904 Planting flowers in the mud (4k)

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 From March 12th to 19th, seven days.

For Mr. Lei, these seven days were dizzying, seven days of chaos, seven days of emotional shock, and seven days of great harvest!

Gandang Tuan, Gan Tuan Bao, Gan 24 coupons, Gan...

Geng Deheng went to the police three times in seven days, seized four signs of friendly merchants, intimidated the city manager to switch jobs, lured several colleagues in the same field, and became familiar with major street merchants. He established the Lin'an market of rice dumplings with both roughness and savagery but no lack of delicacy.

Lei Jun naturally knew about the existence of land promotion work in the past.

But this time, especially after knowing that Yike and Alibaba's local promotion team had been developing for a long time, he had the feeling of seeing the glorious background of the Internet.

When the mental shock gradually subsided, Lei Jun did not try to explore whether certain actions were reasonable. Instead, he immediately thought about whether it was useful? How useful would it be to Mi Tuan?

Judging from the relationship between local promotion and corporate business, group buying, a platform that links merchants and customers, seems to need an offline team that can take on the task more than Alibaba and Yike.

On March 19, Lei Jun was preparing to return to Shanghai, hoping to seek more support from Mr. Fang in the local marketing business.

The business here in Lin'an is initially stable. Geng Deheng's next work is still here. When more merchants are developed, he will move to the next city and help Mi Tuan build a more effective team.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Geng Deheng finished the team's evening report as usual, and then unexpectedly discovered that Mr. Lei had not returned by car yet, and was waiting for him.

"Mr. Geng, let's talk?" Lei Jun invited.

"I thought Mr. Lei would leave in the afternoon." Geng Deheng said with a smile, "Let's chat outside. It's more interesting to talk by the West Lake."

The two of them soon strolled by the West Lake surrounded by willow trees.

"I saw the scale in the hotel room in the afternoon, measured it, and found that I lost 4 pounds this week in Lin'an." Lei Jun smoked half a cigarette before speaking, "It is indeed not easy to work on the floor."

"What kind of work is easy?" Geng Deheng smiled slightly, "We are not afraid that the land promotion work is difficult, but we are afraid that the land promotion work will not produce results."

Lei Jun nodded: "I admire Mr. Geng's efficiency in doing things. I feel relieved that Mr. Geng is here."

He thought for a while and then said: "When I go back this time, I plan to further optimize the Mi Tuan city team as a key strategy of the company. Mr. Geng, what suggestions do you have for our Mi Tuan?"

Geng Deheng said "Smash it, smash it" and smoked a cigarette. When the cigarette was almost finished, he said: "Mr. Lei should have seen it in the past few days. I guess the floor work may be different from what you imagined, but no matter what

Whether it’s you or anyone else, it doesn’t matter what you think. What matters is that these are the rules of Ditui Jianghu. If you don’t follow this method, it will be difficult to survive.”

"I said a few days ago that Mi Tuan needs a team that can do things, and I may say this even more now. Your platform is still different."

Geng Deheng was thoughtful. He had visited almost every street in contact with merchants these days, and he was very keenly aware of the vitality of the group buying model.

Lei Jun suddenly felt a little excited. The emotion of realizing the importance of earth-moving work and the desire for talents was shaking in his chest. He said: "Mr. Geng, I want to..."

"I haven't finished speaking yet." Geng Deheng stubbed out the cigarette butt and flicked it into the trash can. "Mr. Lei just asked me what suggestions I had. In fact, aside from a series of daily work, I think there are three words that are very important."

Lei Jun looked serious.

Geng Deheng solemnly said: "Let people see it."

Lei Jun did not expect such an answer.

"Is Yike Company good? It's very good. It's a world-renowned mobile phone company. Countless employees in suits and leather shoes go in and out of the office building, but there are also a group of brothers who seem to be carrying bricks on the construction site, moving the bricks one by one to where they are needed." Geng Deheng

His expression was slightly restrained, "Brothers do hard work. Hey, the division of labor is different, but our land promotion is indeed in a relatively low position. Mr. Lei, do you understand what I mean?"

Lei Jun understood that this was like his vice president Zhuo Wanming laughing when he saw the Yike team shouting slogans...

Even I really don't quite agree psychologically that this is a method for a noble family.

But it does work.

Lei Jun thought for a few seconds and asked sincerely: "What did Mr. Fang do?"

"You pay five social insurances and one housing fund, you do some vocational training, and you give each other project opportunities." Geng Deheng said with a smile, "Mr. Fang has been very insistent on this arrangement. One year, two years, three years, some people leave, and some people leave."

Moving on to other projects, the ceilings on that floor were very high.”

Lei Jun kept these words in mind, and felt that these descriptions might be like "strong" without personal experience and would be lost on the surface.

Fortunately, I can see Mr. Fang soon and can ask him face to face.

