813 Same joy

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 Fang Zhuo doesn't mind cooperating with competitors. As long as the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Just like Samsung is a rival in the Android camp, but Yike has cooperation with Samsung on chip projects.

Similarly, Apple and Samsung both cooperate and compete, with processors, storage, and screens all coming from the latter.

It's just that Nokia now... is completely unable to cooperate regardless of market, financial, or customer relations considerations.

Nokia will only become weaker and weaker, and things that can be discussed now will only become easier to discuss in the future.

Fang Zhuo drank tea gently, with various thoughts in his mind. Nokia still grasped the key points of patents this time. Apple and Yike's patents can be bypassed, but it only requires effort.

As usual, everyone would authorize each other and then pay the price difference, but Nokia wanted to ban sales out of various considerations—of course, there may also be some factors that it had communicated with many times in public—to set an example by banning sales.

The problem is that Nokia was stabbed by Apple, which was already discussing patent cooperation, and was immediately put in a very embarrassing situation.

This is also due to its consistent slowness in the past two years.

The patent issue is critical, but more importantly, Nokia has also shown its weakness in market competition.

Even if Nokia circumvents patents, Yike is not afraid of competing head-on with it. The silence in the office was broken by the vibration of Simons' mobile phone in his pocket.

Simmons took out his cell phone, did not answer it, put it on the table, and said slowly again: "Mr. Fang, Samsung's new Tru has sold nearly 700,000 units in less than two weeks. Yike this time

Can Mars and Selfy put together compare to it?"

Nokia has internally compared the actual machines of Yike and Samsung.

Both are the same system, same pixels, similar sizes.

And, what is very interesting is that Samsung provides Apple with its self-developed chips, but its own Android flagship also uses Qualcomm MSM7388 series processors.

According to the information currently available, the MSM7388 provided by Qualcomm for Yike has been specially optimized, and the MSM7388B provided for Samsung is a universal version, but Nokia only found slight differences when testing the two.

If Yike Chip has 100, Samsung also has 95, which will not cause consumers any choice problems.

Before coming, Simmons listened to the conclusions of the R&D department and believed that Samsung Tru was trying to use Apple's appearance and Yike's hardware to achieve a new round of success.

Judging from market performance, the cunning Samsung seems to have done this.

"LG quickly sold 1 million units, and then there was no movement." Fang Zhuo was very calm, "Besides, this is a matter between Yike and Samsung. I know everything you said, so you don't have to worry. Since you are here

When you come to China, instead of wasting your time here, it’s better to see more of the Eastern scenery.”

Just as Simmons was about to talk about other reasons, the phone on the table vibrated again.

He frowned, apologized to Mr. Fang this time, then picked up his cell phone and walked to the office window to listen to the call from Finland.

After just a few words, Simmons' brows furrowed even more tightly. He responded in a low voice and sat down in front of Mr. Fang again.

The latest news from the Finnish headquarters is that the interim board of directors decided to cooperate with Microsoft on a deeper level and asked him not to make group-related decisions as interim CEO for the time being.

Last week, Simmons joined the interim board, replacing Kallasvuo.

Now, the Finnish side has convened an interim board of directors and decided to cooperate with Microsoft, bypassing him as CEO.

Simmons felt indescribably depressed.

There are differences within Nokia. For the sake of patents and development, Nokia approached Microsoft and was willing to carry the M system, but the focus is still on itself, and it is considering whether it is based on Symbian or a new smartphone operating system.

If we have deeper cooperation...

Simmons chose one of the two, preferring to cooperate with Yike first, and then discuss the future of the product. He glanced at Mr. Fang, who had a calm expression, and thought, he could talk outside first and finalize the matter first.

"Mr. Fang, Nokia can bypass patents, and it does not have to cooperate with Yike. In fact, before I came, we were already discussing larger-scale cooperation with Microsoft, and Intel is also on our cooperation list.


"Nokia is willing to make a comprehensive settlement with Yike. We can even consider installing Android system to help you defeat Apple."

