Chapter 114 Meeting the Hute people

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 The two children were frightened when they saw so many of us riding camels, and they wanted to run away while chasing the sheep.

Dou Sprout rushed the fastest. He stopped the two children and said, "Don't panic, fellow! We don't mean any harm!"

Cao Le, I said Yazai, please go ahead. When did these two children become your fellow villagers? If you say unreliable things, you will scare the children.

At this time, the guide Lao Zhang put one hand across his chest, bent down slightly, and made a strange movement. When the two boys saw Lao Zhang, they immediately returned the greeting, which was quite polite.

Lao Zhang gained the trust of the sheep-herding children, and these two children took us to their tribe.

When I got there, I discovered that they all lived like this.

The houses that the Hute people live in are similar to the earthen cave dwellings in the north. There are no doors at the entrance of the cave dwellings. Some of the more luxurious ones have sheepskin rugs hung at the entrance as door curtains. These cave dwellings are concentrated in rows.

The men here do not have pigtails like the Kayak people. On the contrary, the men of the Hute people all have the same hairstyle, a small crew cut, even the children. The women also dress very simply.

Dou Yazai even said half-jokingly, "What do you call the Hute tribe? It's awkward and hard to pronounce. It's better to call it the Flat-head tribe."

I kicked Dou Sprout in the head to tell him to stop talking. It is a local custom, do as the locals do and observe etiquette. Don't make others unhappy and create trouble for yourself. .??.

Because Lao Zhang had been here several times, he became friends with several Hute people in the tribe. These Hute people went to find people in the tribe who could speak Mandarin to act as translators. When the translators arrived, Lao Zhang

I explained that there are many cave dwellings like these deep in the desert, and the Hutte people move four or five times a year.

I asked Lao Zhang why the Hute people moved frequently. Lao Zhang thought for a while and said, "Maybe this is a custom passed down by the Hute people. I don't know the specific reason and I haven't studied it before."

Qin Xingping was happy when he saw the translator found from the tribe who could speak Mandarin.

The translator is a young man in his early twenties with dark skin.
He is dark and looks like a mixed-race person. Except that he is a bit darker, he is quite handsome. His facial features are three-dimensional, a bit like the African version of Ren Xianqi.

"Haha! Aji!"

"Finally found you!" Qin Xingping went over and gave him a hug.

He was the only young man in the Hute tribe who had gone to school. Aji also recognized Qin Xingping. After the accident, Aji smiled and said, why are you here? Do you want to get your phone back?

"Want a cell phone?"

"How can you not," Qin Xingping held Aji's right hand, shook it and said, "I came here this time for no other reason than Aji. Let me introduce to you. These are my friends. They are young geographers."

From the newspaper, does the newspaper know? These people want to ask you something for an interview."

Hearing that we were interviewing him, Aji happily said yes, what questions do you want to ask?

It was better to pretend to be professional. At this time, Tou Tou had already taken out his notebook and pen. To act very professional, he first asked Aji how many people there are in your tribe now, what are the medical and living conditions like, and have you encountered any difficulties?

Help from caring people in society.

Aji answered the first question accurately.

Maybe he felt that the time was almost up, so he changed the topic and asked Aji: "Young man, didn't you sell Mr. Qin a stone sculpture before? I want to ask, where did you get that stone sculpture?"

Aji's expression was a little surprised. He probably didn't expect that his head would suddenly ask this question.

Qin Xingping also made insinuations, hoping to help get him out of trouble as soon as possible.

Aji was unprepared. He thought for a while and said: "That stone sculpture was dug up by an uncle in the tribe and brought back. I thought it might be an antique and could be exchanged for some money, so I brought it to the town. Come with me, the prince hasn't come back yet."

, sit down and drink a glass of water first, I'll call that uncle

Uncle, come here."

"Prince? How come you still have a prince in your tribe?" I was startled and thought I heard wrongly.

"Aji, go find someone, Yunfeng and I can explain it," Qin Xingping waved his hand and asked Aji to find the uncle in the tribe.

After Aji left, Qin Xingping explained to me: "Yunfeng, you don't know, the leaders of the Hute people have been called princes for thousands of years. The last prince of the Hute people was called Kasixi, and the previous one was called Daxi. Anyway, they are the same generation."

Passed down from generation to generation.”

At this time, Dou Sprout laughed and said: "There are only a few people here and there is still someone called Wangye? I think this Wangye is not as powerful as the village chief here."

After a while, Aji found his uncle.

Aji helped as a translator and asked us about the Xixia stone carvings. After hearing this, his uncle waved his hands and talked a lot. Aji nodded while listening.

"What's wrong, Aji, what did he say?" I asked.

Aji thought for a minute or two and translated: "Uncle said that place is not good. It is far away from here. There are black stones, black grass, black water and black poisonous snakes there. He said there are dangers there. Let us

do not go."

When I heard him say "black stones, black grass," my heart pounded.

Isn’t this talking about the legendary Halahhot and Blackwater City?

Legend has it that General Black burned down Blackwater City after burying the treasure. If the legend is true, nearly eight hundred years have passed. Even if Blackwater City had existed, it would have been buried under the yellow sand long ago.

"Aji, come on, let's talk over here." Qin Xingping dragged Aji to the corner. I also ran over.

Qin Xingping said straight to the point: "Aji, do me a favor. Don't you tell me where this person has been? You convince him and let him take us there. When the matter is done, I will give you a new mobile phone."

After hearing this, Aji thought for a moment, clenched his fists and said:
"Last time your phone was not good and you could only play Snake. Does your new phone have push boxes?"

"Push the box?" Qin Xingping was stunned and didn't seem to understand.

At this time, I intervened and explained that Sokoban is a mobile game that is available on the waveguide mobile phone. Not only does Sokoban play, but there is also thunder and lightning.

Aji stared at me and asked me, what is thunder and lightning? Why has he never heard of it? Is it fun?

I smiled and said it was fun, of course it was fun. In Thunderbolt 2000, there is an airplane that can move left and right, shoot bullets to hit other people's airplanes, and you have to dodge bullets to avoid being hit by other airplanes. Its ultimate move is to shoot a laser beam.

Aji's eyes immediately lit up.

Knowing that the opportunity had come, I ran to get his Taibo Island, handed it to Aji, and said if you don't believe it, you can try it, it's fun.

Aji became addicted as soon as he played it and couldn't put it down.

At that time, the flip phone screen was just over an inch, so small that Aji almost touched his face while holding the phone with both hands.

Qin Xingping secretly gave me a thumbs up.

"Oh, why did I die again?" Aji wanted to start again.

"Sorry, you can't play anymore," I snatched the phone from his hand.

Seeing that he was anxious, Qin Xingping said: "How about it? It's fun, let's make a deal with our uncle and nephew. If you ask your uncle to take us to that place, I will make the decision and give you this mobile phone!"

"Ah?" I pretended to change my expression, "No, Uncle Qin, this is the latest model of Hashishima 2000. You can't even buy one with lightning on the market now, it's out of stock!"

Qin Xingping waved his hand, "Yunfeng, stop talking, it's settled." After saying that, he took the phone from my hand and gave it to Aji.

Aji opened the cover and took another look, immediately stuffed the phone into his trouser pocket, and said with a smile:

"You guys are so nice."

This chapter has been completed!
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