Chapter 66 Yu Dingcheng’s Thoughts

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After seeing the person leave, I caught up with him and quickly asked, "Uncle, please explain clearly! What do you mean Yu Dingcheng has died a long time ago?"

"Speak clearly! If you die, you will die!"

The old man turned back sharply! He stared straight at me with a very scary expression.

He chuckled strangely and said, "Yu Dingcheng's grave is in Hushan Cemetery. If you don't believe me, go there and see for yourself. Young man, the Winter Clothes Festival will be here in two days. I think your hall is dark, and it's probably a ghost."


After he finished speaking, he took the plastic bag and left, leaving me standing there confused and confused.

After thinking about it, I called Yu Dingcheng. I had just saved his mobile phone number. During the phone call, I told what the old man said. Yu Dingcheng immediately said, "Then you can't believe what the old man said. How can I, a good and decent man, do this?"

My mother has become a ghost. He has been like this in the past two years, telling everyone he is dead when he meets him."

"Why? Are there any disputes between you?"

"Why else? He cursed me on purpose!"

"He blamed me for not being able to save his son in the search and rescue team back then! The problem wasn't that we didn't save him! It was that everyone was dead when we found him! It's been thirteen years! Lao Yantou still hasn't gotten over the death of his son.

Come out! The year before last, he even sued the travel company that contracted the cruise ship! He wanted them to be responsible for the death of his son! Do you think this old man is crazy? Or he has Alzheimer's disease!"

On the other end of the phone, Yu Dingcheng was cursing and obviously very angry.

"By the way, what are you doing with that old man?"

"Nothing else, I'm just curious about the cruise ship back then."

There was silence on the other end for half a minute. Yu Dingcheng said, "It's not convenient to talk on the phone. Let's talk in person. I still have half an hour to get off work."

We agreed to meet by the lake, so I sat on the stone and waited.

The sky is getting redder, and I can see the sky and clouds at dawn. I am fascinated by the close view. The sunrise scenery of Qiandao Lake is different from many places.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning breaks through the clouds and shines on the lake, the ripples between the light and shadow will give people the feeling of being in a dream. The lake and sky are the same color, as if the world under the water is a thousand years ago, and above the water is the world

Today, thousands of years later.

"You're in a good mood, brother."

"Brother Yu is here."

"Would you like to smoke?"

"Haha, no, my throat hurts." I waved my hand and refused.

Lighting one himself, he looked at the Thousand Islands in front of him and said, "You outsiders may think the sunrise scenery here is beautiful, but we locals have never found it beautiful. There is the hometown of our old Chuncheng people under the water. I have never experienced that."

During the immigration period, I know that my parents’ generation suffered a lot, and their generation lost everything overnight.”

He took out the agate ring I gave him, looked at it and said, "I've asked people about this thing. It's a genuine and good thing. It has a history of at least two thousand years."

I nodded, "Of course, I never lie or deceive anyone."

In fact, my heart aches right now. This Western Zhou jade ring has a warm paste and a color like rock sugar. I like it very much. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have worn it with me for several months. But I kept my word and spilled the stuff I gave away.

Water, I definitely won't ask him for it back.

"You can give away such valuable antiques so easily. I guess you are in the antique business, right?" he said.

I didn't say anything, which was considered the default.

He added, "Let me guess, if you asked about whether the cruise ship was fake, your real purpose was to

Looking for that silver bottle I mentioned?"

His words caught me off guard. He could see through my intentions at a glance. It seemed that he was not simple.

He frowned and said, "I just told it casually as a story. Do you really believe what I said?"

I immediately nodded "I believe it."

In addition to my intuition, there is another important reason why I believe him. An ordinary person who does not understand cultural relics will not know what "Chi Kiss" looks like. This thing is very unpopular. If outsiders have not seen it with their own eyes, they will not describe it categorically.

Not coming out.

In addition, our industry has been like this since ancient times. If you believe the legends and stories that others don’t believe, and dare to take practical actions to do it, find it, and do it, then you should make a fortune yourself.

There are too many similar examples to mention.

Some time ago, didn’t I specifically talk about the dredging of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal?

The night before yesterday, according to internal information, the goods were indeed shipped. It was pretty much what I expected. Several trade money jars from the Song Dynasty were shipped, as well as small gilt bench Buddhas from the Tang Dynasty, and jade belt hooks with a panchi pattern. They also brought out goods from the bottom of the river.

A few stemmed cups were washed out of the mud, which are commonly known as Jue cups. The total price must be more than a hundred. This is just the beginning, because the dredging project will last until the end of next year, and good things will definitely come out after that.

Yu Dingcheng stamped out his cigarette butts, picked up stones and threw them into the lake. He clapped his hands and said, "My little niece studies law. According to the law, everything that comes out of the water or the soil belongs to

It is owned by the state, and anyone who dares to buy or sell it privately is breaking the law. If it is a third-class cultural relic, he will be sentenced to five years, and if it is a first-class cultural relic, it will start at ten years and be capped by the death penalty."

I was stunned, not expecting him to suddenly talk about this, but these words inadvertently showed that he indeed knew important clues about the Chiki Silver Vase.

I looked at him and asked, "Do you dare to break the law?"

"I'm just an ordinary person, I wouldn't dare!"

He shook his head, "I am the breadwinner of the family. If something goes wrong with me, what will happen to my mother? What to do to my wife? What to do to my son? What to do to my daughter?"

I nodded, "I understand, that's it, let's just pretend we've never met tonight."

After taking two steps, I turned back and said, "Brother, I'm just saying, driving a taxi is definitely a promising career. Don't you have a son? If you drive well, you can almost provide for your son after working for about twenty years."

When it comes to buying an apartment in the city, you said that girls’ houses are very realistic these days, and men who don’t have a house or a car probably won’t even look at it.”

I said that and left.


"What's wrong, brother? Do you have anything else to do?"

Yu Dingcheng said with a dark face, "Let me think about it. I've thought about it and call you. Also, I want to ask first, if I can bring you something, how much can you give me?"

"What's in your hand?"

"No, but I know where the things are. You answer my questions first."

I thought for a moment, raised one finger in front of him, and then the second.

After reading it, he took a deep breath and said, "Okay, you'll have to wait for my reply in the next two days."

I thought about it and asked, "Brother Yu, we have such a good relationship, I don't think you will report me back then, right?"

He smiled and said no, don't worry.

I also smiled and said, "Brother, the agate ring I paid you as fare is a Class II cultural relic. It's not a joke, so try not to expose it outside during the day. I'll wait for your good news."

This chapter has been completed!
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