Chapter 408 Silly girl! Dont you understand yet? Im going to run away

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Chapter 408 Silly girl! Don’t you understand yet? I’m going to run away!

This, this, this

You're not crying, are you?

Are you crying?

I'm just teasing you.

Lian 28563 seemed to have exhausted all her strength to prevent tears from falling from her beautiful big eyes, and turned her head with red eyes.

The circles under his eyes were red, as if he was looking at the unpredictable and said:

you are bullying me!

Unpredictable: "."

This little daughter's gesture, which was not supposed to appear on Lian 28563, suddenly made Mo Zhi feel excited.

Hey hey hey, something seems wrong.

In just a few seconds, Mo Zhi's heart was filled with turbulence and thoughts.

You look like a high school girl who fell in love early and was bullied by her little boyfriend.

Could it be that you have some thoughts about me?

Don't! Don't!

Don't give up your Lord Bishop!

I'm really just flirting with you, nothing else.

This ghost-like secret place is barren of grass, and there is not even any food. It is very desolate, okay? The two of us have to walk there for three or four days. It is very boring, okay? Also, when we reach the end of our trip, I

I'm about to die. I'm so desperate.

So, I just had some fun and joked with you.

It's really just a joke, just to spice up our monotonous and boring trip.

I really don’t mean that~~~I just see you are beautiful and make some jokes with you! Just like how male classmates always pull the pigtails of the pretty girls in the class

I don't want to start a great love affair across races. Well, I already have a non-Ironborn noob in my family.

Oh my god!

Who knew you Albei elf women would be so flirtatious? In my hometown, let alone a few jokes, no one would want a poor guy like me to be a spare tire for a pretty girl.

Also, I was just dishonest and I touched you. In this world, there is no such thing as a man and a woman who are not close to each other. They just hold hands and have to be responsible for you for the rest of their lives, right?

Just when he was looking at Sister Lian dumbfounded.

After a fierce struggle in her heart, the beautiful female elf seemed to have the upper hand again.

She reached out and rubbed her temples to recover from the fatigue caused by the entanglement, and sighed inaudibly.

Finally, she regained her frosty expression, pinched out a thigh from the rabbit bag that she had unrolled, and turned around to carry it on her back.


Unpredictable also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, not daring to make any more noises and quietly filling his stomach.

The two of them stayed silent like this, finishing their breakfast for the second day after entering the Iron Mountain Secret Realm.

After that, Lian 28563 didn't even say anything this time, she put away the remaining rabbit meat and walked forward.

Unpredictable and afraid to happen, he is as obedient as a cat and follows her footsteps.

Set off again

In fact, Mo Zhi really wants to ask you why you knelt and worshiped here all night, whether this is the core of the Iron Mountain Secret Realm, etc.

But, I dare not

Well, when you accidentally make a young lady angry, don't try to save her, that will only be the same as seeking death.

Because no matter how you make excuses or explain it, it will only make the conflict worse.

If you speak rashly at this time, what if Sister Lian gets anxious and gives you a slap in the face?

I can't beat her

Well, just wait for time to resolve everything.

Do you really not want to do something? Yes, no! If the lady really cares about you, she will forgive you sooner or later. That means you have been abandoned, and there is no point in coaxing you.

While walking, Mo Zhi was thinking wildly.

After one day and one night.

He no longer knew where he was.

He doesn't have to know the way anyway, he can just follow Lian 28563.

However, one thing is really certain. The gray tornado that made Sister Lian angry yesterday morning, well, is really the core of the Iron Mountain Secret Realm.

Because as the two people gradually left, the earthquake in Fuyuan had a clear trend of weakening.

This is enough to explain the problem

It's just that I'm still full of curiosity about how such a small space could create such a large area of ​​secret realm.

If the secret realm is the product of the madness of the high-level contractors, then what happened back then?

Is the wreckage there the so-called seventh starship?

In short, during the period when Sister Lian was coldly ignoring me, Mu Zhi was not idle, and was constantly thinking about various problems in her head.

That's right, Sister Lian really ignored her this time

She was really angry.

The shameless and unpredictable heart cursed the gray tornado a thousand times.

It was the one that made Sister Lian angry!

If there wasn't a wreckage in the center of the Iron Mountain Secret Realm, how could I be so curious that I would risk my own life to explore there?

If it didn't have such strong pressure from Fuyuan, how could she be trapped in it, causing Sister Lian to rush in to save her in a hurry?

