2035 Treasury Bond

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 Sitting on the chair, the thin man surnamed Yan was complimented a few times by everyone at the table. His vanity was immediately greatly satisfied, so that his whole person felt like he was walking in the clouds.

A sense of intoxication.


After enjoying this for a moment, the man surnamed Yan cleared his throat, holding the newly filled wine glass in front of him, and said proudly: "Everyone, don't tell me, brother, I didn't tell you! This is really a good thing.

!At least it’s a good thing for those of you who have a lot of money!”

"Oops!" As soon as the man surnamed Yan finished saying these words, the fat man sitting opposite him lost his composure and asked again and again: "What kind of good thing is this? Are you telling me that you want to scare me to death?"

"Hahaha..." The man surnamed Yan was interrupted, but he was not annoyed. Instead, he enjoyed the feeling of being the center of attention. So after laughing twice, he stopped smiling and lowered his voice mysteriously.

Said: "As far as I know, the bank over there in Beicheng just issued a new type of bond today! The name is... it's called National Bond! Yes, that's the name!"

"Guozhai coupons? What are they? Are they coupons issued by Guojiazhaizi?" Hearing this, the fat man asked again with confused eyes.

"Pfft..." When he heard the fat man's words, the man surnamed Yan suddenly squirted out every drop of the sip of wine he had just taken into his mouth!

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough. When he realized something was wrong, he turned his head in time and sprayed all the wine on a potted flower tree beside him. Otherwise, no one at his table could escape, and everyone would have to follow the flower.

Like a tree, it was soaked until it was soaked in water!

"Ahem, cough, cough! What is Guo's Village?!" After coughing twice, the man surnamed Yan grabbed the table, his face turned red! He glared at the fat member and said, "I'm talking about the country.

Bonds! National bonds, do you understand? It’s Datang who borrowed money from us! Then we signed a note!”

"Ah, it took me a long time to do this, but it turned out that I was borrowing money? What kind of good thing is this?"

The fat man was a little embarrassed to see the man choked like that at first, but after hearing what he said, he immediately lowered his face and muttered reluctantly.

At first, he really thought there was a good deal to make money, but it turned out that he was borrowing money from himself, which was naturally because the boss was unwilling.

"Who said borrowing money is not a good thing?" The man surnamed Yan muttered when he saw the fat man outside, and a sarcastic look suddenly appeared on his flushed face.

"How can borrowing money be considered a good thing?" Fatty Officer Wai couldn't help but feel the man's sarcasm on his face. He quickly defended himself: "I have a lot of loaned money and I still haven't got it back! Do you think this is a good thing?"

"It's certainly not a good thing if you lend money to a scoundrel!" The man surnamed Yan coughed twice, picked up another glass of wine, drank it down, and said, "But don't look at what you are doing this time.

Who did you lend the money to? It was lent to us, the Tang Dynasty, to our Emperor, are you still afraid that they won't repay it?"

"Even if you pay it back, it's just a loan of real money. How can you feel safe keeping the money in your own hands?" The fat man said with a hint of resentment after being choked.

"Keep it in your own hands and feel safe?" The man surnamed Yan snorted coldly, looked sideways at the fat man and said, "Just keep your money at home. If a dog barks at night, you will be so scared that you will get up and take a look!


The big white face outside the fat officer also turned red at this time. He stood up and said, "Whatever, I'm willing to sleep with money in my arms!"

The man surnamed Yan was neither impatient nor impatient, and continued to sip the liquor that had been filled with wine and said: "You can do whatever you want! Anyway, you use the money like a woman, and I can't care about it! Anyway, I think: instead of using the money,

Leave it at home and take it out on time with potion to wipe off the rust, and be careful to prevent outsiders and family members from stealing it. Why not lend it to Datang! Not to mention it saves worry, and you can also charge interest! Although the interest is not much, once

There is only 3% interest every year, but this time, no matter whether you are withdrawing coupons or withdrawing money, you don’t have to pay any other fees! It saves a lot of trouble!"

The man's implicitly sarcastic words left the fat man speechless. He could not argue at all, so he could only sit back in his seat and breathe heavily.

"Haha, Officer An, please be patient! Xiao Yan only told us the news out of kindness!"

Seeing that the two people at the table were so angry that they stopped talking, the old man's eyes flickered a few times, stood up and smoothed things over with a smile: "But Xiao Yan, you have to be more restrained when speaking, just like what you said.

Are national bonds really issued by the imperial court?"

"Crap...cough! Hui Chang is sure!" The man surnamed Yan opened his mouth and almost cursed the word "crap". Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and hurriedly changed his words: "This is what I have been playing since I was a child.

My good brother told me that he works as a clerk in that bank! How can this news be false?"

"Oh..." The old man nodded when he heard the words, glanced at the man, and then continued to ask: "Then did your brother say that these national bonds are the same as the previous deposits and pressure checks?"

"It's not the same!" The man surnamed Yan seemed to have some respect for the old man. He shook his head and said: "I heard from my good brother that the bonds of this country cannot be withdrawn or deposited until one or several years later.

The higher the number of years, the higher the interest will be! But if you want to withdraw it early, you will lose part of the money!"

"Well, if you withdraw it in advance, you will break the rules agreed upon earlier. It is not surprising that you will suffer some losses!" The old man still nodded: "Then how should I withdraw this thing? Do I have to go to the bank where I bought it to withdraw it myself?"

The man surnamed Yan grinned and said, "No need for that! It's different from stamping the coupon. It can't prove who it belongs to. In other words, whoever holds this coupon can go to any bank to withdraw it on his own!"

"Is this true?"

"That must be true. My good brother will not lie to me! Why, do you always want to buy this country's bonds with your spare money?"

"Haha, Xiao Yan is joking, I am a poor old man, where do I have some spare money? Come on, come on, eat food, eat food first!"

The old man laughed, stood up, poured wine for the people present, and began to invite everyone to drink. It seemed that the scene that had just happened was not taken into consideration by him at all.

However, if you are careful and look at the expressions of the old man and the other guests at the same table, you will know that this matter does not disappear so easily.

At this time, in other parts of Chang'an City, similar things continued to happen in various restaurants, teahouses, and meeting halls of big families.

Everyone who learned about this was either surprised or disdainful. Of course, most of them were just like the old man. They looked indifferent on the surface, but in their hearts they were rapidly calculating the gains and losses!

This chapter has been completed!
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