Chapter 145 Mi Lang Two Characters Nine Heavens Thunder

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Chapter 145 The word Mi Lang, the Thunder of Nine Heavens

After an unknown amount of time, the night of fighting gradually passed, and the sky gradually turned white.

I think it will be a nice day today.

After Mi Yang led a hundred horses to leave, Lu Xun escorted Sun Quan to a hill.

After arranging the defense of the hill, Lu Xun ordered people to go around to recruit scattered Wu soldiers and generals.

But as the messengers from various places came back, the feedback from their mouths made Sun Quan's heart feel like it was falling into an ice cave.

"All the camps are empty, the soldiers are dead and scattered, and no one responds."

Even though the North Camp was completely burned to ashes, the fire did not penetrate deep into the East Camp and South Camp.

The two battalions combined had tens of thousands of tents, but now among so many tents, most of the messengers from each department returned alone, which shows how heavy the Wu army's casualties were in this battle.

But Sun Quan still refused to give up and thought of waiting.

At this time, Lu Xun, the only general beside Sun Quan, persuaded Sun Quan, "The hearts of the people are scattered and cannot be restored. We should rush to the east of the Yangtze River immediately."

"Otherwise, if Mi Zisheng leads the army to turn back, the Supreme Being will be in danger."

Facing Lu Xun's advice, Sun Quan leaned on the saddle and sighed repeatedly, but in the end he did not issue an order.

Could it be that the 100,000-strong army was just gone?

In the battle at Hefei, although he was almost killed by Zhang Liao in pursuit, his army did not suffer too many losses.

Seeing that Sun Quan was still unwilling to give up, Lu Xun forced Sun Quan onto his horse. Then he hit the horse with his scabbard and let the horse take Sun Quan away.

Lu Xun led hundreds of Wu soldiers and followed Sun Quan towards the public security port quickly.

When Lu Xun escorted Sun Quan to the public security port, he found that almost all the warships here had been burned by Mi Yang's fire.

There are charred and splintered wooden boards everywhere on the Yangtze River.

Seeing this scene, Sun Quan looked ashen, but Lu Xun remained calm in the end.

He ordered the soldiers behind him to find a few wooden boards that were still intact, and then spliced ​​them together to make a simple raft.

Lu Xun personally helped Sun Quan get on the raft, and then he personally held the pole for Sun Quan and rowed towards the other side.

As for the hundreds of Wu troops behind him, Lu Xun could no longer control that much.

At this time, the morning sun has appeared in the sky, and the warm sunshine is scattered in the public security port.

Sun Quan was sitting on the raft, remembering that he was escorted by thousands of people and came to this public security port in an extremely tall ship.

But now, the fire in the public security port has been burning all night and has not stopped.

But he himself, the majestic Lord of Jiangdong, was sitting on a simple raft, and out of an army of one hundred thousand, only Lu Xun was left to support it.

This desolate scene made Sun Quan hit the wooden planks on the raft and sing "Fifteen Military Expeditions".

He joined the army at the age of fifteen and returned home at the age of eighty.

When meeting a fellow villager, he asked, "Who is there at home?"

"Looking from a distance, it's the Jun's house, with numerous pine and cypress graves."

Rabbits enter from the dog's sinuses, and pheasants fly from the beams.

In the courtyard, the valley is born, and in the well, the sunflower is born.

Grind the grain to make a meal, and gather the sunflowers to make a soup.

The soup and rice are cooked for a while, but I don’t know who will eat them.

When I went out and looked eastward, my clothes were stained with tears.

Sun Quan's tone was sad, and he shed tears while singing.

The veteran in this poem can still go home, but how many of the 100,000 troops he ordered to go out in the war can return home in the end?

As for Lu Xun, who was punting the boat, his eyes turned red when he heard the sad singing.

A hundred thousand troops had set out from Jiangdong in high spirits, but now only he and Sun Quan were left to escape back to Jiangdong on a raft. There is no greater tragedy in the world than this.

This battle hurt Jiang Dong so much!

Outside Gong'an City, thousands of Han troops and thousands of barbarians gathered into an army of nearly ten thousand people, chasing the tens of thousands of Jiangdong troops who had been defeated and panicked.

Tens of thousands of Jiangdong troops were running aimlessly and gradually reached the Jianshui River.

The original name of Gong'an County is Xiaoling. Not only is it close to the Yangtze River, but there are two tributaries of the Yangtze River, Youshui and Jianshui, not far outside the county.

When tens of thousands of Wu troops fled to the Jianshui River, they discovered that there was no way forward.

However, seeing that nearly ten thousand Han troops were approaching from behind, they had no choice but to risk their lives and wade through the water.

Although the Jianshui River is rich in water, its channel is narrow and cannot accommodate tens of thousands of Wu troops to cross it at once.

Therefore, even though most of the tens of thousands of Wu troops were people who were proficient in water skills, when they entered the water, their large number caused a large area of ​​congestion in the water.

