Chapter 1212 Contract

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After hearing Lei Xiao's words, Xiaojie immediately closed her eyes and concentrated, and soon opened her starry eyes again, surprised: "There is no contract mark on the little girl's body..."

"Is this really so? After being deprived of her strength by a mysterious being, Xiaojie, who was only in the fifth level, automatically canceled the contract that was no longer complete. Perhaps it was precisely because the contract was no longer complete that the mysterious being was able to take advantage of it.

Then he entered and finally succeeded in stripping away Xiaojie's strength."

Thinking of this in his mind, Lei Xiao didn't wait for Xiaojie to finish speaking, and immediately said to the latter: "Then let's get started."

"It is a great honor for a little girl to be able to become an exclusive item for adults!"

Xiaojie did not hesitate, the golden light all over her body flashed, and turned into a fist-sized, crystal clear colorless translucent gem, floating in front of Lei Xiao.

Lei Xiao was certainly not unfamiliar with this kind of scene.

Although he has never signed a contract with the [God Stone], he has gone through the signing process with Sarah, Erza, and Ariel, and he is familiar with everything.

"Despicable alien scum, don't even think about trying any more tricks!"

Accompanied by an angry shout, the mysterious giant scythe shattered the space and came overwhelmingly.

Through Lei Xiao's series of actions, he was obviously aware of the former's intention.

"Unfortunately, no one can hinder the contract signing process of [God's Stone]."

Lei Xiao stretched out his palm and tightly grasped the flawless gem in front of him.

The moment Lei Xiao touched the gem, an extremely dazzling golden light shone out, completely covering Lei Xiao in it.

Lei Xiao had already discovered this by observing the signing process of Ariel and others.

Before the contract is signed, the holder and the [God Stone] will be in an unbreakable golden absolute defense barrier.


Sure enough, there was just a loud sound of energy collision. Just as the blade of the mysterious existence's giant war scythe touched the golden light, it was blocked and could not get any closer to Lei Xiao.

"You little ant, don't think you can stop me like this!"

The face of the mysterious being was distorted, and the anger suddenly surged. The giant war scythe waved countless sharp black energy waves, and continued to try to break through the golden barrier that enveloped Lei Xiao.

While the mysterious being was attacking crazily, Lei Xiao felt like he was standing in a misty and wonderful world.

The sky here is clear, but the sky is full of stars. There are all kinds of beautiful buildings and jade buildings everywhere. Various round, pointed, and even polygonal towering spiers are mixed in the huge building complex, which is boundless.

Surprised, Lei Xiao concentrated his mind and wanted to observe those buildings carefully, but everything was shrouded by the constantly rolling fog around him, and only vague outlines could be seen.

Vaguely, Lei Xiao could even hear it.

The deep and powerful bells, melodious and beautiful songs and tunes, and bursts of incomprehensible whispers that came from the huge building complex soon disappeared.

When Lei Xiao came to his senses again, all that was left in front of him was the endless shining golden light and Xiaojie who had transformed into a human form again.

He saw a solemn expression on Xiaojie's fair face. Although he did not speak, Lei Xiao felt that he had developed some kind of magical resonance with the other party and could feel that the other party was chanting the oath.

This wonderful feeling is very similar to the communication with Princess Pelican just now, but it goes one step further.

"...The origin of all things, the source of all laws, and the origin of all phenomena in the world are all rules and can be modified. In the name of the gods, I enter into a sacred contract with you, dedicate my power to you, and help you.

Pursue the truth, the truth is eternal!”

As Xiaojie's solemn and sonorous voice fell, a large amount of knowledge poured into Lei Xiao's mind like a stormy sea.

While his mind was slightly swollen, he felt this sudden sense of enlightenment, as if he had learned a skill scroll. Lei Xiao knew that this was the first "divine revelation".

Through Old Roy's explanation and the descriptions of Ariel and the others on signing the contract, Lei Xiao was no stranger to this process.

It is worth mentioning that the hazy fairyland-like scene I saw at the beginning was not in everyone's description.

"Could it be that what I saw at the beginning was part of the realm of God? But why was it that only I could see it?"

Lei Xiao didn't have time to think about anything else, the knowledge that just poured into his mind emerged one after another.

As expected, among them, the explanation of the [Stone of God] appeared first.

