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Chapter 617 The original stone of the soul!

This is the yard outside a modern villa. The man stood outside, waited for a while, and then entered the building.

Soon, the entire villa was filled with purple flames.

"This is the image of the married family in the western capital of the northwest region. Similarly, this man killed everyone in the married family and took away a gem collected by their family." Huaixu said.

Afterwards, the content of the image changes again.

But this time, there was not just one person in the image, but two.

They did the same thing as before.

"This is the latest one, which happened just seven days ago. The Hong family in the southwest was wiped out this time. It was a well-known martial arts family in the local area and had a good foundation. This is probably the reason why two people were dispatched this time. In the end, the Hong family

The family was also wiped out, and a gem was also robbed." Huaixu said.

Fang Yu looked at the content of the image, his eyes becoming colder.

He was basically certain that the two people in the image were the remnants of the Purple Flame Palace!

"These three images span about three months, basically once a month." Huaixu said, "Three families were destroyed and three gems were taken away."

"Obviously, killing is just a side thing. Their target is that kind of gem."

"After that, I sent my men to investigate. Although I still didn't know the purpose of these gems, I found their origin."

Fang Yu stared at Huaixu closely.

"There are four of these stones. They first appeared at a large-scale auction. At this auction, these four gems did not receive particularly high attention. They were auctioned as ordinary collections."

"After that, they were photographed by four people, namely the Huang family, Cheng family, and Hong family who were exterminated earlier."

"The last gem was photographed by a businessman named Ji Dongshan from the Jiangnan area." Huaixu said unhurriedly.

Ji Dongshan!?

Fang Yu was stunned when he heard this name.

Isn't this Ji Rumei's father?

Ji Dongshan...Ji family!

The next target of these two remnants of Ziyan Palace must be the Ji family!

Fang Yu's eyes flashed.

"Judging from the speed of these two people, they didn't get the clue about the auction." Huaixu said, "Otherwise, they should have been able to complete the collection of the four gems very quickly, and it wouldn't have taken such a long time at all.


Now, the situation is clear.

Fang Yu only needs to go to Ji's house and wait for the two remnants of Ziyan Palace to come!

"Thank you, Huaixu." Fang Yu stood up and said.

"You never need to thank me, I owe you this." Huaixu said, "If I died now, my only regret would be that I would not be able to repay your kindness to me."

"You're here again." Fang Yu shook his head, raised his right hand, and activated the ethereal ring.

"Next time you come, play chess with me for a while and then forget it this time." Huaixu said.

"no problem."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Yu's body glowed with light and then disappeared into the wooden house.

Huaixu stood up, walked to the door of the wooden house with his hands behind his back, looked at the green and vibrant mountains outside the door, and sighed heavily.

Fang Yu did not return to Nandu, but teleported directly to Jiangcheng.

He has not been back here since the college entrance examination.

Fang Yu stood at the door of Ji's house and called Ji Rumei.

"Mr. Fang?" Ji Rumei sounded a little surprised, because Fang Yu had never taken the initiative to call her.

"Are you at home now? I have something to ask you." Fang Yu said.

It was just before eight o'clock in the morning, which was very early.

Ji Rumei just woke up and hasn't gotten out of bed yet.

"...I'm at home, would you like to ask Mr. Fang..." Ji Rumei replied.

"I'm at the door of your house now." Fang Yu said.

"Ah!? I...I'll pick you up right away." Ji Rumei jumped out of bed after hearing this.

Fang Yu waited at the door of Ji's house for about five minutes when he saw Ji Rumei, wearing a military coat, hurried over.

"Mr. Fang, I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Due to time constraints, Ji Rumei only had time to wash up briefly. She was still wearing a nightgown under her military coat, and her hair was not straightened, let alone makeup.

"You just woke up?" Fang Yu glanced at Ji Rumei's face, immediately changed his gaze and said.

"Well... I'm very sorry." Ji Rumei's face turned red and she lowered her head.

