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1046,man-made sandstorm one

At this moment, 28,000 troops formed a large square formation.

There are four sub-phalanxes at the front, rear, left and right. Each sub-phalanx has 5,000 infantrymen. In the middle is a reintegrated phalanx of 8,000 horse-mounted infantry.

On the outer circle of the four infantry squares, there is a black pine tree as thick as an arm. The whole tree has no rest, all the branches are there, and the crown area of ​​the whole tree is large enough to block the cavalry.

Black pine trees are different from ordinary trees. Pine trees are tougher and covered with sharp thorns and pine needles. They are very good shelters.

The outermost layer of the phalanx is made of pine trees, the inner layer is made of shield soldiers, and behind them are pikemen and halberdiers. The people inside are armed with various bows and arrows. They carry other weapons on their backs.

Everyone was holding a bow and arrow. There were both large infantry bows and captured Mongolian cavalry bows.

Some of these people can shoot arrows, and some can't. Yan Yingyuan asked them to just shoot in unison after hearing the order. The order included direction, angle, and number of shots.

For them, as long as they find the right direction and shoot the arrow, the mission is completed.

Archery is not difficult, and it is rare to be accurate. If you just draw the bow and release the arrow, anyone can do it.

The infantry army, neither slow nor hasty, beat the war drums and advanced slowly towards the Zhaowang City twenty miles away.

Before the army had gone five miles, smoke billowed in front and a large number of cavalry came swarming towards them.

At this time, Dasa personally led the team. Almost all the Mongolian cavalry stationed by the river outside King Zhao's city were dispatched to kill the reinforcements.

Daza knew that there were only more than 3,000 people in the city.

They had already found out clearly that these people were infantry and would definitely not dare to leave the city. So they confidently and boldly dispatched all their troops to attack the reinforcements led by Yan Yingyuan.

In the previous battle of Guihua City, Daza suffered defeat after defeat and almost lost all his prestige. He urgently needed a victory to restore his reputation and re-establish his authority among the large numbers of Mongolian reinforcements arriving from all walks of life.

Among the 25,000 cavalry, there are 5,000 remnant soldiers who ran back two days ago. The morale of these people is low, far less than the high spirits before the expedition a few days ago.

Daza did not take the initiative to attack, but planned to destroy these infantrymen during their march. Once they left the favorable terrain of the mountains and came to the plains, they would be able to play the role of cavalry assault.

At this time, Dasa Jinong started shaking again.

Now that they have strong troops and horses, it is not time for the Beijing camp to besiege Guihua City.

The 30,000 reinforcements from Qinghai plus the 20,000 remaining Tumut troops are already capable of counterattack. The 30,000 troops from the Seven Kansai tribes have arrived at Linhe, and the 120,000 troops from the Four Mongolian tribes in the Desert have crossed Juyanhai.

Resting in Heishui City on the banks of the Heishui River.

After the disastrous defeat of the Alxa people, although they have withdrawn from the offensive sequence, because they are close to the coat, they are using all their strength to provide logistical support for the army. Now that the army of 120,000 has arrived at Blackwater City, it is only ten days away from Linhe City.


Therefore, Daza was eager to capture Zhao Wangcheng and threaten Jiuyuan from behind.

After all, there are only more than 3,000 people in Zhao Wangcheng, so he is relatively confident. He wants to win a decent victory in front of the army and sweep away the previous decline of the Tumut people.

"Hey, what is that?" Dasha's gray-yellow eyes rolled around. He couldn't see the soldiers in front of him, but there were many trees moving.

The crown of the pine tree is very large. The soldier is holding it with his hands. No lower limbs can be seen below, and no head can be seen above.

Daza was a little dumbfounded. He originally planned to let the cavalry charge at high speed and break up their formation. Then he would just chase them on horseback. Now this situation made him a little bit incapable of doing it.

"Jinong, although it is a bit weird, the arrow has to be fired. Let's attack. Although these trees look intimidating, they have no damage ability. It will be no big deal if the cavalry bumps into them." Uligi said.

