Chapter 243: The Second Martial Ancestor

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Chapter 243: The Second Patriarch Siwu

What Liu Bei means by this sentence is, how is the general I like?

When Liu Bei asked this question, the pride on his face was not concealed at all.

At this time, the expressions of the ministers were either joyful, excited, or shocked, and each one's expression was different.

But they all have a common thought, which is to express their amazement at Mi Yang's victory.

After winning this great victory, Mi Yang had achieved the achievement of defeating the Wu army in the east and the Wei army in the north.

Moreover, these two great victories were also a great victory that could shock the world.

Mi Yang has such meritorious service, no matter what the ministers in the palace really think, but on the surface they must praise Mi Yang.

The palace was full of Han ministers sitting on the seats. They raised their hands with their left hands and pressed their right hands. They hid their hands in their sleeves and then put their hands at the same level as their foreheads.

Finally, they bent their bodies and bowed deeply in the direction of Liu Bei.

The well-educated ministers in the palace felt a surprising sense of unity when doing this move.

Because many ministers are doing the same action together, their actions are very pleasing to the eye.

After many ministers bowed to Liu Bei, loud congratulations began to sound in the hall.

"The king is mighty and the man is magnificent!"

This sentence was uttered in the mouths of the ministers in unison, and then it sounded like thunder on the ground.

When the congratulations that echoed through the hall reached Liu Bei's ears, Liu Bei burst into laughter again.

Liu Bei's laughter, mixed with the congratulations of the officials, gradually spread outside the hall and was heard by people outside the hall.

Although the guards, maids, and eunuchs outside the palace didn't know why there were bursts of celebrations coming from inside the palace.

But when this burst of congratulations fell in their ears, a great sense of security emerged in their hearts.

When the congratulations of the officials stopped, Liu Bei saw doubts on the faces of the officials.

The officials were wondering why Mi Yang suddenly won this great victory.

If Cao Ren led an army to invade Hanxing County, Mi Yang would not have asked for help from Chengdu without any information in advance.

But it was impossible for Mi Yang to personally lead the army in the Northern Expedition, because the troops in Mi Yang's hands were not enough.

Moreover, no matter what the reason was, Mi Yang's defeat of Cao Ren seemed a bit too sudden.

According to the previous impressions of the ministers, Mi Yang should still be searching for information about Emperor Liu Xie in Hanxing County.

Confusion lingered in the minds of the ministers.

Although they knew that Mi Yang could not lie about his military exploits, it was precisely because they knew this that they eagerly wanted to know how Mi Yang defeated Cao Ren's tens of thousands of troops.

Observing the doubtful expressions of the officials, Liu Bei lifted up a secret memorandum from the case.

This secret memorial was the one Mi Yang had presented to Liu Bei before, and Liu Bei had already taken it out of his belt in advance.

Liu Bei handed the secret message of Mi Yang to Dong Yun and asked him to read it out in the main hall.

Dong Yun respectfully took the secret memorial from the waiter, and then he stood in the main hall and opened the secret memorial.

When he saw the words above, Dong Yun felt both admiration for Mi Yang and emotion in his heart.

I remember that Mi Yang handed this secret memorial into his hands outside the west city, and today it was him who took Mi Yang's place and read out the contents of his secret memorial.

All this seems to be destined.

The strange emotion in his heart did not make Dong Yun hesitate. He read out the contents of the secret memorial in his hand in front of all the ministers in the palace.

"The traitor Cao has usurped the throne and is showing off his power in the north. The ministers are so worried that they forget to sleep.

The Han Dynasty was glorious, and its ministers were educated and grown up, but they did nothing, which is a shame for the Han Dynasty."

Dong Yun came from a noble family, so he was naturally familiar with Mandarin since he was a child.

When he recited the above words in cadenced Mandarin and substituted Mi Yang's emotions, the ministers in the palace instantly recalled a young man in their minds, looking towards the north and lamenting with regret.

The scene that came to mind made the ministers who cherished the Han Dynasty in the palace deeply resonate with Mi Yang.

In July of this year, Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty and established itself.

This incident was a thorn in the heart of countless ministers who harbored feelings for the Han Dynasty.

Now under Mi Yang's words, this thorn began to ache in their hearts again.

Especially Zhuge Liang, he only knew about the conspiracy between Liu Bei and Mi Yang, but he didn't know the contents of Mi Yang's secret memorial.

When he heard Mi Yang's self-confession for the first time, he felt a feeling of confidant rippling in his heart.

When it comes to loyalty to the Han Dynasty, he is no worse than anyone else.

Mi Yang's writing is not gorgeous, but often the truest emotions can be expressed in the most common language.

At this time, in the hearts of the ministers in the hall, Mi Yang's brave and loyal image has been deeply imprinted in their hearts.

When Dong Yun read, "How can a person who is a minister know how to control the city but not how to conquer it?" All the officials in the palace expressed admiration for Mi Yang's bold words.

All the ministers are strong, Mi Yang said.

After expressing his emotions, Mi Yang revealed his specific plan in the following content.

But when the officials in the palace learned about Mi Yang's specific plan, they suddenly became enlightened.

