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Chapter 1083: Drenched in Sweat!


Wanghai Temple.

The artillery of the Japanese independent 80th Brigade finally began to fight back.

A few kilometers away, the artillery position of the 80th Brigade was finally completed, with the muzzle pointing directly toward the coastal direction of Wanghai Temple.

The shells continued to hit the beachhead and the sea, causing puffs of explosions and puffs of water mist.

Although the Japanese infantry brigade only has 12 75mm Type 94 mountain guns, it cannot be underestimated.

On the beachhead, soldiers were constantly hit by explosion waves and fell into a pool of blood.

Among the soldiers transported by the second wave of amphibious landing vehicles, one amphibious landing vehicle was unfortunately hit by a 75mm artillery shell and exploded, killing all the soldiers in the vehicle.

However, the enemy's artillery fire still could not stop the soldiers' attack.

The second wave of about 600 soldiers from the newly formed 16th Battalion came ashore, and the first wave of 600 soldiers quickly moved forward.

On the destroyer.

Deputy Commander Liang used the destroyer's telescope to look in the direction of the Japanese artillery positions. However, he was not a professional artilleryman and could not accurately judge the direction of the Japanese artillery positions.

Deputy Commander Liang said to the chief of staff beside him: "Ask the artillery battalion commander if he can determine the shooting elements of the Japanese artillery position?"

If we can accurately determine the shooting points of the Japanese artillery positions.

There is no need to use the 24 122mm howitzers of the newly established 16th Heavy Battalion.

A wave of artillery fire from a Katyusha rocket artillery battalion can cover the artillery position and kill the Japanese.


The chief of staff immediately took the walkie-talkie and called.

After a while, the chief of staff reported to Deputy Commander Liang:

"Report, the artillery battalion commander is unable to determine the firing elements of the Japanese artillery position. The anti-artillery radar has been turned on, but it will take some time to calculate."

In this battle, each heavy-armed battalion carried an anti-artillery radar.

This kind of anti-artillery radar requires electricity to be turned on and run. Only by the enemy's artillery fire can the firing elements of the enemy's artillery position be measured.

There happens to be a generator on the battleship that can run the anti-battery radar.

Although the Eighth Route Army warships provided by Boss Chen were also equipped with radars, they were used to monitor enemy aircraft and could not detect the Japanese artillery positions at all.

"Order the counter-battery radar unit to detect the firing elements of the enemy's artillery positions as soon as possible." Deputy Commander Liang issued the order.

If you kill the Japanese artillery position a minute earlier, fewer soldiers will be sacrificed.

Fortunately, there are no Japanese large-caliber heavy artillery in Huludao, otherwise more soldiers would have been sacrificed.

"Yes!" the chief of staff immediately issued the order.

At this moment, the communications staff hurried over: "Report, the second wave of air support is coming soon! The Japanese reinforcements are going to bomb the direction of Jinzhou. The Air Force asked us if we need them. They can send out several aircraft to provide us with air support."


The radio conversation between the commander of the 80th Brigade, Nomura Nomura, and the commander of the Fourth Army, Cao Changchen, had been monitored by the Eighth Route Army's radio station.

Even if they were not monitored, the Eighth Route Army knew that the Japs in Jinzhou would definitely reinforce Huludao.

At this time, the troops of the Eighth Route Army's heavy paratrooper battalion were already ready in Tashan.

However, in addition to the paratroopers, the task of blocking the Japanese reinforcements also includes the air force.

"Well done!"

Deputy Commander Liang’s eyes lit up:

"Notify our Air Force brothers immediately that we need air support. There is an enemy mountain artillery position about 3 kilometers to 4 kilometers northeast of Wanghai Temple."

The beachhead of Wanghai Temple and the Japanese military facilities on Huludao have been plowed by the first wave of air support.

At this time, apart from taking out the Japanese artillery positions, there was no other place that needed air support.

Two waves of vanguard troops have landed. Once the beachhead position is secured, the transport ship must be brought close to the beachhead to prepare for the landing of armored vehicles and tanks.


The communications staff officer turned around and walked quickly toward the radio station, then put on his radio earphones and called for air support in code words.

Less than three minutes after the communications staff called for air support, the wonderful sound of aircraft engines sounded in the sky southwest of the fleet.

"It's a Hellcat fighter!" a staff officer shouted excitedly.

The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army heard the sound and looked around, only to see five Hellcat fighter jets flying close to the sea at first, almost reaching the fleet, then quickly climbed up, passed over the fleet, and flew straight towards the Japanese artillery position.