Simmons imposed conditions that were beyond his authority and internal discussions.

Nokia has a mobile phone system developed based on Lux. It tried the product as early as 2005, but the development has always been very slow. Under this situation, it is considering cooperating with Intel, which has a Mobl system also based on Lux.

In addition, since it is believed that Symbian cannot meet the increasingly intelligent requirements, Microsoft M, Android and even Apple iOS have been included in Nokia's internal discussions.

Who is the future of Nokia?

Simmons is intuitively unwilling to cooperate more deeply with Microsoft. He is also touched by Samsung's successful new flagship. He believes that it may not be able to directly adopt open source, develop rapidly, and gradually mature Android, and get the advantage of borrowing chickens to lay eggs.


But now, the answer given by the interim board of directors favors Microsoft.

Simmons looked at Mr. Fang with bright eyes.

However, he didn't see the look he wanted at all, and even the other person's emotions didn't even seem to move.

Fang Zhuo met the gaze of Nokia's interim CEO and simply asked: "Was it before you came here or did you just find out about the cooperation with Microsoft?"

Simmons: ""

Fang Zhuo observed the expression on the other side and said in surprise: "Did you really just find out?"

Simmons couldn't see any sincerity from the other party, so he finally stood up and said regretfully: "Mr. Fang, you have established a strong enemy for Android. We will strengthen our cooperation with Microsoft."

Fang Zhuo extended his right hand gracefully: "Congratulations."

Simmons stretched out his hand, but did not shake hands. He took back the documents on the table and turned to leave. Fang Zhuo was not offended and held his left hand with his right hand and shook it up and down: "Same joy, same joy."

Google has used Android to create its entrance into the mobile era, and Microsoft, which competes with it, will be even more frantic in looking for alternatives.

The homework is in front of us. Google's Android system has dark horses like Yike, Samsung's rising flagship, Microsoft's M system with Sony Ericsson is useless, HTC has switched to its rivals, and the weak well-known brand Nokia seems to have the potential to become an M brand.

Fang Zhuo walked out of the president's office and saw only the backs of the Nokia team leaving in a hurry.

Since there is suspected internal interference, I wonder how long Simmons can last as the new leader.

He shook his head slightly and gave the secretary a task to ask the technical department to try to demonstrate the possibility and time for Nokia to bypass the patent.

On the morning of May 11, Nokia's new CEO Simons, who was inspecting the Chinese market, accepted an interview with the media before ending his trip. He bluntly stated that Nokia is ready to cope with the challenges of the intelligent era and competitors.

Just that afternoon, Fang Zhuo reposted Simons' interview on Twitter and commented: I met with Simons and thought that Nokia has not hit bottom yet, and perhaps it is almost time to miss Kallasvuo.

People are in Shanghai, but their mouths are on Twitter.

Fang Zhuo's sudden presence immediately angered Simmons, who flew to Tokyo.

Simmons: Yike will soon have to pay more in the US market, and Samsung will soon replace Yike in the Android camp.

Fang Zhuo: Why? Is it because Nokia wants to cooperate with Microsoft? Is it because Nokia wants to give up the Symbian platform? Simons, is Nokia going to give up Symbian users?

Although Simmons is in his prime at the executive level, he is still fifty years old after all. He really can't stand the quarrel-like output of being watched on a public platform. What is the difference between this and running naked on the street?

He replied to the last one: Nokia will always be sincere to consumers, Mr. Fang, let the products speak for themselves.

Fang Zhuo responded: The truth becomes clearer with each argument. Kallasvuo is not afraid to discuss it with me. And you are here?

afraid of what?

Simmons never heard back.

This is another Nokia CEO who is unhappy with Mr. Fang.

Seeing Simmons and Fang Zhuo debating on the street, it turned out that the two sides really had not reached an agreement, and there was concrete news from Finland in Europe, which made several institutions in the United States breathe a sigh of relief.


At this moment, they always have a common wish, never to reconcile with Nokia, this time they will beat Nokia to death, or be beaten to death by Nokia.


This chapter has been completed!
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