This is what I used!

After understanding Mi Yang's specific plan, all the officials in the palace showed admiration for Mi Yang on their faces.

All the ministers cast their envious eyes on Mi Zhu.

Why did the Zhilan Pavilion tree fall into another house?

People of their own know their own affairs.

Ever since Liu Bei raised his troops, although he sometimes set up ambushes, most of the time his military strategy favored head-on confrontation.

Liu Bei's military use style greatly affected the military use style of his generals.

This style of military use can easily create a fixed impression on the enemy.

That is, most of the Han troops do not know how to cheat and do not know how to adapt.

This fixed impression cannot be wrong, but sometimes it can lead to misjudgment by the enemy.

Therefore, if Mi Yang uses the timing of false surrender, it is possible that he will get unexpected results.

The current results also verify their ideas.

Because we know the results in advance and then analyze Mi Yang's plan.

This resulted in the inner analysis of the officials in the palace being biased towards Mi Yang's plan being right.

And this kind of thought is slowly deepening, and the admiration for Mi Yang in the hearts of the ministers.

Fa Xiaozhi has a successor!

After Dong Yun finished reciting Mi Yang's specific plan, he read Liu Bei's favorite sentence:

"If you send me your own way, I will surely surround the six armies, and there will be no survivors. You will be so majestic and powerful that the world will look at you!"

Liu Bei loved Mi Yang's words the most because he saw Mi Yang's strong self-confidence in this sentence.

But when these words fell into the ears of the ministers, combined with the battle report they had just watched, it gave them a strange feeling that Mi Yang seemed to be unpredictable.

If the four-character evaluation of "unpredictable prophet" falls on the enemy, it will be frightening.

But when it falls on one of our own people, it only brings excitement!

This wonderful feeling made the officials no longer able to contain their excitement, and some people began to take out the fluorene plates in their hands and clap their palms.

Most of these ministers were from the Dongzhou faction. Their original leader was Fa Zheng, but after Fa Zheng's death, the officials of the Dongzhou faction fell into confusion.

They can't seem to find a new leader who can protect their interests.

Although Li Yan, another leader of the Dongzhou faction, holds an official position and has good political achievements.

But in the current time and space, the ministers of the Yuancong faction have not been severely damaged. How can Li Yan's current achievements compare with those of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei?

Nowadays, Mi Yang's increasingly outstanding performance has given hope to all the ministers of the Dongzhou faction.

Mi Yang is Fazheng's disciple, so rounding off he can be considered a member of the Dongzhou clan.

Based on Mi Yang's current performance, when he fully matures in the future, the interests of Dongzhou officials can be truly protected.

This mentality made the officials of the Dongzhou faction not hesitate to give Mi Yang their biggest cheers.

As some people did this, other ministers soon followed suit.

Finally, after Mi Zhu and Zhuge Liang started high-fiving each other, the entire hall was quickly covered by the sound of enthusiastic tapping.

The ministers in the palace had already congratulated Mi Yang just now, but their congratulations just started because of Liu Bei's questions.

That kind of congratulation is essentially a kind of congratulation from ministers to cater to the king, and in their congratulations, Liu Bei is also put in the front.

There was now a loud sound of fluorene boards hitting palms in the hall, although it was not as consistent as the congratulations just now.

But this was what the officials said after seeing Mi Yang's previous secret report, because of his daring loyalty and the great results he achieved.

After bursts of strong knocking sounds, the ministers in the palace also burst into cheers:


This is a song of victory that the officials in the palace spontaneously dedicated to Mi Yang and dedicated to him!

To achieve this effect, the secret memorial written by Mi Yang played a big role in it.

The confidence and emotion revealed in Mi Yang's secret letter, coupled with his current military exploits, make it difficult not to cheer for him.

And this effect is exactly what Liu Bei wants to see.

Waves of fierce cheers spread outside the hall again, attracting the people outside the hall to pay attention to the hall again.

What happened today?

Could it be that thunder struck Cao Pi to death?

The enthusiastic knocking sound and the cheers of the officials became louder and louder in the hall, falling in Liu Bei's ears and making his eyes full of smiles.

As a king, he was not angry because his ministers cheered for another minister's attack, and he did not even feel any fear in his heart.

He understood the emperor's intentions, but Liu Bei, who valued love and justice, was not a cold-hearted person.

When most of the officials tried to persuade him to move forward for the sake of their own future, only Mi Yang understood his thoughts.

He went against the general trend, thinking about how to make contributions to himself, and how to prove to the world that "the powerful people are still here, who can say that the Han Dynasty has perished".

Now he did it!

Couldn't such a nephew be able to bear the honor of being defeated by ministers and cheered by everyone?

Of course it is affordable.

If he can afford it, he will give it to him.

After a long time, the cheers of the officials in the hall finally stopped.

However, although the cheers had stopped, the faces of the ministers were still flushed.

Seeing the flushed faces of the ministers, Liu Bei spoke at the right time and said: "The prefect of Hanxing has made such great achievements and should be rewarded according to his merits."