Not long after, a rumble of explosions came from the direction of the Japanese artillery position.

Immediately afterwards, a huge explosion sounded. It was obvious that the Japanese artillery shell had exploded, and a black mushroom cloud rose.

Since the Japanese beachhead was in urgent need of artillery support, the Japanese artillery positions were built in a hurry and were not deliberately concealed.

When the five Hellcat fighter jets flew towards the Japanese position, by the time the Japanese artillery heard the sound of the aircraft, it was too late to hide or move the artillery position.

However, after the pilots of the new regiment dropped their aerial bombs, they did not return immediately. Instead, they pulled up and then circled back, diving and shooting at the Japanese artillery positions.

Using the 12.7mm machine guns and 20mm cannons under the wings, they licked the Japanese artillery positions several times before they were satisfied and pulled the plane back up.

Inside the Japanese command post in Huludao.

"Brigade Commander."

A staff officer rushed in hurriedly:

"The artillery brigade was bombed by enemy planes. The enemy dispatched five fighter jets. We lacked anti-aircraft firepower, and the artillery brigade suffered heavy losses. Preliminary statistics show that eight 75mm mountain guns have been lost."


Major General Nomura Nomura Kamie immediately cursed when he heard this.

He was not deaf or blind. He already knew about the Eighth Route Army fighter jets' attack on the artillery brigade just now.

Once the artillery brigade is decommissioned, there will be no fire support. Relying on the few remaining mountain cannons, some Type 92 infantry guns, as well as mortars and grenade launchers, I am afraid that they will no longer be able to stop the Eighth Route Army from landing.

"How is the battle ahead?" Nomura asked in a deep voice as he ascended the Kame River.

"Report to the brigade commander that the 1st Infantry Group has been engaging in firefights with the enemy. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Infantry Groups have reinforced the 1st Infantry Group from three directions."

The Japanese communications staff replied in a panic:

"However, two groups of soldiers from the Eighth Route Army have landed. The enemy's firepower is very strong, and the 1st Brigade has suffered heavy casualties."


Nomura ascended the Kame River and breathed fire with his eyes.

This time, the sound was louder and angrier than before.

At this moment, the communications staff officer held a telegram in his hand and walked in quickly to report: "The commander of the brigade and the commander of the Fourth Army sent a telegram that the 268th Infantry Regiment, the leading force of the 123rd Division, has arrived from

Jinzhou set out on trucks to reinforce Huludao, and the main force of the 123rd Division and the 149th Division will set off immediately to reinforce Huludao!"

Hearing this, Nomura Kame's expression finally softened a little.

Reinforcements from the two divisions were on their way, which made the old devil's tone suddenly become more serious.

Huludao is only about 50 to 60 kilometers away from Jinzhou, and the first wave of reinforcements will arrive in about two hours.

Even if there are no infantrymen in trucks, it can take at most one day to reach the place by marching on foot.

With support, can the 80th Brigade not be able to hold on for a day in Huludao?

Thinking of this, Nomura suddenly became confident when climbing the Kame River.

"Notify all brigades and squadrons immediately. The reinforcements are about to arrive. We must drive the Eighth Route Army into the sea." Nomura ascended the Kame River and drew out the major general's sword, and a cold light suddenly appeared in the headquarters.

The combat staff on the side exclaimed in surprise: Nani, is the brigade commander going to the battlefield?

"Hi." The two staff officers who were reporting lowered their heads at the same time, turned around and left quickly.

About ten minutes later.

In the sky southwest of Jinzhou, about 30 No. 8 aircraft were flying along the road.

Among them are 25 B25 bombers and 5 Hellcat fighter jets. Their designations are the 5th Flying Group of the New Regiment.

The other five Hellcat fighter jets have returned from bombing the Japanese artillery positions.

The other 30 planes bypassed Huludao and then flew all the way northeast.

Because once the Japs in Huludao saw 30 No. 8 planes flying towards Jinzhou, the Japs would be prepared in advance and even hide.

Under the wing.

It is a great river and mountain that has been in decline for 11 years.

The person responsible for leading the bombing formation was Zeng Qingyun, captain of the 5th Battalion of the New Regiment. He was originally a deputy battalion commander of the 120th Division. He had a high school education and was selected to become the fourth batch of flight cadets. He studied at Boss Chen's military base.

At that time, he carried forward the spirit of hard work and worked hard to practice flying skills and air combat skills.

