Chapter 79 The duck leads the way and captures the thief at night

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At 11:30 at night, Brother Yu and I ran all the way to the small square to the west of Siyuan Hotel. We didn't see the Echo Duck, nor the black figure. There was no one. The small square was very quiet.

I was sweating profusely and asked, "Brother Yu! Where are the people? Where are the ducks!"

Brother Yu looked around, panted slightly and said, "The fact that this thief can jump from a building shows that he has a good foundation in Qinggong. Moreover, it seems that he has done a lot of research on where we live and his own escape route in advance."

I shouted angrily at the small square, "Which bastard did this! If he is a man, just come out and show your face!"

We made an appointment with Xiguatou tomorrow to pay and deliver the goods! Now the most important thing has been stolen! How to deliver the goods! What to use to deliver the goods!

"Yunfeng, don't worry, we'll wait here."

"Still waiting? What are you waiting for!" I was already confused.

Brother Yu gritted his teeth and said, "When the duck comes back, take us to catch this thief!" .??.

"Brother Yu! Are you stupid? The duck is smart, it is not a human after all! How could it know that we are here in the small square! Besides, I suspect that the thief drove away after arriving here! How could the duck catch up!"

Brother Yu shook his head, "Don't underestimate my old buddy, he's not an ordinary duck, he's a northern echo duck, best at finding hidden things."

I was extremely anxious and had no confidence in what Brother Yu said.

This thief seemed to appear out of nowhere, but after analysis, I felt that this person might have been observing us for a while, and maybe he was an acquaintance.

who is it?

I only know a few people in Chun'an! I can count them on one hand!

Watermelon Head! Li Kangyang! Ma Dachao! Uncle Drunkard and those little red-haired kids! And Dr. Song and her husband! Taxi driver Yu Dingcheng!

Who else?

My intuition tells me that it was not Watermelon Head who did it. This kind of petty theft is not his style, but other people have no motive for committing the crime!

There was no light in the room just now, so the dark figure jumped out of the window and ran away in an instant. Brother Yu and I didn't even see clearly whether the other person looked male or female.

But one thing is for sure! This man is no ordinary person! He knows some boxing and kicking skills!

After sitting in the small square for about half an hour, just when I was about to give up, I heard a duck quacking in the distance.

Brother Yu was indeed right, the duck found it himself! The duck suddenly flapped its wings, quacked, and ran very fast on its feet, looking very much like the scouts sent out to gather information in the ancient army.

When Echo Duck came back, he immediately jumped on Brother Yu's shoulders, flicked his neck toward the south, and let out a squawking sound.

> Brother Yu said happily, "Let's go! Nanbang!"

As we touched it all the way, the duck was like a compass. It stood on Brother Yu's shoulder and shook his head to the left, so we turned left. If he shook his head to the right, we went right. I admired the expert in the industry in Luoyang more and more who trained the Echo Duck.

Another half hour later.

"Brother Yu, is it here?" I asked doubtfully.


We caught up to a dilapidated red brick bungalow located in an old alley in the west of the city. The door was closed and the windows were sealed with plastic film. From a distance, the house looked dark and dim, and it didn't look like anyone was living there.

Brother Yu frowned and whispered, "This man has some skills. The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. If the opponent has a knife or a gun in his hand, it will be more difficult to deal with. Don't be careless. Yunfeng, follow me closely. Qian

Be careful."

Brother Yu didn't need to remind him about this, I had already held his arm.

Brother Yu was simple and rude, stepped forward and kicked the door open.

"What are you doing!"

"It's so scary! What can you do!"

There are two bunk beds in the house, as well as some simple furniture and daily necessities for washing. There is one person living in the upper bunk and the lower bunk. The moment we kicked in the door and walked in, the middle-aged man who was sleeping on the lower bunk immediately sat up.

This man was only wearing a pair of long trousers, his face was sallow, and he spoke with an accent from Handan, Hebei or near Cangzhou.

Seeing that we didn't say anything, the yellow-faced man grabbed the briquettes tongs and said angrily, "Are you trying to steal the money? How can you compare with me!"

Brother Yu frowned and asked, "What do you do?"

The man said excitedly, "I work as a small worker on a construction site! I decorate people! Two people are trying to grab money, so we came to the wrong place! I really have no money! It's almost the Chinese New Year and I don't have any money to send home!"

Migrant workers living here?

Brother Yu and I looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

Judging from this man's accent, expression and look, he doesn't look like the thief we are looking for.


The echo duck keeps croaking, as if it wants to tell us something.

Brother Yu and Echo Duck had a spiritual connection. His expression changed and his eyes turned to the upper bunk.

There was such a big movement, and the person lying on the upper bunk was still awake even though he was covered with a quilt. Unless the other person was deaf and couldn't hear the sound, otherwise it would be abnormal.

