1946 The Hunter and the Fox

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 Since you can’t be a technical thief, it seems good to be a physical gangster!

Grabbing the bricks and tentatively waving them in the air a few times, the man who felt it was okay suddenly remembered the evil stars he met outside the Qinling Mountains and Shi'an City!

Although, after learning the identities of those people, he had long given up the thought of revenge, but now every time he thinks of that unbearable past, his body can't help but tremble.

"No! I heard that they have already come to Guangzhou! They are really haunting! We need to get some money quickly and continue running!"

I was thinking secretly in my heart, but suddenly there was a sound of staggering footsteps in the small building next to me. Listening to the movement, it seemed that someone was walking towards here.

"Coming? So fast!"

Hearing the sound, the man was startled. He quickly stood up quietly and stood still. Then he raised the brick in his hand high and gave up his distracting thoughts. He just waited for the person to poke his head out and gave him a brick immediately! Then he put him down.

Enter the building and search for belongings!

"Dong dong dong..."

Swallowing unconsciously, the man heard the footsteps getting closer and closer in the small inn building, and at the same time, there was also the sound of a person's painful inhalation.

"Damn it! You just gave me some fake wine, but there's even a problem with the food! Hiss, my belly!"

Inside the small building, Liu Hongji clutched his stomach and ran down from the second floor in pain, rushing towards the backyard!

He didn't know what he had eaten at night. He was just half asleep in the room when he felt his stomach was churning, and it seemed that his intestines and stomach were going to be thrown into a mess! In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he had to

I hurriedly put on the quilt and rushed to the backyard toilet.

And the reason why he wanted to go to the backyard was because in the Tang Dynasty, most inns did not have such high-end things as indoor toilets!

If you get up in the middle of the night and want to use a small room, then it is easy to say that a chamber pot can solve the problem, but if you want a large room, you can only go to the toilet in the yard. If it is summer, you will be attacked by mosquitoes at most if you go to the toilet.

I bite a few bits on my butt, but in winter, the wind blows my butt so cold! When I go to the toilet, even my little brother may be so cold that he shrinks into a ball.

Therefore, in order to avoid the cold, Liu Hongji simply wrapped himself in a quilt and rushed out. Anyway, the quilt belonged to the inn, not his! It's none of his business if it smells bad. Who told you to make the food unclean?

I have diarrhea. I haven’t asked you to pay for the soup and medicine, but you asked me for the quilt first?

Hurrying to the back door, Liu Hongji was about to open the door and rush out, but unexpectedly he didn't lift the door bolt even when he lifted it. Surprised, he lowered his head and looked through the weak light. It turned out that not only had the door bolt been lowered, but also the door bolt had been lowered.

There is also a big copper lock hanging at the end!

"Hiss... Why should I put the lock on it if it's nothing?"

Seeing that the back door was locked by the shopkeeper, Liu Hongji suddenly became even more furious. He wanted to rush back to the shopkeeper to ask for the key, but he didn't expect that at this moment, he felt a strange feeling in his stomach, just below his belly button.

Just start pushing back!

"It's broken, I can't hold it in any longer!" Liu Hongji, whose face was livid with pain, clamped his legs hard, and his whole body was in an extremely strange posture, and he didn't dare to move!

After waiting for a while, he finally stopped the feeling. Liu Hongji, who had long hated the shopkeeper, didn't hesitate anymore. He raised his leg and kicked the wooden door hard!


How could the two wooden doors, which had been standing for almost a hundred years, cope with Liu Hongji's kick? After a muffled sound, the solid wooden door was as fragile as a piece of paper under his feet. It was as thick as a calf.

The door bolt was broken into two pieces, and the two wooden doors were violently thrown out!

Outside the door, the man's hands holding the bricks were sweating. He stared at the wooden door without blinking, waiting for someone to come out and give him a heavy blow!

But the strange thing is that he clearly heard the footsteps behind the door, but he waited and waited, but the people inside would not come out! Until finally, the man couldn't help it, and wanted to lean over his head to listen to what was going on inside.


It didn't matter. As soon as he stepped forward, the closed door in front of him was kicked open! The two wooden doors that flew out circled half a circle at lightning speed and hit him head on!

"Hold the grass~"


Facing the two doors flying straight towards him, the poor man's eyes widened. He only had time to shout in his heart, but without any reaction from his body, his head hit the open wooden door firmly.

Moreover, under this huge impact, the wooden door that hit him was shattered into pieces of wood on the spot, and the man himself fell straight backwards, with two lines of clear tears flowing out of his eyes.

"Did you forget to read the almanac when you went out today?"

Lying on the ground, Liu Hongji was silent and weeping, thinking that today was the most unlucky day for him, besides meeting those evil stars when he went out!

But unfortunately, this is obviously not the most unlucky thing, because what is even more unlucky is that when the man fell, the brick that he had been holding high above his head also fell straight from the air because of the loss of strength in his hand.

It fell down, and managed to survive, hitting the crotch of the man lying on the ground!


After opening the door, Liu Hongji hurriedly rushed to the toilet. He heard a whining sound like a wolf howling behind him. But at this time, how could he care about this? He didn't even look back, and rushed in a hurry.

After arriving at the toilet in the corner, a moment later, a burst of extremely comfortable moans floated out from the toilet.

"Boss? Boss! Are you okay?"

As an extremely incompetent younger brother, the fat man hiding in the corner saw everything that had just happened. He was stunned by this turn of events for a moment. When he finally came to his senses, he immediately screamed inwardly and rushed forward rolling and crawling.

When he got to the man's side, he helped him up from the ground.

"Don't move!" The face of the man who finally sat on the steps had already turned the color of pig liver. If his head just hit the door just now, it was just a minor injury, but the blow on his crotch really made him feel...

What is the best thing to say!

You know, that is the weakest point of a man. Let alone being hit, even if he is accidentally hit lightly, the pain will make him stoop like a prawn and he will not be able to say a word!

Now, being hit by such a big brick in the air, the man could actually hold on without fainting, which shows how powerful he is in resisting the blow!

"Don't move me, let me slow down!" Holding the fat man's arm, the man exhaled intermittently. Now he only felt as if his lower body had been gouged out, and he didn't know if he could continue to use it in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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