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Chapter 405 The Girl in the Dream

Zhengding Antique Market is on Yanzhao South Street. I washed my face and took a taxi early in the morning. I didn’t go to the street stalls and went directly to the store.

"Boss, do you have any good old mountain ghosts here?"

The boss was having breakfast. Hearing this, he quickly put down his bowl and said, "Yes! Do you want the one with square holes or the one with round holes?"

There are two types of mountain ghosts: square holes and round holes. Generally speaking, square holes are several times more expensive than round holes because they are less.

"Look at them all, I'll choose one." I said.

The boss lifted up the glass display case and was about to take it out. I quickly said: "Don't take these! These are high imitations. I want the real century-old mountain ghost. If you don't have the goods, just tell me! I'll look for it in another store."


The boss's face changed slightly, he may have realized that he met a master today.

Not to brag, I can tell the authenticity of everything in his store just by looking at it from a distance, without having to use it at all. In addition, the mountain ghosts on his counter are all newly cast from old copper, and are high imitations with post-color coating.


"Friend, I also have Laoshangui here, but it's expensive, costing over a thousand yuan each."

I said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense! Take it out and take a look!"

The boss then took out two more pieces from the drawer. The coating of these two pieces was warm and moist, the words were deep and sharp, and the pattern was clear. However, both pieces had a little bump on the edges, so they were genuine.

"Brother, did you buy it as a gift?" the boss asked again.

"Don't give it away, just use it yourself. I haven't been sleeping well recently and I keep dreaming."

"Dreaming? Then I recommend you buy this one, brother. Look at this one, although it is a little bumpy, there is still a century-old cinnabar left!"

"How much?"

I don't mind a little bump, after all, it's hundreds of years old.

"Two thousand six! One price!"

The actual price of this thing at that time should be about 700 to 1,000 yuan. I paid it back a few times and finally bought this square cinnabar mountain ghost for 1,900 yuan.

Normally, there are many things you need to look at to identify the authenticity of a mountain ghost spent money on, such as side channels, copper color, patina, ground seals, etc. Because there are many imitations, it is difficult for laymen to distinguish the old from the new. I will teach you two simple methods.

, is still applicable today.

One, listen to the sound.

Take another copper coin or a keychain and gently bump it against the edge of the mountain ghost coin. If it makes a "ding" sound, the sound will linger.
, then it is fake. This is because the fire inside the new copper has not yet been completely eliminated. Normally, the sound of real money is very crisp and there will be no dinging sound.

Second, read the text.

The main thing to look at is the word "Lü" in the text "Emergency is like a law". This character has many strokes. In modern counterfeit money, the word "Lü" is usually close to each other and shrunk into a ball, or is relatively blurry, but other characters are different.

We all know that this is a shortcoming of modern sand casting technology.

After returning home, I wrapped Shangui's wallet with a red cloth and pressed it under my pillow. It was night soon, and since there was nothing to do, I went to bed early and went to sleep.

There is an old saying among the people, "If you don't do evil things, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door." I don't know what evil things I did, but I dreamed about that naked girl again in the middle of the night! I had the same dream two nights in a row! You said it was evil

Not evil! The cinnabar mountain ghost under the pillow seems to have no effect.

I was forced to do that thing again in my dream. This time it took a long time, and the process was omitted and I didn’t describe it. It was still on a boat. This time I didn’t do it voluntarily! I kept shouting loudly! But I couldn’t make a sound!

When I woke up in the morning and looked at my pale face in the mirror, I began to feel uneasy.

If you always dream about "ghost intercourse", you may have something wrong with your body. Traditional Chinese medicine says that people who don't have intercourse between their heart and kidneys often have nightmares.

If the heart and kidneys are not in harmony, it means kidney deficiency. How could I have kidney deficiency in my early twenties? There is another possibility, that is, I accidentally got into trouble with something unclean.

It didn't take long, so I decided to observe for a day and see. As a result, I dreamed about the same woman and the same scene for three consecutive days! After three times, I obviously felt weak and had no strength!

For my own situation, I immediately adjusted my countermeasures.

I went to the antique market again and spent 30,000 yuan to find a gilt three-inch portable Buddha in the Tibetan style from the Qing Dynasty. Taoism didn't work, so I wanted to try Buddhism. If the portable Buddha still didn't work, I was going to ask a friend to make one.

