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Chapter 723 An overwhelming attack

The burly man holding a rose in his mouth and wearing a red-rose robe was none other than the Marquis Rose, the lord of the brewing town of Blue Cold Castle under Lei Xiao.

After Lei Xiao's order, the most important task of Marquis Rose in this battle was to lead the Blue Cold Fort garrison to capture Songluo City, the core city of the traditional nobles in this area.

Lei Xiao clearly understood that as long as this core city of the traditional aristocracy was captured first, it would definitely cause a huge morale blow to other traditional aristocratic forces in the area.

On the battlefield, under the command of Marquis Rose, the well-trained Lanleng Fort garrison quickly launched magic cannons one after another and began to bombard the remaining defense forces in Songluo City.

Due to the strength of Lanlen Castle, there were 5 garrison brigades and 5 guard squadrons, so Marquis Rose did not choose to disperse the siege. Instead, he divided his troops into two groups and attacked the weaker east and west walls of Songluo City respectively, causing the rest of the city to be attacked.

Don't look at each other from head to tail.

For a moment, the roar of the magic cannon resounded across the sky, causing the unsuspecting Songluo City to be filled with smoke, and the city was suddenly in chaos.

The main army of Songluo City had been annihilated by Lei Xiao during the territory attack and defense battle in the forest last night, and the current city lord Luo Tuo had also died.

Currently, there are only three reserve teams defending the city. No matter in terms of strength, morale, or equipment, they cannot compare with the main force.

"Counterattack! Counterattack for me, my lord!"

On the west wall of Songluo City, a fat noble in a gorgeous robe waved his staff and slammed it at the archer captain next to him who was holding his head to avoid the magic. He shouted angrily: "You usually bully me.

Where has all the fierceness of the free farmers gone? What a bunch of rubbish!"

This person is the left-behind commander of Songluo City, Viscount Baggios, whose strength is at the level of a third-level senior expert.

Baggios is the current chief referee of the Songluo City Tribunal, and is the successor of Lotto. It can be said that he has inherited all of Lotto's ruthless methods. As long as he personally participates in the torture, no one will survive to see the next day.

Even the old, weak, women and children are like the sun.

Not long ago, Baggios just received the news that the White Cavalry soldiers were defeated and Lotto's whereabouts were unknown.

After receiving this unexpected news, Bachos did not feel disappointed, but was extremely excited. This undoubtedly means that he, who currently has the highest title and position, will have the right to speak in the future of Songluo City.

Even ascending to the position of city lord is not impossible!

However, just when Bachos was thinking about the future, he was suddenly attacked by the current situation.

"The coat of arms with intertwined blue roses and wine glasses... the attacker is actually the unknown Blue Cold Castle?!"

After seeing the flags under the city clearly, Baggios was astonished and turned his eyes slyly, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Prior to this, Blue Cold Castle had been in a state of neutrality where they could not offend each other. In addition, the city owner, Marquis Rose, acted in a low-key manner, and his presence had always been very low.

And now, the other party dares to attack Songluo City blatantly, which undoubtedly means that it has joined a certain camp!

"According to the battle report sent back, the new noble forces are fighting fiercely with the Lord of Kongqing City in Kongqing Town, and they are already at a disadvantage and cannot risk causing trouble... So, Lan Lengbao actually joined the fifth

The princess is the camp of the Lord of Kongqing City?!"

Thinking of this in his mind, Bachos' fat face suddenly became gloomy.

"The Lord of Kongqing City is just a lowly alien lord, but he actually has the guts to attack Songluo City, the important town of traditional nobles in this area? He simply doesn't know how to live or die!"

"This is the central area for us and other traditional nobles. As long as we send out a signal for help and ask for support from the surrounding cities, even the reserve troops left behind will be enough to make the opponent miserable. At that time, I will lead the army to attack again. The isolated and helpless Rose

Marquis, isn’t it certain that he will die?”

A murderous intention suddenly appeared on Baggios's face, and he said in his heart: "This is the territory of the traditional nobles like us, and the untouchables below are only qualified to be controlled by the traditional nobles like us. No one else is allowed to get involved.


After making up his mind, Baggios waved his hand, called the deputy general next to him, and ordered sternly: "Go, call some strong untouchables to come up to defend, it is perfect to let these untouchables become cannon fodder! Then!

We are sending capable soldiers to ask for help..."

However, before Bachos finished speaking, a huge and burly figure was already floating in front of him, surrounded by a group of figures exuding impressive momentum.

