger seat, and thoughts flashed through my mind.

This Cora is very likely to be a breakthrough.

Half an hour later, the car drove straight into the golf course of the club affiliated with the Oriental Hotel.

Ouyang Ao and Krisna had been waiting on the lawn for a long time. When they saw Cora coming down with Mo Ke, Ouyang Ao went up to greet him and called Mo Ke:

"Hello, tutor!"

Seeing him like this, Mo Bo probably guessed that Mr. "Xin Mao"'s message in the Lunar Eclipse group had some effect, making the provincial prince really consider facing up to his mentor.

He glanced at Krisna and said with an unpredictable smile:

"What did you bring me here for?"

Ouyang Ao's face showed a rare seriousness and he said seriously:

"Teacher, please teach me how to fight."

"I want to be stronger!"

Sure enough, it came back again, and it was still the same problem. Mo Zhi muttered in his heart, with a mysterious expression on his face, and the old god said:

"Young people should not always think about fighting. Combat strength is not the fundamental factor that determines victory or defeat."

Ouyang Ao asked: "Then what is it?"

Mobi laughed: "Money, power, luck, and more! Think about it, with your status, do you have to do it yourself if you want to kill someone?"

"It's unnecessary! What can't be done with money?"

Ouyang Ao shook his head: "I want to learn to fight!"

"In the face of pure power, all plans are vain."

Damn it, this is starting to drag out the words, what the heck, it’s a common idea in novels, Mo Zhi cursed in his heart, and said lightly:

"There is also xinxing. You need to hone your xinxing now!"

Ouyang Ao shook his head again, his face full of determination:

"Teacher, please teach me how to fight."

It's over, changing the subject this time is useless, the world's boss has already taken the blame this time.

Mu Zhi secretly sighed and said seriously to Ouyang Ao:

"Do you really want to learn to fight?"

Ouyang Ao finally nodded this time.

Mo Zhi suddenly felt uncomfortable on his face and said to Ouyang Ao:

"That can be taught!"

Seeing Ouyang Ao's face light up, he smiled and cursed unexpectedly:

"Teaching this normally, shouldn't you express it?"

"Either find ten or eight beauties to give me massages for a few years, or give me a hundred and eighty gold dollars and say nothing, and just want to follow someone and get my combat experience for free?"

"Master Ouyang, do you think you are going too far?"

Ouyang Ao was stunned for a moment.

So is Krisna next to her, and the maid Cora

After thinking for a while, Ouyang Ao smacked his lips: "Teacher, what you said seems to make sense. It's because the students didn't think carefully."

"But, I have no money now. If you teach me now, I will definitely repay you in the future. You are my mentor. Once a teacher, always a father. I will not treat you badly."

Mo Zhi snorted: "That's enough, I'll remember it."

"I'm just kidding you, can't you hear it?"

Ouyang Ao was stunned again.

After thinking for a long time, Ouyang Ao said: "Teacher, you seem to like to joke a lot."

"It seems like you've been trying to trick me, but I can't figure out what you want to trick me into."

"really weird!"

This chapter has been completed!
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