879 Thousands of groups are opening everywhere (4k)

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 Because of Fang Zhuo's phone call, Liang Gongwei, the head of Morningstar Semiconductor, held an impromptu high-level meeting to inform the company of Shanghai's intentions and clarify his firm attitude.

Morningstar Semiconductor will never change control and will continue the current management structure.

All the senior executives present at the meeting agreed with Mr. Liang's attitude. After all, if the person named Fang was really allowed to come in, there would be unknown changes, and that person was not a good person.

That evening, Fang Zhuo also contacted some of the management of Morningstar Semiconductor in Shanghai and held a small conference call to express his thoughts on the company's current business and future changes.

This conference call was attended by Morningstar's President Yang Weiyi, Chief Operating Officer Lin Yongyu, Vice President of Marketing Wei Boyun and others. They discussed the company's current situation as actively as they did during the day.

It is already December. Morningstar has spent an embarrassing year with a declining market value and difficult business from the beginning to the end of the year. Although there have been adjustments and changes in management, the decline has never been restored. Now there is an opportunity to make new adjustments.

, can also be discussed and discussed.

After all, this is Mr. Fang, who is also a shareholder of the company.

No specific content was finalized during the conference call, but Fang Zhuo took the initiative to talk about Morningstar Semiconductor's mobile phone chip project and MediaTek's smooth transformation this year, and finally ended the call in a rather quiet atmosphere.

It was already very late, and Mr. Fang was offline. The others did not hang up, but also chatted with each other about their opinions.

As the leader of the mainland faction, Yang Weiyi heard everyone's vague tendencies. However, he was the founder who worked hard with the leader Liang Gongwei, so he still had hesitation in his heart.

In the early morning, Yang Weiyi repeatedly thought about future changes, and then called Wei Boyun, who was also awake, and asked this little brother for his judgment on the future of Morningstar Semiconductor.

Wei Boyun was surprised when he received the call. He has been keeping a low profile during this period. When communicating about business in the company, he only occasionally chatted about the Yike Department and the help that Fang Zong could provide to Morningstar Semiconductor.

"Mr. Yang, my opinion on Morning Star is not important. What is important is your and Mr. Liang's opinions." Wei Boyun still maintained his attitude.

"Then what do you think Mr. Fang thinks of Morning Star?" Yang Weiyi asked a little straightforwardly.

Wei Boyun: "..."

With the tone of the phone call at this juncture, do you think you are Mr. Fang’s internal correspondent?

As expected of Mr. Yang, he is quite accurate in judging people.

In this case...

Wei Boyun stood up and said simply: "There are many reasons why Morning Star has reached today. There is no need to talk about these anymore. What is important is the future."

"I think the influence that Mr. Fang's ice core and Yike system can bring is the key for Morning Star to get out of the predicament. If I have to express my position, I welcome Mr. Fang to exert more influence on Morning Star."

Yang Weiyi asked again: "What kind of influence does Mr. Fang want to exert? In what way?"

Wei Boyun said directly: "Even if Morningstar is privatized, as long as the company's business can be transformed and developed smoothly, I think it will be acceptable."

Yang Weiyi: "..."

He took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I understand."

The call ends.

Yang Weiyi put down his mobile phone and couldn't help but cursed: "Two or five boys!"

It was not easy for Morningstar to get listed. The company is the joint effort of everyone. I don’t know how much sweat and heartache went into it. If you just talk about privatization, will your conscience be eaten by a dog?

Yang Weiyi sat in the study, looking at the deep dark night outside, unable to sleep for a long time.

Having said that, Chenxing did reach a more dangerous intersection.

Having said that, do Mr. Fang and Yike Department have the ability to reverse the development direction of Morning Star?

Yang Weiyi was silent for a long time, thinking about the decline of Morningstar in this quarter. He thought about the new strategy that was about to be finalized recently. Is it really going to compete in the Red Sea of ​​2G mobile phones in Southeast Asia?

He decided to talk to Mr. Liang tomorrow. In fact, we can talk about this matter again. It is not that there is no room for the two parties to restart cooperation.

If it really doesn’t work, even if it’s not for the sake of the company, it’s still for the sake of the future of the brothers!

The next morning, Yang Weiyi, who had not slept much all night, walked into the boss's office.

He didn't talk about the shares, he just talked about whether he could restart cooperation with the Yike Department. At the very least, he could try it.

However, in Liang Gongwei's view, seeking cooperation with Yiketi at this time is tantamount to sending a concession signal.

He flatly rejected this ill-conceived proposal.

Yang Weiyi returned disappointed.

That night, he thought for a long time and dialed Mr. Fang's phone number.

On December 12, near noon, Fang Zhuo welcomed Lei Jun, the president of Miduan.com, who had made an appointment to visit at the CEO office of Hang Lung 23.