The people who came were none other than Marquis Rose and his five third-level magic powerhouses.

"You must be the commander here. That condescending loud voice is really easy to distinguish."

As the emerald green magical wings flapped, a look of disdain could be seen on Rose Marquis's square and square face.

Before the frightened Bachos could reply, the Marquis de Rose waved his staff gracefully, and countless giant wooden cones fell from the sky and roared towards Bachos.

Because all this happened in the blink of an eye, it was not until the soldiers on the city wall reacted.

The sharp wooden awl had penetrated Baggios's fat body without any hindrance and nailed him directly to the city wall, causing a bloody smell to spread immediately.

As a fourth-level two-star forest magician, Rose Marquis, coupled with the fifth-level staff given by Lei Xiao, it can be said that it is extremely easy to deal with such a small character.

Glancing at the lifeless body, Marquis Rose waved his staff again, casually killing the soldiers swarming around him, and cleared his throat, causing his elegant and sharp voice to spread throughout the entire city wall.

"We are loyal to Her Royal Highness Princess Ariel and fight for Her Royal Highness Princess Ariel, aiming to completely eradicate the corrupt nobles entrenched here. Her Royal Highness Princess Ariel once said that we, the Cold Flame nobles, should be the shield to protect the common people.

, and it is never a sword that stabs civilians!"

I saw the voice of Marquis Rose starting to get louder and louder, saying loudly: "Free farmers of Songluo City, raise the swords in your hands, let us fight for ourselves and for Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Needless to say, these words of Marquis Rose were naturally inspired by Lei Xiao.

Just as Lei Xiao originally planned, only by sacrificing Ariel, who is a member of the royal family and has a high reputation among the people, can he be famous and stabilize a city as quickly as possible.

After all, Lei Xiao clearly understood that a catastrophe could come at any time.

What he needs to do is to seize all the time to collect resources and accumulate strength to deal with greater unknown crises, instead of focusing most of his time and energy on this trivial rule and conspiracy.

As expected, after the Marquis of Rose proved his identity, the free farmers who were forced to defend the city wall couldn't help but be stunned, and then became excited.

Some time ago, the news that Her Royal Highness Princess Ariel, regardless of her own safety, with the assistance of Your Excellency the Guest, repelled the invading Holy Night Army, had already spread throughout the city.

Whether it is the bravery of Her Royal Highness the Princess or the strategy of Your Excellency the guest, they have become topics that people talk about after dinner.

For these free farmers who don't have enough to eat every day but still work hard to cultivate the fields, this has undoubtedly become a rare comfort in their hearts.

After all, they are all the people of Leng Yan, and there is a Princess Leng Yan who is willing to fight to protect them instead of treating them like livestock!

"Kill these minions of the traditional nobles, and we will fight for Her Royal Highness the Princess and Your Excellency the Guest Minister!"

With angry roars, the free farmers who were forced to climb the city wall rushed towards the surrounding traditional noble soldiers and fought with each other. Each pole depicts the traditional noble coat of arms of Songluo City.

The battle flag was also thrown off the city wall by the angry free farmers.

For a moment, battle flags were broken, swords collided, and there was chaos on the city wall. Marquis Rose also saw the opportunity and easily opened the west gate of Songluo City with his subordinates.

At this point, with the assistance of the free farmers in the city, the Marquis of Rose led his army and marched in, and soon took complete control of the entire city, making Songluo City, a traditional aristocratic town, officially under Lei Xiao's control.

While Rose Marquis easily captured Songluo City.

On the other side of the traditional nobles' sphere of influence, near the mountain fortress, a team also flying the black lion battle flag of the kingdom's general had already captured the nearest Fortress of the Rest and began to march toward the hinterland of the traditional nobles.

The commander at the front of the team was a dashing young female general in white robes. Flying above the head of the young female general, in addition to the black lion battle flag, was a holy sword and an angel.

Battle flags with crossed wings.

Under the dawn, the identity of this female general was already very obvious. She was another capable general under Lei Xiao's command. She was the Holy Light General Ju Bai, one of the eight generals of the Cold Flame Kingdom with Burt.

After the black fog in Kongqing Town was dispersed, under Lei Xiao's order, Jubai quickly rushed to the mountain fortress with the tokens of his city lords.

As for the ones led by Ju Bai, they were naturally the garrison troops of our own cities stationed in the mountain fortress.