In dense and cluttered water, no matter how good the water quality is, there is only one way to drown in the end.

When Mi Yang, who had just joined the army, led his army to reach the water, he saw that most of the tens of thousands of Wu troops were already in the water. However, because they could not swim to the other side in time, countless people drowned in the water.

Many corpses soon appeared on the Jianshui River, and because of these tens of thousands of corpses, the Jianshui River almost stopped flowing.

Although a small number of Wu troops had fled to the other side, in addition to most of the Wu troops who drowned in the water, there were nearly ten thousand Wu troops in front of Mi Yang at this time.

The nearly 10,000 Wu troops were already frightened. When they saw that the Jianshui River could no longer be crossed and that the pursuers from the rear had arrived, they all knelt down and asked to surrender.

The request for surrender by nearly 10,000 Wu troops resounded in the valley beside the Jianshui River. Facing the request for surrender by nearly 10,000 Wu troops, Mi Yang did not make an immediate decision.

At this time, Yu Jin hurriedly came to Mi Yang, his face was flushed, the battle tonight was so exciting!

Compared with the Battle of Guandu that he experienced back then, the level of comfort was comparable.

Yu Jin said to Mi Yang: "Master, there is not much food and grass in the city. If the nearly 10,000 Wu troops are surrendered, there may be a food shortage in the city."

If Yu Jin had been the one before, he would have suggested to Mi Yang to slaughter all the nearly ten thousand Wu troops, and then build a Jingguan and place it under the public security city, in order to show off his military power and intimidate Sun Quan.

But as he got along with Mi Yang, Yu Jin knew exactly what to say and what not to mention.

He just silently reminded the fact that there was already a shortage of food in the city.

Originally, the food and grass in the city was already less than a month's supply. If the nearly 10,000 Wu troops surrendered again, the food and grass in the public security city would be in short supply within half a month.

Yu Jin's suggestion made Mi Yang look thoughtful.

Mi Yang's thinking seemed like hesitation to everyone.

In contemporary times, voluntary surrender is called surrender, and the party being invited to surrender can refuse.

Mi Yang's hesitation made the nearly 10,000 Wu troops in front of him become frightened.

The nearly 10,000 Wu troops were so discouraged that they even lost their weapons.

Their general command system has been completely disrupted. Although there are many of them, if Mi Yang orders the Han army behind him to massacre them, they will have no power to resist.

Just when the fear of the nearly ten thousand Wu troops was getting stronger and stronger, Mi Yang put the long sword in his hand into the scabbard at his waist.

He shouted: "I accept surrender!"

When Mi Yang said these words, nearly ten thousand Wu soldiers all bowed their heads and kowtowed to Mi Yang with tears of gratitude because they had saved their lives.

And Mi Yang's action of sheathing his sword also fell in the eyes of a general in the nearly ten thousand Wu army.

He also kowtowed to Mi Yang willingly.

After surrendering nearly 10,000 Wu troops, the night's battle was coming to an end. Mi Yang ordered Lieutenant Colonel Mi Yang to escort nearly 10,000 Wu troops into the city as before.

Then he looked around for Guan Ping.

Just now he heard that Guan Ping was slightly injured.

When he found Guan Ping, he saw Guan Ping bandaging his thigh on the ground.

It turned out that in the high-intensity battle just now, Guan Ping had been taking the lead in order to boost morale, so he suffered some injuries on his thigh.

Mi Yang rode his horse to Guan Ping. Mi Yang was in a very good mood because he had won a resounding victory.

Mi Yangyu immediately saw that Guan Ping had finished bandaging his thigh, and smiled at Guan Ping and said:

"Guan Xiaowei, you are about to leave your name in history. How do you feel about it?"

Seeing Mi Yang riding up to him and teasing him, Guan Ping angrily picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at Mi Yang who was riding the horse.

He said angrily: "No matter how famous I am in history, I am still below you."

"I will never be your lieutenant again. I was injured for you. You can't even say a word to comfort me, but you still come to make fun of me."

Mi Yang dodged the stones thrown by Guan Ping. When he heard Guan Ping's false accusation, the smile on his face did not diminish.

He immediately stretched out his palm and handed it to Guan Ping on the ground, and said: "Isn't the general coming to take the deputy general home?"

Seeing that Mi Yang still had some conscience, Guan Ping just smiled on his face.

He held Mi Yang's hand, and then, with Mi Yang's pull, he jumped onto Mi Yang's horse.

After Guan Ping mounted his horse, Mi Yang rode towards Gong'an City.

Because he was worried about Guan Ping's wounds, he deliberately slowed down.

At this time, the sun in the sky had fully appeared, and the bright sunlight shone on the horseman outside the Public Security City.

As the daylight moved, Mi Yang slowly drove Guan Ping towards Gong'an City.

While marching, Guan Ping suddenly asked Mi Yang: "Zi Sheng, did we win?"