Yes, it was the symbol source pressure of the gray tornado! He and Sister Lian were temporarily trapped there, leaving her exhausted and giving herself the urge to flirt with a beautiful woman!

I was just joking with her. This is a problem that every man will make when he sees a beautiful woman. Well, well, the problem is not mine!

It's all my fault that secret realm core gave us a chance.

Then, the two sat on the ground to rest.

Sister Lian still had no intention of speaking. She opened the bag of rabbit meat and quietly replenished her nutrition.

Mo Zhi watched her supplement her nutrition.

Licking my tongue, I still didn’t dare to speak.

What does this mean?

You are eating alone, why don't you give me some food?

It’s also good to give your cat grass and dry food!

Sister Lian put the remaining bag of rabbit meat in front of her face expressionlessly this time, without even looking at it, and enjoyed it alone.

There's no intention of being unpredictable at all

Well, this is a penalty! It should be a penalty with an attribute named "Hunger".

Unpredictable didn't dare to argue, so he just dragged his chin and watched Sister Lian carefully chewing and swallowing the rabbit meat, and arranging the bones into a pile with her fingers as thin as green onions.

Sigh~~ I thought about it for a while, then I mustered up the courage and prayed to the master with pitiful eyes:


After a cat breaks something from its owner, it usually looks cute and is fine.

However, Lian 28563 turned a deaf ear.

Without even raising my eyelids

After experiencing yesterday's turmoil, she completely "returned" to the original Albe elf who hated An'erra.

Well, maybe there is no such thing as a cat in her home world. This is also possible.

Seeing that she ignored him, Mo Zhi sighed heavily:

There's no point in trying to be cute. Sure enough, if you're not from my race, your heart must be different.

Come to think of it, it's been three days since I entered the Iron Mountain Secret Realm, so it's almost time.

She said that she probably had four or five days to live.

We should be halfway through the final trip to the secret realm.

Mo Cai watched her clean up the remaining rabbit meat in the bag and boldly asked:

"How long do we have for that?"

Stop making trouble. If you ask me about business, Sister Lian should be able to answer.

Mo Cai felt that he should have taken the initiative in this two-person trip. Well, because he had been able to carefully grasp Lian 28563's psychological fluctuations.

What kind of person is she, nay, an elf;

What was probably going on in her mind;

Also, she feels or struggles with herself!

Her psychological makeup is not complicated. In fact, on the contrary, it is quite simple.

The more she ignores herself, the more it means that she is struggling, the more it means that she has quietly entered this person's heart.

Of course, the method of entry is unpredictable and uncertain. Whether it is a gourmet attack with barbecued fish or a shameless flirtation, it actually doesn't matter much.

In short, from Sister Lian's indifferent attitude at this time, Mo Bo knew that he already had such a small place in the heart of this beautiful elf.

This is conclusive. You can imagine that after the end of this journey, many years after she was sacrificed to the black vortex, Lian 28563 should recall that there was such a scoundrel who was implicated in the Lord God-level contract, and she got along with her.

Live a journey that is both easy and difficult, full of tangles.

Yes, she was confused. She was telling the truth. She actually didn't want to let this "innocent person" lose his life in this racial war that could be traced back to ancient times. After getting along for a while, even if the result was already

It’s doomed, but it’s undeniable that this journey is quite interesting——

Especially for an elf who lives in his "homeland" and has never had any real contact with An Erla. Unpredictable is the first foreign race he has come into contact with. Moreover, he is also a bad boy who always flirts with her.

At that time, Lian 28563 might smile slightly when he thinks of the scoundrel man he caught and killed with his own hands many years ago.

She was as cold as ice to the unpredictable at this time, which was the choice she had to make - to use a simple and crude way to solve the entanglement in her heart.

As they got along, the unpredictable entered her heart more and more, especially after yesterday's bold flirtation, she could not face the unpredictable, let alone violate the major events of her own race. The entanglement broke out and she did not violate her loyalty to Albe.

This is the only way to quickly cut off the psychological burden

The end of this trip is already in sight.

As expected, Lian 28563 was shocked a little when she heard him ask about her "death date".

She pursed her thin lips and tried her best to keep her voice from rising and falling:

"It's still a day and a half away."

"Oh~~~Thank you!" Mo Zhi nodded and said with a smile:

"It's still so long. I can't wait to see that black vortex."

"You can still live for a day and a half, but it seems like it will take a while before you die."

"It's so hard."

With a spat in his mouth, Mo Zhi became determined, put on his clothes and lay down on the ground.

He turned over and actually stopped talking to her, as if he wanted to use this short break to sleep and regain his strength.