Geng Deheng said from the bottom of his heart: "Money is hard to make and shit is hard to eat. If you want to straighten your waist, you have to work hard. Therefore, we are very grateful and respect Mr. Fang."

He pointed to his heart: "It's not just what you say."

Geng Deheng looked at Lei Jun who still wanted to talk and said with a smile: "So, I will not leave Yike. Mr. Lei, let's try our best to make the rice balls first during this period. The rice balls will be formed quickly. I still have to

Let’s try Huiyi Pay and Alibaba Tiejun.”

After all, Lei Jun still didn't say the second invitation, but he also found a breakthrough.

Right at Mr. Fang's place.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Lei Jun ended his exchange with Geng Deheng on the edge of the West Lake and returned to Shanghai by car.

In the morning of the next day, he couldn't wait to come to Hang Lung 23 and wait for Mr. Fang to finish handling the matter before communicating in person about the rice dumplings.

At half past ten, Lei Jun walked into the Yike President's Office, still feeling strange.

Hang Lung 23 and Lin'an subway are completely two different concepts.

"Mr. Lei is back, how was your harvest this time?" Fang Zhuo was holding the newly brewed Longjing tea, as if he could smell the fragrance of his second hometown.

"The harvest has been great. Mi Tuan also needs an army of local promoters, otherwise it will be difficult to make a big difference in this highly competitive group buying market. I hope Mr. Fang can lend us more relevant talents." Lei Jun said without hesitation.

Fang Zhuo nodded: "Well, the local promotion of rice balls is something that requires strong attention. It's not too late to start it now. These tasks are all honed in practice."

"Mr. Fang, the Yike team is really energetic!" Lei Jun couldn't help but praise him in person.

Fang Zhuo looked at Lei Jun carefully to make sure that he was not being arrogant, and he smiled and said: "The land promotion industry has been around for a long time, and we also learn more from the industry."

"Does Fang always say Ali?" Lei Jun asked.

"Yes, it means Ali's Chinese donor system. They are very strong." Fang Zhuo took a sip of tea and asked casually, "Have you learned about these recently? We had communicated before when our relationship was still good."

Lei Jun shook his head, um, "the relationship was fine before"...

He has been thinking about Yike's team these days. Although he heard his praise for Ali from Geng Deheng, he hasn't had time to understand it carefully.

"The name of the membership product that Alibaba's team first sold was called 'China Supplier', so it was shortened to 'China Supplier'. It was first sold in office buildings and industrial zones along the coast." Fang Zhuo said, "

At that time, we joined the WTO, and the import and export business qualifications of domestic enterprises changed from approval to registration and verification."

"Quite a few small and medium-sized enterprises prefer to independently control foreign trade channels. This is the demand for this product from China Supply."

"Alibaba has brought many, many small and medium-sized enterprises that don't understand the Internet at all online, which is quite impressive, and the Chinese supplier system that supports this action..." Fang Zhuo found a descriptor, "more like a labor-intensive


Seeing that Lei Jun was listening intently, he smiled and said, "Doesn't it sound incompatible with the concept of the Internet?"

Fang Zhuo knew that Lei Jun had a background in coding, and it was difficult for him to come into contact with grassroots affairs such as local marketing when he was investing. I am afraid that many concepts will be refreshed this time.

But this kind of refresh should be a good thing, at least for Mi Tuan.

"I heard from Mr. Geng that he is willing to have a try with the Alibaba team." Lei Jun let out a breath.

"It should be fine between our two families. The main reason is that a market like yours that is suddenly blown up by the wind will be chaotic." Fang Zhuo continued, "Alibaba's middle supplier system is very systematic, and they generally choose people very well.

They all select employees who are from rural areas, have poor family backgrounds, and are not very successful in their studies, and the effect is very good.”

Lei Jun understands that employees selected in this way may be more courageous and willing to seize opportunities.

He was moved in his heart and asked: "Mr. Geng, he..."

"More or less, Mr. Geng's hometown is in a remote mountainous area. He is a very hard-working and passionate person who cherishes opportunities." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "Yike is actually quite good in this aspect and is not too special, but he is developing

As we develop, we will naturally eliminate those who are not suitable.”

He glanced at the southwest direction where Lin'an was located and stated: "People with few retreats are more willing to seize opportunities. This is what Mr. Geng himself said in his report."

"In short, it is best to leave the grassroots local promotion business to professionals, so that it will be more organized."

Lei Jun has deeply understood what Mr. Fang calls "organized", which is simply "organized".

He put down his tea cup and made his request: "Mr. Fang, the competition in the group buying market has become fierce. Mi Tuan is now two steps behind. Can I ask you to give up and let Mr. Geng do a formal job in Mi Tuan?"

Fang Zhuo was not too surprised when he heard such words: "Mr. Lei, he would have gone if I hadn't told him to."

