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Chapter 319 Go to Zheng's house!

It's still at my house. If you want it, I'll have it delivered to you now," Qin Yimo said.

Fang Yu told Qin Yimo the address.

"I'll ask Qin Lang to send it to you. He happens to be free recently." Qin Yimo said.

"Okay." Fang Yu said and was about to hang up the phone.

"I heard that the Zheng family is going to take action against you?" Qin Yimo asked.

"Yeah, I just found out too." Fang Yu replied.

"The martial saint of the Zheng family publicly announced that he wants to seek revenge on you. This matter spread throughout Huaibei and Jiangnan more than a month ago." Qin Yimo said.

"Okay." Fang Yu walked out of the elevator and walked outside the community.

"You don't need help, right?" Qin Yimo asked again.

"Of course not, that's it. I'm going to eat." After Fang Yu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Fang Yu found a nearby restaurant, walked in, ordered a few dishes, sat at the dining table, and continued to look at the missed calls.

There were more than a dozen calls, all from strangers with different numbers.

Fang Yu frowned slightly and ignored these calls. Instead, he called Wang Yan back.

"Aunt Wang."

"Xiaoyu! You finally called me back. Where have you been during this time?" Wang Yan asked in surprise.

"Let's go outside and relax." Fang Yu made a random excuse.

"Oh... by the way! Xiaoyu, which university did you apply to?" Wang Yan asked.

Fang Yu was stunned when he heard this question.

He seemed to have forgotten about enrolling in college.

It is now mid-August. The enrollment period has long passed and I can no longer apply.

"Xiao Yu?" Seeing that Fang Yu didn't answer, Wang Yan asked again.

"Uh... I applied to Nandu University." Fang Yu said.

He knew that if he said that he had not applied for a volunteer, Wang Yan would be extremely surprised, which would trigger a series of questions.

Rather than doing this, it's better to just lie.

Anyway, Wang Yan doesn’t know his true situation.

"Nandu University, that's great! Yueyue also wants to apply for this university! If she succeeds, you can become classmates next year!" Wang Yan said with a smile.

After chatting with Wang Yan for a few words, Fang Yu hung up the phone.

At this time, the dishes were all served, and he started eating.

As for the university, Fang Yu didn't care.

Since you have missed your time, you might as well not go to college.

Anyway, he still has a lot to do these days.

After eating, Fang Yu walked back slowly.

At this time, his phone vibrated again.

Fang Yu picked up the phone and found it was an unfamiliar number.

After thinking for a while, Fang Yu answered the phone.

"Hello, is this Mr. Fang Yu?" The other party was a man's voice.

"Yes." Fang Yu replied.

"That's right, I'm Guo Gang from the Human Resources Office of Nandu University..." the other party said.

"Nandu University? Isn't it past the enrollment period? I won't go to university anymore. That's it." Fang Yu said, trying to hang up the phone.

"Please wait a moment! Mr. Fang, I'm not looking for you to recruit students...that's a matter for the admissions office...I'm looking for you to hire you to be a visiting professor at the School of Liberal Arts of Nandu University," Guo Gang said.

"Visiting professor?" Fang Yu was stunned.

"Yes, as the top scorer in China's college entrance examination this year, you have achieved an unprecedented score of full marks in all subjects... We have researched and analyzed your test papers and found that your literary attainments are quite high... which has attracted many prestigious universities.

The professors at the School of Liberal Arts are all ashamed of themselves... Even Mr. Shiraishi, the most famous master of Chinese studies at Keijo University, has high praise for you."

"I heard that you haven't answered the admissions calls from any university in the past month... Also, Mr. Fang, your level has long been far beyond that of your peers. There is no need to go to university again... So I sincerely hope you can accept it.

I have invited you to be a visiting professor at the School of Liberal Arts of Nandu University and teach your experience to the freshmen and second-year students..." Guo Gang's words were quite flattering, which made Fang Yu feel uncomfortable.

Visiting professor…

Being a visiting professor seems to be a good status choice when you are unable to go to university.

Over the years, Fang Yu has been a student many times, but has never tried the identity of a teacher.

Just because of his young face, this road was blocked.

"How many classes does this visiting professor have to take a week?" Fang Yu asked.

"You are taking an elective course. If you are usually busy, I can arrange a class for you every two weeks." Seeing Fang Yu's interest, Guo Gang said with great surprise.