After returning from learning flying skills, he was successfully promoted to captain of the 5th Group of the New Regiment, with more than 50 pilots under his command. The main types of aircraft he flew were 10 fighters and 25 bombers, as well as 5 fighters and 10 transport aircraft.

Their mission was the second wave of air support, reconnaissance and bombing along the highway between Huludao and Jinzhou. Once the Japanese reinforcements were discovered, they would be bombed immediately.

The aircraft fleet lined up in a neat battle formation, and their engines roared as they flew over the Liaoxi Corridor.

"It's too easy to get this military exploit." Zeng Qingyun sighed in his heart as he easily piloted a Hellcat fighter jet.

When he was the deputy battalion commander, it was not easy to kill a Japs squad, but now he can easily kill a Japs squad by himself in a fighter jet.

Ever since the Kwantung Army's aviation force was defeated by the Eighth Route Army's strategic bombers.

The Japanese did not have any decent air power in Manchuria, so the air missions of the pilots and soldiers were very easy.

The Japanese who drove the baby plane to the target point dropped aerial bombs on their heads, then used machine guns and aerial cannons to lick it twice, and then flew the baby plane back to the airport.

The Japanese had almost no planes and lacked anti-aircraft guns, so they could only be beaten on the ground.

"01,01, the Japanese reinforcement convoy was discovered. Do you want to attack? Attack?" The early warning fighter at the front was the first to discover the Japanese reinforcement convoy and called Zeng Qingyun.

As soon as the early warning fighter pilot finished speaking, Zeng Qingyun also discovered that on the road below, a convoy of several kilometers of Japanese soldiers was driving along the road.

Without thinking, Zeng Qingyun knew that these were the Japanese who would definitely reinforce Huludao.

At this time, the Japanese convoy also spotted the fleet of aircraft roaring from above. Trucks stopped on the road one after another, hurriedly preparing for air defense.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zeng Qingyun's mouth, haha, this is the fat on his lips.

Zeng Qingyun issued an order: "According to the original plan, we divided into two attack formations and carried out indiscriminate bombing against the Japanese. The bombers entered the attack position and the fighter jets served as cover."

As Zeng Qingyun issued the order, the Eighth Route Army pilots pulled the control sticks one after another, and the nose of the aircraft suddenly sank, roaring and diving towards the Japanese on the road.

The first wave of dive attack aircraft consisted of 5 Hellcat fighter jets and 12 B25 bombers.

The distance of this dive attack seems to be just passing by in the air, but it is four to five kilometers long from the ground.

The Japanese convoy on the ground was getting closer and closer, and the Japanese in the car jumped out of the car and crawled to avoid it.

"Da da da……"

There was a light machine gun on almost every Japanese truck. The Japanese infantry jumped out of the truck one after another, while the Japanese sub-shooters held the light machine gun's bipod with both hands. The Japanese machine gunners operated the light machine guns and fired into the air.

"Boom, boom..." Several other Type 98 20mm machine guns were quickly set up and fired.

A dense network of anti-aircraft firepower suddenly enveloped the dive route of the No. 8 aircraft.

Some Japanese infantrymen also pulled their rifle bolts and fired.

Although high-altitude and low-altitude warfare have the advantage, and the Japs' light machine guns' anti-aircraft firepower is seriously insufficient, such dense anti-aircraft firepower still has to be respected.


The Eighth Route Army pilots did not think about low-altitude bombing.

The 17 aircraft of the first formation passed by 800 meters above the Japanese convoy.

Boom boom boom...

A dense wave of explosions suddenly rose up in the Japanese convoy, each Japanese truck was blown into parts, and each Japanese was torn into pieces.

This air raid lasted less than three minutes, but more than 60 tons of aerial bombs and napalm bombs fell on the Japanese convoy.

After the Japanese convoy was blown to pieces and several 20mm cannons were killed, the fighters and bombers of the Eighth Route Army dived downwards and fired several waves back and forth before returning.

During this air strike, a Hellcat fighter jet of the Eighth Route Army was hit and crashed. Two other aircraft were slightly injured and flew back to Tianjin Airport under the cover of other aircraft.


Japanese Fourth Army Headquarters.

War Room.

In front of Lieutenant General Caochang Chenji, commander of the Fourth Army, an arrow representing the Eighth Route Army's attack was drawn on the map by the combat staff.

Looking at the map in front of him, Caochang Chen couldn't help but feel a chill running down his spine, and felt frightened for a while.