Lei Jun met Mr. Fang, and after just chatting for a few words, he noticed that Mr. Fang seemed to be in a good mood today, smiling and looking friendly.

"Mr. Fang, the domestic group buying market is really getting heated up. It's like a spring breeze coming overnight." Lei Jun said with emotion.

As the first website to start doing group buying in China, it has been operating steadily in the past two or three months in Beijing, Shenzhou, and Yangtze City. But as if overnight, this group and that group have appeared one after another, and there are group buying websites in all major cities.


Is group buying good?

Lei Jun thinks it is good and meets market demand.

However, the sudden appearance of this situation really caught him by surprise - it was a little too good.

When Google tried to acquire Groupon at a high price, Lei Jun knew that there would be a trend in China, and he also heard that a group buying entrepreneurial project approached Yike, but he was very patient.

First, there are not many people who can spend real money and build a team like me.

Second, Mr. Fang’s previous statement was very practical.

However, the news he received on December 10th made him unable to sit still. He couldn't help but contact Yike and wanted to meet Mr. Fang to discuss the development of the market.

The news is that a group buying website has contacted Yike to access Yipay, and the latter has agreed to this request and plans to have more cooperation with the group buying websites.

Although it is not an investment support, this access to Yipay is familiar again and again. Maybe Yike will devote more resources and make more considerations at some time.

Therefore, Lei Jun wanted to come here to see Mr. Fang's attitude and hear if there was any new talk.

"Suddenly, like a spring breeze coming overnight, thousands of groups are blooming all over the place." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "This is not what we expected before. More people will cross the low threshold and work together to cultivate the entire market."

Lei Jun nodded, convinced, yes, this is the trend of group buying.

However, he then said hesitantly: "Mr. Fang, do you think the current development pace of our MiTuan.com is a bit slow?"

Fang Zhuo added more tea to himself and asked: "Mr. Lei, why do you say this?"

Lei Jun said: "Penguin has invested in Mr. Li Guoqing's group buying project in the south. It claims to promote it from the top ten cities in the country, and internally it is said that it has also launched a project on the same track. It seems to attach great importance to the group buying market."

Lei Jun first mentioned Yike's number one competitor, but Mr. Fang remained silent and continued: "I heard that Taobao is also going to engage in group buying, and its Alipay has a lot of users in the market, so it has resource advantages."

Fang Zhuo nodded and confirmed this: "Yes, what Taobao wants to do is to build group buying categories into the website."

Lei Jun said "hmm" and talked about one of the most critical observations. He said worriedly: "Shencheng has a newly established Tuanbao.com on the 20th of last month. It is developing very fast. Although it only operates in one city,

But a rebate invitation mechanism was adopted.”

"A user of Tuanbao.com can get a 10-yuan rebate just by inviting new friends. This is purely an exchange of money for scale, which is too naked."

Fang Zhuo had never heard of Tuanbao.com, and he hadn't paid much attention to the changes in the group buying market recently. He had been busy with privatization in the past two days. After hearing this, he asked: "Who is the funder behind Tuanbao.com?"


Lei Jun shook his head, not knowing this.

Fang Zhuo thought for a moment: "This way of burning money in exchange for scale is very intuitive and effective. It will definitely push the market competition to a more intense level. Gee, it will become bloody."

Lei Junning nodded.

He believes that this method of exchanging users with cash subsidies is too crude and may lead to other situations for a group buying company, because the company's operations are not only a factor of funds, but also need to pay attention to important issues such as merchant docking and user experience.

However, we have to admit that this development method will be very rapid, and if this kind of company really reaches a certain scale, can it in turn repair the problems existing in its operations?

Lei Jun dare not say that this is not possible.

It's okay for Tuanbao.com alone. What's even more frightening is whether it will attract other websites to follow suit. In other words, this is almost inevitable. It is nothing more than fighting for money and burning money. This is the easiest to follow up, and it is also

The easiest way to be coerced.

It's just that Lei Jun's plan for Mi Tuan is to be steady and steady, but now there are new group buying websites appearing in the market almost every day, and it is difficult for the competitive environment under this fierce momentum not to be bad.

He expressed his thoughts to Mr. Fang.

"I know Sohu is also going to do group buying, and Baidu will probably be out of business soon. Well, Sina also called me and wanted to try this new market." Fang Zhuo said, "Mr. Lei,

The wind is blowing faster than you think."

Lei Jun frowned.

"But I think since this kind of competition is inevitable, you don't have to be afraid of anything. Whether it's fighting for funds or resources, we won't say we are guaranteed to win, at least we are in the first echelon." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I think Mi Tuan

Now this kind of steady and steady accumulation of operating experience is to cultivate internal strength. Once the internal strength is cultivated, external funds, merchants, and users will not be a problem. This is the real way to success."