"Mr. Geng can do all the construction of Mi Tuan. He will not be treated badly in terms of salary, and options can also be divided. Not only Mr. Geng, I very much hope that this group of Yike teams can support the Mi Tuan City Team.

Skeleton." Lei Jun said.

Fang Zhuo laughed dumbly: "Mr. Lei, you can save trouble, but this..."

Lei Jun said again: "Mr. Fang, do you think Mr. Geng and others can have more room to play in the group buying market?"

Fang Zhuo's hesitation turned into thinking.

In fact, I just talked to Mr. Lei about Alibaba’s Zhonggong Department, and he didn’t finish what he said. Today’s Zhonggong Department has become a bit big within Alibaba. It was the boss of Ali in the early years, but now that Taobao is developing rapidly, Zhonggong Department

The status of the donor system is rather embarrassing.

The demand of those small and medium-sized enterprises is certain, unlike Taobao, where C2C is coming in fiercely.

Even if someone from the Chinese supply chain is transferred to Taobao, its relatively huge scale will be difficult to fully digest.

Yike's local promotion team is relatively better, but there are also similar situations.

How to deal with this?

Either self-reform and transform into service business, or open up new battlefields and enter new business areas.

The most suitable way to promote local teams is group buying, which combines online and offline activities.

Or, more in line with the description of the Internet industry, Internet+.

With Yike's current size, Fang Zhuo doesn't mind continuing to raise a team of local promoters, but to be honest, Mi Tuan may be better in terms of his personal future.

The thoughts in his mind were spinning. Looking at the sincerity on Mr. Lei's face, he took two sips of tea and said slowly: "Mr. Lei, I can understand your mood, but... I think you need to summarize this trip first.

Job in Lin'an? Mr. Geng is really good, but I'm afraid it may not be suitable for Mi Tuan."

"How could it not be suitable?" Lei Jun said immediately, "When he arrived in Lin'an, he was like a fish in water."

"Let's do this. You go back and make a plan first, and I will also communicate with Mr. Geng and the others." Fang Zhuo looked at Lei Jun and said, "Mr. Lei, the land promotion work is more grassroots and more down-to-earth."

"Strategy is like seeds, and grassroots promotion is like soil. We scatter the seeds into the mud, water it with resources and fertilizers, and hope that satisfactory flowers will eventually bloom."

"Plant flowers in mud. Without mud, there will be no flowers. And if there are flowers, they cannot be separated from the mud."

"How to cultivate a local promotion team and how to plan their development is a question that Mi Tuan always needs to consider."

Lei Jun did not expect that Fang would use a slightly poetic word like "planting flowers in the mud" to symbolize the local promotion business that shocked him.

When he walked out of the CEO's office, after walking a few steps, he suddenly thought, wasn't President Fang just asking him to type out an application form?

Fang Zhuo called Geng Deheng without waiting for Mr. Lei to submit the application, and briefly summarized the invitation from Mi Tuan.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Lei told me in Lin'an that I don't want to go." Geng Deheng said simply.

"What do you think of Mr. Lei?" Fang Zhuo asked.

"It's not bad. Mr. Lei is quite rich. His career and ours are two different paths, but he is still willing to endure hardship and cooperate with our work as much as possible. That's enough." Geng Deheng said.

He could see that Mr. Lei was confused and hesitant, which was normal, but he was really impressed by Mr. Lei's hard work in the past week.

"I think Mi Tuan has a very good prospect, and Mr. Lei is also a suitable person to work with." Fang Zhuo said slowly, "If you can make achievements in Mi Tuan, I think it will be a great career advancement for you.


Geng Deheng was silent.

He was grateful and admired Mr. Fang from the bottom of his heart, and naturally believed in Mr. Fang's vision.

After a while, Geng Deheng spoke, quickly suppressing his entanglement, and said simply: "Mr. Fang, if you let me go, I will go."

"I would like to see your progress. No matter where you are, it is right to keep making progress." Fang Zhuo pondered, "But, Geng Deheng, there is one thing you must be clear about."

He continued: "When you go to Mi Tuan, you are a member of Mi Tuan. Any boss, if his first reaction when you do something is whether you will harm the interests of Mi Tuan for Yike, then that's not okay."

"Mr. Lei needs you and your team now. He can tolerate you. If after this stage, he feels resentment in his heart, he may not fire you or something, but there is no point in staying still."


Fang Zhuo is very serious.

Geng Deheng was silent for a while, and then said: "Okay, I know, Mr. Fang, I will think about it again, anyway, let's start the business in Lin'an and East China first."

"Well, let's just say this first. Come to my place when you return to Shanghai." Fang Zhuo finally said.

"Okay." Geng Deheng said concisely and to the point, "Thank you, Mr. Fang."

Fang Zhuo put down his phone.

No matter what, objectively speaking, this is also a way for Yike to maintain relative influence on Mi Tuan.

This chapter has been completed!
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