Fortunately, the Kwantung Army Headquarters adjusted its strategic deployment a week ago, allowing the Fourth Army Headquarters, as well as the 123rd Division and 149th Division to move to Jinzhou.

Otherwise, the entire Fourth Army is now surrounded in the Liaoxi Corridor!

Caochang Chen has serious doubts that this battle plan of the Eighth Route Army is aimed at annihilating the Fourth Army!

Maybe Li Yunlong has a back-up plan, and Caochang Chen has serious suspicions that Li Yunlong's target is probably Jinzhou!

Fortunately, Jinzhou is far away from the coastline, and except for the Western Liaoning Corridor, the Eighth Route Army has not been found elsewhere.

Although reinforcements dispatched in broad daylight are likely to be attacked by the Eighth Route Air Force.

But Caochangchen had no choice. If reinforcements were not dispatched, Huludao would not only be lost, but the 80th Brigade there would likely be wiped out.

Once Huludao is captured by the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Route Army can march straight in and reach Jinzhou City.

This is greatly detrimental to the entire Kwantung Army and the entire No. 1 combat plan.

"Report to Commander."

Just when Caochangchen was already thinking hard about countermeasures, a communications staff officer walked in in a hurry:

"The 268th Regiment of the 123rd Division was attacked by an air attack shortly after leaving the city. The 268th Regiment has suffered heavy losses. The commander of the regiment, Yamanaka Takasuke Osa Tama, was shattered."


Caochang Chen's expression changed.

What he worried about finally happened. The Eighth Route Army dispatched planes and bombed the reinforcements heading to Huludao.

By this time, Caochang Chen had gone from having a chill down his spine to sweating profusely.

If we continue to send reinforcements, we will definitely be bombed halfway, but it won't work if we don't send them.

The 119th Division and the 131st Brigade have been surrounded by the main force of the Eighth Route Army and are hopeless.

But the 80th Brigade, Huludao, and Caochangchen were ready to rescue them, and this was an order from the Kwantung Army Headquarters.

"Your Excellency, Commander, will we continue to reinforce Huludao?"

Major General Kintaro Ikeda asked with a solemn expression.

Kusaba Tatsumi looked at the communications staff expressionlessly and asked: "How many trucks and troops did the 268th Regiment lose?"

"About two-thirds of the truck was destroyed," the communications staff officer replied truthfully, "About one-third of the soldiers were injured."

The bomb load of the B25 bomber is still not as good as that of the B29 bomber. The bomb load is less than one-third of the B29 bomber, and it is far from the carpet bombing effect of the B29.

However, this wave of bombing also destroyed two-thirds of the Japanese trucks and caused thousands of Japanese casualties. About 400 Japanese were killed or shot to death, and more than 700 Japanese were injured.

"Order the remaining trucks and soldiers of the 268th Regiment to continue to reinforce Huludao."

Caochangchen almost gritted his teeth and gave the order:

"Each truck in the convoy is at least thirty meters apart, and the 123rd Division and the 149th Division are ordered to set out for reinforcements as soon as possible."

"In addition, order the mixed 80th Brigade to report on the battle situation in Huludao."

Communications Staff: "Hi."

The fierce battle on Huludao is in full swing.

The dense Katyusha 132mm rocket shells drew arcs over the sea and soared into the sky from the warships in the distance.

On the other side, sparse mortar shells and infantry artillery shells crashed into the beachhead defended by the Eighth Route Army and on the sea, causing sparse explosions and water jets.

A group of Japanese soldiers had just arrived and set up a defensive line when a whistling sound was heard above their heads. The Japanese soldiers looked up anxiously and their expressions suddenly changed.

I saw bombs dragging fireworks falling like raindrops.

In an instant, huge fireballs rose up in the Japanese formation.

Amidst the explosion like a landslide, the 3rd Infantry Battalion of the 80th Independent Brigade was suddenly enveloped in the fireball and smoke of the explosion.

After the explosion, only a crater remained at the defense line of the Japanese 3rd Infantry Brigade.

Putting the Katyusha rocket launcher on the ship is actually easier to use than the naval gun.

A few hundred meters away.

Seeing that there was absolutely no movement on the Japanese defense line, the soldiers took their hands off their ears and stood up with Type 56 semi-automatic rifles and Type 56 submachine guns.

Wu Zhigang is a veteran platoon leader of the 2nd Infantry Battalion of the newly established 16th Heavy Armored Battalion.