[Stone of God] is necessary to pursue the truth of the world and is hidden everywhere in the world.

The truth of the world, the truth of the era forgotten by all races three thousand years ago, the source of destruction, forgetfulness, blankness, disappearance, and disorder.

"Old Contract Relics", the relics of all races scattered in the blank era, are the "key to truth" that opens the "door to truth" and the cornerstone to the truth.

The "Gate of Truth" is the place where the [Stone of God] is hidden. It is unpredictable and elusive, with dangers and opportunities coexisting. It is the holy land of the wise and the burial place of the fools.

Lei Xiao felt the secret knowledge he was already familiar with one by one, and then he was surprised to find out.

Behind this knowledge, there are actually a series of place names, regions, and even names that I am not familiar with, or even completely unfamiliar to me.

These seem to be the places where other "Keys of Truth" are buried, as well as the holders of other parts of the "God Stone".

"Is this a new "divine revelation"? Is it because my subordinates and I collected a certain amount of [God's Stones] that we got a new prompt?"

"After all, judging from the content of the contract that just came to mind, the contract signed with the [God's Stone] is almost the same as the master-servant contract signed by the slave. As the master, I am naturally the master of the slave."

Just when Lei Xiao thought of this in his mind, the surrounding scene changed instantly again. This time, what caught Lei Xiao's eyes was that in addition to Xiaojie in front of him, there was also an endless pure white space.

Lei Xiao had also heard of this scene, and it was precisely the [Stone of God] that was chosen to form the venue for the secret method.

Through this period of understanding of the [God's Stone], Lei Xiao has already learned about it.

Although the stone elves master more than one spell and can freely cast it according to the battlefield situation, it often requires more energy consumption and, like ordinary strong men, requires chanting and preparation before casting.

However, the exclusive composition secret method of [God Stone] consumes very little energy, and is activated instantly like a magic scroll, without the need for chanting or other preparations. This is the magic of the composition secret method.

Moreover, the secret method can bring out the maximum ability of the [God Stone], which is often the key to victory on the battlefield.

For example, Xiao Huan's illusion army and Xiao Zhao's summon army have won many advantages for us, and even reversed the situation of the battle.

Through the description of Erza who composed the secret method, although she felt that it took a lot of time to construct it, in fact, from the outside world, it only took a moment.

Therefore, even though time is tight, I still have enough time to complete all of this.

"Master, the little girl is good at creating various types of magic wards, but she is best at absolute defense wards and absolute confinement wards. I also ask the master to set up an exclusive secret method for the little girl. This is the last step in signing the contract.


Xiaojie's cheeks were slightly red, she stroked her chest and saluted Lei Xiao, "By then, the little girl will be the owner's exclusive possession."

"It's really an ambiguous way of expression."

Lei Xiao smiled helplessly, and soon his expression became solemn again.

Needless to say, Xiaojie's ability to build barriers has been seen many times since she got acquainted with her.

What's more, other controlled stone elves are currently able to suppress everyone on our team except themselves.

Although the energy blessing of the Forbidden Tree is indispensable, it is already extremely impressive just from the perspective of blocking the three Bing Lao people who have obtained the sixth-level equipment, sixth-level magic potions, and buff scrolls.

What I need to do now is to choose whether to form an absolute defensive barrier to resist attacks or an absolute confinement barrier to restrain the opponent.

"Needless to say, the usefulness of the absolute defense barrier is that it can protect me and my strong men to the maximum extent, and even the safety of more people. It can be turned into a powerful attack by the opponent. It can be called a life-saving trump card."

"And it is not difficult to see from the current series of battles that the absolute confinement barrier like a cage can also trap the opponent in many situations, providing us with a great strategic advantage, coupled with gravity suppression and force relief

The effect can make it difficult for the opponent to break free."

Thinking of this, Lei Xiao frowned slightly.

From this, it is not difficult to see that whether it is an absolute defensive barrier or an absolute confinement barrier, it will be of great help to you. It is really difficult to choose at the moment.

Just when Lei Xiao was hesitating, Xiaojie's crisp voice sounded again.

"Master, since the little girl is at the sixth level, she can master one more skill than the fifth-level stone elves. In other words, the little girl can learn two secret methods!"