She knew that she must look very ugly without makeup.

However, in Fang Yu's eyes, she looked more like Leng Xunshuang back then.

Afterwards, Fang Yu followed Ji Rumei into the Ji family's villa and sat on the sofa in the living room.

"Did your dad ever take a picture of a gem? I need to take a look at this gem." Fang Yu said.

"Gem?" Ji Rumei frowned slightly and said, "I don't know about this... I have to ask my father, he is currently on a business trip abroad."

"You should ask, this matter is very important." Fang Yu said.

"Okay, Mr. Fang, please wait a moment." After Ji Rumei poured a cup of tea for Fang Yu, she immediately called Ji Dongshan.

Due to the time difference, it was night in the country where Ji Dongshan was located, and both his own mobile phone and his assistant's mobile phone were turned off.

"He seems to have rested..." Ji Rumei said.

"That gem should be a collection. Do you know where he usually stores his collection?" Fang Yu asked.

Ji Rumei's eyes lit up and she said, "Mr. Fang, please come with me."

Ji Rumei took Fang Yu to the basement, opened the three-layer password lock, and then entered the room.

There are several safes in the room, and various luxury collections of ceramics and goldware are displayed in other places.

There were even several bundles of cash bills on the ground.

"Your family is really rich." Fang Yu commented.

"Mr. Fang, please stop laughing at us..." Ji Rumei said sheepishly.

She knew very well that in the eyes of a strong man of Fang Yu's level, money had no value.

"Mr. Fang, except for a few of my dad's collections that are outside, they are all here. If you know what that gem looks like, you will definitely be able to find it here." Ji Rumei said.

"I don't know the appearance very well, but most of the gems are the same." Fang Yu said, releasing his spiritual consciousness.

Soon, he saw all the items in the entire room.


A certain amount of gems are stored in each box in the room.

Among them are sapphires, rubies, and crystal clear diamonds.

But there was a gem among them that caught Fang Yu's attention.

This gemstone is oval in shape, and most of it is red, but in the center, there is a faint golden light like fire.

This gem exudes a burst of soul power.

"A gem with soul power...could this be...the raw soul stone?" Fang Yu's eyes were slightly stern.

The four gems that Ziyan Palace is looking for...are the four raw soul stones!

The function of the original soul stone is to repair the human body's inherently incomplete soul, thereby achieving the perfection of the soul!

But reaching the perfection of the soul is not very useful for monks.

Therefore, in the world of immortality back then, the value of the raw soul stones was to heal some people whose souls were damaged. No one had ever thought of collecting four raw soul stones.

Now, what is the purpose of the remnants of Ziyan Palace collecting raw soul stones?

Fang Yu's eyes were cold and he walked to the corner in front.

There is a safe placed here, and the raw soul stone is in the safe.

"Do you know the password for this box?" Fang Yu asked, looking at the extremely complicated password lock.

Ji Rumei stepped forward, shook her head, and said, "Only my father knows the passwords to these safes."

"Then I will unlock it directly." Fang Yu said.

"Well, go ahead." Ji Rumei nodded.

Fang Yu stretched out his right hand and grabbed the combination lock.


The titanium alloy door of the password box was instantly penetrated by Fang Yu and forced open.

The raw soul stone is on the second floor inside.

Fang Yu took it out.

Looking at the raw soul stone that was half the size of a fist, Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

According to Huaixu's previous statement, the remnants of Ziyan Palace did not know the clue about the auction.

So, the way they find the raw soul stone must be through some kind of magic weapon or magic.

The reason why such magical weapons and spells are able to find raw soul stones must rely on the special soul power emanating from the raw stones.

In other words, now that Fang Yu only needs to carry this raw soul stone with him, the remnants of the Purple Flame Palace will automatically come to his door.

"This time... I will catch you all."

Fang Yu clenched the raw soul stone in his hand with murderous intent.

This chapter has been completed!
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