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1737 is more useful

The Tang army is still retreating, which seems to be good news for the coalition forces. Xie Ke has set up his headquarters in Dalkas, because he did not see the blood everywhere here.

For a big man like him, what he sees is always the beautiful scenery after it has been cleaned up: the snow on the streets of the town has been cleared twice, and although the sky is still snowing, you can see it when you drive on the road.

Cleared snowdrifts on both sides.

His troops were indeed advancing. The surrounding areas of Dalkas were surrounded by various vehicles, and infantrymen were walking in the wind and snow carrying weapons. This sight had long been accustomed to dwarf generals like Xie Ke.

Every war he participated in and commanded in the past was like this in winter.

When he was young, he walked in such a queue, and now he was the commander, so he watched the young soldiers form a queue and pass in front of him.

Because the clouds were too thick, reconnaissance satellites were unlikely to provide a good reconnaissance view. Also due to weather conditions, Tang Jun's aircraft did not seem to appear at all.

Electronic interference no longer exists, and the anti-radiation missiles that cause headaches like gangrene have also disappeared... In short, the bad weather seems to bring good news to the dwarves.

As long as the snow doesn't stop, and as long as this bad weather continues, it seems that the troops of the Ice Empire can fight back to Saint Lo, back to Everwinter Port, back to the steel barrier, and drive the Tang people into the sea step by step.

Of course, Xie Ke knew that this was all an unrealistic fantasy. To the north of him, there was a powerful armored force of the Tang Army encircling and suppressing the 11th and 12th armies of the dwarves. Once the winner was determined there,

The so-called victory on his side came to an abrupt end.

As long as the armored troops of the Tang Army began to move south, he could only suspend the attack and be prepared to fight with the armored troops of the Tang Empire on the plains.

For him, this is definitely an impossible task. Because the weather cannot stay like this forever, and once it clears up, Tang Jun's planes will be dispatched.

At that time, the main force of the Tang Army entered the battlefield, and the air force also joined the battle. Everything was going in a direction that was not conducive to the dwarves. Of course Xie Ke knew what the ending would be like.

But he couldn't change anything. He could only continue to fight according to the current plan. Even if he knew he would lose in the end, he had to keep fighting.

He couldn't even arrange for troops to build new fortifications near Dalkas in advance, because in everyone's eyes, he was now in the counterattack stage and should not stop attacking and switch to defense.

Therefore, he could only use the excuse of building supply nodes to prevent surprise attacks by the Tang Army's special forces, and ordered a small number of engineers to carry out construction near Dalkas despite the snowy weather, trying to build some simple defenses to avoid being attacked by the Tang Army's counterattack.

There is nothing to rely on.

Just like a few days ago, he would pray devoutly in his heart whenever he had time, praying that such bad weather could continue, and that the 11th and 12th Dwarf armies in the north could hold on for another half month or even a month.


If his Eastern Front Army is lucky enough to recapture the central mountainous area, then he, the marshal, might really have to go further up the mountain.

Maybe... he can really take the position of commander-in-chief of the coalition forces and become the backbone of all the countries in the Eastern Continent that resist the tyranny of the Tang Dynasty.

Just as he was thinking about these things in his mind, an officer walked into the room that was not particularly warm, stood at attention, saluted and reported: "Marshal, our forward troops are approaching Anliqi..."

"Okay!" Xie Ke's eyes lit up. If his troops could recapture Anliqi, the largest city in the southern plains occupied by the Tang army, then he really had hope of recapturing the entire southern plains.

After all, there was a railway and a train station in Anliqi. When the dwarves were defeated, they did not have time to blow up the transportation railway and train station there, and left them to the Tang army along with the trains inside.

If they recapture this place now, the transportation pressure will be relieved a lot, and the entire Eastern Front Army may even be able to obtain some supplies in Anliqi and gain the ability to continue attacking westward.

You must know that as the Eastern Front advances westward, the supply problem of Xieko's department has become more and more serious. This is partly the reason why there was such a big mess in Darkas.

The snowfall affected the takeoff and landing of the Tang Army's planes, and also affected the transportation and supplies of the dwarves. Originally, Xie Ke's troops could only rely on livestock and car transportation. The faster they advanced, the farther they were from the rear to supply supplies, and the supplies they obtained were also reduced.

The less.

Now Xie Ke can only do his best to maintain the ammunition supply of the troops. As for other things, it is basically up to each troop to solve it themselves.

Many soldiers are still wearing cotton-padded clothes plundered from Ironforge civilians, and this situation is unlikely to improve in the short term.

However, it will be different after occupying Anliqi: they can search again in Anliqi, and then they may be able to find a new batch of supplies. Or to put it another way: the local people in Anliqi may welcome the king

Teacher, voluntarily offered up his clothes, food and even his daughter...

"Order the troops to continue attacking Anliqi! The first troops to attack Anliqi... Each one will be rewarded with a gold coin! The commander will be promoted to a higher level!" Xie Ke gave an incentive policy that sounded good.

In fact, it's not his fault for being stingy, but the Ice Empire really can't afford much money now: Ironforge is at war, most of its land is lost, and its economy has already collapsed to the point where it can no longer collapse.

In addition, this is also related to the intensity of some recent battles: the Tang Army troops in the southern plains always collapsed at the first touch, and many troops captured a certain village or captured a certain town without engaging in fierce fighting.

When there are more things like this, the rewards naturally become less: before, I encouraged you to risk your life, so I offered an outrageous price. Now that you don’t have to risk your life, why are you so embarrassed to ask for so much?

"Yes!" The officer stood at attention and saluted and left. It could be heard that there was still a bit of joy in his voice. Continuous defeats made everyone feel extremely low. Now that we have finally waited for several victories, everyone's morale has naturally improved.

Recovered a lot.

In the eyes of these officers, this is what war is all about: it is definitely not right to be passively beaten all the time. There must always be counterattacks, strategies, and changes...

Looking at the snow outside the window, Xie Ke continued to pray... He felt that his prayers were more useful than strategies.

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