Chapter 145 Anger (guaranteed 6000/6000)

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 Tony learned at the charity party that his company had not stopped the international arms sales department as he announced, but was still carrying out such behavior.

After hearing the news, Tony Stark was very angry and ran to look for Obadiah outside the banquet. However, he learned from the other party that the person who wanted to apply to the board of directors to ban him from working was none other than Obadiah.

After getting this result, Tony was extremely angry, and then left the charity party and returned to his villa.

the other side.

After Coulson saw Tony Stark leaving, he immediately contacted Barbara who was lurking in the Charlotte office.

Barbara, who was resting in the office room at this time, saw the special message received on her mobile phone and immediately knew it was Coulson's contact request.

Barbara immediately walked to the door of the room and put her ear to it to see if there was anyone else near the corridor.

After confirming that there was no one near the corridor at this time, Barbara returned to the room, took out a ball from her backpack, then operated on the button of the ball, and then placed it next to herself.

An invisible magnetic field fluctuation with a diameter of 1.5 meters appeared instantly, covering Barbara inside, forming a sphere of magnetic field. The sound inside could not be transmitted to the outside world due to the interference of the magnetic field, but it did not affect the speech of people inside the magnetic field.

and telephone communication.

After doing all this, Barbara immediately took out her special satellite phone, entered a series of codes, and dialed the number.

Coulson, who had returned to the Trident Building at this time, saw the call from Bionic Bird marked on his mobile phone and immediately connected it.

"Colson, what's the emergency?"

"Elena, a pet dog appeared next to Tony, with the same forehead protector as Rock Lee and others. Have you found out why? Why is such a pet dog with a special forehead protector?

Show up by Tony's side."

"Also, during this period of time, have you discovered the meaning of the symbol on the forehead protector?"

While talking, Coles also sent Barbara a photo of the ninja dog Parker.

After listening to Colson's two questions in a row and seeing the message uploaded on her phone, Barbara said calmly:

"I haven't been here long, so I don't know what the pet dog you mentioned is, and I haven't seen any pets in the office."

"But because we are responsible for the acceptance and registration of task commissions, we already have a preliminary understanding of this mark."

But on the mission scroll, Barbara also saw the same Konoha mark.

Through this period of communication with five people in the office, Barbara discovered that the child named Uzumaki Naruto was the easiest to deceive.

This also yielded a lot of useful information.

"The mark on the forehead protector is Konoha Hidden Village, which is a hidden ninja village."

"The person who owns this forehead protector is a ninja who graduated from this hidden village. As long as he passes the school's ninja assessment, he will get the forehead protector issued by the hidden village."

"This is the information I have learned. As for the photo you sent me, I have also seen it, but I don't know why the same forehead protector appears on a Pekingese."

Hearing Barbara's words, Colson immediately said: "Barbara, tomorrow's morning news channel will broadcast the news about Tony attending the firefighters' charity gala. The pet dog next to Tony will appear in the news.

Give a close-up of the camera, and then you can take the opportunity to ask curious questions in the office to see their reaction."

After hearing Colson's plan, Barbara thought for less than a second and felt that this matter was just an attempt. Then she said: "Understood, I will find out the ins and outs of the news as soon as possible."

"I will send all the information collected during this period to you later."

After receiving Barbara's latest information, Colson explained on the phone again, asking Barbara to pay attention to her safety and then hung up the call.

After logging into the Security Bureau's intranet, Coulson began to download the emails transmitted by Barbara.

the other side.

When the call ended, Barbara put away the satellite phone, turned off the jammer, and put it into the compartment of her backpack.

Barbara didn't know that her behavior had been discovered by Shizune, who lived next door to her.

The two of them were separated by a wall, and Shizune was a jounin. Although she did not have hearing comparable to that of Superman, her hearing was also extremely developed. The sound of Elena Morse's breathing and heartbeat next door could never be heard at night.

Never left his ears.

But just now, Irina Morse's heartbeat and breathing suddenly disappeared.

In this situation, Shizune thought the other party had received some kind of attack, so she opened the window and quietly walked against the wall.

Shizune's body was hanging on the outer wall, but through the window she discovered that Barbara was unusual. She did not directly break in through the window and capture Barbara directly.

Instead, he returned to the room, opened the door, and walked towards Charlotte Doyle's room.


Charlotte Doyle, who had just been excited at this time, had just calmed down when she heard a knock on the door.

Opening the door, Charlotte saw that the person coming was Shizune, and then asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

Shizune had no intention of talking outside the door and motioned for Charlotte to enter the room.

Seeing this situation, Charlotte became even more curious, and then stepped out of the door and let Shizune walk in.

After closing the door, Charlotte walked up to Shizune and asked curiously: "What happened?"

Then Shizune described to Charlotte what she saw and told her speculations.

Jelena Morse is a spy!

After listening to Shizune's description, Charlotte's face didn't look good. He knew that a spy would sneak in sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

And he is not a spy of other elders at the high table. The technology he uses is likely to have unusual origins. It is obviously not a department such as CAA or FBI.

It's probably either Hydra or Snake and Shield.

Putting away the anger in her heart, Charlotte said: "Notify all ninjas and the adjudicator that there will be a meeting in the war room downstairs in half an hour. Remember to bring Elena Morse with you."


After Shizune agreed, she walked out of the room. She was going to notify others of their arrival.

Watching Shizune leave and thinking of the spies lurking around her, Charlotte Doyle became angrier and angrier. This was a provocation to him.

No matter who it is, anyone who provokes him will suffer his revenge.

Regardless of the High Table Council of Elders, Hydra, or the so-called Serpentine and Shield Bureau, if there is no satisfactory answer to this matter, this matter will never end!

This chapter has been completed!
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