Chapter 203 Talking about Tomb Search at Night

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 In the more than two hundred miles of Mang Mountain, there are countless ancient tombs buried in all dynasties since the Pre-Qin and Warring States periods, and the statistics are unclear.

The ancient tombs are layered layer upon layer.

sealed earth, rammed earth, structure, mountain shape, water potential, feng shui

To find it requires very strong professional abilities.

Boss definitely didn't agree to help the old lady because she was pretty.

Just like Sister Shi who paid me to dig out porcelain pieces, it was because they gave me too much!

Ten partial doors.

Eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, cheating, kidnapping and stealing!

We all belong to the thieves, and I never think of myself as aloof, in other words.

"As long as you have enough money, I can do any job."

When professionals do professional things, they can do it right. There is no point in looking for others to do it. They can't do it for them.

I wanted to sleep at night, so he called me to his room and told Yunfeng that we should study it.

I said let’s study it.

A pot of strong tea, a piece of white paper, a pen, and a map of Mang Mountain.

He took a sip of tea and said: "It is difficult to distinguish the tombs of the Qing Dynasty from the appearance of the ground. Moreover, in the Qing Dynasty, in addition to the royal family, other scholars, farmers, industry and merchants respected thin burials. Therefore, the funerary objects were not too rich, and the main objects were the owners of the tombs."

The living utensils used during life are the main ones.”


Putting his head down on the cup, he changed the subject and said, "But the eldest sister, Gaozu, was buried in the same place as his great ancestor, so there must be something."

"Red stone epitaph." I blurted out immediately.

"That's right, Yunfeng, you hit the point." He praised me with his head.

Red stone epitaphs are granite epitaphs. Throughout the dynasties, the Ming and Qing dynasties had the largest number of epitaphs. At that time, even the poorest people in the family would carve two words on a brick and use it as an epitaph.

The so-called "red stone" refers to the "Luoyuan red" in granite.

This kind of stele presents the whole body
The dark red color was most commonly used by businessmen in the past, implying that business is booming.

In addition, there are "Dieffenbachia" favored by officials, "White Marble" used by Lord Beile's nobles, "Sesame Black, Shanxi Black" used by ordinary people, etc.

So we infer that the old lady’s tomb must contain “Luoyuan red granite epitaph.”

This is the first speculated news.

the second.

Tombs from the Qing Dynasty will most likely not be buried on the top of a mountain. Why?

The ancients were not stupid, they were smart. The general depth of tomb cleaning was in the range of 3 to 6 meters, unlike the Western Zhou Dynasty and Warring States Period, which was often 20 to 30 meters.

Unlike the tombs of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the tombs of the Qing Dynasty do not have examples of drainage ditches.

It's so shallow that if it were buried on the top of a mountain, it would be soaked in water and collapse within a few years.

Therefore, they will choose to bury them halfway up the mountain or at the foot of the mountain. It is best to choose a place with a small slope. This is called "slope down".

Rainwater will flow down the slope and will not harm the tombs.

After discussing this, I turned my head and folded the mountain map of Mang Mountain on the table. I folded up the entire top of the mountain and passed away.

Then he raised his head and picked up the pen.

It will be 2005 soon. Times have changed and there are many more scenic spots at the foot of Mang Mountain.

Holding a red pen on his head, he marked all the names of the scenic spots and places at the foot of the mountain with an x.

Including several large-scale picking gardens, White Horse Temple, environmental testing stations, newly built reservoirs, breeding farms, Drum Tower, Fuxi Temple, Xiaqing Palace, several Taoist temples, etc., all marked with a cross!

The burial was not deep at that time. If the tomb had been in a place like this, it would have been dug out after so many years of laying foundations, digging soil, and repairing wells. Of course, I cannot be 100% sure.

We are now playing big data speculation.

I don’t know if I don’t fight, but I’ll be shocked if I fight!

In the end, it was all densely packed with red crosses. I looked at it and shook my head. Then I folded up the map of the area at the foot of the mountain.

In this way, this picture has been folded up and down, and now only the middle is left.

Based on the identity of her great-grandfather, we judge that her great-grandfather did not have the ability to dig someone else's tomb and bury it himself. After all, he was just a businessman with a low social status at that time and did not have the courage.

Therefore, I put a red x on all the large tombs that have been discovered and protected, including the tombs of emperors, royal tombs, and celebrity tombs of all dynasties. .??.


After typing hundreds of times, it was already late at night.

He was getting older, and it was obvious that his physical strength and mental strength could no longer keep up. He yawned and said, "I'm old, my eyes hurt from reading these small characters for a long time. I have to rest. You can do the rest of Yunfeng."

"Just follow me and draw a route map in the vacated area. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand. Then go and rest quickly. Don't be too tired."

"Well, thank you for your hard work." He patted me on the head and went into the inner room to lie down and rest.

I lit a cigarette, took two deep puffs, threw the lighter on the table, and began to draw a route map in the blank space.

I painted for about half an hour, and then I fell asleep on the table.

"Oh oh oh!"

It was around five o'clock in the morning, but not yet six o'clock, when the rooster woke me up.

I scratched my head sleepily, still feeling hysterical, when suddenly I saw a Korean girl pushing open the door and walking in. She was holding a large bowl and a small bowl in her hands.

She has a lively personality and always has a smiling face. Sometimes she is as cute as a child.

She put down the bowl with a smile and said, "Oh Dad! This is the porridge that grandma cooked when she got up early.
It's the kimchi we brought, please eat some."

I said yes.


She covered her little mouth and exclaimed: "Oh, did you draw these all? You are so amazing."

It was my vanity that caused me to draw my head. A beautiful girl praised me for being awesome, and she was from a foreign country. I just wanted to show off.

I said: "Of course, you should have come to us a long time ago. We can find your ancestral graves right away. We are professionals."

She was simple-minded and believed her, nodding her head and saying, "Oh, Uncle Tian said you are called Xiao Shen Yan Feng, can I also call you that?"

"Don't! Don't!"

"First of all, don't call me Xiaoshen Yanfeng. I hate this name now. My name is Xiang Yunfeng."

"Second, don't call me dad. It sounds like I'm old. You need to change your tone of voice."

"How old are you?"

"I'm 18 years old."

"Then you can call me Brother Xiang, or Brother Feng."

"Yeah, okay, Brother Feng." She called me sweetly.

Just then, I suddenly heard a bang!

The noise was so loud! It scared me.

It was Xiaoxuan who was holding the steamer with a film and placed it heavily on the ground.

Xiaoxuan came over, looked down, and said with a smile on her face, "Hey, here are some porridges? There are also kimchi, who gave them to me?"

My face changed and I didn't dare to say anything.

"It's me, sister! I gave it to Brother Feng!" the girl said with a smile and raised her hand.

Xiaoxuan put her hands on her hips and frowned: "Who are you? Who is your sister? I don't even know you."

"Besides, who asked you to come here to deliver food? Didn't you see that I got up early and asked for six packs?"

"Get out of here."

This chapter has been completed!
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