"Once every two weeks...it's okay." Fang Yu said.

"Then you...are you agreeing?" Guo Gang asked.

"Yeah." Fang Yu replied.

"Then when will Mr. Fang be free to come to our Human Resources Department to sign an employment contract?" Guo Gang said excitedly.

"If I have time in these two days, I will go there." Fang Yu said.

"If you are not free, you can give me an address and I will go to you with the contract." Guo Gang said urgently.

As far as the education sector is concerned, Fang Yu is now a popular figure.

When Fang Yu did not apply to university, hiring him as a visiting professor became the top priority of each university.

Now that Guo Gang has taken the lead on behalf of Nandu University, he naturally does not dare to neglect it.

A few days later, if Beijing University and BGI also send invitations, the situation may be different!

"Since I promised you, I will definitely go, don't worry." After Fang Yu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

After eating, Fang Yu returned to the apartment.

The next afternoon, there was a knock on the door.

Fang Yu opened the door and saw Qin Lang in casual clothes.

"Hello, Master Fang..." Qin Lang said respectfully.

After what happened last time on Kowloon Island, Qin Lang knew that Fang Yu's strength was so strong that it was irrevocable, and he admired Fang Yu beyond measure.

"Just call me Fang Yu. Come in." Fang Yu said.


Qin Lang walked into the house and took out a long object wrapped in black cloth from the storage bag he carried with him.

"This is your sword." Qin Lang handed the sword to Fang Yu's hand.

Fang Yu took it and slowly untied the black cloth wrapped around the sword.

Qin Lang watched Fang Yu's movements nervously.

After hearing that this sword was Fang Yu's exclusive sword, he felt itchy all the way and wanted to see the true face of this sword.

The exclusive sword of a strong man like Fang Yu must be extraordinary!

It must be a magic weapon!

Fang Yu slowly untied the black cloth wrapped around the sword, layer by layer.

Qin Lang didn't dare to speak, he just stared at the sword nervously!

He once heard that the magic weapon that has been sealed for a long time will make a sound the moment it sees the light of day again!

The more powerful the weapon, the louder its sound!

It is said that the ultimate magic weapon can even cause the heaven and earth to move when exposed to light!

Before Qin Lang went out with the sword, his grandfather Qin Wudao specifically talked to him and told him to take good care of the sword and not to make any mistakes, let alone untie its black cloth without authorization.

It must be delivered to Fang Yu intact!

It can be seen from this that Qin Wudao attaches great importance to this matter!

Fang Yu in front of him also had a solemn expression at this time.

All this confirms that the sword in Fang Yu's hand must be extraordinary!

Most of the thick gauze wrapped in it has been removed, and the sword body inside will soon be revealed!

Qin Lang was extremely nervous, his eyes widened, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Fang Yu noticed something was wrong with Qin Lang, raised his head and glanced at Qin Lang, wondering: "What's wrong with you?"

"No, it's nothing." Qin Lang wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

Fang Yu ignored Qin Lang and pulled away the last layer of black cloth on the sword blade.

The true face of this sword was finally revealed!

Seeing this sword, Qin Lang's expression changed.

It was different from the peerless magic weapon he imagined.

Fang Yu was holding a broken sword in his hand, with only one-half of the blade left. The cracks were uneven.

The sword body is stained with rust, especially the hilt, which has been oxidized and turned black.

Due to rust, the blade of this broken sword looks dull. It has no sharpness at all.

The broken sword was seen again without making any sound.

It looks more like discarded waste.


Qin Lang was stunned.

Qin Wudao paid so much attention to it that what he sent all the way was such a rusty broken sword!?

"It's still usable and well-preserved." Fang Yu played with the broken sword, his eyes full of smiles.

After a while, he put the broken sword into his storage bag and walked out the door.

"Fang, Master Fang, where are you going?" Qin Lang came back to his senses and asked.

"The sword has been left there for too long. It needs to be wielded, otherwise it will be ruined." Fang Yu said.

"Where are you going to practice swordplay? I'll go with you!" Qin Lang said with a straight face.

Having seen Fang Yu's superb swordsmanship, he wanted to learn something from Fang Yu.

"Go to Zheng's house." Fang Yu said calmly, turned around and walked out of the house.

This chapter has been completed!
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