Chapter 158: The Conversion of the Mexica

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The journey south was long and snowy, and December came to an end in the blink of an eye. Zuvarro rode a sled and traveled two to three hundred miles south in two days, joining the last group of mountain hunters returning. Then, everyone brought a large number of

After trudging for ten days and 1,200 miles in the snow with supplies, deer and captives, they returned to the winter camp in the hot spring mountains and met an old grandmother with a kind and smiling face.

"Mulu Alashanwa! Heads of the Haibu, my children, you have done a good job, very well! The sacred mountain is very satisfied, the ancestors are very satisfied, and I am very satisfied... Come! Good boy, let me take a good look,

You are such a good boy who is good at fighting!…”

"Yes! The Lord God bless you! Old grandmother, this is all your wise guidance! We run to the north and attack the unprepared Lutai River Department. Victory will be so easy! ... Well... As for what was mentioned before, give it to us

The captives, the deer herds and the southern territory..."

"Mulu Alashanwa! My child, don't be anxious. After retaking the northern pasture land, the territories of each ministry will be moved. We have to discuss it together. If you are not in a hurry, I can give you the captives and deer herd first.

…Come, everyone is celebrating the victory, drink some deer milk bar!…”

"Ho! Blessed by the ancestral spirits! Praise the wise old grandmother!... We finally took back the pastureland in the north of the peninsula, and can tame more deer and feed more tribes!..."

The entire camp in the mountain was filled with joy and shouts of celebration. There were thousands of reindeer brought back from the Lumo River, and it was impossible to feed that many in the winter. The tribesmen in the mountain were busy and kept busy.

He slaughtered thousands of old deer and male deer at his breath, roasted large pieces of venison, and stewed various broths. Various kinds of deer milk wine and deer blood drinks were also provided in buckets for everyone to drink.


The strong smell of blood spreads in the mountains. Pieces of deer skin have been peeled and tanned and stood on the leather racks. On the large meat drying racks, dried deer meat frozen into blood pimples is hung. Soldiers from all branches of the mountain drink.

Drinking milk wine with blood, the smile on his face is simple and honest, but also vaguely ferocious like a wolf. At night, the whole camp is filled with strange and high-pitched sounds, as if it is really a den of wolves.

After all, the long winter with nothing to do is the most suitable time for pregnancy. It is best for new children to be born in summer and autumn, and women after giving birth can devote themselves to the work of the tribe as soon as possible...

"Buddha! Is this the tribe of Shanyi? It's really...the Shanyi are like a pack of evil ghosts and wolves!...But there are so many fierce Yi warriors, how can I escape from this group of Shanyi and return to victory?

Where is Shan Guan reporting back to the head of the family?..."

Looking at the barbaric tribes in the camp, Murakami Jitong, the ship leader, was worried, but he had no choice. What he could see alone were more than 300 ferocious mountain barbarian hunters, and 80 to 90 heavy armored warriors.

With the shooting skills of these hunters and the combat power of heavy armor, even if the entire Oyizaki clan came out in force and gathered three to four hundred samurai and ashigaru, they would not be able to defeat them. What's more, in such a far northern place, at home,

There is no way a small morning boat can make it across, so there must be a boat from Sakai Port...

"Blessed by the great Bodhisattva Hachiman! The power of these Jiao tribes here is indeed much stronger than I originally imagined! ... But in the distant East China Sea, they really will have such a powerful country, so many warriors and ships

, and most importantly, so much gold?!..."

Seeing the large camp in Yamabe with his own eyes, the monk Watanabe Masumi fell into deep thought, and his mentality gradually changed. He knew a lot of Buddhism and was very flexible and pragmatic. If the so-called "Tokai Jiao people" really have powerful force,

And stronger financial resources... Then working for the Jiao people for the time being may have a better future than working for the temple! And if he can get the support of the Jiao people and return to the Longzuosi family with enough gold, maybe...

"Stop! Stop! Just go and watch, don't have any delusional thoughts!…"

Monk Watanabe murmured to himself, trying hard to restrain the delusional thoughts in his heart. Unfortunately, his restrained Dharma did not last long, and was completely shattered by the bloody conversion ceremony and the dazzling golden light.

When January arrived in the wind and snow, Zuwaro took his wife Msona from Yamabe, eighty or ninety warriors from the Kingdom, four to five hundred young women and children from Deer, nineteen captured Korean sailors, and the country's

The warrior returned to the Shenshuangyan Port where the kingdom's longship docked. He couldn't wait to hold a solemn blood oath ceremony to convert the hundreds of captives and stabilize the hearts of the entire tribe!…

"Praise the Lord God! Light the holy fire and set up the altar! Mix the blood wine and let the divine smoke rise! Shout louder, God has arrived!..."

The Kamchatka Peninsula in January is filled with long nights that obscure the sky, sweeping winds and snow, and a bitter cold of minus 30 degrees. The end of 1491, the search across continents, the first encounter with different civilizations, and the changes in the world.

The first sounds are all hidden in the boundless ice storm. And those unknown changes are like silent seeds, waiting for the warmth of spring and flowers to bloom, waiting for the ice sea to melt and set sail again.

At this moment, the blood oath ceremony for converting to the Lord God solemnly reaches its climax with the burning holy fire and altar, the shouts of the kingdom’s warriors and the kneeling of hundreds of captives!

The warriors of the kingdom beat their shields, the sound shook the sky, and chanted the name of the main god. Then, Zuvalo on the altar personally threw a large cloud of sulfur into the holy fire, igniting a blue and faint fire!

The four priest apprentices under the altar also lit the only two squatting tiger cannons and fired thunderous explosions into the sky.

"Boom! Boom!..."

"The supreme Lord God, gives you fire and thunder! He is watching you, taking away your hair and soul, and then giving you the blood wine and mark of divinity!..."

"Praise the Lord God! Blood-sworn refuge!..."

Seeing this mysterious ritual and such powerful shamanic power, the captured Shikabe men, women and children all had frightened faces, full of awe and fear. They were trembling all over and knelt down on the blue shaman.

In front of the shaman's magical weapon, which was full of witch fire and golden, he was shouting something randomly.

"Praise the Lord God! Cut off their hair! Offer up their souls!…"

Zuvalo shouted loudly and waved generously. The warriors of the kingdom brought forward the prisoners of the deer tribe one by one. Then, the prisoners' hair was cut off by the priest apprentices and thrown into the fire. Then, in

Under the guidance of the apprentice, they repeated the prayer to take refuge in the Lord God, sentence by sentence.

"Praise my god Huitzilopochtli! He is supreme and omnipotent! I will dedicate my soul to the Lord God and fight for God from then on until I ascend to the Kingdom of God after death..."

"Praise the Lord God! Drink the divine blood wine! Then bear the mark of flesh and blood!"

The kingdom's priests and apprentices were already familiar with the process of the conversion ceremony. The captives were forced to drink the mysterious blood wine and were forced to kneel to the ground. Then, in their horrified eyes,

The priests of the kingdom took out obsidian daggers and slowly carved them into their foreheads.

"No! No! This is to leave the mark of the devil! Take away our Shikabe's soul! I will never accept it!!..."

Faced with such a conversion ceremony that penetrated directly into the soul, several tribal shamans and apprentices hidden among the Lu tribe prisoners finally couldn't bear it anymore. They screamed and jumped out from among the women and children, their eyes full of deep-seated hatred.

Seeing these female shamans and apprentices jumping out, Zuvalo finally took a long breath, waved his cold hand, and gave an order indifferently.

"God bless you! Kill them! Drop their blood into the wine, and let all the converted captives take a sip!..."

"Yes! God bless you!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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