There was still disbelief in Guan Ping's tone.

Mi Yang raised his whip and pointed at the long line of Wu troops passing by, and he replied affirmatively: "Well, we won."

After receiving Mi Yang's affirmative reply, Guan Ping showed an extremely excited look on his face.

"Zisheng, how do you think future generations of historians will record our battle today?"

Guan Ping's question stopped Mi Yang. How could he know this?

By the way, wasn't this kid not excited just now?

When Guan Ping saw that Mi Yang didn't answer, he didn't care either. He just thought about himself and said:

"It is certain that the battle will go down in history, but I don't know how future generations of historians will record this battle."

"How about we write to the king to make Anguo the historian. With the relationship between Anguo and us, I think we will be able to fairly record today's battle."

"Zisheng, our battle may also be learned by future generations of generals."

"I just don't know how my father will feel when he knows that you and I are going to fight today."

"In the past, he has always had high expectations for me. If I can achieve such an achievement today, he will be very happy."

Mi Yang:.

Guan Ping, who has always been calm, has been talking to Mi Yang on the horse since he knew that what happened today was not a dream.

Mi Yang would agree a few words at first, but seeing that Guan Ping didn't seem to have any intention of stopping, he stopped answering.

It's normal for Guan Ping to have this reaction, because today's battle will definitely be written down in the history books in the future.

It even became a battle as famous as the Battle of Guandu and the Battle of Chibi during the Three Kingdoms period.

As for the deputy general Guan Ping who was the victor in this battle, it is an understatement to say that the celebrity Qingshi is famous.

Which Han man can't be excited when faced with the glorious ancestors and the eight words "Qingshi"?

Mi Yang was not a saint, and he was also very excited, but everything he wanted to say was said by Guan Ping, and he could only remain silent in the end.

Relying on the foot power of the war horse, Mi Yang quickly returned to the gate of Public Security City.

After defeating the 100,000 Wu troops outside the city, someone had already reported the news to Wang Hong inside the city.

After Wang Hong heard the news, he almost jumped up with joy. Guangzong Yaozu, Guangzong Yaozu!

Going south was the best decision he made in his life!

Then Wang Hong ordered his people to quickly spread the news throughout the public security city. When the news of the victory spread, the public security city fell into a strange silence.

But soon, after a moment of tranquility, the Public Security City began to stir like boiling hot water.

Countless people began to run into the streets. They saw that the public security gate, which had been closed for several months, was now wide open. At this time, from outside the city gate, groups of prisoners of the Wu army were being escorted in.

The prisoners of the Wu army were all dejected and looked ashen, while on the contrary, the Han soldiers guarding the prisoners of the Wu army were all arrogant, with unconcealable pride on their faces.

After seeing this scene, the people in the public security city finally believed what was said in the victory report.

Mi Du burned down the company's camp, and the number of ten thousand was reduced to one hundred thousand. The Wu army outside the city was reduced to ashes!

There were hundreds of thousands of enemy troops like wolves and tigers, and they were wiped out by Mi Yang like that.

The excitement in the hearts of the people in the public security city was as deep as the tense and oppressive feeling caused by the 100,000 Wu troops pressing down on the city in the past.

At this moment, they all felt extremely proud to be under Mi Yang's rule.

The hearts of tens of thousands of police officers and civilians were boiling, and they could not suppress their inner excitement.

They ran home one after another, took out the pots and pans at home, and then used them as military gongs and drums, beating them in the streets and alleys with their hands.

With every knock, bursts of cheers came from their mouths.

Tens of thousands of cheers and tens of thousands of celebrations as iron weapons were struck, shrouded the sky above the Public Security City like waves and refused to disperse for a long time.

And this point reached its climax instantly when Mi Yang and Guan Ping entered the city gate!

Tens of thousands of police officers and civilians gathered in the streets and alleys, all wanting to see Mi Yang's true face.

There was a crowd of people, restless and restless.

The moment the police officers saw Mi Yang, tens of thousands of cheers that could shake the sky suddenly rose from the ground!

Before Mi Yang appeared, the cheers of tens of thousands of police officers were not yet unified, but after Mi Yang appeared, the cheers of tens of thousands of people immediately became unified.

"Mi Lang!"

"Mi Lang!"

"Mi Lang!"

The voices gathered together, like bursts of thunder from the nine heavens, resounding for dozens of miles around.

This scene made Mi Yang's face flush.

On this day, the police were proud of having Mi Lang!

On this day, the police were in a panic because of Mi Lang!

On that day, dozens of horsemen galloped out of the public security city.

"Great victory!"

"Great victory!"

"Great victory!"

Every rider shouts this sentence, they want to spread a great victory all over the world, they want their Mi Lang to be famous all over the world!

It takes 4 hours to write one chapter, and the next chapter will be published before 18:00.

It will take another hour to modify

Writing a book is not easy, so please support me.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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