Daza thought for a while and finally made up his mind.

The arrival of these reinforcements is a good thing. It is equivalent to mobilizing the enemies in Jianyuan City to eliminate them. This is a good opportunity to weaken Jiuyuan City.

"Attack the whole army! Surround and attack from the north, east and west." Daza said.

At this time, he was still thinking of encircling three and missing one. He hoped that through fierce attacks from three sides, the enemy would retreat backwards.

As the horn blew, the Mongolian cavalry rushed up quickly.

On the periphery of the infantry phalanx, Mongolian cavalry galloped vertically and horizontally.

However, they were running around and didn't know how to break these tree crowns. This thing was difficult to clear. Even if they cut it with a knife, it would be a long process.

These trees are very thorny, soft or hard, with a large crown area and a length of more than ten meters, making it impossible to rely on them.

The captains had no choice but to let the cavalry rush forward and chop down the branches with scimitars.

I hope the branches can be cut down to expose the people behind.

They can't see the people behind them now, so even if they want to shoot arrows, they have no target.

While these Mongolian cavalry were frantically chopping branches, a wooden pillar was erected on the carriage in the middle of the phalanx, with a small wooden house on top.

This is a simple version of the nest car. It is mainly used to observe the enemy situation outside.

After Yan Yingyuan came up with the idea of ​​holding a big tree, he immediately realized that although the tree crown can block the enemy's sight, it also blocks our sight. It is also difficult to observe the enemy's situation.

So, he ordered that the accompanying carriages be changed into several chariots.

At this time, in the small wooden house on top of the nest cart, a thin man was curled up and looking outside. The Mongols could not see inside, but the nest cart inside could see outside. The battlefield was already one-way transparent.

"To the southeast, at 11 o'clock, a large number of cavalry gather. The distance is fifty to one hundred and fifty meters."

The enemy information was quickly reported on the chao car. Yan Yingyuan used what he learned from the Beijing camp to divide a plane into 12 angles according to the clock diagram. Although they did not know that this was the dial of a clock, it did not affect their ability to learn and use it.


Yan Yingyuan immediately ordered: "All archers, shoot in the southeast direction, ten rounds. Fire!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! As the order is issued, more than 20,000 arrows fly up with each wave of arrows, like dark clouds, shooting toward the southeast

The horn flies away.

Many of these archers are rookies and don't know how to shoot arrows at all. They just follow the same pattern and shoot the arrows. As for where they flew, don't ask them. Even if you ask them, they won't know.

In fact, this kind of projectile has nothing to do with real skills. As long as the shooter can draw the bow, as long as the direction and angle are correct, there is nothing else to worry about.

If you ask them to shoot a single target, it's basically useless. Few of them are really good at archery. But if you want to cover a large area of ​​​​targets, it's another story. This kind of coverage shooting does not require aiming at all.

It was covered with heavy dark clouds, and it looked like a layer of grass had grown on the ground.

Immediately a crowd of people jumped on their backs in the southeast corner. A dense stream of arrows fell, knocking over a large area.

The Mongolians were shocked. Didn't they say that these people were civilians? How could they shoot so accurately?

Soon, their misfortunes continued one after another. As long as the cavalry gathered in large numbers on the outside, a dense rain of arrows would immediately fall.

The leather robes of the Mongols cannot stop the rain of arrows. Even the leather armor is useless. To prevent this, you need quill armor and ring armor. Chain mail is not very effective.

Uligi immediately discovered the tall pole in the center of the military formation and the small wooden house on it. He immediately realized that someone might be observing there.

"Jinong, look, in the center of the military formation, there is a wooden pillar with a small box on top. I guess there are people inside there observing, and they can see our position."

Daza was furious, these Han people were too cunning.

They first used tree crowns to block our cavalry and sight, and then secretly built this towering observation facility, so we could only be beaten passively.

"Shoot them for me. Bring me the tiger bows and eagle shooters. Shoot them with rockets. Shoot them to death. These bastards. Burn them to death, these despicable villains." Dasha roared angrily.

This chapter has been completed!
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