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930, The siege battle was so exciting

At this time, small artillery on each arrow tower opened fire one after another.

Lu Xiaobei's arrow tower is more than three meters higher than the south city wall, and the distance is about 100 meters.

As soon as the shot was fired, the scaffolding shook and dust rose from the ground. However, the entire arrow tower was very stable. There were no problems. This made people who were worried about collapse finally feel relieved.

The shot put roared across a distance of one hundred meters, and the distance was reached in an instant.

Although the small French cannon had the problem of air leakage, at this distance, the shells almost traveled in a straight line and accurately hit the centurion and a dozen people around him.

Bang! There was a loud noise. The lead ball flew at high speed, smashing the limbs of the three people into pieces and flying in all directions. Then it fell on the ground of the city wall, shattering the city bricks, creating a ditch, and finally hitting the female wall on the inside of the city wall.

.The remaining momentum directly collapsed a large piece of the parapet.

The flying broken city bricks were like meteorites causing shock waves on the ground, flying in all directions. The Mongolians around them all wore leather armor. Except for captains of ten and above, they had no iron armor at all.

These broken city bricks and some stones caused huge damage to the people around them. The centurion disappeared directly and was probably beaten into pieces.

"Well done, change your gun quickly and attack the next target." Lu Xiaobei waved his fist excitedly.

"Boss, be careful." Qi Pengfei quickly pulled Lu Xiaobei.

The withered arrow flew past Lu Xiaobei's right shoulder with a whizzing sound.

Although it is easy to aim at this distance, if the Mongolians on the opposite side use hard bows, they can still shoot at them.

Although in this era, the Mongols have also come a long way. They are no longer the era of Genghis Khan when heroes emerged in large numbers. They basically gave up the big bow and switched to small cavalry bows. Generally, they only have seven or eight power, which is a little stronger than the Ming Dynasty.


However, there are many masters of archery among the Mongols, and there are still a few tiger archers in their 100-man team. Normal bows and arrows can shoot directly from a distance of about 70 meters. But there is no problem with a tiger force bow shooting directly for more than 100 meters.


The front and left and right sides of the archery tower were shielded by steel plates. However, part of it had to be fired in order to fire the cannon. As a result, a Mongolian archer missed his arrow and entered it.

The Beijing camp did not have stab-proof uniforms or beak helmets. They were equipped with mandarin duck war jackets and helmets of the Ming Dynasty style. Chongzhen moved out all the warehouses of the Ministry of War and the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion. He tried to equip them with better equipment.

Later, I also bought the cheapest stamped plate armor from Yang Fan. The thickest part of this plate armor is two millimeters and the thinnest part is one millimeter. The lower body only reaches the knees. Like clothes, it comes in small and large sizes. It is not tailor-made.


But these artillerymen do not have plate armor. If they wore plate armor, they would not have to fight. After all, the cannons are already heavy enough.

Lu Xiaobei cursed and looked over his shoulder. The newly issued mandarin duck jacket was torn open by an arrow, revealing the cotton tablets inside. He felt distressed. m

The capital camp was all poor. The old mandarin duck's war jacket was passed down to him by his father. It was more than 40 years old and was already in tatters.

It was not until after I went to Nanyuan for reorganization that migrant workers were given camouflage uniforms. Before departure, new mandarin duck jackets were issued. Everyone cherished this new clothes. Unexpectedly, they were worn out after wearing them for less than two months.

A gash was broken.

"Quickly change the gun, damn, hit me hard." Lu Xiaobei said angrily.

The Fran cannon fires very quickly. It has several sub-cannons. When firing, the sub-cannons are loaded into the mother cannon. After firing, they are taken out. Then the second sub-cannon is loaded. According to actual use, the total time required to fire the first three cannons is less than 20


Yang Fan added muskets to each Franco machine. Each gun had ten muskets. They were all installed in advance. Among them, there were five spherical solid bullets and five shotgun shells.

The second advantage of the Fran cannon is that it has good heat dissipation. Since the breech-mounted gun is connected from front to back, air can circulate, and the barrel is thin, which makes it easy to dissipate heat. Fast heat dissipation can increase the gun's ability to continue firing and reduce spontaneous combustion of gunpowder.


At this time, hundreds of small artillery were firing from all directions. Small lead balls weighing more than one pound roared and flew in. The bullets kept ricocheting on the city wall, flying in all directions. Wherever they passed, the defenders were covered in flesh and blood.

Because the rate of fire was so fast, there was no reaction time at all. Within twenty seconds, three rounds of sub-guns were fired.

Since no new orders were received, the bombardment ceased.

However, the artillery squad did not stop. They took the empty muskets to the back to cool down and prepared for reloading. They loaded the new muskets into the barrel and fixed them.

At this time, the city wall was in a mess. Some of the crenellations had a large piece blown off. Some of the ground paved with city bricks had ditches dug out, or holes the size of wash basins were made. There were people rolling and wailing on the city wall.


In particular, the four towers received special attention. All of them were knocked down and collapsed.

Ogier was dragged out from the collapsed tower by his own soldiers and was covered in ashes.

"Everyone hide under the crenellations. Their arrow towers are higher than ours. Hurry up." Ogier shouted loudly even though he was seriously injured.

These Mongolian soldiers suddenly realized that they were safe only if they hid under the battlements. The Ming army's arrow towers could not be seen.

Yang Fan looked at the railing and looked at the city wall in the distance, and said: "The reaction is quite fast. I learned to be smart after one strike. I hid under the wall."

Zhang Shize was holding a cigarette in his mouth, puffing away smoke, and said: "Let the heavy artillery on the ground bombard the battlements immediately."

Following the messenger's message, after a moment of silence, the sound of cannons sounded again.

However, this time, it is not the small French cannon on the arrow tower, but the heavy cannon on the ground.

Ten large Luzon bronze cannons and twelve red cannons were placed in sequence under the south city wall. To attack the city, you did not need to bombard from all sides, just open a gap on one side.

Following an order, the heavy artillery opened fire. These artillery pieces were all heavy artillery weighing over twenty pounds. They aimed at the crenellations of the city wall and began to bombard them.

The city wall is only 300 meters long in total, and contains 22 heavy artillery pieces. On average, there is one heavy artillery piece less than 15 meters away. This firepower density exceeds the firepower density on the Soviet-German battlefield in World War II.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The heavy artillery began to roar, and the sound of the heavy artillery was not comparable to that of the Folan machine gun. The sound was like thunder and deafening. The earth was shaking.

The twenty-four-pound cannonball hit the crenellations of the city wall, and the crenellations collapsed piece by piece. The Franco machine cannons hit the crenellations, which could only make holes in the basin, or collapse the crenels of about one square meter.

However, once these heavy cannons hit the crenellations, they would collapse piece by piece.

The Mongols hiding behind the crenellations were beaten to pieces along with the crenellations and city bricks.

After the shooting stopped, the south city wall no longer had crenelations. The city bricks cracked and collapsed in large areas, exposing the rammed earth wall inside.

Yang Fan looked at it and said: "Okay, stop fighting. It will be a waste of ammunition to fight again. Let the trebuchet fire."

This chapter has been completed!
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