Fang Zhuo continued to encourage: "Mr. Lei, you have to stabilize your state of mind."

Lei Jun sighed: "Easier said than done."

Fang Zhuo joked: "It's okay, Mr. Lei, if you can't stabilize, Yike will find a way to help you stabilize."

Lei Jun glanced at Mr. Fang's smiling face and joked back: "Mr. Fang, don't make such a joke, I'm afraid."

When he said this, he suddenly felt that something was not right in the office. He looked around and suddenly raised his gaze upwards. He saw the empty wall and asked in amazement: "Mr. Fang, the one in front of the office is very beautiful."

Where are the words?”

Fang Zhuo said lightly: "Put it away. I feel that my calligraphy has improved recently. I will write another one another day."

Lei Jun nodded slightly, it was indeed a bit scary at this time.

Seeing Lei Jun's expression, Fang Zhuo suddenly felt that he should hang up this painting again. People have often asked him about this recently, maybe because everyone is used to having words on it.

Always asking, always asking, I feel uncomfortable asking myself.

Lei Jun finally talked about the issue of Yipay and said: "Mr. Fang, Alipay is also looking for us recently and wants to bring the payment in. Look at this..."

Fang Zhuo nodded and said: "The Alipay store market is normal, and we are also taking promotional actions in this regard. There is no problem for Mi Tuan to access Alipay. We must provide the best service to users."

Lei Jun had already thought about this when he came here today. Mi Tuan would refuse Alipay's access because Yi Pay is very convenient to use and has a good market share in big cities, but he didn't expect Mr. Fang to be so tolerant.

Fang Zhuo looked at the surprise on Lei Jun's face and said with a smile: "I really don't want to go to the capital for a third meeting with a labor letter."

Lei Jun smiled, suddenly curious about Mr. Fang's reputation among the leaders.

Fang Zhuo raised his wrist, looked at the time, stood up and said, "Mr. Lei, let's go have a meal and chat while we eat."

Lei Jun is not polite, this trip is just a matter of urgency.

While the two were eating, Lei Jun received a new message on his mobile phone. Sohu.com was officially shut down and the group buying website Aijia Tuan was established to test the hottest e-commerce concept at the moment.

His expression was a little solemn, and he put down his kuaizi and asked: "Mr. Fang, how many companies do you think the entire group buying market can survive in the future?"

Fang Zhuo said optimistically: "Two or three companies should be fine."

Lei Jun's heart sank. Is Mr. Fang so pessimistic?

There are currently nearly 40 websites in the entire market, and around the Spring Festival, this number may grow to 100. Mr. Fang’s number is not even as high as the “four” of the four giants.

Will Miduan.com be able to compete to the end?

Lei Jun felt stressed and felt that the food in front of him no longer tasted good.

Fang Zhuo turned to look at Lei Jun and said, "Mr. Lei, let's just go with the flow and we'll be done."

Lei Jun was worried about the gains and losses of starting a business again this time, and couldn't help but said: "I'm afraid that I won't succeed in the end and live up to the good intentions of Mr. Fang and Yike."

Fang Zhuo laughed loudly: "It's okay. If you don't succeed, you can come to my company to return the favor. Our Yike mobile phone is recruiting people all year round."

Lei Jun felt that this joke had a slightly bitter taste.

He thought about it and could only say: "Please give Yi Ke and Mr. Fang more support."

Fang Zhuo nodded and suddenly laughed. The last sentence Yang Weiyi said on the phone yesterday was exactly the same, almost word for word. Please support Yi Ke and Mr. Fang...

Lei Jun was laughed at and didn't understand why, but he resisted asking Mr. Fang what he was laughing at.

After leaving Yike, he saw that another new website had popped up in just one morning, and sighed: "We have really found a good market this time, and the competition is more intense than the previous confrontation with Microsoft."

Lei Jun looked outside the car and suddenly found that it was snowing in Shanghai.

The snow in Shanghai came very early this year.

However, the chill brought by this light snow did not affect the popularity of half-point group buying. The popularity of the entire market was not only greater than Lei Jun, but even greater than Fang Zhuo expected.

On December 12, Sohu established Aijia Tuan to enter the group shopping market.

On December 13, Taobao pre-heated Juhuasuan, and I didn’t want to miss this opportunity.

On December 14, 58.com launched 58 Group, believing that the group buying business is naturally complementary.

With the demise of companies large and small, domestic investors have also become more excited. A seemingly reliable team + group buying concept explanation + business city planning can get a sum of angel funds.

It’s not much anyway, what if it succeeds?

December has not yet ended, and the number of domestic group buying websites has approached 100. The popularity is astonishing, the smoke is filling the air, and the atmosphere has indeed begun to become chaotic.

This chapter has been completed!
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