Chapter 471 It disappeared

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 At that time, there was a lot of news about the theft of cultural relics from the museum. I was still young at that time, and I learned about it through newspapers. It was said that the cultural relics that were lost that time were valued by experts at more than 3 billion.

Today is July 27, 2023. Counting the time, a full 40 years have passed.

There are two versions of what happened in society. The first version was widely reported by TV and newspapers at that time, and the second version was mostly circulated among the people. But what I told me personally was a completely different third version.


"He also heard what others said without any evidence. I was just repeating what I said. I don't bear any legal responsibility for what I said."

Next, let’s go back to that late night in 1983.

At around twelve o'clock at night, a boy with a crew cut in black carried a bag and a bamboo ladder across the road and arrived at the outer wall of the west exhibition hall of the museum.

There was no one on the street at this time. After smoking two cigarettes in a row, he made a decision.

Putting on his hat, he put the ladder under the ventilation window, climbed up, took out a hammer from his bag, wrapped it in clothes, and smashed the glass with one hammer.

He turned on his flashlight and poked his head in to take a look. Seeing that the hall was empty and quiet, he jumped down through the vent.

In front of you is the special Mawangdui cultural relics exhibition hall. Each exquisite cultural relic of the Han Dynasty is covered with a transparent glass cover. The exhibition hall was specially built with funds allocated by the superiors that year.

In that era, there were no cameras or advanced infrared alarm devices. There were two waves of security patrols in the museum during the night shift. This man walked back and forth, not knowing which item was the most valuable because they all seemed valuable.

Thinking that he would just steal it randomly, he took out a glass knife and started cutting the glass of the showcase.

As he worked, he stared at the door. The security guard patrolling the night shift might come in at any time.

As a result, he was too nervous and used too much force, causing the glass knife in his hand to suddenly break in half. He was so angry and anxious that he simply took out a hammer and started smashing the glass cover!

The glass used in the exhibition hall is not bulletproof.
Glass is just slightly thicker ordinary glass.

There was a lot of noise and several display cabinets were smashed in succession. He had no time to take a closer look and filled them with dozens of cultural relics from the Han Dynasty.

After he succeeded, he wanted to go back the way he came to escape. Unexpectedly, the vent was too high from the ground, and the walls were smooth. There was nothing to step on around. If he continued to stay here, he would be discovered by patrols sooner or later, so he boldly carried a bag full of

The bag of cultural relics went out directly from the main entrance.

The museum door was locked, so he reached out and knocked on the glass of the old man at the door, Lao Du.

"Why are you going out in the middle of the night?"

He didn't say anything, just nodded.

"It's true! I was woken up just after I fell asleep! Let's go quickly!"

The gatekeeper opened the door, and he walked out with a bag of cultural relics, and finally disappeared into the night.

This is the first version, but the second version is somewhat bizarre, and a few people believe it.

Because the vent window was five meters high from the ground at that time, some people thought that it was impossible for a normal person to jump down like that. They said that Xu Anti-Emperor accidentally met an expert from whom he learned a lost tradition.

He had the "wall penetration" skill for a long time, so he went directly through the wall and stole things.

After returning home, he told his mother Xu Ruifeng about the theft. Xu Ruifeng was working in the legal field at the time. He immediately realized that his son had committed a serious crime! Xu Ruifeng was confused for a while and finally chose to protect his son.

In those two days, it can be said that the entire Hunan police force was fully engaged in the investigation, searching for all suspicious persons throughout the city! Even the white hat boss came to find the general manager of the southern faction and the general leader of the northern faction, and spread the word to the entire underground cultural relics trading black market.

, no matter who! Whoever dares to collect these stolen cultural relics! I guarantee that he will eat peanuts 24 hours a day!


Stations and bus stations must cooperate with package opening and inspection.

All the major antique markets and cultural relic shops have secretly deployed police to ambush them.

As long as the other party dares to come and sell something, they will definitely be killed on the spot!

The mother and son were frightened by such a big movement, especially Xu Ruifeng! They were even more frightened.

Of the thirty cultural relics, she chose to flush eight of them into the sewer, and burned two silk fabrics with fire, including the national treasure cultural relic "Plain Shape Clothes", which was made of ice silk.

It weighs less than an egg. When stacked, it can be stuffed into a matchbox. It can be said that it is as light as a feather when worn on the body. Modern clothing manufacturers simply cannot make it.

At this time, the mother and son still had about 20 cultural relics in their hands. Xu Ruifeng divided them into two packages. One package was dropped at the door of the post office, and the other was thrown in the green belt around the museum. She thought that returning the items would be fine.

Soon, a few days later, Xu Fandi was caught stealing someone's wallet in a restaurant. When the police searched him, they accidentally found a half-broken glass knife.

Coincidentally, the other half was left at the crime scene.

The evidence was so solid that they were immediately arrested.

Xu Fandi was only 17 years old at the time and was a minor. He was immediately sentenced to death and suspended for two years. His mother was also sentenced to fifteen years. Later, one went to Hengyang Prison and the other to Changsha Women's Prison.

This crime is different from the crime of tomb robbing. It is a crime of stealing and damaging cultural relics of individuals or organizations. I have researched it. According to the current law, he will be sentenced to death for more than ten years, even if you steal a hundred pieces, or if you use a pack of explosives to destroy Leshan

If the Buddha explodes, it is still of this age and will not be directly punished by death.

The case ended in this way, and all walks of life generally believe this statement. Not long after Xu Anti-imperialist went to prison, he suffered from severe mental illness. He was really crazy and no one knew him. After he was released from prison in the late 1990s, reporters came to interview him.

Just bite people directly.
His mother, Xu Ruifeng, was still alive a few years ago. Some people saw her picking up vegetable leaves at the vegetable market and eating them. I don’t know if she is still alive now.

This is the whole story, but the headmaster said to me with a solemn face, "Yunfeng, it's not that simple. In the end, the kid is just a sheep. If you think about the whole process carefully, is there anything that doesn't make sense or is unreasonable?"


After thinking about it for a while, I found that it really does.

Let’s just say that the old man at the gate of the museum has been working for a long time, so he must know all the staff! In the middle of the night, I saw a completely unfamiliar young man trying to open the door and go out with a bulging bag in his hand.

Without asking, just open the door and let people go? Is this consistent with normal logic?

Now, how come Xu Anti-Emperor went crazy and people went crazy soon after entering?

In the end, only about 20 pieces of those items were recovered. Ten of them were said to have been damaged, and some plain gauze garments were said to have been burned. Who saw it with their own eyes? Or is there a video to prove it?

No, these are all based on the self-reports of the parties involved.

There are more than thirty cultural relics, fifteen of which are first-class cultural relics. The first-class represents nobleness.

What a coincidence, the ten missing cultural relics are all the most valuable first-class cultural relics!

After thinking for a long time, I immediately asked suspiciously, "Boss, is it possible that the gatekeeper was a mole?"

He shook his head and said, "That old man from Mengang is not a mole."

"The old man was secretly given obedient water that night, so he let him go without asking. After the incident, the police took notes, and the old man insisted that he did not remember what happened that night. This was all just obedient water.

the sequelae.”

"No one has seen the real ghost's face and doesn't know its identity and background. But Xu Anti-Emperor's madness later is definitely related to this person, and the ten missing cultural relics are also related to him."

He said seriously, "This person has no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life. In a real sense, he has deceived the whole country."

This chapter has been completed!
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