He is also an elite veteran of the New Regiment. He used to be a militiaman in northwestern Shanxi and joined the New Regiment in northwestern Shanxi two years ago.

In the past two years, he had followed Li Yunlong in more than a dozen battles, large and small, and had five Japanese heads in his hands.

After two years of battlefield training, Wu Zhigang is now not only experienced in combat, but also experienced in leading troops. After the army expanded, he also served as a platoon leader, supervising more than 80 soldiers, half of whom were recruits.

, usually veterans.

"Platoon commander, the company commander wants to talk to you." The communications soldier came to Wu Zhigang's side carrying a walkie-talkie on his back.

Wu Zhigang grabbed the phone: "Hey, report to the company commander, it's me, Wu Zhigang!"

"Our platoon is fully organized. Two soldiers were sacrificed and three were injured during the landing."

"Yes! Our platoon attacks from the right wing! Keep in touch at all times."

After hanging up the call, Wu Zhigang said loudly: "Our platoon will attack from the right wing."

Immediately, Wu Zhigang led more than 80 soldiers under his command and moved towards the right wing.

Soon, Wu Zhigang and the soldiers arrived at the right wing of the offensive formation, where two tanks and armored vehicles were already waiting.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Seeing the infantry in place, two tanks and armored vehicles immediately started to move towards the Japanese defense line with the sound of metal tracks hitting.

"Don't advance rashly. The enemy's marksmanship is impatient. Follow the tanks and armored vehicles and advance steadily."



As a veteran platoon leader, Wu Zhigang showed his sophistication to the fullest.

Although the Japanese defense position had just been wiped out by Katyusha rockets, he did not rush forward with his soldiers in a swarm.

Once the next wave of Japs enters the defense line and rush forward in a swarm, they are likely to be directly exposed to the Japs' machine gun fire interface.

As expected, there were few living Japs in the area covered by rockets, and some of the dying Japs were beheaded by recruits.

Soon, the defense line consisting of tanks, armored vehicles and infantry passed through the area plowed by rockets.

"Da da da…"

The Japanese's light and heavy machine guns opened fire, spitting out tongues of flame, and dense bullets splashed over like scattered shapes.

The soldiers skillfully avoided the incoming reapers and at the same time raised their guns to fight back.


The 75mm tank gun of the Xiafei tank on the left opened fire, and with a loud explosion, a Japanese Type 92 heavy machine gun and a Japanese machine gunner suddenly flew into the sky. They flew into the sky in the physical sense.

At the 80th Brigade Headquarters in Huludao.

The Japanese staff officer hurriedly reported to Nomura Kame: "Report to the brigade commander that the entire 3rd Infantry Brigade is in pieces."


Nomura climbed the Kame River with a face full of disbelief.

Just over half an hour after the battle began, he destroyed the 1st Infantry Brigade, the 3rd Infantry Brigade, and the Artillery Brigade.

Now he only has the 2nd Infantry Brigade and the 4th Infantry Brigade, as well as the Engineer Brigade and the Heavy Troops Brigade in his hands.

At this moment, the communications staff hurriedly came over: "Report to the brigade commander, there is an urgent call from the Fourth Army Headquarters. The 268th Infantry Regiment departing from Jinzhou was attacked by enemy aircraft and suffered heavy losses. However, the 268th Regiment is still there.

On the way to the reinforcements, the commander asked about the situation in Huludao."

Nomura was sweating profusely as he climbed onto the Kame River: "Immediately reply to your Excellency, Commander, the enemy's offensive is fierce. Our brigade has lost the 1st, 3rd and artillery battalions, but our brigade will hold on to the last soldier on Huludao."

"Hi." The communications officer turned and left.


Nomura ascended the Kame River and drew out the major general's sword: "Baga, press the road, I want to meet the Eighth Route Army in person today."

After finishing speaking, Nomura Kame took out his pistol again, holding the pistol in one hand and the major general's sword in the other, and walked out the door with murderous intent.

The Japanese staff officer exclaimed in his heart: The brigade commander has gone to the battlefield!

call out--


A sharp sound sounded, followed by a "boom" explosion. The Japanese staff quickly ducked and the choking smoke entered the headquarters.

When the smoke cleared slightly, the Japanese staff officer shouted for brigade commander and rushed out of the yard, only to see the brigade commander lying in a pool of blood.

The Japanese staff officer was immediately stunned.

The brigade commander is warming up. Is the brigade commander going to the battlefield? The brigade commander is going to the battlefield. The brigade commander is gone...

This chapter has been completed!
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