A bronze statue of Emperor Zhenwu of the Ming Dynasty.

I burned incense in the guest house room, placed the three-inch portable Buddha on the table, carefully looked around and said, "Sister, beauty, I'm just passing by. Move out immediately. Don't pester me."


When no one was moving, the Buddha became unsteady and fell on the table.

I turned pale with fright and hurried out of the room.

At noon that day, Sister Hong finally called me back.

"How's the investigation going, Sister Hong?"

On the phone, Sister Hong said mysteriously: "Yunfeng, according to the news, the rich man you are looking for is a man, his age is unknown, and he has a Sichuan accent."

“Sichuan accent!”

"Sichuanese? Not Yongzhou?"

"She is definitely from Sichuan, that's for sure." Sister Hong said firmly.

"Sister Hong, does this Sichuanese have any scars on his face?" I asked.

"I don't know, because he is wearing a mask and no one can see his face."

I was confused.

In fact, I have a suspect, and I asked Du Juan to go to Yongzhou, probably to find out the latest news about this person. This person is Lao Hu, the ranger of Guizailing.

But now the news that Sister Hong gave me said that the rich man wore a mask and had a Sichuan accent. The real identity of the other person is even more confusing, and he may be a stranger we don't know at all.

I said firmly: "No matter what, my plan will go ahead as usual. Can we meet? I can give you the incense."

"Yunfeng, are this and the money man really a threat to you?"

"Yes! Sister Hong, you don't know what we have been through! It's too complicated and I can't explain it for a while. Anyway, just trust me."

Sister Hong thought for a while and said, "I'm in Beijing, not far from your place. If we meet that night, I'll go over and find you."

"What time is it?"

"About six or seven o'clock."

After giving my address, I hung up the phone. I was very excited at the thought of meeting Sister Hong soon. I wondered if her appearance had changed, and whether she was still as charming, mature and charming as before.

I didn't want to stay in this guest house anymore, so I went to the owner to discuss checking out. The owner of the guest house was away on business, but his wife was here.

"Why are you living so well, and then suddenly you can't?"

I didn’t tell the reason directly, but guessed and asked: “Mrs. boss, that room above where I live?”
,Has anyone died before?”

The landlady was stunned and immediately said loudly: "No way! How could someone have died? I have been here for more than ten years and there has never been an accident!"

I read countless people, and I could tell right away that she was hiding something.

I sat down directly, lit a cigarette and pointed at her and said, "Do you believe me when I say I lived in your house and met a ghost? She is a woman! She is in her twenties."

"Young man! You can get your money back when you check out! You can eat whatever you want! But there are some things you can't say!" The landlady was obviously angry.

"Am I talking nonsense?"

"How about we switch tonight? I'll stay here while you go up and live by yourself. Do you dare?"

The landlady's expression changed slightly after hearing this, and her eyes were a little wandering.


I yelled.


"I'm scared to death! What are you yelling for!"

I shook my head, opened the door and went out directly. She didn't need to check out. I wouldn't be staying here anyway.

As I was packing my luggage, the landlady suddenly ran up to me and said, "Young man, I didn't mean to hide it from you, it's because business has been hard to do in the past two years. If this gets out, then I won't be able to do anything here!"

"Have you ever died?"

The landlady nodded, with fearful eyes in her eyes, and pointed to the bathroom and said, "Four years ago, a girl cut her wrists while lying in the bathtub. The blood was so bloody that the water was dyed red."

"Isn't there a bathtub in your bathroom?" I asked.

"It was still there at that time! Later it was demolished and replaced with a shower. Anyway, I told you about this. Don't talk nonsense when you go out. My eldest sister has exempted you from the room fee for these two days and will give you three hundred yuan as compensation.

Do you think it’s okay?”

Before I could express my position, the landlady said again: "To tell you the truth, business has been average in the past two years. The room upstairs is empty most of the time. Sometimes, I hear the sound of the door closing upstairs and the sound of running water in the middle of the night.


The landlady forced me to pay three hundred yuan, and I followed her out after accepting it.

When she reached the stairs, the landlady suddenly stopped and stood there motionless.

I called out.

After hearing this, she slowly turned her head.

This chapter has been completed!
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