"Who's on the upper bunk?" Brother Yu asked with a cold face.

The yellow-faced man immediately cursed loudly, "It's my wife! Grandma competed! Can we leave or not? If you don't leave, I'll call the police station!"

I smiled and said, "Your wife seems to be a little deaf. Don't call the police. We are looking for a thief. Maybe we are looking in the wrong place."

I heard this man mutter and curse in a low voice, "You two are hot and wet."

After exchanging glances, Brother Yu pretended to turn around and leave.

Taking advantage of the moment when the yellow-faced man relaxed his guard, I went over and grabbed the quilt on the upper bunk and tried to lift it open.

As a result, it couldn't be opened, and the person lying down seemed to be holding on to the quilt!

I gritted my teeth and pulled hard!

The quilt was pulled down by me, and the next second, a masked person suddenly stood up. I knew it was a woman by looking at her exposed eyes.

The moment I stood up, the other party didn't say a word and threw something towards me and Brother Yu respectively.

In the electric light and flint, I only saw two gleams of cold light, which seemed to be hidden weapons such as steel nails.


Brother Yu shouted and dodged the hidden weapon, and I quickly dodged to the left.

Unexpectedly, the yellow-faced man went over and grabbed the covered woman’s ankle and asked anxiously, “Who are you! Where is my wife?”

His answer was a kick.

The yellow-faced man received a strong kick on his face and flew out.

The masked woman had a flexible body. She jumped up and grabbed the ceiling fan hanging on the roof with both hands. She swung forward with all her strength, trying to break the window and escape again.

Seeing that the person was about to run away again, the Echo Duck suddenly flew to the other person, flapped its two big wings and slapped the masked woman in the face.

The other party was so enraged that he grabbed the duck's wings and threw it against the wall!

Echo Duck let out a scream.

"you dare!"

Brother Yu's eyes turned red instantly. He kicked the upper and lower bunks to pieces, pulled out the steel pipe, and beat the masked woman off with a stick.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Yu rushed over, grabbed the person from the ground, and punched him three times in the stomach.

Punch to the flesh!

Under the heavy blow, the opponent directly vomited blood.

Brother Yu's eyes were red. He lifted the person above his head with both hands and threw it as hard as throwing something.

Crack! A lot of things were smashed

!The opponent’s head hit the wall and he fainted on the spot.

Brother Yu didn't even look at the other person and hurriedly picked up the Echo Duck from the ground to see if the duck was injured.

I wanted to go over and reveal the other party's disguise to see who the thief was, but as soon as I took a step, I suddenly felt a sharp pain.

I lifted up my clothes and took a look, and I saw a steel nail that was completely inserted into my armpit, but only a small amount of blood came out.


After reacting, I felt a sharp pain! I held the injured area and gasped in pain.

"I'm injured!"

Brother Yu didn't seem to hear it and was still playing with and checking the Echo Duck.

"Brother Yu! I'm injured!"

Brother Yu seemed to be waking up from a dream. He hugged the duck and quickly asked me where the injury was? Is it serious?

I lifted up my clothes and showed him the nails under my armpits that were embedded in my flesh.

After seeing it, Brother Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, it's not a vital part. The duck's wings seem to be broken."

"Duck, duck! Brother Fish! Which is more important, the duck's life or the human life? I can't breathe! I might die!"

"Yunfeng, don't say such depressing words. You won't die. Just go back and let Xiaoxuan pull out the nails and apply some medicine. Look at this duck's wings. I don't know if they can grow back again."

I angrily covered the wound and went over to remove the black cloth from the masked woman's face.

She was indeed a woman. She was beaten so hard by Brother Yu that her mouth bled and she passed out. She was very strange and I didn’t recognize her at all.

I touched her all over, but couldn't find the eyebrow bone.

I looked through the bunks and quilts again, but still couldn't find them. Maybe she hid the things somewhere casually.

Time is running out, we must find the eyebrow bone before tomorrow night! This not only involves a payment of 20 million! It is also related to my life and safety. If the thing is lost, Watermelon Head will never let me go, and my end is very likely to happen.

Just like the female tea sommelier.

There are still 24 hours left.

The breakthrough point now is the masked woman. We must pry open her mouth and find out who is behind the scenes and where the things are.

I couldn't go back to Siyuan Hotel. It was no longer safe there, so I called the boss and asked them to move the place overnight.

Afterwards, Brother Yu and I discussed and decided to tie the female thief to the Qiaoxi Hotel. Xiao Hongmao and the others lived there, and it should be safe there.

I have made up my mind not to sleep tonight, so I can torture her and try to get to the bottom of it before dawn.

This chapter has been completed!
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