This force has a total of 7,000 people, coming from seven cities including Kongqing Town, Mailan Town, Cishi Town, Lanlengbao, Gelin City, Fanyin City, and Luolong City. After several battles with the Holy Night Army,

After the battle, they undoubtedly tempered themselves and became a pretty impressive force.

Since Lei Xiao had made an agreement with Bai Lao who was stationed here in advance, both the soldiers of the Moon Wolf Clan who had used the passage to enter the Leng Yan Realm, and the part of the defenders that Ju Bai had taken away, had obtained Bai Lao's information.

Full support.

Rushing back with Ju Bai were Randall, the leader of the Dragon Teeth Mercenary Group, and three elderly magicians.

However, they did not rush back to the mountain fortress, but went directly to Pentium City, the knight capital of the traditional aristocratic forces.

There, 1,000 elite mercenaries from the Dragon Teeth Mercenary Group had already sneaked in in batches for a long time. When Randall arrived, they had already opened the city gate.

Under the sudden attack of 1,000 elite mercenaries, the remaining soldiers of the Pentium City reserve army were naturally vulnerable. In addition, the Dragon Teeth mercenary group also used the banner of Ariel, and they quickly won over the local free farmers.


All of this was arranged by Lei Xiao in advance.

In the eastern region of the Cold Flame Kingdom, Pentium City is the traditional aristocratic town second only to Songluo City. After both of them fell, the other cities were no longer to be feared.

At this point, after a series of meticulous arrangements by Lei Xiao, the strong men and soldiers under his command were unstoppable. Not only did they successfully eliminate the last effective force of the traditional nobles, but they also caused the fall of Songluo City, Pentium City, and Roosting Castle one after another.

As for other traditional aristocratic cities, surrounded by these four forces, they have become frightened and caged birds, and it is only a matter of time before they fall.

At the forefront of the traditional aristocratic power, there is another medium-to-large city, and that is Velen City.

At this time, the gates of Velen City were closed tightly, and the soldiers guarding the city walls were densely packed, looking like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Although the lord of Velen City, Birdwin, was the first batch of traditional nobles to fail and be captured, before going on the expedition, Birdwin was cautious and left behind a well-trained garrison to defend the city.


Coupled with the three thousand reserve troops in the city, Velen City has become the most heavily defended traditional aristocratic city in this area.

"Cheer up and don't relax for a moment!"

On the city wall of Velen City, a middle-aged commander with a worried look on his face was reminding the distracted garrison soldiers around him.

Judging from his slightly trembling tone, it was obvious that he was already in a state of panic. This person was Kerr, the captain of the garrison of Velen City, and the only commander left behind.

Kerr was not a noble, but was born as a free farmer. Because of his good talent, he eventually became a mercenary.

Later, the skilled Kerr was spotted by Baldwin, who forcibly took him under his command and joined the Velen City garrison.

After receiving a series of unfavorable news, Kerr, who knew that the situation was extremely bad, felt very uneasy at this time.

What worries him most is not the battle situation, but his wife, children and children in the city lord's palace.

Because Kerr is not a native of Velen City, but his strength is quite good.

So before Birdwin left, he left Ker behind to defend the city. After all, this insignificant captain was just a humble free farmer and was not worthy of competing with others for credit.

However, what made Baldwin feel grudge was that Kerr was not rough with the free farmers and helped these humble guys as much as possible.

Therefore, in order to prevent Kerr from making any changes, Baldwin, ostensibly for the safety of his family, actually put all his family members under house arrest and handed them over to the guards who stayed behind.

Before leaving, Baldwin also told Kerr in a subtle way that once the city of Velen was lost, Kerr's wife, children, and children would be the first to be massacred.

But now, Bodwin's whereabouts are unknown, and Velen City is also in danger.

Kerr clearly understood that once the city of Velen was lost, his family would be massacred by the city lord's personal guards. After all, those fanatical guards were extremely cruel and only obeyed the orders of the city lord... Thinking of this, Kerr had already

Already very confused.

Now all he can do is defend the city to the death in order to keep his wife, children and children safe.

But judging from the intelligence that has just been transmitted, it is very likely that his opponents are Her Royal Highness Princess Ariel and His Excellency Keqing, who only want the Cold Flame Kingdom... How can I stand on the opposite side of these big shots?

Just when Kerr was uneasy, a gentle voice came to his ears: "Don't worry, your family is safe now, no need to worry anymore."

This chapter has been completed!
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