When Liu Bei's words came out, the hall suddenly became lively again.

Everyone knew that Cao Ren's head was now placed in front of Liu Bei. Mi Yang beheaded Cao Ren and captured Xiahou.

Cao Ren's nearly 50,000 Wei troops were either dead or surrendered, and almost all of them were wiped out.

Such results can be compared with Guan Yu's Flooded Seventh Army.

Mi Yang had already obtained the same military exploits in the first battle of the Public Security Bureau.

After Mi Yang won the battle with the police, Liu Bei only worshiped Mi Yang as a partial general.

One of the reasons for this is that Liu Bei saved Mi Yang's meritorious service in that battle until later.

Now that the previous achievements have not been used up, Mi Yang has made such achievements again.

In this case, Mi Yang's reward must not be arbitrary.

The miscellaneous generals were no longer worthy of Mi Yang, and even the title of Marquis of Guannei seemed aggrieved to Mi Yang.

Therefore, the officials in the palace had a heated discussion about Mi Yang's reward.

Among the ministers, only Mi Zhu and Zhuge Liang did not participate in the discussion.

Mi Zhu's face was full of smiles. He was too happy to participate in the discussion. Anyway, he knew that Liu Bei would definitely not wrong Mi Yang.

As for Zhuge Liang, he was thinking about something more important.

The discussion became more and more intense, and in the discussion among the ministers, although the title of general had not yet been unified, the ministers all formed a mainstream opinion on Mi Yang's title and awards.

That would be to confer Mi Yang as a marquis!

But just when the ministers were having a heated discussion, Zhuge Liang stood up from his seat and came to the hall. He bowed to Liu Bei and asked:

"Your Majesty, did Mi Hanxing's report mention the whereabouts of the Emperor?"

When Zhuge Liang stood up, the discussion in the hall gradually became quieter, and when he asked about this matter, the discussion in the hall stopped instantly.

Only then did the officials realize that Liu Bei had asked Mi Yang to inquire about this matter.

Seeing Zhuge Liang come out and ask about this matter, Liu Bei's face showed sadness.

He looked at the ministers in the hall and said: "According to Mi Hanxing's report, he found out that the Emperor of Heaven has been killed by Cao Pi!"

Liu Bei was right. In Mi Yang's battle report, he also included information about investigating Liu Xie's whereabouts.

The reason why Mi Yang made this conclusion was because he "snooped" two pieces of information.

Su Ze, the minister who rebelled against the Wei Dynasty, and his kinsman Cao Zhi mourned the death of the emperor Liu Xie.

With the actions of these two people, there is no need to doubt the authenticity of Mi Yang's information.

When Liu Bei finished speaking, all the ministers who knew that Emperor Liu Xie had been killed woke up from their previous excitement, and then their faces showed sadness.

Even Zhuge Liang is like this.

But while Zhuge Liang was grieving, he also said to Liu Bei: "The people of the world cannot be without a master for a day. Now that I have been killed by Cao Pi, the legal system of the Han Dynasty has been cut off. I hope that your Majesty will not refuse to ascend to the throne."

After saying this, Zhuge Liang bowed to Liu Bei.

When Zhuge Liang bowed to Liu Bei, the officials in the hall immediately stood up and came to the hall to speak to Liu Bei, urging him to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor as soon as possible and continue the unification of the Han Dynasty.

Faced with the ministers' urging to join again, Liu Bei did not refuse this time.

He looked at the ministers in the hall and spoke slowly.

"If destiny were to be upon me, I would be the successor to the second ancestor of Wu."

The two ancestors Liu Bei mentioned were Liu Bang, Taizu of Han Dynasty, and Liu Xiu, Shizu of Han Dynasty.

So when Liu Bei said this, the faces of the ministers in the palace showed joy.

Liu Bei finally agreed!

Liu Bei, who was sitting on the throne, looked at the wooden box containing Cao Ren's head in front of him, and an idea began to emerge in his mind.

A battle report representing a great victory and an intelligence message representing Liu Xie's death were delivered to him on the same day.

How could Liu Bei not understand Mi Yang's good intentions?

His white deer wanted to use a great victory to pave a smooth path for him to the supreme throne.

Liu Bei looked towards the north, with relief in his eyes:

Your reward will not be issued through a royal order.

What Liu Bei didn't know was that Mi Yang's good intentions went beyond that.

Historically, he proclaimed himself emperor after losing Jingzhou.

Because of this move, his act of proclaiming emperor was ridiculed by many people, and the country's name after he proclaimed emperor was even called Shu by Cao Pi and Sun Quan.

But with Mi Yang in this world and the two great victories he achieved, Cao Pi and Sun Quan have lost the capital to laugh at him.

The Han Dynasty is the Han Dynasty, and it is by no means a Lao Shi Zi Shu.

Mi Yang's good intentions may only be understood by those who know his time travel.

Today’s is gone.

From now on, it will probably be like 2 chapters a day, 3 chapters a day.

Chapter 3 is too irritating, I have to slow down.

I will do a nucleic acid test for all employees at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. I heard that someone in the company has tested positive. Please give me your best wishes.

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(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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