Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 Mi Yang rides into the police alone (2)

At this time, three thousand powerful Jingzhou troops were staying in an open space one mile away from the public security city.

When Guan Ping followed Mi Yang's instructions and led his army one mile away from Gong'an City, he ordered his army to stay where they were and form formations to wait for new orders.

After arranging all this, Guan Ping found Mi Yang to discuss the next strategy with him.

"Zisheng, you said you wanted to enter the city alone, but the four gates of the Public Security City are closed, so how are you going to enter the city?"

Guan Ping saw that Mi Yang looked like an old god and didn't seem to be worried about his future fate at all.

Even Guan Ping, who had always been steady, couldn't help but become worried about Mi Yang.

Guan Ping's question made Mi Yang smile and say,

"Frankly, you are impatient."

"Although Shiren is now rebellious, he has not yet raised the flag of rebellion.

As a public security guard, when he saw your three thousand troops arriving outside the city, how could he not send an envoy to inquire about your intention?"

"At that time, according to common sense, you should also send an envoy into the city to explain your purpose of coming,"

"And in terms of status in the army, who is more suitable than me to serve as this messenger without making Shiren suspicious?"

Mi Yang looked confident.

The reason why Mi Yang was so confident was that he had already planned all of Shiren's actions.

Shiren is probably now in close contact with Sun Quan, just like Mi Fang before him. For someone with a big secret,

They were all anxious and suspicious before the incident.

At this time, there was a person worthy of his trust who asked to see him because he had something important to discuss with him.

It is very likely that Shiren met.

After finishing speaking, Mi Yang looked at the sword on Guan Ping's waist and suddenly said to Guan Ping,

"Tanzhi, before the messenger from the public security city comes, stab me quickly."

Mi Yang's request immediately made Guan Ping stunned.

He wondered for a moment whether his ears had heard wrongly.

How could Mi Yang take the initiative to stab him?

Seeing Guan Ping's look of disbelief, Mi Yang didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

He quickly approached Guan Ping, and then took advantage of Guan Ping's unpreparedness to quickly and decisively draw the long sword from his waist.

He slashed hard at his left arm,

Guan Ping's sword was carefully crafted for Guan Ping by a famous craftsman from Jingchu, and it was extremely sharp.

Mi Yang was not wearing armor at this time.

Therefore, when the edge of Guan Ping's sword crossed Mi Yang's arm, Mi Yang instantly felt a strong pain.

Then a wound appeared on his arm and the blood continued to flow.

Mi Yang suddenly drew his sword and scratched himself, which surprised everyone present.

Guan Ping only reacted after Mi Yang scratched himself.

Seeing that Mi Yang's face was pale due to pain, and the wound on his arm was bleeding continuously, Guan Ping became anxious.

He hurriedly ran forward to support Mi Yang and asked urgently, "Zi Sheng, what are you doing?"

The severe pain left Mi Yang speechless for a moment.

It's winter now, the weather is cold, and swords are made of iron. When the cold iron cuts across people's skin, the pain will naturally increase by three points.

In Mi Yang's memory, he had never been injured, so when the pain from the wound hit him, he almost cried out in pain.

But he finally endured it.

After Mi Yang calmed down for a while, the first thing he asked was, "Frankly speaking, do I look ugly now?"

Mi Yang's face now is not only ugly, but also as golden as paper.

Although Guan Ping didn't understand why Mi Yang asked, he still nodded and said, "Yeah."

Hearing what Guan Ping said, Mi Yang instantly smiled and said, "In that case, I can lower my guard by another three points."

Looking at Guan Ping's puzzled look, Mi Yang explained,

"Everyone is suspicious. I hurt myself now just to make my face look ugly."

"Shiren had long known that I was frail and sickly, and when he saw me and looked at my pale expression, he became more convinced of this.

Let me ask you, Shiren is a battle-hardened general, how can he be so wary of a sick man?"

When Guan Ping heard that Mi Yang had mutilated himself for this reason, he immediately sighed,

"Zisheng is really a loyal minister of the great king."

If he was not a loyal minister, how could he harm himself just to lower Shiren's wariness?

On the side, Yu Jin felt unbelievable when he heard that Mi Yang had self-harmed because of this.

Does that deceitful boy still have this side?

After finishing speaking, Mi Yang looked at the sky and saw that Mi Zhong had entered the city for a while, so he said to Guan Ping,

"I think Na Shiren's envoy is coming soon.

In front of him for a while, I must be frank and make no mistakes.

I will first ask a medical officer to bandage the wound and change clothes."

Seeing Mi Yang say this, Guan Ping immediately said,

"Zisheng, go quickly. Don't worry, I won't let you down."

After hearing what Guan Ping said, Mi Yang left with peace of mind.

Shortly after Mi Yang left, Zhao Sui arrived in front of Guan Ping.

It was not difficult for Zhao Sui to find Guan Ping's army. When he came to Guan Ping's army and reported his identity, someone would naturally lead him to see Guan Ping.

After Zhao Sui saw Guan Ping, he first bowed to Guan Ping and then said,

"I am the Commander-in-Chief, Commander-in-Chief. The Commander-in-Chief ordered me to come and inquire about the captain.

Why did the captain come with the troops this time?"

Guan Ping immediately said without blushing and without a beating heart,

"The former general was afraid that the public security forces were weak, so I was ordered by the former general to assist General Shi Zhonglang in defending the city."

Zhao Sui was doubtful about the reason Guan Ping said.

But his mission this time was not to judge the authenticity of Guan Ping's words. He thought for a while and then said,

"Please also ask the captain to send an envoy to the city to report the details to General Shi Zhonglang."

Guan Ping had no intention of rejecting this military practice.

Zhao Sui is Shiren's boss, and envoys pay attention to equality of status. Now the only one with a suitable status in the army is Mi Yang.

Guan Ping ordered people to summon Mi Yang. By this time, Mi Yang had already bandaged the wound and put on new clothes.

But his face still looked extremely pale.

After Guan Ping told Mi Yang the "in and out", Mi Yang glanced at Zhao Sui secretly, and then said to Guan Ping calmly,


As soon as Mi Yang's promise came out,

In Zhao Sui's eyes, Mi Yang had indeed entered the city to report confidential matters to Shiren, just as Mi Zhong said.

In Guan Ping's eyes, Mi Yang has a majestic image of sacrificing his country and not avoiding danger.

Just when Mi Yang was about to follow Zhao Sui, out of concern for Mi Yang, Guan Ping suddenly said,

"Zisheng, why don't I send one or two people to go with you."

Hearing Guan Ping's words, Zhao Sui's heart tightened, and murderous intent flashed through his eyes.

But his murderous intention was invisibly resolved by Mi Yang.

"It doesn't matter, I'm entering my city, why should anyone go with me?"

Mi Yang replied with a faint smile, looking completely unaware of the danger.

After finishing speaking, Mi Yang bowed to Guan Ping and then rode away with Zhao Sui.

With Zhao Sui's leadership, Mi Yang did not need to ride into the city in a hanging basket like Mi Zhong, he could enter the city on horseback.

Guan Ping looked ahead at the flying horse hooves. Mi Yang's figure had slowly disappeared into the shadow of the public security city wall.

This scene made Guan Ping clenched his hands tightly.

Zisheng, you must come back safely.

At the end of October in the winter of the 24th year of Jian'an in the Han Dynasty,

Bo Miyang, the Lord of Jingzhou, rode into the police station alone.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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