Lian28563 was stunned when she heard his outrageous remarks.

What, you still think your life is too long?

Suddenly, I was confused by these incomprehensible words from Mo Zhi.

She blinked her eyes slightly, but in the end, she still didn't speak to Mo Zhi, and lay on the ground also wrapped in a black robe.

around the campfire

Unpredictable snored loudly and looked like he was sleeping soundly.

Lian 28563 closed her eyes tightly, not sure if she was asleep, but her long eyelashes were beating occasionally.

After one day and one night.

I don’t know which corner is inside the secret territory of Iron Mountain.

Unexpectedly leaned lazily on the bump on the ground, broke the Molotov cocktail, and lit a bonfire.

The two of them walked for another day and night. This should be the last rest before the end of the journey.

During this period of time, Lian 28563 still didn't talk to Mo Cang again, and Mo Cang did the same.

After taking out the last package of rabbit meat, Mo Zhi saw that she seemed to be about to put her hand in front of the two of them, but hesitated and said with a smile:

"I don't need to eat, it's only half a day anyway."

After saying that, he put his hands around the back of his head, leaned directly on the ground, and looked up deeply at the white mist above, quietly watching the clouds roll and relax.

Seeing him like this, Lian 28563 pursed her lips, her eyes were a little dim, and the figure under the black robe was a little lonely.

She gently placed the rabbit meat in front of herself, untied the rope on it, and opened the wrapped leaves

After struggling for a moment, she picked up a piece of rabbit meat and put it in her mouth, but it tasted like nothing.

A little dry

This roasted rabbit, which was extremely delicious to Albey, didn't taste good at this time for some reason.

Quietly, quietly, Mozhu felt that the time was almost up, and suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at her:

"Is the black vortex in the direction we are heading?"

In shock, Lian 28563 nodded with the rabbit meat in her mouth.

Mo Zhi nodded and said as if talking to himself: "Oh, it's half a day's journey in this direction."

Lian 28563 didn't know why he suddenly asked this, but since he started to communicate, he paused, stretched out his hand and pushed the last bag of rabbit meat in front of Mo Zhi.

"Ha ha."

Mo Zhi saw her little daughter-in-law acting the same way and laughed:

"Do you want to say that you should eat before you hit the road?"

She knew it was a joke, but she just couldn't laugh at all

Suddenly, Mozhi let out a long sigh.

He sat up from the ground, propped his chin on his elbows, and stared at the beautiful elf in front of him.

Lian 28563 was startled by his sudden move. She looked at him, only to find that there was no emotion on his face. He was just looking at her with a smile.

But his eyes were also a little complicated.

"Sister Lian, thank you!"

Unexpectedly spoke, his tone was very low, rarely so serious.

"Thank me?"

"Yeah." Mozhi nodded:

"Thank you for saving me from Time Saul Underwood. I really mean it."

"Thank you for bringing me all the way here, saving me money on the train ticket and taking me into this secret land of Iron Mountain, well, this place that you Albei call Aruzelo."

"Thank you too for allowing me to have this unforgettable journey. Traveling with such a beautiful woman like you really makes my loser heart very satisfied."

He talked a lot, but it didn’t matter whether Lian 28563 could understand it or not. Mu Zhi smiled and shook his head:

"If it weren't for you, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to know so many secrets in such a short period of time."

"You don't know, I have always wanted to understand many things, but unfortunately, I have never had the chance. I can only go around in circles. You let me know a lot of things I want to know."

"These are all your fault."

Mozhi licked his lips, looked at the confused elf beauty, and sighed slightly again:

"Although I'm a little hungry these days, I'm really happy! I'm a person who pays attention to experiencing life. This journey is really fun, especially teasing a beautiful woman like you. It's so fun. Alas

, I really don’t want my time with you to end.”

"But...this journey is still over."

"We're already here. I can go see the black vortex by myself."

"Well, look at your confused little eyes, how beautiful is that?"

"Silly girl, don't you understand yet? I'm telling you. I'm ready to run away!"

My brother-in-law is getting married, and I have been helping out these past few days. Not to mention exhausted, I hardly have time to type, and I almost always find time to scrape together the chapters for that day.

It’s the limit to ensure constant updates these days, and I don’t even have time to correct typos in the previous three pictures and today’s chapter.

Fortunately, I'm home now and can concentrate on typing.

Tonight I will go over the wording and typos in the previous chapters again, starting tomorrow. I will try to code more.

This chapter has been completed!
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