Lei Xiao's dark eyes lit up and he blurted out: "Then there is nothing to hesitate about. Just form an absolute defense enchantment and an absolute confinement enchantment each!"

Having said that, Lei Xiao closed his eyes and concentrated, and first began to form his own absolute defensive barrier.

For a moment, Lei Xiao felt as if he was observing from the top of the Tower of Vision. He instantly switched to a third perspective, looking down at the entire pure white space.

"Xiaojie, maximize the scale at which you can activate the absolute defense barrier."

Under Lei Xiao's instructions, a giant absolute defense barrier that could cover a large city was instantly formed in pure white space. This was obviously a rehearsal of a special skill.

"Xiaojie, in addition to the ordinary functions of the absolute defense enchantment, can you add other functions to the absolute defense enchantment?"

Lei Xiao pondered for a moment, then asked again.

"Returning to the master, subordinates can add many effects, but each secret method can only take effect three additional effects."

Xiaojie's respectful voice immediately sounded and she began to introduce it in detail.

Through Xiaojie's introduction, Lei Xiao learned.

Among these special effects that can be added, there is not only a built-in energy supply circle that allows other powerful players on our side to participate in the energy supply, further increasing the strength of the absolute defensive barrier.

It also has an energy-gathering effect that accelerates the energy recovery of our personnel within the barrier, a condensed effect that strengthens the attack power of our personnel within the barrier, and even accelerates the recovery and purification of injuries of our personnel within the barrier to a certain extent.

treatment effects, etc.

In addition to these enhancement effects, there are also special auxiliary effects such as being able to become invisible instantly like a land of gods. It can be said that there are so many tricks that it is dizzying to see.

After some weighing, Lei Xiao finally chose to have hundreds of built-in energy supply arrays to further improve the strength of the barrier, the large-scale treatment and purification effect within the barrier, and the invisibility function.

Needless to say, the first step is to increase the strength of the barrier, which is the key to resisting powerful enemies.

The second large-scale treatment effect is also a shortcoming that we currently lack.

The third invisibility effect is equally important.

Although the Land of the Gods also has similar functions, in some special areas such as narrow terrains and caves that cannot be reached by the Land of the Gods, combined with our illusions, it may be able to produce unexpected effects.

As for those buff effect skills, you can completely replace them with batches of magic potions and magic scrolls, so they are relatively not that important.

After all three effects have been added, the first secret method is declared complete.

As for the name of the secret method, Lei Xiao took Xiaojie's suggestion and called it "Lord's Asylum".

After that, Lei Xiao started constructing the second secret method non-stop.

According to Xiaojie's introduction, Lei Xiao learned more.

The absolute confinement barrier can also add three additional effects. Lei Xiao finally chose gravity, unloading force and external energy supply array to increase the intensity.

After suffering many losses from the imprisonment array, Lei Xiao naturally knew which combination was the most powerful.

It is worth mentioning that the effective range of the confinement circle is not specified by Lei Xiao.

Xiaojie will automatically adjust according to the number of imprisoned targets. It is not impossible to trap up to ten legions of enemy troops.

"The name of the absolute confinement formation is called 'Lord's Binding'."

After arranging everything properly, Lei Xiao nodded to Xiaojie.

"As ordered, Lord, the contract is signed. From this moment on, the little girl, no, the subordinates are the property of the Lord."

Xiaojie's fair face was full of excitement, and an extremely dazzling golden light suddenly erupted from her slender body.

In the blink of an eye, Lei Xiao noticed.

He stood on the battlefield again, surrounded by golden light, and the [Stone of God] that had been in his hand began to tremble slowly.

As the tremors intensified, the movements of the other nine puppet stone elves not far away suddenly stagnated, and thick black mist began to emerge from their bodies, as if they were being purified.

When the black mist completely dissipated, the nine puppet stone elves seemed to have been summoned. They turned into a golden light and quickly gathered towards the [Stone of God] in Lei Xiao's hand. In just a moment, they were with each other.

【Stone of God】Reintegrated into one body.

Since all this happened in a blink of an eye, it was not until everyone present reacted.

All the absolute confinement barriers and absolute defense barriers on the battlefield have completely dissipated, and the [God's Stone] in Lei Xiao's hand is emitting an increasingly dazzling brilliance.


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